6,136 research outputs found

    Effects of winglets on a first-generation jet transport wing. 7: Sideslip effects on winglet loads and selected wing loads at subsonic speeds for a full-span model

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    The effect of sideslip on winglet loads and selected wing loads was investigated at high and low subsonic Mach numbers. The investigation was conducted in two separate wind tunnel facilities, using two slightly different 0.035-scale full-span models. Results are presented which indicate that, in general, winglet loads as a result of sideslip are analogous to wing loads caused by angle of attack. The center-of-pressure locations on the winglets are somewhat different than might be expected for an analogous wing. The spanwise center of pressure for a winglet tends to be more inboard than for a wing. The most notable chordwise location is a forward center-of-pressure location on the winglet at high sideslip angles. The noted differences between a winglet and an analogous wing are the result of the influence of the wing on the winglet

    Production with Bacterial and Mammalian Cells – Some Experiences

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    Bridging the gap between academia and industry, between basic and applied research, was one of the targets of the 1st Czech-Swiss Symposium on Advanced Biotechnology held in Prague, September 4–7, 1999. This presentation identifies some selected areas in industrial biotechnology, where we see potential for improvement. Our proposals are based on our experience with biotechnological processes, such as immobilised enzyme processes, whole cell fermentation processes, and mammalian cell culture, with products ranging from optically pure chemicals to monoclonal antibodies and proteins, and from our alliance with Genzyme Transgenics for the isolation and purification of selected proteins from transgenic animals. Since strain and process design for fermentation are key issues, and downstream processing (DSP) is dependent on steps upstream, mainly fermentation, we will focus our discussion on the fermentation step

    Community Perspective on Consultation on Urban Stormwater Management: Lessons from Brownhill Creek, South Australia

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    This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).There are salutary lessons from contrasting community consultation efforts in 2011 and 2015 to develop and gain support for an urban stormwater management plan for the Brownhill Creek catchment in Adelaide, South Australia. The 2011 process was a failure in the human dimension, precipitating loss of community confidence, unnecessarily entrained thousands of hours of time of residents who initiated a community action group for environmental conservation and caused a three-year delay to decision making. By contrast, the 2015 process was vastly improved, resulted in a landslide level of support for an obvious option not previously offered, achieved the required level of flood protection, saved Aus$5 million (14%) on the previously proposed option and protected a highly valued natural environment from an unnecessary dam. This paper presents a rarely heard perspective on these community consultation processes from a participating community environmental and heritage conservation action group (the Brownhill Creek Association) that was deeply engaged in reforming the Draft Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Management Plan. This reveals that the community needs to see that all options are considered and to have access to accurate information with which to assess them. It is also necessary that the proposed plan is consistent with existing agreed plans and policies developed through public consultation. Community concerns need to be heard, acknowledged and acted upon or responded to, and the consultation process needs to be transparently fair and democratic to win community support. A major contributor to success in the second consultation was that all community action groups were invited to meetings to discuss the purpose of the consultation and the methods to be used. Feedback was subsequently received before the process commenced to show what had changed and why any suggestions concerning the consultation process were not being adopted. This openness helped to mend the distrust of the first consultation process and is recommended as an essential early step in any public consultation process

    Fluid-crystal coexistence for proteins and inorganic nanocolloids: dependence on ionic strength

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    We investigate theoretically the fluid-crystal coexistence of solutions of globular charged nanoparticles like proteins and inorganic colloids. The thermodynamic properties of the fluid phase are computed via the optimized Baxter model. This is done specifically for lysozyme and silicotungstates for which the bare adhesion parameters are evaluated via the experimental second virial coefficients. The electrostatic free energy of the crystal is approximated by supposing the cavities in the interstitial phase between the particles are spherical in form. In the salt-free case a Poisson-Boltzmann equation is solved to calculate the effective charge on a particle and a Donnan approximation is used to derive the chemical potential and osmotic pressure in the presence of salt. The coexistence data of lysozyme and silicotungstates are analyzed within this scheme, especially with regard to the ionic-strength dependence of the chemical potentials. The latter agree within the two phases provided some upward adjustment of the effective charge is allowed for.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    The burden of proof: the current state of atrial fibrillation prevention and treatment trials

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an age-related arrhythmia of enormous socioeconomic significance. In recent years, our understanding of the basic mechanisms that initiate and perpetuate AF has evolved rapidly, catheter ablation of AF has progressed from concept to reality, and recent studies suggest lifestyle modification may help prevent AF recurrence. Emerging developments in genetics, imaging, and informatics also present new opportunities for personalized care. However, considerable challenges remain. These include a paucity of studies examining AF prevention, modest efficacy of existing antiarrhythmic therapies, diverse ablation technologies and practice, and limited evidence to guide management of high-risk patients with multiple comorbidities. Studies examining the long-term effects of AF catheter ablation on morbidity and mortality outcomes are not yet completed. In many ways, further progress in the field is heavily contingent on the feasibility, capacity, and efficiency of clinical trials to incorporate the rapidly evolving knowledge base and to provide substantive evidence for novel AF therapeutic strategies. This review outlines the current state of AF prevention and treatment trials, including the foreseeable challenges, as discussed by a unique forum of clinical trialists, scientists, and regulatory representatives in a session endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society at the 12th Global CardioVascular Clinical Trialists Forum in Washington, DC, December 3–5, 2015

    Non-Equilibrium Processes in the Solar Corona, Transition Region, Flares, and Solar Wind \textit{(Invited Review)}

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    We review the presence and signatures of the non-equilibrium processes, both non-Maxwellian distributions and non-equilibrium ionization, in the solar transition region, corona, solar wind, and flares. Basic properties of the non-Maxwellian distributions are described together with their influence on the heat flux as well as on the rates of individual collisional processes and the resulting optically thin synthetic spectra. Constraints on the presence of high-energy electrons from observations are reviewed, including positive detection of non-Maxwellian distributions in the solar corona, transition region, flares, and wind. Occurrence of non-equilibrium ionization is reviewed as well, especially in connection to hydrodynamic and generalized collisional-radiative modelling. Predicted spectroscopic signatures of non-equilibrium ionization depending on the assumed plasma conditions are summarized. Finally, we discuss the future remote-sensing instrumentation that can be used for detection of these non-equilibrium phenomena in various spectral ranges.Comment: Solar Physics, accepte

    Hepatic effects of tartrazine (E 102) after systemic exposure are independent of oestrogen receptor interactions in the mouse

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    Tartrazine is a food colour that activates the transcriptional function of the human oestrogen receptor alpha in an in vitro cell model. Since oestrogens are cholestatic, we hypothesised tartrazine will cause periportal injury to the liver in vivo. To test this hypothesis, tartrazine was initially administered systemically to mice resulting in a periportal recruitment of inflammatory cells, increased serum alkaline phosphatase activity and mild periportal fibrosis. To determine whether an oestrogenic effect may be a key event in this response, tartrazine, sulphonated metabolites and a food additive contaminant were screened for their ability to interact with murine oestrogen receptors. In all cases, there were no interactions as agonists or antagonists and further, no oestrogenicity was observed with tartrazine in an in vivo uterine growth assay. To examine the relevance of the hepatic effects of tartrazine to its use as a food additive, tartrazine was orally administered to transgenic NF-ÎşB-Luc mice. Pre- and concurrent oral treatment with alcohol was incorporated given its potential to promote gut permeability and hepatic inflammation. Tartrazine alone induced NF- ÎşB activities in the colon and liver but there was no periportal recruitment of inflammatory cells or fibrosis. Tartrazine, its sulphonated metabolites and the contaminant inhibited sulphotransferase activities in murine hepatic S9 extracts. Given the role of sulfotransferases in bile acid excretion, the initiating event giving rise to periportal inflammation and subsequent hepatic pathology through systemic tartrazine exposure is therefore potentially associated an inhibition of bile acid sulphation and excretion and not on oestrogen receptor-mediated transcriptional function. However, these effects were restricted to systemic exposures to tartrazine and did not occur to any significant effect after oral exposure

    Aqueous outflow imaging techniques and what they tell us about intraocular pressure regulation.

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    Recent advances in the medical and surgical management of open-angle glaucoma have increased the number of treatment options available. Several new intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering treatments target the conventional aqueous outflow (AO) system. However, success rates are variable and outcomes in individual patients are often difficult to predict. Variable treatment responses remain unexplained and highlight deficiencies in our current understanding of AO regulation and IOP homeostasis. Imaging is often relied upon to confirm diagnoses and monitor treatment responses in other ocular and systemic pathologies. As yet no suitable AO imaging tool has been developed to fulfil this role in glaucoma. A variety of imaging techniques have been used to study the AO tracts of humans and animals in ex vivo and in vivo eyes. In this review, results from novel imaging techniques that assess aqueous drainage through the episcleral venous system are considered and we argue these provide new insights into AO regulation. We suggest that the ability to objectively measure AO responses to interventions would be a significant clinical advance, and we have demonstrated that this can be achieved with direct visualisation of aqueous drainage. We predict that the evolution of AO imaging technology will continue to reveal critical components of AO and IOP regulation, and that personalised IOP-lowering treatment in glaucoma care may well become a reality in the near future.1. A core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 2. Haemoglobin Video Imaging facilities funded by Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation, Carl Zeiss Meditec, and Glaukos Corporatio
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