258 research outputs found

    Defining an age cut-off for older offenders: a systematic review of literature

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    PurposeIn the literature, 65 years is commonly used as the age to designate an older person in the community. When studying older prisoners, there is much variation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how researchers define older offenders and for what reasons.Design/methodology/approachThe authors reviewed articles on health and well-being of older offenders to assess terminology used to describe this age group, the chosen age cut-offs distinguishing younger offenders from older offenders, the arguments provided to support this choice as well as the empirical base cited in this context.FindingsThe findings show that the age cut-off of 50 years and the term "older" were most frequently used by researchers in the field. The authors find eight main arguments given to underscore the use of specific age cut-offs delineating older offenders. They outline the reasoning provided for each argument and evaluate it for its use to define older offenders.Originality/valueWith this review, it is hoped to stimulate the much-needed discussion advancing towards a uniform definition of the older offender. Such a uniform definition would make future research more comparable and ensure that there is no ambiguity when researchers state that the study population is "older offenders"

    Polypyridyl Ru( ii )-derivatized polypropylacrylate polymer with a terminal water oxidation catalyst. Application of reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization

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    A Ru(II) polypyridyl-derivatized polypropylacrylate end-capped with a water-oxidation-catalyst (WOC) has been synthesized by using reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) followed by click reaction and end-group functionalization. In cyclic voltammograms in propylene carbonate, chromophore oxidation occurs at 1.27 V vs. NHE and the RuIII/II wave for the catalyst at 0.84 V vs. NHE. Upon excitation of the Ru(II) chromophore, excited-state energy migration occurs by site-to-site, –RuII*– → –RuII–, energy transfer hopping along the polymer chain, in part, reaching the terminal catalyst site where –RuII*– → –RuII–OH2 2+ energy transfer is favored by ΔGen = −2100 cm−1. Added MV2+ as an electron transfer acceptor oxidizes the –RuII*– excited state on the polymer to Ru(III), –RuII*– + MV2+ → –RuIII– + MV+ , and ultimately, the catalyst, by site-to-site electron transfer hopping and oxidation, -RuIII-← e-RuII - OH2 2+. Oxidation is followed by relatively slow, diffusional back electron transfer from MV•+ to Ru(III) sites on the polymer chain. The mixed chromophore-catalyst polymer is a water oxidation catalyst with potential for enhanced light harvesting and water oxidation

    Модернизация схемы электроснабжения ОАО «Томский электромеханический завод»

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    Предприятие занимается выпуском и разработкой шахтного оборудования и инструмента, выпуском вентиляторов центрального проветривания для метрополитена. В данный момент завод освоил выпуск пневматических и электрических клапанов и приводов для нефти-газовой промышленности. И ремонтом выпускаемой продукции. На предприятие имеется литейный цех занимающийся литьем корпусов и различных деталей. После литейного цеха формы поступают в цех Цех№2, Цех№5 в Ремонтно-механический цех, Инструментальный цех для дальнейшей точной обработки. После обработки детали отправляют в Термогольванический цех для последующей терма обработки. После обработки детали окрашиваются и отправляются к окончательной сборки. Вся готовая продукция отправляют в склады.The company is engaged in production and development of the mine equipment and tools, the central exhaust fan ventilation for the underground. At the moment, the plant mastered the production of pneumatic and electric valves and actuators for the oil and gas industry. And product repair. The company has engaged in foundry casting casings and various parts. After the foundry shape come into the shop Tseh№2, Tseh№5 in Mechanical repair shop, tool shop for further precision machining. After processing, the details are sent to Termogolvanichesky shop for further processing term. After processing the parts are painted and shipped to the final assembly. All finished products are sent to stores

    Etnobotânica na comunidade de Santa Bárbara, Ascurra, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    The aim of this article was realize a research about plants used by medicine at Santa Bárbara a rural community, nearby the Serra do Itajaí National Park, Atlantic Forest area, Ascurra city, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. Fourty-two inhabitants were interviewed, one adult by family. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, with 17 opened and closed questions, about social-economic and ethnobotanic informations. Species cited were collected, identified and deposited at the Herbário FURB, Universidade Regional de Blumenau. Were catalogued 98 species, mainly cultivated and herbaceous, distributed in 47 families, predominantly Asteraceae and Lamiaceae. The leaf is the most common part of the plant used in medicinal preparations (68,2 %), through by tea, decoction or infusion (78,7%). The illness treated frequently are about digestive (21,7%) and respiratory system (13,1%). The diversity indices from this survey were compared to others conducted in Brazilian Tropical Forest. The specie with the greatest number of citations was Plectranthus barbatus Andrews (boldo), associated with the highest number of use agreement (CUP = 100% e CUPc = 93%).O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um levantamento das espécies utilizadas para fins medicinais na comunidade rural Santa Bárbara, localizada no entorno do Parque Nacional da Serra do Itajaí, no município de Ascurra, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram entrevistados 42 moradores, um de cada família residente na comunidade. Os dados foram coletados, através de entrevistas semi-estruturada, com 17 questões abertas e fechadas acerca de informações socioeconômicas e etnobotânicas. As plantas citadas foram coletadas, identificadas e depositadas no Herbário FURB, da Universidade Regional de Blumenau. Foram catalogadas 98 espécies, predominantemente herbáceas, cultivadas e nativas, distribuídas em 47 famílias, com maior representatividade para Asteraceae e Lamiaceae. A parte vegetal mais empregada no preparo dos remédios caseiros são folhas (68,2%), através de chá por decocção ou infusão (78,7%). As doenças frequentemente tratadas com o uso destas plantas são do sistema digestório (21,7%) e respiratório (13,1%). Os índices de diversidade (H’= 4,23; e = 0,92) foram altos, quando comparados aos obtidos em outros trabalhos da Mata Atlântica. A espécie Plectranthus barbatus Andrews (o boldo) destacou-se pelo alto número de citações e índice de concordância de uso (CUP = 100% e CUPc = 93%). Concluímos que a comunidade utiliza plantas medicinais no seu cotidiano, com índices de diversidade altos, demonstrando conhecimento sobre seus usos terapêuticos

    Ferrugem‑asiática da soja no Brasil: passado, presente e futuro

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    Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most severe disease of the crop and can cause yield losses of up to 90%. The disease was first reported in Brazil in 2001. Epidemics of the disease are common in the country, where the fungus can survive year‑round. Regulatory measures to reduce the inoculum between seasons and avoid late-season soybean have been adopted to manage the disease. Disease control has relied mainly on chemical control, but a lower sensibility of the fungus to fungicides has been reported in Brazil. Major‑resistance genes have been mapped and incorporated into the cultivars. With the reduced efficacy of the fungicides, the adoption of integrated measures to control the disease will be important for the sustainability of the crop. This review presents the main changes in the soybean crop system caused by the introduction of the fungus in Brazil, the current management strategies adopted to avoid losses, and the new trends that, together with biotechnological strategies, can improve management in the future.A ferrugem‑asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, é a doença mais severa da cultura e pode causar perdas de produtividade de até 90%. A doença foi relatada pela primeira vez no Brasil em 2001. Epidemias da doença são comuns no País, onde o fungo pode sobreviver durante todo o ano. Medidas regulatórias para reduzir o inóculo entre safras e evitar a semeadura tardia de soja têm sido adotadas para manejar a doença. O controle da doença tem se baseado principalmente no controle químico, mas uma menor sensibilidade do fungo aos fungicidas tem sido relatada no Brasil. Genes de resistência têm sido mapeados e incorporados às cultivares. Por causa da redução da eficiência dos fungicidas, a adoção de medidas integradas para o controle da doença será importante para a sustentabilidade da cultura. Este artigo de revisão apresenta as principais mudanças no sistema de produção da soja causadas pela introdução do fungo no Brasil, as medidas de controle atualmente usadas para evitar perdas, e as novas tendências que, juntas com estratégias biotecnológicas, podem melhorar o manejo da doença no futuro

    Shipwreck ecology:Understanding the function and processes from microbes to megafauna

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    An estimated three million shipwrecks exist worldwide and are recognized as cultural resources and foci of archaeological investigations. Shipwrecks also support ecological resources by providing underwater habitats that can be colonized by diverse organisms ranging from microbes to megafauna. In the present article, we review the emerging ecological subdiscipline of shipwreck ecology, which aims to understand ecological functions and processes that occur on shipwrecks. We synthesize how shipwrecks create habitat for biota across multiple trophic levels and then describe how fundamental ecological functions and processes, including succession, zonation, connectivity, energy flow, disturbance, and habitat degradation, manifest on shipwrecks. We highlight future directions in shipwreck ecology that are ripe for exploration, placing a particular emphasis on how shipwrecks may serve as experimental networks to address long-standing ecological questions.</p

    Visible photoelectrochemical water splitting into H 2 and O 2 in a dye-sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell

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    Mesoporous SnO2/TiO2 core/shell nanostructured electrodes derivatized with a surface-bound Ru(II) polypyridyl-based chromophore–catalyst assembly are used for water splitting into H2 and O2 with visible light in a dye-sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell. Photocurrents with a small applied bias are among the highest reported. Stabilization of the assembly on the surface of the TiO2 shell by using atomic layer deposition to deposit overlayers of Al2O3 or TiO2 results in long-term water splitting even in a phosphate buffer at pH 7


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509820595This study aimed to characterize the remnants of Ombrophilous Dense Forest in Santa Catarina state. The dataset used in this study was provided by Project of Floristic and Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina, coming from 197 sample units that consist of basic clusters. The basic cluster was composed of four subunits of 20 x 50 m, in which all individuals with DBH ≥ 10 cm were measured. The forest structure was characterized through phytosociological parameters and indices. Based on structural data of the species, cluster analysis and ordination were performed in an attempt to identify groups of watersheds and altitude ranges. It was identified 577 species belonging to 226 genera and 83 families. The most representative families in number of species and individuals were Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae. Species of disturbed areas as Alchornea triplinervia, Caseria sylvestris and Miconia cinnamomifolia were dominant in the forest. Cluster analysis resulted in the identification of three vegetation types along the altitudinal gradient: Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest (&lt; 30 m a.s.l.), Submontane (30 - 500 m) and Montane (&gt; 500 m). Floristic and structural variations could be detected between the three vegetation types. In lowland communities, the presence of Anacardiaceae and Clusiaceae was more expressive and the average height of trees was higher. In montane environments, there was an increase in the number of individuals, basal area and diversity, as well as a greater representation of Cyatheaceae, Lauraceae and Rubiaceae. The occurrence of Arecaceae was remarkable in submontane forest. Spatial groups could not be defined based on structural data of watersheds.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509820595O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os remanescentes da Floresta Ombrófila Densa, no estadode Santa Catarina. O conjunto de dados utilizado neste estudo foi disponibilizado pelo projeto InventárioFlorístico Florestal de Santa Catarina, sendo oriundo de 197 unidades amostrais do tipo conglomerado. Osconglomerados foram constituídos por quatro subunidades de 20 x 50 m, nas quais foram mensurados todosos indivíduos arbóreo-arbustivos com DAP ≥ 10 cm. A estrutura da floresta foi caracterizada com o empregode parâmetros e índices fitossociológicos. Com base na densidade das espécies, foram realizadas análisesde agrupamento e ordenação na tentativa de identificar grupos de bacias hidrográficas e faixas de altitude.Foram encontradas 577 espécies, pertencentes a 226 gêneros e 83 famílias. As famílias mais representativasem número de espécies e indivíduos foram Myrtaceae, Lauraceae e Fabaceae. Espécies de áreas perturbadascomo Alchornea triplinervia, Caseria sylvestris e Miconia cinnamomifolia estão dentre as que dominam afloresta. Por meio da análise de agrupamento, foi possível identificar três formações ao longo do gradientealtitudinal, aqui denominadas: Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (&lt; 30 m), Submontana (30 – 500m) e Montana (&gt; 500 m). Variações florísticas e estruturais puderam ser detectadas entre as três formações.Em comunidades das terras baixas, a presença das famílias Anacardiaceae e Clusiaceae foi mais expressivae a altura média das árvores foi superior. Nos ambientes montanos, observou-se um aumento no número deindivíduos, área basal e diversidade, além da maior representatividade das famílias Cyatheaceae, Lauraceaee Rubiaceae. A ocorrência de Arecaceae foi marcante nos patamares submontanos. Grupos espaciais não puderam ser seguramente definidos a partir de dados estruturais de bacias hidrográficas


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    This study aimed to characterize the remnants of Ombrophilous Dense Forest in Santa Catarina state. The dataset used in this study was provided by Project of Floristic and Forest Inventory of Santa Catarina, coming from 197 sample units that consist of basic clusters. The basic cluster was composed of four subunits of 20 x 50 m, in which all individuals with DBH 65 10 cm were measured. The forest structure was characterized through phytosociological parameters and indices. Based on structural data of the species, cluster analysis and ordination were performed in an attempt to identify groups of watersheds and altitude ranges. It was identified 577 species belonging to 226 genera and 83 families. The most representative families in number of species and individuals were Myrtaceae, Lauraceae and Fabaceae. Species of disturbed areas as Alchornea triplinervia , Caseria sylvestris and Miconia cinnamomifolia were dominant in the forest. Cluster analysis resulted in the identification of three vegetation types along the altitudinal gradient: Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest (&lt; 30 m a.s.l.), Submontane (30 - 500 m) and Montane (&gt; 500 m). Floristic and structural variations could be detected between the three vegetation types. In lowland communities, the presence of Anacardiaceae and Clusiaceae was more expressive and the average height of trees was higher. In montane environments, there was an increase in the number of individuals, basal area and diversity, as well as a greater representation of Cyatheaceae, Lauraceae and Rubiaceae. The occurrence of Arecaceae was remarkable in submontane forest. Spatial groups could not be defined based on structural data of watersheds.O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os remanescentes da Floresta Ombr\uf3fila Densa, no estado de Santa Catarina. O conjunto de dados utilizado neste estudo foi disponibilizado pelo projeto Invent\ue1rio Flor\uedstico Florestal de Santa Catarina, sendo oriundo de 197 unidades amostrais do tipo conglomerado. Os conglomerados foram constitu\ueddos por quatro subunidades de 20 x 50 m, nas quais foram mensurados todos os indiv\uedduos arb\uf3reo-arbustivos com DAP 65 10 cm. A estrutura da floresta foi caracterizada com o emprego de par\ue2metros e \uedndices fitossociol\uf3gicos. Com base na densidade das esp\ue9cies, foram realizadas an\ue1lises de agrupamento e ordena\ue7\ue3o na tentativa de identificar grupos de bacias hidrogr\ue1ficas e faixas de altitude. Foram encontradas 577 esp\ue9cies, pertencentes a 226 g\ueaneros e 83 fam\uedlias. As fam\uedlias mais representativas em n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies e indiv\uedduos foram Myrtaceae, Lauraceae e Fabaceae. Esp\ue9cies de \ue1reas perturbadas como Alchornea triplinervia , Caseria sylvestris e Miconia cinnamomifolia est\ue3o dentre as que dominam a floresta. Por meio da an\ue1lise de agrupamento, foi poss\uedvel identificar tr\ueas forma\ue7\uf5es ao longo do gradiente altitudinal, aqui denominadas: Floresta Ombr\uf3fila Densa de Terras Baixas (&lt; 30 m), Submontana (30 \u2013 500 m) e Montana (&gt; 500 m). Varia\ue7\uf5es flor\uedsticas e estruturais puderam ser detectadas entre as tr\ueas forma\ue7\uf5es. Em comunidades das terras baixas, a presen\ue7a das fam\uedlias Anacardiaceae e Clusiaceae foi mais expressiva e a altura m\ue9dia das \ue1rvores foi superior. Nos ambientes montanos, observou-se um aumento no n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos, \ue1rea basal e diversidade, al\ue9m da maior representatividade das fam\uedlias Cyatheaceae, Lauraceae e Rubiaceae. A ocorr\ueancia de Arecaceae foi marcante nos patamares submontanos. Grupos espaciais n\ue3o puderam ser seguramente definidos a partir de dados estruturais de bacias hidrogr\ue1ficas