58,153 research outputs found

    Interpreting two-photon imaging data of lymphocyte motility

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    Recently, using two-photon imaging it has been found that the movement of B and T cells in lymph nodes can be described by a random walk with persistence of orientation in the range of 2 minutes. We interpret this new class of lymphocyte motility data within a theoretical model. The model considers cell movement to be composed of the movement of subunits of the cell membrane. In this way movement and deformation of the cell are correlated to each other. We find that, indeed, the lymphocyte movement in lymph nodes can best be described as a random walk with persistence of orientation. The assumption of motility induced cell elongation is consistent with the data. Within the framework of our model the two-photon data suggest that T and B cells are in a single velocity state with large stochastic width. The alternative of three different velocity states with frequent changes of their state and small stochastic width is less likely. Two velocity states can be excluded

    Cutting edge: back to "one-way" germinal centers

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    The present status of germinal center (GC) research is revisited using in silico simulations based on recent lymphocyte motility data in mice. The generally adopted view of several rounds of somatic hypermutations and positive selection is analyzed with special emphasis on the spatial organization of the GC reaction. We claim that the development of dark zones is not necessary for successful GC reactions to develop. We find that a recirculation of positively selected centrocytes to the dark zone is rather unlikely. Instead we propose a scenario that combines a multiple-step mutation and selection concept with a "one-way" GC in the sense of cell migration

    Two-temperature coronal flow above a thin disk

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    We extended the disk corona model (Meyer & Meyer-Hofmeister 1994; Meyer, Liu, & Meyer-Hofmeister 2000a) to the inner region of galactic nuclei by including different temperatures in ions and electrons as well as Compton cooling. We found that the mass evaporation rate and hence the fraction of accretion energy released in the corona depend strongly on the rate of incoming mass flow from outer edge of the disk, a larger rate leading to more Compton cooling, less efficient evaporation and a weaker corona. We also found a strong dependence on the viscosity, higher viscosity leading to an enhanced mass flow in the corona and therefore more evaporation of gas from the disk below. If we take accretion rates in units of the Eddington rate our results become independent on the mass of the central black hole. The model predicts weaker contributions to the hard X-rays for objects with higher accretion rate like narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), in agreement with observations. For luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) strong Compton cooling in the innermost corona is so efficient that a large amount of additional heating is required to maintain the corona above the thin disk.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. ApJ accepte

    An analysis of B cell selection mechanisms in germinal centres

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    Affinity maturation of antibodies during immune responses is achieved by multiple rounds of somatic hypermutation and subsequent preferential selection of those B cells that express B cell receptors with improved binding characteristics for the antigen. The mechanism underlying B cell selection has not yet been defined. By employing an agent-based model, we show that for physiologically reasonable parameter values affinity maturation can be driven by competition for neither binding sites nor antigen—even in the presence of competing secreted antibodies. Within the tested mechanisms, only clonal competition for T cell help or a refractory time for the interaction of centrocytes with follicular dendritic cells is found to enable affinity maturation while generating the experimentally observed germinal centre characteristics and tolerating large variations in the initial antigen density

    Analysis of B cell selection mechanisms in the adaptive immune response

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    The essential task of a germinal centre reaction is the selection of those B cells that bind the antigen with high affinity. The exact mechanisms of B cell selection is still unknown and rather difficult to be accessed in experiment. With the help of an already established agent-based model for the space-time-dynamics of germinal centre reactions [1,2] we compare the most important hypotheses for what the limiting factor for B cell rescue may be. We discuss competition for antigen sites on follicular dendritic cells, a refractory time for centrocytes after every encounter with follicular dendritic cells, competition for the antigen itself, the role of antigen masking with soluble antibodies, and competition for T cell help. The unexpected result is that neither competition for interaction sites nor competition for antigen nor antigen masking are in agreement with present experimental data on germinal centre reactions. We show that these most popular selection mechanisms do not lead to sufficient affinity maturation and do not respect the observed robustness against changes of initial conditions. However, the best agreement with data was found for the newly hypothesized centrocyte refractory time and for competition for T cell help. Thus the in silico experiments point towards selection mechanisms that are not in the main focus of current germinal centre research. Possible experiments to test these hypotheses are proposed

    Electron-hole pairs during the adsorption dynamics of O2 on Pd(100) - Exciting or not?

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    During the exothermic adsorption of molecules at solid surfaces dissipation of the released energy occurs via the excitation of electronic and phononic degrees of freedom. For metallic substrates the role of the nonadiabatic electronic excitation channel has been controversially discussed, as the absence of a band gap could favour an easy coupling to a manifold of electronhole pairs of arbitrarily low energies. We analyse this situation for the highly exothermic showcase system of molecular oxygen dissociating at Pd(100), using time-dependent perturbation theory applied to first-principles electronic-structure calculations. For a range of different trajectories of impinging O2 molecules we compute largely varying electron-hole pair spectra, which underlines the necessity to consider the high-dimensionality of the surface dynamical process when assessing the total energy loss into this dissipation channel. Despite the high Pd density of states at the Fermi level, the concomitant non-adiabatic energy losses nevertheless never exceed about 5% of the available chemisorption energy. While this supports an electronically adiabatic description of the predominant heat dissipation into the phononic system, we critically discuss the non-adiabatic excitations in the context of the O2 spin transition during the dissociation process.Comment: 20 pages including 7 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.html [added two references, changed V_{fsa} to V_{6D}, modified a few formulations in interpretation of spin asymmetry of eh-spectra, added missing equals sign in Eg.(2.10)

    Unified constitutive model for single crystal deformation behavior with applications

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    Single crystal materials are being used in gas turbine airfoils and are candidates for other hot section components because of their increased temperature capabilities and resistance to thermal fatigue. Development of a constitutive model which assesses the inelastic behavior of these materials has been studied in 2 NASA programs: Life Prediction and Constitutive Models for Engine Hot Section Anisotropic Materials and Biaxial Constitutive Equation Development for Single Crystals. The model has been fit to a large body of constitutive data for single crystal PWA 1480 material. The model uses a unified approach for computing total inelastic strains (creep plus plasticity) on crystallographic slip systems reproducing observed directional and strain rate effects as a natural consequence of the summed slip system quantities. The model includes several of the effects that have been reported to influence deformation in single crystal materials, such as shear stress, latent hardening, and cross slip. The model is operational in a commercial Finite Element code and is being installed in a Boundary Element Method code

    Heavy Meson Production in NN Collisions with Polarized Beam and Target -- A new facility for COSY

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    The study of near--threshold meson production in pp and pd collisions involving polarized beams and polarized targets offers the rare opportunity to gain insight into short--range features of the nucleon--nucleon interaction. The Cooler Synchrotron COSY at FZ--J\"ulich is a unique environment to perform such studies. Measurements of polarization observables require a cylindrically symmetrical detector, capable to measure the momenta and the directions of outgoing charged hadrons. The wide energy range of COSY leads to momenta of outgoing protons to be detected in a single meson production reaction between 300 and 2500 MeV/c. Scattering angles of protons to be covered extend to about 45∘45^{\circ} in the laboratory system. An azimuthal angular coverage of the device around 98% seems technically achievable. The required magnetic spectrometer could consist of a superconducting toroid, providing fields around 3 T.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Czechoslovak Journal of Physic

    The effect of internal gravity waves on cloud evolution in sub-stellar atmospheres

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    Context. Sub-stellar objects exhibit photometric variability which is believed to be caused by a number of processes such as magnetically-driven spots or inhomogeneous cloud coverage. Recent sub-stellar models have shown that turbulent flows and waves, including internal gravity waves, may play an important role in cloud evolution.Aims. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of internal gravity waves on dust cloud nucleation and dust growth, and whether observations of the resulting cloud structures could be used to recover atmospheric density information.Methods. For a simplified atmosphere in two dimensions, we numerically solve the governing fluid equations to simulate the effect on dust nucleation and mantle growth as a result of the passage of an internal gravity wave. Furthermore, we derive an expression that relates the properties of the wave-induced cloud structures to observable parameters in order to deduce the atmospheric density.Results. Numerical simulations show that the density, pressure and temperature variations caused by gravity waves lead to an increase of dust nucleation by up to a factor 20, and dust mantle growth rate by up to a factor 1:6, compared to their equilibrium values. Through an exploration of the wider sub-stellar parameter space, we show that in absolute terms, the increase in dust nucleation due to internal gravity waves is stronger in cooler (T dwarfs) and TiO2-rich sub-stellar atmospheres. The relative increase however is greater in warm(L dwarf) and TiO2-poor atmospheres due to conditions less suited for efficient nucleation at equilibrium. These variations lead to banded areas in which dust formation is much more pronounced, and lead to banded cloud structures similar to those observed on Earth. Conclusions. Using the proposed method, potential observations of banded clouds could be used to estimate the atmospheric density of sub-stellar objects
