1,630 research outputs found

    Identifying Communities of Concern: A Tract Level Analysis of the Food Landscape in Syracuse, New York

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    Food security is defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as access by all members of the household to enough food to live an active, healthy life at all times. Food security has also been identified as an important public health concern, subsequently amplifying interest in identifying communities with limited accessibility to quality food retailers. The primary focus of this analysis was to identify communities of heightened food security concern in Syracuse, NY based on three measures of physical accessibility: proximity to the nearest grocer, diversity of grocers within 1km, and variety of grocers based on the average distance to the three nearest grocers; and social deprivation. Further, I hypothesized areas with the greatest social deprivation would also exhibit reduced physical accessibility to quality food retailers. Spatial analysis was conducted using Environmental Systems Research Inc. (ESRI) ArcMap 10 software. Twenty-five percent of census tracts throughout Syracuse exhibit high or very high food security concern. These communities are clustered predominantly in the southern portion of the city, although additional areas of concern can be found in the northwest and eastern parts of Syracuse. Although the majority of these communities exhibit high levels of social deprivation, some also illustrate the lowest levels of deprivation. As a result, the communities of food security concern identified through this analysis are not representative of traditional “food deserts,” but rather a combination of “food deserts” and “food hinterlands.” There was no correlation between social deprivation and physical accessibility to quality food retailers observed within this analysis

    Ruffert v. Land Niedersachsen: The ECJ\u27s Departure from Traditional European Socialism

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    Synthetic Strategies for the Lepadiformines and Cylindricine C via Tandem Schmidt Reactions

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    Marine flora and fauna have provided numerous alluring natural products, some of which contribute to treating diseases. The genus Clavelina is the source of a variety of tricyclic alkaloids, including the lepadiformine and cylindricine families. Novel approaches to synthesizing these molecules are sought after to increase their accessibility and for analogue development. In this dissertation, reaction sequences involving an intramolecular Schmidt transformation, which can quickly build up the molecular architecture associated with these targets is described. In one approach, the Lewis acid promoted intramolecular Schmidt reaction is combined in series with a Prins reaction to afford an interesting tricyclic lactam. This methodology culminates in a formal synthesis of lepadiformine A and a total synthesis of lepadiformine C. In another project, a tandem Diels-Alder/Schmidt reaction is utilized to prepare a similar tricyclic lactam. This process is applied toward an asymmetric total synthesis of (-)-cylindricine C. The preparation for the optically active starting material for the synthesis of (-)-cylindricine C is also discussed, as it is a prominent figure in the preparation of prostaglandins

    Social capital and collective efficacy for disaster resilience: connecting individuals with communities and vulnerability with resilience in hurricane-prone communities in Florida

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    2013 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    The Integration of marketing concepts within the graphic design process

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    Evaluating Pulp Therapy Provided by Medicaid-participating Pediatric and General Dentists in Georgia from 2010-2019

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    Abstract Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate reimbursable pulp therapy trends in primary teeth performed by general and pediatric dentists. Methods: Aggregate Medicaid claims data from 2010-2019 were obtained from the state of Georgia’s Department of Community Health. Two different primary dentition pulp therapy rates were compared between general and pediatric dentists: procedures per provider and children treated per provider. Descriptive statistics, poisson regression, and correlational analysis were performed. Results: Pulp therapy utilization for procedures per provider and children treated per provider decreased (Incidence rate ratio (IRR)=0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.95 to 0.99; IRR=0.97, 95% CI: 0.94 to 1.01, respectively). The rate differences between general and pediatric dentists were negatively correlated with the number of pediatric dentists. Conclusions: The downward trend in pulp therapy utilization was largely correlated with an increased number of pediatric dentists. This increased access to providers likely contributed to improved oral health utilization. Practical Implications: For a growing workforce, translating clinical guidelines into changes in quality of care may require changes to reimbursement policy

    Complete RNA inverse folding: computational design of functional hammerhead ribozymes

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    Nanotechnology and synthetic biology currently constitute one of the most innovative, interdisciplinary fields of research, poised to radically transform society in the 21st century. This paper concerns the synthetic design of ribonucleic acid molecules, using our recent algorithm, RNAiFold, which can determine all RNA sequences whose minimum free energy secondary structure is a user-specified target structure. Using RNAiFold, we design ten cis-cleaving hammerhead ribozymes, all of which are shown to be functional by a cleavage assay. We additionally use RNAiFold to design a functional cis-cleaving hammerhead as a modular unit of a synthetic larger RNA. Analysis of kinetics on this small set of hammerheads suggests that cleavage rate of computationally designed ribozymes may be correlated with positional entropy, ensemble defect, structural flexibility/rigidity and related measures. Artificial ribozymes have been designed in the past either manually or by SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment); however, this appears to be the first purely computational design and experimental validation of novel functional ribozymes. RNAiFold is available at http://bioinformatics.bc.edu/clotelab/RNAiFold/.Comment: 17 pages, 2 tables, 7 figures, final version to appear in Nucleic Acids Researc

    The prevalence of side-effects: ciprofloxacin 500 mg single dose prophylaxis against Neisseria meningitidis outbreak in Potchefstroom during July 2003: research

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    Potchefstroom experienced an outbreak of Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) during May-July 2003. An opportunity for obtaining valuable data arose when mass prophylactic treatment to approximately 28% of the Potchefstroom community was provided by the Department of Health, North-West Province. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of side-effects experienced by staff and students of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education (PU for CHE) who received a single prophylactic dose of oral ciprofloxacin 500 mg between 23 and 29 July 2003. Information gained from the Potchefstroom outbreak may be valuable for the future management of similar outbreaks in other communities. Various stakeholders have published related reports, protocols, recommendations and guidelines, which mostly focused on the prevention, management and control of meningococcal disease. Very little has been reported about the side-effects experienced, especially in cases where ciprofloxacin 500 mg single dose had been dispensed. One or more side-effects were reported by 24.2% of the participants, while 5.4% had to consult with a health care worker due to the severity of side-effects resulting from a single dose. Practical significance could not be demonstrated for any of the side-effects reported after single versus multiple doses nor when the effects of gender or requirement for medical consultation were tested. Key Words: Neisseria meningitidis; Ciprofloxacin; Single dose; Side effects; Prophylactic OPSOMMING ‘n Uitbraak van Neisseria meningitidis (N. meningitidis) gedurende Mei-Julie 2003 en die daaropvolgende verskaffing van massa-profilakse deur die Departement van Gesondheid, Noordwesprovinsie aan ongeveer 28% van die plaaslike gemeenskap het ‘n geleentheid geskep om waardevolle inligting in te win. Die doel van die studie was om die voorkoms van newe-effekte te ondersoek wat deur die personeel en studente van die Potchefstroomse Universiteit vir Christelike HoĂ«r Onderwys ervaar is na toediening van ‘n enkel profilaktiese dosis van siprofloksasien 500 mg tussen 23-29 Julie 2003. Inligting wat hieruit voortspruit mag waardevol wees tydens toekomstige bestuur van uitbrake in ander gemeenskappe. Verskillende belanghebbendes het verslae, protokolle, aanbevelings en riglyne gepubliseer, wat meestal op die voorkoming, bestuur en beheer van meningokokkale siekte gefokus het. Daar is egter min gerapporteer oor die newe-effekte wat ondervind is veral waar siprofloksasien 500mg enkeldosis toegedien is. Een of meer newe-effekte is deur 24.2% van die deelnemers ervaar en 5.4% het dit nodig geag om ‘n gesondheidswerker te konsulteer in verband met die newe-effekte wat ervaar is. Geen prakties betekenisvolle verskille is aangedui indien die effeksgrootte bereken is vir die newe-effekte getoets tussen die enkeldosis versus die meervoudige dosis nie, selfs ook nie nadat die effek van geslag of konsultasie getoets is nie. Health SA Gesondheid Vol.9(3) 2004: 42-5

    CRLF2 rearrangement in Ph-like acute lymphoblastic leukemia predicts relative glucocorticoid resistance that is overcome with MEK or Akt inhibition.

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    Philadelphia chromosome-like (Ph-like) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a genetically heterogeneous subtype of B-cell ALL characterized by chromosomal rearrangements and mutations that result in aberrant cytokine receptor and kinase signaling. In particular, chromosomal rearrangements resulting in the overexpression of cytokine receptor-like factor 2 (CRLF2) occur in 50% of Ph-like ALL cases. CRLF2 overexpression is associated with particularly poor clinical outcomes, though the molecular basis for this is currently unknown. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are integral to the treatment of ALL and GC resistance at diagnosis is an important negative prognostic factor. Given the importance of GCs in ALL therapy and the poor outcomes for patients with CRLF2 overexpression, we hypothesized that the aberrant signal transduction associated with CRLF2 overexpression might mediate intrinsic GC insensitivity. To test this hypothesis, we exposed Ph-like ALL cells from patient-derived xenografts to GCs and found that CRLF2 rearranged (CRLF2R) leukemias uniformly demonstrated reduced GC sensitivity in vitro. Furthermore, targeted inhibition of signal transduction with the MEK inhibitor trametinib and the Akt inhibitor MK2206, but not the JAK inhibitor ruxolitinib, was sufficient to augment GC sensitivity. These data suggest that suboptimal GC responses may in part underlie the poor clinical outcomes for patients with CRLF2 overexpression and provide rationale for combination therapy involving GCs and signal transduction inhibitors as a means of enhancing GC efficacy

    Sustainability science graduate students as boundary spanners

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    Graduate training in sustainability science (SS) focuses on interdisciplinary research, stakeholder-researcher partnerships, and creating solutions from knowledge. But becoming a sustainability scientist also requires specialized training that addresses the complex boundaries implicit in sustainability science approaches to solving social-ecological system challenges. Using boundary spanning as a framework, we use a case study of the Sustainability Solutions Initiative (SSI) at the University of Maine to explicate key elements for graduate education training in SS. We used a mixed-methods approach, including a quantitative survey and autoethnographic reflection, to analyze our experiences as SSI doctoral students. Through this research, we identified four essential SS boundaries that build on core sustainability competencies which need to be addressed in SS graduate programs, including: disciplines within academia, students and their advisors, researchers and stakeholders, and place-based and generalizable research. We identified key elements of training necessary to help students understand and navigate these boundaries using core competencies. We then offer six best practice recommendations to provide a basis for a SS education framework. Our reflections are intended for academic leaders in SS who are training new scientists to solve complex sustainability challenges. Our experiences as a cohort of doctoral students with diverse academic and professional backgrounds provide a unique opportunity to reflect not only on the challenges of SS but also on the specific needs of students and programs striving to provide solutions
