1,780 research outputs found

    Evaluation or perfusion and thermal parameters of skiin tissue using cold provocation and thermographic measurements

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    Measurement of the perfusion coefficient and thermal parameters of skin tissue using dynamic thermography is presented in this paper. A novel approach based on cold provocation and thermal modelling of skin tissue is presented. The measurement was performed on a person’s forearm using a special cooling device equipped with the Peltier module. The proposed method first cools the skin, and then measures the changes of its temperature matching the measurement results with a heat transfer model to estimate the skin perfusion and other thermal parameters. In order to assess correctness of the proposed approach, the uncertainty analysis was performed

    Dynamic Thermal Analysis of a Power Amplifier

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    This paper presents dynamic thermal analyses of a power amplifier. All the investigations are based on the transient junction temperature measurements performed during the circuit cooling process. The presented results include the cooling curves, the structure functions, the thermal time constant distribution and the Nyquist plot of the thermal impedance. The experiments carried out demonstrated the influence of the contact resistance and the position of the entire cooling assembly on the obtained results.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Putting the horse before the cart: formulating and exploring methods for studying cognitive technology

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    The First International Conference on Cognitive Technology (CT'95, Hong Kong, 1995) explored a radically new way of thinking about the impact computer technology has on humans, especially on the human mind. Our main aim at that time was a consideration of these effects with respect to rendering the interface between people and computers more humane. And we exemplified our approach by pointing to existing trends and tendencies in the vast new loosely organized field of research often referred to as `HCI' (`human computer interaction'; the replacement for the politically and factually `incorrect' MMI, `man machine interface')published_or_final_versio

    Dynamic Properties of Force Fields

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    Molecular-dynamics simulations are increasingly used to study dynamic properties of biological systems. With this development, the ability of force fields to successfully predict relaxation timescales and the associated conformational exchange processes moves into focus. We assess to what extent the dynamic properties of model peptides (Ac-A-NHMe, Ac-V-NHMe, AVAVA, A10) differ when simulated with different force fields (AMBER ff99SB-ILDN, AMBER ff03, OPLS-AA/L, CHARMM27, and GROMOS43a1). The dynamic properties are extracted using Markov state models. For single-residue models (Ac-A-NHMe, Ac-V-NHMe), the slow conformational exchange processes are similar in all force fields, but the associated relaxation timescales differ by up to an order of magnitude. For the peptide systems, not only the relaxation timescales, but also the conformational exchange processes differ considerably across force fields. This finding calls the significance of dynamic interpretations of molecular-dynamics simulations into question

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pembelajaran di STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    STIKES Yayasan Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya adalah perguruan tinggi swasta bidang kesehatan yang terletak di Jl. Karangmenjangan No. 12 Surabaya. Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi adalah masalah pembelajaran. Saat ini proses diskusi dalam kelas yang terjadi hanya menghasilkan 20%-25% mahasiswa yang aktif. Dosen dalam menyebarkan bahan ajar masih berjalan secara estafet, sehingga tidak ada dokumentasi. Pengukuran aktifan dosen hanya berdasarkan presensi sehingga hasil penilaian kinerja yang dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.Beberapa permasalahan di atas dapat diselesaikan dengan suatu aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis web yang memiliki fungsi (1) forum komunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen, (2) hasil evaluasi proses belajar mengajar untuk mengetahui pemahaman mahasiswa, (3) penyimpan materi dari dosen sebagai dokumentasi proses penyebaran bahan ajar, (4) laporan aktifitas dosen, serta (5) laporan nilai mahasiswa.Aplikasi yang dibuat mampu menangani permasalahan yang terjadi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna. Berdasarkan uji coba yang dilakukan aplikasi telah berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan yaitu menyimpan dan mendokumentasikan bahan ajar, menyatukan mahasiswa dan dosen melalui forum diskusi, menilai aktifitas mahasiswa dalam berkomentar di forum dan menjawab pertanyaan evaluasi, menghasilkan rekap laporan aktifitas dosen dalam belajar mengajar, menghasilkan laporan detail nilai forum dan evaluasi mahasiswa per pelajaran

    Uncertainty perception in bidding for Product-Service Systems under competition

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    This research investigates what impact of uncertainty perception arising from the existence of competition has on the pricing decision for Product-Service Systems (PSS) under uncertainty. PSS provision is an increasingly important area for many businesses and competition increases cognitive pressures on providers even further. We present an experimental study with industrial costing and bidding experts from the defence and aerospace sector. The study consisted of an experimental set-up via two questionnaires which differed in the existence of competition in the bidding scenario. The findings showed that bidding decision makers changed their evaluation of the cost estimate due to the introduction of competition but kept their evaluations of the profit margin and price bids constant. Furthermore, the participants listed the relevant sources of uncertainty that influenced their decision-making process. This research contributes to the literature in two ways. First, our findings showed that predictions from current theory regarding decision-making of cost estimation and pricing are not confirmed when competitively bidding for PSS. Second, we show uncertainty sources that influenced the decision makers and identified p the importance of internal processes of the PSS provider and environmental uncertainty

    Uncertainty perception in bidding for Product-Service Systems under competition

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    This research investigates what impact of uncertainty perception arising from the existence of competition has on the pricing decision for Product-Service Systems (PSS) under uncertainty. PSS provision is an increasingly important area for many businesses and competition increases cognitive pressures on providers even further. We present an experimental study with industrial costing and bidding experts from the defence and aerospace sector. The study consisted of an experimental set-up via two questionnaires which differed in the existence of competition in the bidding scenario. The findings showed that bidding decision makers changed their evaluation of the cost estimate due to the introduction of competition but kept their evaluations of the profit margin and price bids constant. Furthermore, the participants listed the relevant sources of uncertainty that influenced their decision-making process. This research contributes to the literature in two ways. First, our findings showed that predictions from current theory regarding decision-making of cost estimation and pricing are not confirmed when competitively bidding for PSS. Second, we show uncertainty sources that influenced the decision makers and identified p the importance of internal processes of the PSS provider and environmental uncertainty.</p

    Toroidal grating astigmatism of high-harmonics characterized by EUV Hartmann sensor

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    The beam transport of single high-order harmonics in a monochromator arrangement is studied. A toroidal grating combines spectral filtering and focusing in order to produce a small individual spot for each harmonic. Here, the effect of small deviations from perfect alignment is investigated. Experimentally, a Hartmann sensor monitors the EUV wavefront while the grating is subjected to an online alignment procedure. The obtained results are confirmed by a simple theoretical description employing optical matrix methods

    Novel software for medical and technical Thermal Object Identification (TOI) using dynamic temperature measurements by fast IR cameras

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    This paper presents a thermal analysis and methodology of thermal parameters identification of thermal multilayer structures using thermographic measurements after dynamic heating (or cooling) the investigated objects. During the thermal transient process, thermal images are recorded, with the highest possible frame rate of the camera. Then, temperature and power signals are transformed into the frequency domain, to get finally the thermal time constants distribution corresponding to the thermal parameters of the structure. A brief description of TOI program developed in MATLAB environment as well as the exemplary identifications of 2 different thermal objects are shown