222 research outputs found

    Two-color Time-resolved Spectroscopy of Helium Using High-order Harmonics

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    The radiative lifetime of the 1s2p(1)P state of helium is measured in a two-colour ionization experiment with a 5% accuracy. The state is excited by the 13th harmonic of a tunable 80 ps laser and ionized by a synchronous ultraviolet laser, with a variable time delay. This experiment demonstrates that the high harmonics generated in a jet of rare gas exposed to an intense laser field provide a tunable short-pulse xuv source ideally suited for pump/probe type of studies and, in particular, short lifetime measurements


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    The ability of the teleost gut to absorb microparticulate material was examined following rectal intubation (3.5 g kg -1 ) of commercial grade cornstarch (≈21 mm diameter), or potato starch (≈43 mm diameter). Tissue samples were taken from the mid - and hind-gut of control and treated fish 18 h postintubation. Collected samples were processed using standard plastic and staining protocols and resultant photomicrographs examined by computer-assisted image analysis. Cornstarch particles (8-14 mm), were observed to pass from gut lumen to the lamina propria via a paracellular or persorptive route only. No evidence for the like passage of potato starch was found.Mogućnost probavnog sustava koštunjavičastih vrsta riba da apsorbiraju sitne čestice pojedinih tvari bila je istraživana s pomoću rektalne intubacije (3, 5 g kg -1 ) komercijalnoga škroba kukuruza (promjera ≈21 mm) i škroba krumpira (promjera ≈ 43 mm). Uzorci tkiva uzeti su iz srednjeg i stražnjeg dijela crijeva kontrolne i tretirane skupine riba, i to 18 sati nakon intubacije. Sakupljeni su uzorci spremljeni u standardne plastike i obojeni prema protokolu, te fotomikrografski snimljeni na računalu. Čestice škroba kukuruza (8-14 mm) zapažene su da iz lumena crijeva prolaze u laminu propriju samo paracelularnim ili persorptivnim putem. No, nije zapažen prolazak čestica škroba krumpira

    Frequency-domain subspace identification of nonlinear mechanical systems - Application to a solar array structure

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    The present paper addresses the experimental identification of a simplified realisation of a solar array structure in folded configuration. To this end, a nonlinear subspace identification technique formulated in the frequency domain, referred to as the FNSI method, is exploited. The frequency response functions of the underlying linear structure and the nonlinear coefficients are estimated by this approach. Nonlinearity is caused by impacts between adjacent panels and friction and gaps appearing in their clamping interfaces. This application is challenging for several reasons, which include high modal density and the complicated nature of the involved nonlinear mechanisms

    Détection d'anisotropie d'un rotor d'éolienne par suivi du changement de phase des modes propres

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    National audienceFault detection by modal analysis is a highly developed field in civil engineering. Despite the rotation of the blades, it is possible to apply it and develop similar approaches for wind turbines using a Fourier modeling of the eigenmodes. A loss of isotropy for the rotor can be the consequence of a defect in the angle of attack (pitch) of the blades, of the accumulation of ice or else the presence of structural defects resulting in a loss of stiffness on one or more blades. The monitoring of this effect using the deformations of the estimated modes is validated with an example where a global drop in stiffness of 5% of a rotor blade is simulated.La détection de défaut par analyse modale est un domaine très développé dans le génie civil. Malgré la rotation des pales, il est possible de l'appliquer et de développer des approches similaires pour les éoliennes en utilisant une modélisation des modes propres en base de Fourier. Une perte d'isotropie du rotor peut être la conséquence d'un défaut d'angle d'attaque (pitch) des pales, de l'accumulation de glace ou bien de la présence de défauts structurels entraînant une perte de raideur sur une ou plusieurs pales. La surveillance de ce phénomène à partir des déformées des modes estimés est validée avec un exemple où une baisse globale de raideur de 5% d'une pale du rotor est simulée

    Subspace-based damage detection on steel frame structure under changing excitation

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    International audienceDamage detection can be performed by detecting changes in the modal parameters between a reference state and the current (possibly damaged) state of a structure from measured output-only vibration data. Alternatively, a subspace-based damage detection test has been proposed and applied successfully, where changes in the modal parameters are detected, but the estimation of the modal parameters themselves is avoided. Like this, the test can run in an automated way directly on the vibration measurements. However, it was assumed that the unmeasured ambient excitation properties during measurements of the structure in the reference and possibly damaged condition stay constant, which is hardly satisfied by any application. A new version of the test has been derived recently that is robust to such changes in the ambient excitation. In this paper, the robust test is recalled and its performance is evaluated both on numerical simulations and a real application, where a steel frame structure is artificially damaged in the lab

    Transcriptional analysis of the HeT-A retrotransposon in mutant and wild type stocks reveals high sequence variability at Drosophila telomeres and other unusual features

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Telomere replication in Drosophila depends on the transposition of a domesticated retroelement, the <it>HeT-A </it>retrotransposon. The sequence of the <it>HeT-A </it>retrotransposon changes rapidly resulting in differentiated subfamilies. This pattern of sequence change contrasts with the essential function with which the <it>HeT-A </it>is entrusted and brings about questions concerning the extent of sequence variability, the telomere contribution of different subfamilies, and whether wild type and mutant Drosophila stocks show different <it>HeT-A </it>scenarios.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A detailed study on the variability of <it>HeT-A </it>reveals that both the level of variability and the number of subfamilies are higher than previously reported. Comparisons between GIII, a strain with longer telomeres, and its parental strain Oregon-R indicate that both strains have the same set of <it>HeT-A </it>subfamilies. Finally, the presence of a highly conserved splicing pattern only in its antisense transcripts indicates a putative regulatory, functional or structural role for the <it>HeT-A </it>RNA. Interestingly, our results also suggest that most <it>HeT-A </it>copies are actively expressed regardless of which telomere and where in the telomere they are located.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study demonstrates how the <it>HeT-A </it>sequence changes much faster than previously reported resulting in at least nine different subfamilies most of which could actively contribute to telomere extension in Drosophila. Interestingly, the only significant difference observed between Oregon-R and GIII resides in the nature and proportion of the antisense transcripts, suggesting a possible mechanism that would in part explain the longer telomeres of the GIII stock.</p

    Enhancement of Penaeus monodon shrimp postlarvae growth and survival without water exchange using marine Bacillus pumilus and periphytic microalgae.

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    We have investigated the possibility of using a consortium of marine bacterium and periphytic microalgae to improve the water quality and increase the growth and survival of the shrimp Penaeus monodon in a hatchery system. Three treatments were evaluated for their effect on P. monodon postlarvae (PL) when the culture water was not changed: Bacillus pumilus alone (B); periphytic microalgae alone (M); B. pumilus + periphytic microalgae (BM). P. monodon PL raised in a tank of unchanged water without bacterium and periphytic microalgae served as the control. The water in tanks of the M and BM treatments had significantly low levels of total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) (0.03 and 0.01 mg l−1, respectively) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N) (0.03, 0.01 mg l−1, respectively) than that in the B (TAN 0.80, NO2-N 0.68 mg l−1) and control (TAN 1.11, NO2-N 1.12 mg l−1) tanks. Moreover, PL cultured in tanks M and BM had significantly higher survival and specific growth rates and a significantly higher resistance to the reverse salinity stress test than those in the B and control tanks. Compared to the control PL, the PL cultured in the BM tanks had significantly higher levels of protein, lipid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, ecosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid. The culture water in tanks BM also contained significantly less Vibrio than the control water. Our results illustrate the beneficial effects of a B. pumilus and periphytic microalgae consortium on improving the water quality and the growth and survival of shrimp PL grown in a hatchery system

    Surface Feature-Guided Mapping of Cerebral Metabolic Changes in Cognitively Normal and Mildly Impaired Elderly

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the longitudinal positron emission tomography (PET) metabolic changes in the elderly. Procedures: Nineteen nondemented subjects (mean Mini-Mental Status Examination 29.4±0.7 SD) underwent two detailed neuropsychological evaluations and resting 2-deoxy-2-[F-18]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG)-PET scan (interval 21.7±3.7 months), baseline structural 3T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and apolipoprotein E4 genotyping. Cortical PET metabolic changes were analyzed in 3-D using the cortical pattern matching technique. Results: Baseline vs. follow-up whole-group comparison revealed significant metabolic decline bilaterally in the posterior temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes and the left lateral frontal cortex. The declining group demonstrated 10–15 % decline in bilateral posterior cingulate/precuneus, posterior temporal, parietal, and occipital cortices. The cognitively stable group showed 2.5–5% similarly distributed decline. ApoE4-positive individuals underwent 5–15 % metabolic decline in the posterior association cortices. Conclusions: Using 3-D surface-based MR-guided FDG-PET mapping, significant metaboli