87 research outputs found


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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Prevention and eradication of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) must be the responsibility of all communities. Behavior that includes knowledge, attitudes and practices about prevention is a factor that affects the increase in cases of dengue fever. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of the community in an effort to prevent dengue fever in the Parongpong Public Health Center area. This study used the descriptive correlation method and was conducted in July 2022 at the Parongpong Health Center. The sample of this study amounted to 100 respondents using simple random sampling technique. The statistical test used was the Spearman Rho test. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between knowledge and attitude (sig value 0.435 with p <0.05), there was no significant relationship between knowledge and practice (sig value 0.651 with p<0.05), and there is no significant relationship between attitude and practice (sig value is 0.736 with p<0.05), the results of this study are expected to be input and evaluation for health agencies in order to monitor preventive practices dengue fever in the community which is useful for reducing the incidence of dengue fever. Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Prevention, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Demam berdarah dengue masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia. Pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyakit demam berdarah dengue (DBD) harus menjadi tanggung jawab semua komunitas. Perilaku yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik tentang pencegahan merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan kasus demam berdarah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan praktik masyarakat dalam upaya pencegahan demam berdarah di wilayah puskesmas Parongpong. Penelitian ini menggunkan metode descriptive correlation dan dilakukan pada bulan bulan Juli 2022 di Puskesmas Parongpong. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Uji Spearman Rho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak  terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dan sikap dengan (nilai sig yaitu 0,435 dengan p<0,05), Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dan praktik (nilai sig yaitu 0,651 dengan p<0,05), dan Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara sikap dan praktik (nilai sig yaitu 0,736 dengan p<0,05). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukkan dan evaluasi bagi instansi kesehatan agar dapat melakukan pengawasan terhadap praktik pencegahan demam berdarah di masyarakat yang berguna untuk menurunkan angka kejadian demam berdarah. Kata Kunci: Demam Berdarah Dengue, Pencegahan, Pengetahuan, Praktik, Sika

    Genetic characterisation of field and attenuated rabies viruses and molecular epidemiology of rabies in Finland and Russia

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    Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the central nervous system of all warmblooded mammals. The rabies virus belongs to the order Mononegavirales, family Rhabdoviridae, genus Lyssavirus. This virus has a negative single-stranded RNA genome and the virions are bullet-shaped. Rabies is reported in many countries throughout the world and has been registered in all continents except Australia, where only the bat Lyssaviruses have been found, and in Antarctica where the main vectors of rabies are absent. Russia and most of the bordering countries are affected by rabies. Finland was a rabies-free country from 1959 to 1988, when a sylvatic rabies epidemic appeared with raccoon dogs as the main host and vector of infection. That epidemic was eradicated by the oral vaccination of wild carnivores and the parenteral immunization of dogs and cats; and Finland has been rabies-free since 1991. However, this status is constantly under threat because rabies is endemic in Russia and Estonia. In June 2003, a horse imported to Finland from Estonia was clinically and laboratory diagnosed as rabies positive. The close relationship of the isolated equine virus strain with the current Estonian strains was verified during subsequent molecular epidemiological studies. Because the case was imported, it did not affect Finland’s rabies-free status. Also in 2007 another 2 imported cases of rabies were recorded: one in a human being from Philippines and the other in a dog from India. Five different antigenic variants of the rabies virus were identified among rabies positive field samples from Russia, Finland, and Estonia by using antinucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies. Two rabies virus field isolates showed a different reaction pattern that was similar to that of the vaccine strains of the SAD group, which might suggest a new antigen variant or reverted vaccine strain. Nevertheless, the sequence analysis showed that the vaccine strains RV-97 and SAD B19 included in the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab” (Russia) and “Fuchsoral” (Germany), respectively, differ considerably from all the field strains. Field rabies viruses collected in recent years from different regions of the Russian Federation were chosen on the basis of mAb studies and geographical origin for molecular epidemiological studies to characterize their genetic heterogeneity and to study their molecular epidemiology. In addition to the Russian viruses, archival samples from Estonia and Finland and Russian vaccine strains were also included in this study. Among the field viruses studied, two main phylogenetic groups were found, and designated as the Pan-Eurasian and Caucasian based on their geographical origin. The Pan-Eurasian 7 group including some reference viruses from Europe was further divided into four subgroups. All the vaccine strains were clearly different from the field strains. No recombination between the field and vaccine virus strains was observed. The critical roles of geographical isolation, the limitation of the genetic clustering, and the evolution of the rabies virus were shown during this study. The rabies virus vaccine strain RV-97 is widely used in Russia as a component of the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab”. To characterize the molecular properties of this strain, entire genome sequencing was conducted. A simple technique was developed to obtain this sequence, including the 3’- and 5’- ends. The entire genome sequence and deduced amino-acid sequences of the major viral proteins were compared with the sequences of other known fixed rabies viruses. The strain RV-97 formed a separate phylogenetic branch and seems to be more related to the group of Japanese strains. The field strains from the Caucasian group seem to be phylogenetically the nearest group to the RV-97 strain. The data shown herein makes it possible to develop molecular methods for distinguishing between the field rabies viruses from the vaccine strains for the rapid recognition of the vaccine strains that are unstable or have reverted back to their pathogenic form. The wide genetic heterogeneity verified in this study indicates that it is important to remain on permanent alert for the appearance of rabies

    Genetic characteristics of field and attenuated rabies viruses and molecular epidemiology of rabies in Finland and Russia

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    Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the central nervous system of all warmblooded mammals. The rabies virus belongs to the order Mononegavirales, family Rhabdoviridae, genus Lyssavirus. This virus has a negative single-stranded RNA genome and the virions are bullet-shaped. Rabies is reported in many countries throughout the world and has been registered in all continents except Australia, where only the bat Lyssaviruses have been found, and in Antarctica where the main vectors of rabies are absent. Russia and most of the bordering countries are affected by rabies. Finland was a rabies-free country from 1959 to 1988, when a sylvatic rabies epidemic appeared with raccoon dogs as the main host and vector of infection. That epidemic was eradicated by the oral vaccination of wild carnivores and the parenteral immunization of dogs and cats; and Finland has been rabies-free since 1991. However, this status is constantly under threat because rabies is endemic in Russia and Estonia. In June 2003, a horse imported to Finland from Estonia was clinically and laboratory diagnosed as rabies positive. The close relationship of the isolated equine virus strain with the current Estonian strains was verified during subsequent molecular epidemiological studies. Because the case was imported, it did not affect Finland’s rabies-free status. Also in 2007 another 2 imported cases of rabies were recorded: one in a human being from Philippines and the other in a dog from India. Five different antigenic variants of the rabies virus were identified among rabies positive field samples from Russia, Finland, and Estonia by using antinucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies. Two rabies virus field isolates showed a different reaction pattern that was similar to that of the vaccine strains of the SAD group, which might suggest a new antigen variant or reverted vaccine strain. Nevertheless, the sequence analysis showed that the vaccine strains RV-97 and SAD B19 included in the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab” (Russia) and “Fuchsoral” (Germany), respectively, differ considerably from all the field strains. Field rabies viruses collected in recent years from different regions of the Russian Federation were chosen on the basis of mAb studies and geographical origin for molecular epidemiological studies to characterize their genetic heterogeneity and to study their molecular epidemiology. In addition to the Russian viruses, archival samples from Estonia and Finland and Russian vaccine strains were also included in this study. Among the field viruses studied, two main phylogenetic groups were found, and designated as the Pan-Eurasian and Caucasian based on their geographical origin. The Pan-Eurasian group including some reference viruses from Europe was further divided into four subgroups. All the vaccine strains were clearly different from the field strains. No recombination between the field and vaccine virus strains was observed. The critical roles of geographical isolation, the limitation of the genetic clustering, and the evolution of the rabies virus were shown during this study. The rabies virus vaccine strain RV-97 is widely used in Russia as a component of the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab”. To characterize the molecular properties of this strain, entire genome sequencing was conducted. A simple technique was developed to obtain this sequence, including the 3’- and 5’- ends. The entire genome sequence and deduced amino-acid sequences of the major viral proteins were compared with the sequences of other known fixed rabies viruses. The strain RV-97 formed a separate phylogenetic branch and seems to be more related to the group of Japanese strains. The field strains from the Caucasian group seem to be phylogenetically the nearest group to the RV-97 strain. The data shown herein makes it possible to develop molecular methods for distinguishing between the field rabies viruses from the vaccine strains for the rapid recognition of the vaccine strains that are unstable or have reverted back to their pathogenic form. The wide genetic heterogeneity verified in this study indicates that it is important to remain on permanent alert for the appearance of rabies

    Genetic characteristics of field and attenuated rabies viruses

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    Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the central nervous system of all warmblooded mammals. The rabies virus belongs to the order Mononegavirales, family Rhabdoviridae, genus Lyssavirus. This virus has a negative single-stranded RNA genome and the virions are bullet-shaped. Rabies is reported in many countries throughout the world and has been registered in all continents except Australia, where only the bat Lyssaviruses have been found, and in Antarctica where the main vectors of rabies are absent. Russia and most of the bordering countries are affected by rabies. Finland was a rabies-free country from 1959 to 1988, when a sylvatic rabies epidemic appeared with raccoon dogs as the main host and vector of infection. That epidemic was eradicated by the oral vaccination of wild carnivores and the parenteral immunization of dogs and cats; and Finland has been rabies-free since 1991. However, this status is constantly under threat because rabies is endemic in Russia and Estonia. In June 2003, a horse imported to Finland from Estonia was clinically and laboratory diagnosed as rabies positive. The close relationship of the isolated equine virus strain with the current Estonian strains was verified during subsequent molecular epidemiological studies. Because the case was imported, it did not affect Finland’s rabies-free status. Also in 2007 another 2 imported cases of rabies were recorded: one in a human being from Philippines and the other in a dog from India. Five different antigenic variants of the rabies virus were identified among rabies positive field samples from Russia, Finland, and Estonia by using antinucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies. Two rabies virus field isolates showed a different reaction pattern that was similar to that of the vaccine strains of the SAD group, which might suggest a new antigen variant or reverted vaccine strain. Nevertheless, the sequence analysis showed that the vaccine strains RV-97 and SAD B19 included in the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab” (Russia) and “Fuchsoral” (Germany), respectively, differ considerably from all the field strains. Field rabies viruses collected in recent years from different regions of the Russian Federation were chosen on the basis of mAb studies and geographical origin for molecular epidemiological studies to characterize their genetic heterogeneity and to study their molecular epidemiology. In addition to the Russian viruses, archival samples from Estonia and Finland and Russian vaccine strains were also included in this study. Among the field viruses studied, two main phylogenetic groups were found, and designated as the Pan-Eurasian and Caucasian based on their geographical origin. The Pan-Eurasian 7 group including some reference viruses from Europe was further divided into four subgroups. All the vaccine strains were clearly different from the field strains. No recombination between the field and vaccine virus strains was observed. The critical roles of geographical isolation, the limitation of the genetic clustering, and the evolution of the rabies virus were shown during this study. The rabies virus vaccine strain RV-97 is widely used in Russia as a component of the oral anti-rabies vaccine “Sinrab”. To characterize the molecular properties of this strain, entire genome sequencing was conducted. A simple technique was developed to obtain this sequence, including the 3’- and 5’- ends. The entire genome sequence and deduced amino-acid sequences of the major viral proteins were compared with the sequences of other known fixed rabies viruses. The strain RV-97 formed a separate phylogenetic branch and seems to be more related to the group of Japanese strains. The field strains from the Caucasian group seem to be phylogenetically the nearest group to the RV-97 strain. The data shown herein makes it possible to develop molecular methods for distinguishing between the field rabies viruses from the vaccine strains for the rapid recognition of the vaccine strains that are unstable or have reverted back to their pathogenic form. The wide genetic heterogeneity verified in this study indicates that it is important to remain on permanent alert for the appearance of rabies


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    Rabies is one of the most pressing challenges for human and veterinary medicine. Lyssavirus genus comprises classical rabies virus and 13 other genotypes the most of which were isolated from bats. Updated information on taxonomy and phylogenetic and antigenic relationship of lyssaviruses are given in the review. The first phylogenetic group includes Rabies lyssavirus, Duvenhage lyssavirus, European bat lyssavirus type 1 and 2, Australian bat lyssavirus, Bokeloh bat lyssavirus, Aravan lyssavirus, Khujand lyssavirus and Irkut lyssavirus. The second phylogenetic group includes Lagos bat lyssavirus, Mokola lyssavirus and Shimoni bat lyssavirus. Cross serological neutralization within these two phylogenetic groups and limited cross neutralization between these two phylogenetic groups were revealed. West Caucasian bat lyssavirus is classified to the third phylogenetic group whereas Ikoma lyssavirus is classified to the fourth one. Lleida virus recently isolated from bats in Spain supposedly belongs to the fourth group. The most of rabies cases in humans and animals are caused by classical rabies virus (Rabies lyssavirus). Available anti-rabies vaccines protect from lyssaviruses of the first group but do not protect from viruses of other phylogenetic groups. That's why further investigations of recovered rabies isolates and new vaccine development are of great importance


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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare the outcomes of hypothermic circulatory arrest (GCA) and selective cerebral perfusion (SCP). Patients and methods: Nine patients were treated at the Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. All congenital heart diseases were repaired simultaneously. Group 1 (n =4) included infants who were treated using an HCA, and the patients who underwent repair with the use of SCP were in group 2 (n =5). Results: One patient (25%) in group 1 died in the period of thirty days after the repair. Moderate heart failure and respiratory failure occurred postoperatively with no significant difference between two groups. Recoarctation was a frequent (75%) complication after the «end to end» anastomosis creating. One patient (25%) was reoperated on day 3 after the primary repair. Two other patients (50%) were treated by balloon angioplasty. There was relatively high (75%) incidence of a prolonged open sternotomy in group 1. Conclusion: There were similar results in HCA and SCP groups. A tendency for frequent prolonged open sternotomy application after HCA surgery as well as occurrence of the recoarctation after «end to end» anastomosis creating was found.Цель исследования: сравнить результаты одномоментной коррекции, выполненной в условиях гипотермического циркуляторного ареста (ГЦА) или селективной церебральной перфузии (СЦП). Пациенты и методы: 9 пациентов первого года жизни были прооперированы в НЦ сердечно-сосудистой хирургии им. А.Н. Бакулева. Всем больным были одномоментно устранены все врожденные пороки сердца (ВПС). В группу 1 (n =4) вошли дети, оперированные с применением ГЦА, в группу 2 (n =5) — больные, коррекция ВПС которым выполнялась в условиях СЦП. Результаты: в тридцатидневный срок после операции погиб 1 (25%) пациент в группе 1. Среди осложнений раннего послеоперационногопериода зарегистрированы умеренная сердечная и дыхательная недостаточность. Не выявлено значимых различий в частоте возникновения данных осложнений в обеих группах. Отмечена высокая частота рекоарктации аорты (75%) у пациентов, которым реконструкция аорты была выполнена путем анастомоза «конец в конец». 1 пациент (25%) с рекоарктацией был реоперирован на 3-и сут после первичной коррекции, еще 2 (50%) больным рекоарктация аорты была устранена посредством транслюминальной баллонной ангиопластики. В группе 1 отмечена сравнительно высокая (75%) необходимость применения метода пролонгированной открытой стернотомии. Выводы: результатыприменения методов ГЦА и СЦП схожи по большинству показателей. Обнаружена тенденция к повышенной частоте использования методапролонгированной открытой стернотомии после операций с применением ГЦА, а также склонность к высокой частоте возникновения рекоарктации аорты после реконструкции аорты путем анастомоза «конец в конец»

    Spread Dynamics of Leucosis in Cattle in Livestock Farms of the Russian Federation for 2000–2018

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    Leucosis occupies a leading position in the modern nosological structure of cattle infectious diseases. This is due to the high infection of livestock and large economic damage in affected farms [1–3]. Leucosis is a chronic tumor disease caused by an RNA-containing virus of the Retroviridae family. The disease is characterized by uncontrolled reproduction of immature hematopoietic cells [4, 5]. The objective is to assess in dynamics the indicators of cattle infection with the leucosis virus and the incidence of leucosis in farms of all categories of the Russian Federation in the period of 2000–2018. The data of the analysis of the epizootic situation for leucosis in cattle in farms of all categories of the Russian Federation for 2000-2018 are presented. Over this period of time, the number of diagnostic serological studies in the immunodiffusion reaction increased 1.88 times in all subjects. According to the results of epizootological monitoring in farms of all categories of the Russian Federation, the rates of infection of the bovine leucosis virus decreased 1.89 times, the incidence rates decreased 2.02 times. At present, the epizootic situation has improved markedly, but so far there are problems with incomplete release of farms from leucosis in cattle. It is necessary to continue work on the elimination of this dangerous chronic disease in farms of all categories in the territory of the Russian Federation

    Immunogenicity and efficacy of non-adjuvant tissue culture-based rabies vaccine produced in Ethiopia

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    Rabies is 100% fatal, but it is preventable. More than 95% of human rabies cases occur in improperly treated individuals. This is partly due to the fact that modern post-exposure rabies prophylaxis is expensive and therefore not readily available in many endemic regions. Nervous tissue vaccine has been in use for more than 100yrs. These vaccines have now been superseded in purity, potency, immunogenicity and safety. The efficacy and immunogenicity of inactivated tissue culture rabies vaccine, produced in Ethiopia was evaluated. Twelve experimental dogs from local breed were duly conditioned during a quarantine period and assigned to two groups randomly. Animals in group I (cases) were vaccinated subcutaneously with 1 ml of our experimental vaccine. Dogs in group II served as non-vaccinated controls. The immune response of each dog was monitored for 90 days. On the day 90 after final sampling, all dogs were challenged in the masseter muscle with a rabies street virus of canine origin. To evaluate the titer of the rabies virus neutralizing antibodies (VNA), sera were analyzed by Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralization (FAVN) Test. Geometric Mean Titers (GMT) to rabies virus was determined at days 7, 15, 21, 30, 60 and 90. Geometric mean titers were equal to 1.59, 1.73, 2.19, 3.58, 3.17 and 3.35 IU/ml respectively. All dogs showed VNA titers higher than the 0.5 IU/ml mandated WHO recommended threshold. All vaccinated dogs, survived the challenge. In contrast, 83.3% of dogs in the control (non-vaccinated group), developed rabies and died. This study indicated that cell culture-based anti-rabies developed inhouse, with no adjuvant is efficacious and immunogenic

    Estimating the global burden of endemic canine rabies

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    Background: Rabies is a notoriously underreported and neglected disease of lowincome countries. This study aims to estimate the public health and economic burden of rabies circulating in domestic dog populations, globally and on a country-by-country basis, allowing an objective assessment of how much this preventable disease costs endemic countries.<p></p> Methodology/Principal Findings: We established relationships between rabies mortality and rabies prevention and control measures, which we incorporated into a model framework. We used data derived from extensive literature searches and questionnaires on disease incidence, control interventions and preventative measures within this framework to estimate the disease burden. The burden of rabies impacts on public health sector budgets, local communities and livestock economies, with the highest risk of rabies in the poorest regions of the world. This study estimates that globally canine rabies causes approximately 59,000 (95% Confidence Intervals: 25- 159,000) human deaths, over 3.7 million (95% CIs: 1.6-10.4 million) disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and 8.6 billion USD (95% CIs: 2.9-21.5 billion) economic losses annually. The largest component of the economic burden is due to premature death (55%), followed by direct costs of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP, 20%) and lost income whilst seeking PEP (15.5%), with only limited costs to the veterinary sector due to dog vaccination (1.5%), and additional costs to communities from livestock losses (6%).<p></p> Conclusions/Significance: This study demonstrates that investment in dog vaccination, the single most effective way of reducing the disease burden, has been inadequate and that the availability and affordability of PEP needs improving. Collaborative investments by medical and veterinary sectors could dramatically reduce the current large, and unnecessary, burden of rabies on affected communities. Improved surveillance is needed to reduce uncertainty in burden estimates and to monitor the impacts of control efforts.<p></p&gt