44 research outputs found

    Diagnostic testing of autonomous cortisol secretion in adrenal incidentalomas

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    Objective: Autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) is a condition with ACTH-independent cortisol overproduction from adrenal incidentalomas (AI) or adrenal hyperplasia. The hypercortisolism is often mild, and most patients lack typical clinical features of overt Cushing’s syndrome (CS). ACS is not well defined and diagnostic tests lack validation. Methods: Retrospective study of 165 patients with AI evaluated clinically and by assay of morning plasma ACTH, late-night saliva cortisol, serum DHEA sulphate (DHEAS), 24-h urine-free cortisol, and cortisol after dexamethasone suppression. Results: Patients with AI (n = 165) were diagnosed as non-functioning incidentalomas (NFI) (n = 82) or ACS (n = 83) according to current European guidelines. Late-night saliva cortisol discriminated poorly between NFI and ACS, showing a high rate of false-positive (23/63) and false-negative (38/69) results. The conventional low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (LDDST) did not improve the diagnostic specificity, compared with the 1 mg overnight DST. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis of DHEAS in the two cohorts demonstrated an area under the curve of 0.76 (P < 0.01) with a sensitivity for ACS of 58% and a specificity of 80% using the recommended cutoff at 1.04 µmol/L (40 µg/dL). Conclusion: We here demonstrate in a large retrospective cohort of incidentaloma patients, that neither DHEAS, late-night saliva cortisol nor 24-h urine free cortisol are useful to discriminate between non-functioning adrenal incidentalomas and ACS. The conventional LDDST do not add further information compared with the 1 mg overnight DST. Alternative biomarkers are needed to improve the diagnostic workup of ACS.publishedVersio

    Multisteroid LC-MS/MS assay for glucocorticoids and androgens, and its application in Addison’s disease

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    Objective: Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) offers superior analytical specificity compared with immunoassays, but it is not available in many regions and hospitals due to expensive instrumentation and tedious sample preparation. Thus, we developed an automated, high-throughput LC–MS/MS assay for simultaneous quantification of ten endogenous and synthetic steroids targeting diseases of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and gonads. Methods: Deuterated internal standards were added to 85 μl serum and processed by liquid–liquid extraction. Cortisol, cortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, 11-deoxycortisol, dexamethasone, testosterone, androstenedione and progesterone were resolved by ultra-high-pressure chromatography on a reversed-phase column in 6.1 min and detected by triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry. The method was used to assess steroid profiles in women with Addison's disease (AD, n=156) and blood donors (BDs, n=102). Results: Precisions ranged from 4.5 to 10.1% relative standard deviations (RSD), accuracies from 95 to 108% and extraction recoveries from 60 to 84%. The method was practically free of matrix effects and robust to individual differences in serum composition. Most postmenopausal AD women had extremely low androstenedione concentrations, below 0.14 nmol/l, and median testosterone concentrations of 0.15 nmol/l (interquartile range 0.00–0.41), considerably lower than those of postmenopausal BDs (1.28 nmol/l (0.96–1.64) and 0.65 nmol/l (0.56–1.10) respectively). AD women in fertile years had androstenedione concentrations of 1.18 nmol/l (0.71–1.76) and testosterone concentrations of 0.44 nmol/l (0.22–0.63), approximately half of those found in BDs of corresponding age. Conclusion: This LC–MS/MS assay provides highly sensitive and specific assessments of glucocorticoids and androgens with low sample volumes and is suitable for endocrine laboratories and research. Its utility has been demonstrated in a large cohort of women with AD, and the data suggest that women with AD are particularly androgen deficient after menopause.publishedVersio

    Periodontitis in obese adults with and without metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Epidemiological studies support an association between obesity, metabolic syndrome (MetS), and periodontitis. Still, understanding of the effects of low-grade inflammation in obese subjects on periodontitis and influence of MetS remains incomplete. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to explore the association between obesity related variables and periodontitis, and assess if MetS is a risk indicator for periodontitis in a sample of obese adults. Methods The study sample comprised 52 adults with a body mass index (BMI) of ≥ 30 kg/m2 referred for obesity therapy at the Obesity Centre at Haukeland University Hospital (HUH), Bergen, Norway. The subjects had prior to enrolment completed a 5-month lifestyle intervention course as part of a 2-year managing program. According to the revised National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) classification of MetS, 38 subjects were recruited to the MetS group and 14 subjects to the non-MetS group. Medical data including peripheral blood samples were obtained from records at HUH at the time of enrolment. Probing depth, clinical attachment level, tooth mobility, furcation involvement, bleeding on probing (BoP) were recorded and intraoral bitewings evaluated at a full-mouth periodontal examination. Associations between risk variables for obesity/MetS and periodontitis were explored using linear and logistic regression models. Results In the present sample 79% of the subjects were diagnosed with periodontitis. The prevalence of stage III/IV periodontitis was 42.9% in the non-MetS group vs. 36.8% in the MetS group (p = 0.200). In the non-MetS group 29.8% of the sites displayed BoP vs. 23.5% in the MetS group (p = 0.048). For stage III/IV periodontitis, the effect of age appeared to be significant for obesity related variables and MetS (p = 0.006, p = 0.002, respectively). None of the other analyses showed significant association with the outcome variables. Conclusion In the present sample of obese subjects, periodontitis occurred independently of MetS. Reaching a certain BMI level, suggested association between MetS and periodontitis might be non-significant due to the dominating impact of obesity related variables undermining the effect of other systemic factors.publishedVersio

    Feminizing adrenal tumor identified by plasma steroid profiling

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    Feminizing estrogen-secreting adrenocortical carcinomas (ACCs) are exceedingly rare and carry a poor prognosis. The most common presenting trait is gynecomastia, but enlarged breasts are also a frequent clinical finding in healthy men. Biochemical evaluation may be challenging. As such, there is a high risk of delayed diagnosis and treatment opportunity. Here, we present a case with an estrogen-producing ACC where the abnormal steroid profile obtained at the time of initial workup was essential for the prompt diagnosis. Wider adoption of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based steroid assays has potential to improve early diagnosis of feminizing estrogen-secreting ACC.publishedVersio

    Substantial changes in inflammatory and cardiovascular biomarkers in patients with autonomous cortisol secretion

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    Objective To map inflammatory biomarkers in patients with autonomous cortisol secretion (ACS) and overt Cushing syndrome (CS). Method Observational study including serum from prospectively included patients with ACS (n = 63), adrenal CS (n = 2), pituitary CS (n = 8), and healthy subjects (n = 120). Serum samples were analysed for 92 inflammatory biomarkers using proximity extension assay (OLINK). Results Combined, the ACS and CS patients displayed significant differences in levels of 49/92 inflammatory biomarkers (46 increased/3 decreased) compared with healthy controls. No differences in biomarker levels were found between ACS and overt CS, and none of the biomarkers correlated with the degree of hypercortisolism. Postoperative samples were available for 17 patients, median 24 months (range 6–40) after surgery and biochemical curation. There was no significant normalization of the biomarkers postoperatively. Conclusion There was a systemic rise in inflammatory biomarkers in patients with ACS and CS, not correlated to the degree of hypercortisolism. These biomarkers were not normalized following biochemical cure.publishedVersio

    Bedtime Salivary Cortisol as a Screening Test for Cushing Syndrome in Children

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    Background Diagnosing Cushing syndrome (CS) can be challenging. The 24-hour urine free cortisol (UFC) measurement is considered gold standard. This is a laborious test, dependent on correct urine collection. Late-night salivary cortisol is easier and is used as a screening test for CS in adults, but has not been validated for use in children. Objective To define liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-based cutoff values for bedtime and morning salivary cortisol and cortisone in children, and validate the results in children with and without CS. Methods Bedtime and morning salivary samples were collected from 320 healthy children aged 4 to 16 years. Fifty-four patients from the children’s outpatient obesity clinic and 3 children with pituitary CS were used for validation. Steroid hormones were assayed by LC-MS/MS. Cutoff levels for bedtime salivary cortisol and cortisone were defined by the 97.5% percentile in healthy subjects. Results Bedtime cutoff levels for cortisol and cortisone were 2.4 and 12.0 nmol/L, respectively. Applying these cutoff levels on the verification cohort, 1 child from the obesity clinic had bedtime salivary cortisol exceeding the defined cutoff level, but normal salivary cortisone. All 3 children with pituitary CS had salivary cortisol and cortisone far above the defined bedtime cutoff levels. Healthy subjects showed a significant decrease in salivary cortisol from early morning to bedtime. Conclusions We propose that bedtime salivary cortisol measured by LC-MS/MS with a diagnostic threshold above 2.4 nmol/L can be applied as a screening test for CS in children. Age- and gender-specific cutoff levels are not needed.publishedVersio

    Potential Transcriptional Biomarkers to Guide Glucocorticoid Replacement in Autoimmune Addison's Disease

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    Background No reliable biomarkers exist to guide glucocorticoid (GC) replacement treatment in autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD), leading to overtreatment with alarming and persistent side effects or undertreatment, which could be fatal. Objective To explore changes in gene expression following different GC replacement doses as a means of identifying candidate transcriptional biomarkers to guide GC replacement in AAD. Methods Step 1: Global microarray expression analysis on RNA from whole blood before and after intravenous infusion of 100 mg hydrocortisone (HC) in 10 patients with AAD. In 3 of the most highly upregulated genes, we performed real-time PCR (rt-PCR) to compare gene expression levels before and 3, 4, and 6 hours after the HC infusion. Step 2: Rt-PCR to compare expression levels of 93 GC-regulated genes in normal versus very low morning cortisol levels in 27 patients with AAD. Results Step 1: Two hours after infusion of 100 mg HC, there was a marked increase in FKBP5, MMP9, and DSIPI expression levels. MMP9 and DSIPI expression levels correlated with serum cortisol. Step 2: Expression levels of CEBPB, DDIT4, FKBP5, DSIPI, and VDR were increased and levels of ADARB1, ARIDB5, and POU2F1 decreased in normal versus very low morning cortisol. Normal serum cortisol levels positively correlated with DSIPI, DDIT4, and FKBP5 expression. Conclusions We introduce gene expression as a novel approach to guide GC replacement in AAD. We suggest that gene expression of DSIPI, DDIT4, and FKBP5 are particularly promising candidate biomarkers of GC replacement, followed by MMP9, CEBPB, VDR, ADARB1, ARID5B, and POU2F1.publishedVersio

    Plasma-Metanephrines in Patients with Autoimmune Addison’s Disease with and without Residual Adrenocortical Function

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    Purpose: Residual adrenocortical function, RAF, has recently been demonstrated in one-third of patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease (AAD). Here, we set out to explore any influence of RAF on the levels of plasma metanephrines and any changes following stimulation with cosyntropin. Methods: We included 50 patients with verified RAF and 20 patients without RAF who served as controls upon cosyntropin stimulation testing. The patients had abstained from glucocorticoid and fludrocortisone replacement > 18 and 24 h, respectively, prior to morning blood sampling. The samples were obtained before and 30 and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation and analyzed for serum cortisol, plasma metanephrine (MN), and normetanephrine (NMN) by liquid-chromatography tandem-mass pectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: Among the 70 patients with AAD, MN was detectable in 33%, 25%, and 26% at baseline, 30 min, and 60 min after cosyntropin stimulation, respectively. Patients with RAF were more likely to have detectable MN at baseline (p = 0.035) and at the time of 60 min (p = 0.048) compared to patients without RAF. There was a positive correlation between detectable MN and the level of cortisol at all time points (p = 0.02, p = 0.04, p < 0.001). No difference was noted for NMN levels, which remained within the normal reference ranges. Conclusion: Even very small amounts of endogenous cortisol production affect MN levels in patients with AAD

    Residual Corticosteroid Production in Autoimmune Addison Disease

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    Context - Contrary to current dogma, growing evidence suggests that some patients with autoimmune Addison disease (AAD) produce corticosteroids even years after diagnosis. Objective - To determine frequencies and clinical features of residual corticosteroid production in patients with AAD. Design - Two-staged, cross-sectional clinical study in 17 centers (Norway, Sweden, and Germany). Residual glucocorticoid (GC) production was defined as quantifiable serum cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol and residual mineralocorticoid (MC) production as quantifiable serum aldosterone and corticosterone after > 18 hours of medication fasting. Corticosteroids were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Clinical variables included frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life. Peak cortisol response was evaluated by a standard 250 µg cosyntropin test. Results - Fifty-eight (30.2%) of 192 patients had residual GC production, more common in men (n = 33; P P P P P P P  Conclusion - In established AAD, one-third of the patients still produce GCs even decades after diagnosis. Residual production is more common in men and in patients with shorter disease duration but is not associated with adrenal crises or quality of life

    Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison's disease - a cross-sectional study

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    Objective - Increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease has been reported in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD), but pathomechanisms are poorly understood. Methods - We compared serum levels of 177 cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers in 43 patients with AAD at >18-h glucocorticoid withdrawal and 43 matched controls, overall and stratified for sex. Biomarker levels were correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises and quality of life (QoL) by AddiQoL-30. Finally, we investigated changes in biomarker levels following 250 µg tetracosactide injection in patients without residual adrenocortical function (RAF) to explore glucocorticoid-independent effects of high ACTH. Results - Nineteen biomarkers significantly differed between patients with AAD and controls; all but 1 (ST1A1) were higher in AAD. Eight biomarkers were significantly higher in female patients compared with controls (IL6, MCP1, GAL9, SPON2, DR4, RAGE, TNFRSF9, and PGF), but none differed between male patients and controls. Levels of RAGE correlated with the frequency of adrenal crises (r = 0.415, P = .006) and AddiQoL-30 scores (r = −0.347, P = .028) but not after correction for multiple testing. PDL2 and leptin significantly declined 60 min after injection of ACTH in AAD without RAF (−0.15 normalized protein expression [NPX], P = .0001, and −0.25 NPX, P = .0003, respectively). Conclusions - We show that cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers are altered in AAD compared with controls, particularly in women. RAGE might be a marker of disease severity in AAD, associated with more adrenal crises and reduced QoL. High ACTH reduced PDL2 and leptin levels in a glucocorticoid-independent manner but the overall effect on biomarker profiles was small