302 research outputs found

    The Macedonian army as a vehicle for change? Military presence in western Asia Minor during the early Hellenistic period: topography, agency and identity

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    Alexander the Great’s expedition and the Wars of the Successors after his death saw a great number of armies deployed in Asia Minor, many of which were key to the development of the political powers that emerged during the Hellenistic period. The territorial establishment of these armies, first as garrisons and later as settlements, has led to questions about the social, political, cultural and economic impact that they had on the communities with which they came into contact. The aim of this thesis is to understand the extent of this impact and analyse the role that specifically the Macedonian components of the army had in their relationship with their surroundings in western Asia Minor during the Hellenistic period, with a special focus on the third and second centuries BC. To this aim, I will analyse several characteristics which can be considered unequivocally Macedonian and upon which the Macedonian character of the soldiers and settlers was built; I will next discuss the military presence in western Asia Minor through topography and the physicality of the settlements; land tenure and other activities in the settlements; and the relationship between the dynasts and kings and their men. For this I will employ mainly epigraphic sources and will reassess the context and relationship between many inscriptions, aiming to provide a more holistic view of the military presence in Hellenistic western Asia Minor

    Obesidade infantil: Intervenção do enfermeiro especialista em enfermagem de saúde infantil e pediátrica

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    O aumento da incidência da obesidade infantil tem sido um flagelo e uma preocupação para a saúde pública em todo o mundo, e alvo da atuação preventiva por parte dos profissionais de saúde. O objetivo deste relatório é analisar e refletir sobre as competências comuns e específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica e de Mestre adquiridos ao longo do estágio, bem como sobre a implementação do projeto de intervenção. Recorremos à metodologia de trabalho de projeto, através do empowerment dos pais/cuidadores de crianças com idade compreendidas entre os 3 e os 6 anos e com IMC ≥ P85, através das sessões educativas individuais, traduzindo um impacto positivo no ganho de conhecimento em relação à alimentação saudável e atividade física infantil. Assim, o papel do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Infantil e Pediátrica, sendo um profissional dotado de conhecimentos e competências acrescidas, demonstra um papel imprescindível na prevenção de comportamentos promotores da obesidade infantil

    Improving teamworking competence through action learning. Experiences in operations management education

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Action Learning: Research and Practice on [date of publication], available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/14767333.2019.1655391Teamworking competence is essential in many operations management environments and can be developed through formal education and practice-based experiences. The main objective of this paper is to describe and to reflect on how to facilitate students in their development in teamworking competence through action learning in Operations Management education. The research design is built around action learning research undertaken by faculty members enquiring into student action learning cycles. What emerges is an understanding of a contingent connection between the classic Tuckman teamworking stages and educator interventions where the nature and timing of the interventions differ as the team evolves. These new practice-based insights illustrate the co-development of students’ teamworking competence and educators’ capability to facilitate learning in action about teamworking. They can be used as a guide for educators and practitioners involved in the development of teamworking competence to design and implement an action learning-based educational initiative

    The relationship between external knowledge absorptive capacity and firm strategy: an exploratory analysis

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    En este trabajo se plantea que la capacidad de absorción de la empresa variará según sea la estrategia adoptada por esta. Para ello, partiendo de que la capacidad de absorción se desarrolla a través de la habilidad para adquirir, asimilar, transformar y explotar el conocimiento generado externamente, examinamos la importancia que tiene cada una de estas dimensiones en empresas que persiguen distintas estrategias. La información ha sido obtenida de una muestra compuesta por 81 empresas españolas fabricantes de pavimentos y revestimientos cerámicos. Los resultados muestran que la capacidad de adquirir conocimiento es mayor en las empresas exploradoras que en las defensoras y en las analizadoras, y que la capacidad de transformación y la capacidad de explotación son mayores en las empresas exploradoras que en las defensoras, no observándose diferencias en la capacidad de asimilación del conocimientoIn this work we raise that a firm’s absorptive capacity differs depending on the strategy being followed by the firm. We consider that absorptive capacity is formed by the ability to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit the knowledge generated externally and examine the importance that each one of these dimensions has in compa- nies that adopt different strategies. The information has been obtained from a sample composed by 81 Spanish ce- ramic tiles firms. The results show that the ability to acquire knowledge is higher in prospectors than in defenders and analyzers, and that the transformation and exploitation abilities are higher in the prospector firms than in the de- fenders, whereas no differences are observed in the knowledge assimilation capacit

    Validación del Cuestionario de Conciencia Emocional en adolescentes españoles

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    Emotional awareness is an attentional process that involves interpretive and evaluative functions, this process allows us to monitor our own emotions, differentiate from each other, identify its causes and know the physiological correlates of emotional experience (Rieffe et al., 2008). In this study, we investigated the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ30; Rieffe et al., 2008). The Emotion Awareness Questionnaire was administered to 1441 Spanish children aged 13 to 18 years old (M = 15.04 and SD = .91). The original 6-factor structure was replicated in our data. The internal consistency coefficients of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire subscales were satisfactory. We found model of 6-factor was invariant through of gender and age. Regarding convergent and discriminant validity, we found positive correlations between Emotion Awareness Questionnaire scores and stress appraisal to challenge and negative correlations between Emotion Awareness Questionnaire scores and anxiety and stress appraisal to threat

    Translation and validation of two questionnaires assessing fear of flying for Portuguese language

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    The aim of this study was to translate the FAS and FAM into Portuguese language and to assess its internal consistency, convergent and divergent validities, in a sample of Portuguese speaking population. Both scales were validated in 960 individuals, 890 from the general population and 70 flying phobics. The psychometric methods used were exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation for factor structure, Cronbach’s α coefficient for internal consistency, Pearson’s correlations for divergent and convergent validities, and finally Mann-Whitney test also for divergent validity. Results confirmed FAS-PT as a 3 factor model and FAM-PT as a 2 factor model, like the original versions. Cronbach’s α coefficient showed excellent values for FAS-PT (.99) and FAM-PT (.97). Convergent validity showed a strong correlation in both scales, with r values between .75 and .87. In opposite, divergent validity presented a poor correlation in both scales, with r values between .28 and .38. The validity and reliability of these scales were established, enabling their use within Portuguese language speakers, for investigation and clinical settings. Nevertheless, this study should be replicated in other samples and other forms of validity should be explored.