1,060 research outputs found

    Anatomia da inquietação

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar novas possibilidades de interação entre ator, personagem e figurino teatral a partir da técnica de manipulação. A melhor forma de conseguir chegar a novos modelos de interação foi o de fundir roupa, personagem e corpo de maneira coesa em uma única ação onde o espectador é o foco de sensações provocadas pelo figurino vivo e sua movimentação. Desta maneira, o resultado de mais de um ano de pesquisa á procura de uma identidade artística própria e de uma expansão visual para o figurino teatral vem em forma de performance artística. Baseado nos conceitos de “Teatro da Crueldade” de Antonin Artaud, do “Grotesco” de Wolfgang Kayser e de “Arte Abjeta” de Julia Kristeva, este figurino pretende passar todos esses conceitos em sua ação e estética

    Quality of life evaluation of women submitted to radical and partial mastectomy

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    Breast cancer is among the most common neoplasms in women; its treatment may induce physical and psychological sequelae, linked to the kind of surgery they undergo. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life and the negative impact of partial and radical mastectomy on women submitted to these operations. Twenty mastectomised women were selected and divided in two groups: segmentectomy group (n=10) and radical group (n=10). All volunteers were submitted to a quality of lifeevaluation by means of the SF-36 Health Survey and the Negative ImpactQuestionnaire (NIQ). SF-36 results showed no significant differences between the groups. Women having been submitted to radical surgery had higher NIQ scores concerning dressing, use of bathroom, hugging people, comfort when naked, sexual option and activity. Thus, although no significant differences concerning quality of life (SF-36) could be found between the groups, there is evidence of a stronger negative impact of radical mastectomy on this group when compared to the segmentectomy group.O câncer de mama é uma das neoplasias mais freqüentes entre as mulheres; seu tratamento causa permanentes seqüelas físicas e psicológicas, as quais podem ser resultado do tipo de cirurgia utilizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida e o impacto negativo da cirurgia em mulheres que realizaram mastectomia segmentar e radical. Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente 20 mulheres mastectomizadas, divididas em dois grupos de acordo com o tipo de curgia a que foram submetidas: grupo segmentectomia (n=10) e grupo radical (n=10). Todas foram avaliadas quanto à qualidade de vida por meio do questionário SF-36 e do Questionário de Impacto Negativo (QIN). Os resultados obtidos pelo SF-36 não evidenciaram diferenças significativas na qualidade de vida entre os dois grupos. Os resultados do QIN mostraram que as mulheres submetidas à cirurgia radical apresentaram maior impacto negativo no modo de se vestir, usar o banheiro, abraçar as pessoas, conforto com o nu, opção e atividade sexual, quando comparadas às submetidas à mastectomia segmentar. Embora não tenha havido diferença significativa na qualidade de vida (SF-36) entre os dois grupos, ficou evidente um maior impacto negativo nas mulheres submetidas à cirurgia radical de câncer de mama

    Influencia del anabolizante decanoato de nandrolona en la viabilidad de las células satélites musculares en el proceso de diferenciación

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    Os anabolizantes são utilizados, especialmente por atletas, com o intuito de aumento da massa muscular e melhora do desempenho. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito do anabolizante Deca-Durabolin(r) sobre a viabilidade (proliferação) de células satélites musculares C2C12 induzidas à diferenciação, mimetizando o processo de reparo após lesão. As células foram cultivadas em Meio Eagle Modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM) suplementado com 10% de Soro Fetal Bovino (SFB) e submetidas à diferenciação pela adição de 2% de soro de cavalo e concomitantemente incubadas com o anabolizante nas concentrações de 5, 10, 25 e 50 µM. Os grupos que não receberam o anabolizante nem o veículo serviram como controle. A viabilidade (proliferação) foi avaliada após um, três e cinco dias, utilizando o método de MTT (3-[4,5-dimetiltriazol-2-il]-2,5 difeniltetrazólio). Foram realizados três experimentos independentes, em cada condição citada, e os resultados submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância de p≤0,05% (ANOVA/Dunnet). Os resultados permitiram verificar que não houve diferença na viabilidade entre células musculares tratadas com o anabolizante e induzidas à diferenciação e as culturas controles que somente foram induzidas à diferenciação, em todos os parâmetros avaliados. Em conclusão, o anabolizante decanoato de nandrolona, nas concentrações avaliadas, não foi capaz de alterar a viabilidade de células musculares C2C12 durante o processo de diferenciação.Studies indicate that the anabolic nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin(r)) can modulate cell cycle regulation, but little is known about its effects on muscle cells. Anabolic steroids are used, especially by athletes, to improve muscle mass and performance in the practice of exercises. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the anabolic Deca-Durabolin(r) on the proliferation of skeletal muscle precursor cells C2C12. Cells were grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM), being supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) and subjected to differentiation by the addition of 2% horse serum. They were incubated with anabolic at concentrations of 5, 10, 25 and 50 µM. The groups that received no anabolic or vehicle served as controls. The viability (proliferation) was evaluated by the MTT method (3-[4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide; Thiazolyl blue) after one, three and five days of incubation. Three independent experiments were performed in each of the mentioned conditions, and the results were submitted to statistical analysis with significance level of p≤0.05 (ANOVA/Dunnett). Results showed no difference in viability between muscle cells treated with anabolic and the control cultures in all parameters. In conclusion, nandrolone, at the used concentrations, was not able to alter the viability of muscle C2C12 satellite cells.Se utilizan los anabolizantes, en particular por atletas con el objetivo de aumentar la masa muscular y mejoría del desempeño. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del anabolizante Deca- Durabolin(r) sobre la viabilidad (proliferación) de las células satélites musculares C2C12 inducidas a la diferenciación, imitando el proceso de reparación tras una lesión. Las células fueron cultivadas en medio Eagle modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM) suplementado con 10% de suero fetal bovino (SFB) y sometidas a diferenciación mediante la adición de 2% de suero de caballo y, simultáneamente, incubadas con el anabolizante en las concentraciones de 5 , 10 , 25 y 50 µM. En los grupos que no recibieron el anabolizante, ni el vehículo sirvió como controle . La viabilidad (proliferación) se evaluó después de uno, tres y cinco días, utilizando el método de MTT (3 - [4,5 - dimetiltriazol - 2 - il ] -2,5 difeniltetrazolio) . Se realizaron tres experimentos independientes, en cada condición citada, y los resultados sometidos al análisis estadístico con nivel de significación de p≤0,05% (ANOVA/Dunnett). Los resultados permitieron verificar que no hubo diferencia en la viabilidad entre células musculares tratadas con anabolizante e inducidas a diferenciación y culturas de controles que sólo fueron inducidas a diferenciación en todos los parámetros evaluados. En conclusión, el anabolizante decanoato de nandrolona, en las concentraciones evaluadas, no fue capaz de alterar la viabilidad de células musculares C2C12 durante el proceso de diferenciación

    Efeitos da reabilitação aquática na sintomatologia e qualidade de vida de portadoras de artrite reumatóide

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has both joint and extra-joint manifestations and may directly affect patients' quality of life. Hydrotherapy is a very useful resource for treating RA due the water physical properties and physiological effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a hydrotherapy program on RA female patients' symptoms and health-related quality of life. Eight volunteers, aged 56,4±5.2 years old, were selected for this study, all with RA diagnosis. Before and after treatment they were submitted to a physical therapy evaluation that included application of the Short Form-36 Questionnaire (SF-36) and assessment of pain, morning stiffness, and quality of sleep, by means of visual analogue scales. The treatment consisted of ten 45-minute hydrotherapy sessions, held twice a week. Collected data were statistically analysed, and significance level set at pA artrite reumatóide (AR) tem manifestações articulares e extra-articulares, afetando diretamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A hidroterapia é um recurso muito utilizado na reabilitação desses pacientes devido às propriedades físicas e efeitos fisiológicos da água. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da hidroterapia na sintomatologia e qualidade de vida de portadoras de AR. Participaram do estudo oito voluntárias com média de idade 56,4±5,2 anos e diagnóstico clínico de AR. Antes e após o tratamento todas foram submetidas a avaliação fisioterapêutica, que incluiu a aplicação do Questionário Short-Form 36 (SF-36) e avaliação da rigidez matinal, dor e qualidade do sono, por escalas analógico-visuais. O protocolo de tratamento consistiu de 10 sessões de hidroterapia de 45 minutos cada, duas vezes por semana. Os dados coletados foram tratados estatisticamente, com nível de significância fixado em

    Evaluation of Effective Transmission of Light Through Alveolar Bone: A Preliminary Study

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    Introduction: The aim of the present study was to determine the effective transmission of 660 and 780 nm lasers through mandibular and maxillary alveolar bones in the buccal-lingual/ palatal direction.Methods: The laser probe was positioned in direct contact with the surface of the anterior, middle and posterior regions of each bone (5 dried maxillae and 5 mandibles) and the power meter was positioned on the bone wall opposite to the radiated wall for the measure of the remaining energy passing through the bone tissue. Ten measurements were performed with each laser at each irradiated point.Results: Transmitted power was significantly higher in bones irradiated with 780 nm laser. Tendencies toward greater average power transmitted in the anterior region of both bones at both wavelengths were also observed.Conclusion: Dosimetry and the choice of light source may be adjusted according to the anatomic region of the alveolar bone to be treated

    Natação e aspectos morfológicos do músculo esquelético em processo de reparo após criolesão

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    The aim of study was investigate the influence of swimming on the morphological changes in skeletal muscle repair process following cryoinjury. There were used 45 rats divided into 5 groups: control (n=5), sham (n=5), adaptation (n=5), cryolesioned treated with swimming and sacrificed after 7, 14 and 21 days (n=15), untreated and cryolesioned sacrificed after 7, 14, and 21 days (n=15). Animals swan for 90 min/ each session and 6 times a week. At the end of the protocol, the animals were sacrificed and morphological analysis of the lesion area was performed. The semi-quantitative morphological analysis showed that the muscles in the control group exhibited normal histological aspects while the sham group exhibited edema, myonecrosis and inflammatory infiltrate grade 1. In groups 7, 14, and 21 days, the results indicated that there were no statistically significant differences in four stages of tissue remodeling evaluated (inflammatory infiltration, edema, necrosis, and immature muscle fibers) between the injured groups compared to groups with lesion and treated with swimming. In conclusion, it was verified that swimming did not alter morphological aspects of skeletal muscle during the repair process following cryoinjury.O objetivo do estudo foi investigar a influência da natação sobre as alterações morfológicas do músculo esquelético em processo de reparo após criolesão. Foram usados 45 ratos divididos em cinco grupos: controle (n=5); sham (n=5), adaptação (n=5), criolesionados e tratados com natação sacrificados após 7, 14 e 21 dias (n=15); criolesionados e sem tratamento aquático sacrificados após 7, 14 e 21 dias (n=15). As sessões de natação foram realizadas 6 vezes por semana com 90 min de duração cada. Ao término do protocolo os animais foram sacrificados e a análise morfológica da área da lesão foi realizada. A análise morfológica semiquantitativa demonstrou que os músculos do grupo controle apresentaram aspecto histológico normal. O grupo sham apresentou edema, mionecrose e infiltrado inflamatório em grau 1. Nos grupos 7, 14 e 21 dias, não existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas 4 etapas de remodelamento tecidual avaliadas (infiltrado inflamatório, edema, necrose e fibras musculares imaturas) entre os grupos lesionados quando comparados aos grupos com lesão e tratamento aquático. Em conclusão, foi possível verificar que a natação não causou alterações morfológicas durante o reparo do músculo esquelético após criolesão

    Photodynamic Therapy as Novel Treatment for Halitosis in Adolescents: A Case Series Study

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    Introduction: Halitosis is a common problem that affects a large portion of the population worldwide. The origin of this condition is oral in 90% of cases and systemic in 10% of cases. The foul odor is caused mainly by volatile sulfur compounds produced by Gram-negative bacteria. However, it has recently been found that anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria also produce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the presence of amino acids, such as cysteine. Light with and without the combination of chemical agents has been used to induce therapeutic and antimicrobial effects. In photodynamic therapy, the antimicrobial effect is confined to areas covered by the photosensitizing dye. The aim of the present case series study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of photodynamic therapy on halitosis in adolescents through the analysis of volatile sulfur compounds measured using a sulfide meter (Halimeter®).Methods: Five adolescents aged 14 to 16 years were evaluated using a sulfide meter before and one hour after photodynamic therapy, which involved the use of methylene blue 0.005% on the middle third and posterior thirds of the dorsum of the tongue and nine points of laser irradiation in the red band (660 nm) with an energy dose of 9 J, power output of 100 mW and 90-seconds exposure time.Results: A 31.8% reduction in the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds was found in the comparison of the initial and final readings. The statistically significant reduction (p = 0.0091) led to an absence of halitosis following treatment (mean: 58.2 ppb).Conclusion: Photodynamic therapy seems to be effective on reduction the concentration of volatile sulfur compounds.Considering the positive effects of photodynamic therapy in this case series, further studies involving microbiological analyses should be conducted to allow comparisons of the results

    Microleakage of “bulk-fill” composite resin for class II restorations pretreated with CO2 laser in deciduous molars: an in vitro study

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    Introduction: Microleakage has been reported to cause dentin hypersensitivity because of the passage of bacteria and their products through the restoration-tooth interface and is one of the main reasons for replacement of restorations. CO2 laser can be used for treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate in vitro the microleakage in composite restorations following surface pretreatment with acid etching and CO2 laser.Methods: Twelve human caries-free primary molars were selected. Class II cavities were prepared on occlusal mesial and occlusal distal surfaces. Specimens were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6): Group 1 (G1) – 37% phosphoric acid gel etching + Beautiful-Bulk Restorative – Giomer (Shofu Inc); Group 2 (G2) – 37% phosphoric acid gel etching + SDR Bulk-Fill Flow (Dentsply); Group 3 (G3) – CO2 laser irradiation + Beautiful-Bulk Restorative – Giomer (Shofu Inc); Group 4 (G4) – CO2 laser irradiation + SDR Bulk-Fill Flow (Dentsply). Surfaces were restored with bonding agent (Natural Bond DE, DFL). Specimens were cut longitudinally and immersed in 0.5% methylene blue solution for 4 hours. Microleakage scores were assessed under a magnifying glass at x3,5 and qualitatively analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Data were analyzed using nonparametric Wilcoxon test (P < 0.05).Results: Scores prevailed between 0 and 2, however, no statistically significant difference was found among the groups (P = 0.05).Conclusion: It could be concluded that all composite resins bulk fill did not show significant difference among them regarding microleakage using either CO2 laser or 37% phosphoric acid etching.  

    Formação inicial em língua inglesa baseada na metodologia de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas e conteúdos (CLIL) integrados à área de produção animal no Instituto Federal de Rondonia Campus Colorado do Oeste/Ro / Initial training in English based on the teaching-learning methodology of languages and content (CLIL) integrated to the area of animal production at the Federal Institute of Rondonia Campus Colorado do Oeste/Ro

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    A integração entre o ensino de língua e conteúdo (CLIL) na educação formal tem chamado a atenção da Europa e ao longo do tempo espalhou-se pelo mundo todo. Apesar de ainda haver muitos questionamentos e poucas pesquisas sobre o tema, tornou-se um assunto relevante em eventos acadêmicos frente à metodologias de ensino e à educação bilíngue. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de ensino através da abordagem CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning), em desenvolvimento no Centro de Idiomas do Instituto Federal de Rondônia Campus Colorado do Oeste para acadêmicos de Zooctenia e profissionais da área de produção animal. Espera-se que esta metodologia incentive os participantes à compreender que, aprender um idioma aliado ao conteúdo enriquece a aprendizagem. Além disso, espera-se fortalecer a participação dos alunos em programas de mobilidade estudantis internacionais ofertados pela Instituição de origem ou por outras Instituições

    Studies of jet quenching within a partonic transport model

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    Background: Finite mixture models posit the existence of a latent categorical variable and can be used for probabilistic classification. The authors illustrate the use of mixture models for dietary pattern analysis. An advantage of this approach is taking classification uncertainty into account. Methods: Participants were a random sample of women from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer. Food consumption was measured using dietary questionnaires. Mixture models identified latent classes in food consumption data, which were interpreted as dietary patterns. Results: Among various assumptions examined, models allowing the variance of foods to vary within and between classes fit better than alternatives assuming constant variance (the K-means method of cluster analysis also makes the latter assumption). An eight-class model was best fitting and five patterns validated well in a second random sample. Patterns with lower classification uncertainty tended to be better validated. One pattern showed low consumption of foods despite being associated with moderate body mass index. Conclusion: Mixture modelling for dietary pattern analysis has advantages over both factor and cluster analysis. In contrast to these other methods, it is easy to estimate pattern prevalence, to describe patterns and to use patterns to predict disease taking classification uncertainty into account. Owing to substantial error in food consumptions, any analysis will usually find some patterns that cannot be well validated. While knowledge of classification uncertainty may aid pattern evaluation, any method will better identify patterns from food consumptions measured with less error. Mixture models may be useful to identify individuals who under-report food consumption