6,328 research outputs found

    Nightly Use Of Computer By Adolescents: Its Effect On Quality Of Sleep

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    Objective: To analyze the influence of nocturnal use of computer and their effect on sleep quality, in a group of adolescents. Method: Two middle schools were chosen for the research. The sample consisted of adolescents n=160 (55M; 105F), with ages ranging from 15 to 18 years. Questionnaire about computer use with the objective of obtaining information regarding the time and number of hours of nocturnal computer use, were applied for collection of data. They included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), utilized to quantfy sleep quality; student report cards were used to note student's absences and grades were used. Results: The Multiple Logistic Regression test indicated that nocturnal computer use impairs good sleep (p=0.0062). Conclusion: Irregular sleep patterns associated with nightly computer use deteriorate sleep quality.652 B428432Duffy, J.F., Wright Jr, K.P., Entrainment of human circadian system by light (2005) J Biol Rhythms, 20, pp. 326-338Millman, R.P., Excessive sleepiness in adolescents and young adults: Causes, consequences and treatment strategies (2005) Pediatrics, 115, pp. 1774-1786Rajaratnam, S.M.W., Melatonin advances the circadian timing of EEG sleep and directly facilitates sleep without altering the duration in extended sleep opportunities inhumans (2004) J Physiol, 561, pp. 339-351Saper, C., Chou, T.C., Scammell, T.E., The sleep switch: Hypothalamic control of sleep and wakefulness (2001) Trend Neurosci, 24, pp. 726-731Aserinsky, E., Kleitman, N., Regularly occurring periods of eye motility, and concomitant phenomena during sleep (2003) J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 15, pp. 454-455Connor, J., Norton, R., Ameratunga, S., Driver sleepiness and risk of serius injury to car occupants: Population based case control study (2002) BMJ, 324, p. 1125Carskadon, M.A., Acebo, C., Richardson, G.S., Tate, B.A., Seifer, R., An approach to studying circadian rhythms of adolescent humans (1997) J Biol Rhythms, 12, pp. 278-289Carskadon, M.A., Wolfson, A.R., Acebo, C., Tzischinsky, O., Seifer, R., Adolescent sleep patterns, circadian timing and sleepiness at a transition to early school days (1998) Sleep, 21, pp. 871-881Gianotti, F., Cortesi, F., Sebastiani, T., Salvatore, S., Circadian preference, sleep and daytime behaviour in adolescence (2001) J Sleep Res, 11, pp. 191-199Almondes, K.M., Araújo, J.F., Sleep/wake cycle pattern and its relationship with anxiety in college students (2003) Estudos de Psicologia (Natal), 8, pp. 37-43Gaudreau, H., Carrier, J., Montplaisir, J., Age-related modifications of NREM sleep EEG from childhood to middle age (2001) J Sleep Res, 10, pp. 165-172Iglowstein, I., Oscar, G., Jenni, L.M., Remo, H.L., Sleep duration from infancy to adolescence: Referece values and generational trends (2003) Pediatrics, 111, pp. 301-307Laberge, L., Petit, D., Simard, C., Development of sleep patterns in early adolescence (2001) J Sleep Res, 10, pp. 303-307Van Dongen, H.P., Mainslin, G., Mullington, J.M., Dinges, D.F., The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: Dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation (2003) Sleep, 26, pp. 111-126Kumar K. From post-industrial to post-modern: new theories of the contemporary world. Da sociedade pós-industrial à pós-moderna: novas teorias sobre o mundo contemporâneo. Tradução Ruy Jungmann. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1997Carskadon, M.A., Patterns of sleep and sleepiness in adolescents (1990) Pediatrician, 17, pp. 5-12Carskadon, M.A., Vieira, C., Acebo, C., Association between puberty and delayed phase preference (1993) Sleep, 16, pp. 258-262Carskadon, M.A., Acebo, C., Jenni, O.G., Regulation of adolescent sleep: Implications for behavior (2004) Ann NY Acad Sci, 1021, pp. 276-291Kelman, B.B., The sleep needs of adolescents (1999) J Sch Nurs, 15, pp. 14-19Fredriksen, K., Rhodes, J., Reedy, R., Way, N., Sleepiness in Chicago: Tracking the effect of adolescent sleep loss during the middle school years (2004) Child Dev, 75, pp. 84-95Liu, X., Sleep and adolescent suicidal behavior (2004) Sleep, 27, pp. 1351-1358Reimão, R., Lemmi, H., Narcolepsy in childhood and adolescence (1991) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 49, pp. 260-264Reimão, R., Pachelli, L.C., Carneiro, R., Faiwichow, O., Primary sleep enuresis in childhood: Polysomnographic evidences of sleep and time modulation (1993) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 51, pp. 41-45Reimão, R., Souza, J.C., Gaudioso, C.E.V., Sleep habits in Native Brazilian Bororo children (1999) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 57, pp. 14-17Reimão, R., Souza, J.C., Gaudioso, C.E.V., Sleep characteristics in the isolated rural African-Brazilian descendant community of Furnas doDionisio, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (1999) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 57, pp. 556-560Reimão, R., Souza, J.C., Medeiros, M.M., Almirão, R.I., Sleep habits in Native Brazilian Terena Children in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (1998) Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 56, pp. 703-707Buysse, D.J., Reynolds, C.F., Monk, T.H., Berman, S.R., Kupfer, D., The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research (1989) Psychiatry Res, 28, pp. 192-213Programa Computacional SAS System for Windows (Statistical Analysis Sistem), versão 8.2. Cury, NC, USA: SAS InstituteInc, 1999-2001Sleep in America poll highlights and key findings, , www.sleepfoundation.org, National Sleep Foundation, on-line, 2006 [acesso em 20 jun de 2006, Disponível emBercedo Sanz, A., Redondo Figuero, C., Pelayo Alonso, R., Mass media consumption in adolescence (2005) An Pediatr (Barc), 63, pp. 16-25Vanden, B.J., Television viewing, computer game playing, and Internet use and self-reported time to bed and time out of bed in secondary-school children (2004) Sleep, 27, pp. 101-104Joo, S., Shin, C., Kim, J., Prevalence and correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in high school students in Korea (2005) Psychiatr Clin Neurosci, 59, pp. 433-440Randazzo, A.C., Muehlbach, M.J., Schweitzer, P.K., Walsh, J.K., Cognitive function following acute sleep restriction in children ages 10-14 (1998) Sleep, 21, pp. 861-86

    Go global or go home: comparing the regional vs. global engagement of Brazil and South Africa at the UN General Assembly

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    Brazil and South Africa have long been regarded as archetypical regional powers, commanding more resources than their neighbours, spearheading regional projects and pursuing high-profile global status. Yet, recent years have also evidenced how the engagement with their regions and acceptance as leading players is often ambiguous and incomplete. How does one ascertain that a regional power privileges either the regional or the global stage? Through an original dataset of Brazilian and South African output at the UN General Assembly between 1994 and 2013, we monitor sponsorship patterns and thematic preferences in order to verify whether these countries indulged their regional partners and topics. Our findings suggest that Brazil and South Africa favoured their immediate neighbourhoods but have gradually engaged their regions in different ways: while Brazilian emphasis on regional peers and themes declined over the years, South Africa developed an increasingly more regionalised UNGA agenda.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Severity, salience, and selectivity: understanding the varying responses to regional crises by Brazil and South Africa

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    Political, military and humanitarian crises endanger regional order. But even though regional powers are expected to act as stabilizers in these cases, their responses to dire demands vary in intensity and loci. Reactions go from zealous engagement to prolonged indifference and reluctance, often leaning on global multilateral institutions as well as regional or ad hoc mechanisms. This study explores the variation in the provision of stability by regional powers via a mixed-methods approach. By contrasting the intensity of regional crises with issue salience at the UN General Assembly, we select crises that drew varying attention from regional powers, despite similar severity. Focusing on Brazil and South Africa as potential regional stabilizers, we compare responses to regional crises that displayed high (Haiti and Somalia) and low (Colombia and Congo-Brazzaville) salience. We find that domestic support, concerns with status and potential competition with other stabilizers tend to play a large part in calibrating regional power responses.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    DNA-psoralen: single-molecule experiments and first principles calculations

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    The authors measure the persistence and contour lengths of DNA-psoralen complexes, as a function of psoralen concentration, for intercalated and crosslinked complexes. In both cases, the persistence length monotonically increases until a certain critical concentration is reached, above which it abruptly decreases and remains approximately constant. The contour length of the complexes exhibits no such discontinuous behavior. By fitting the relative increase of the contour length to the neighbor exclusion model, we obtain the exclusion number and the intrinsic intercalating constant of the psoralen-DNA interaction. Ab initio calculations are employed in order to provide an atomistic picture of these experimental findings.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures in re-print format 3 pages, 4 figures in the published versio

    Identificação taxonômica de três lepidópteros em cajueiro no Brasil.

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    Este trabalho objetiva relatar a identificacao taxonomica de tres especies de lepidopteros, pragas do cajueiro.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5372/1/Ct-026.pd

    Observatório de Democracias

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)O projeto Observatório de Democracias tem como objetivo prover dados sistematizados e atualizados sobre democracia e observação eleitoral no MERCOSUL, além de fornecer análises sobre a temática, permitindo que os cidadãos e os decisores dos países do bloco disponham de informações qualificadas para adotar decisões relacionadas às políticas públicas ligadas à democraciaO projeto Observatório de Democracias agradece solenemente a Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana (UNILA), especialmente a pró reitoria de extensão (PROEX), por financiar o projeto e fazer possível essa propost

    Ocorrência e controle de alguns artrópodes associados ao abacaxizeiro no distrito irrigado de Jaguaribe-Apodi, Ceará.

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    Como objetivo de se conhecer as principais pragas do abacaxizeiro na regiao da chapada do Jaguaribe-Apodi, foram conduzidos levantamentos fitossanitarios quinzenais ... os levantamentos das pragas foram feiiotos atraves de visitas a area de cultivo ..bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5413/1/Ct-039.pd
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