105 research outputs found

    HBIM and reuse: a case study on the old majolica factory “La Ceramo” of Valencia

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    [EN] Main objective of the article is to analyse the HBIM method as a necessary tool in the drafting of an intervention proposal for the protection and reuse of buildings of high historical and architectural value (Bastem & Cekmis 2021). Through a case study carried out on the old La Ceramo majolica factory in Valencia, the potential of HBIM has been analysed in terms of gathering and protecting information and public participation in the design process. As a result, it has been possible to verify how the HBIM can improve the quality of interventions in buildings owned by the Public Administration in line with the challenges of sustainable development of the UN Agenda 2030, by being able to anticipate behaviours and prevent possible risks.[ES] El artículo tiene por objetivo principal analizar el método HBIM como herramienta necesaria en la redacción de una propuesta de intervención para la protección y el reuso de edificios de alto valor histórico y arquitectónico (Bastem & Cekmis 2021). A través de un caso estudio desarrollado sobre la antigua fábrica de mayólicas La Ceramo de Valencia se han analizado las potencialidades del HBIM en términos de recopilación y protección de informaciones y participación pública al proceso de diseño. Como resultados se ha podido verificar como el HBIM permita mejorar la calidad de las intervenciones en los edificios de propiedad de la Administración Pública en línea con los retos de desarrollo sostenible de la Agenda 2030 de la ONU, al poder anticiparse a los comportamientos y prevenir posibles riesgos.Panarello, A.; Cortés Meseguer, L.; Malighetti, LE. (2021). HBIM y reuso: el caso estudio sobre la antigua fábrica de mayólicas “La Ceramo” de Valencia. EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación. 0(15):84-103. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2021.16811OJS84103015Antonopoulou, S., & Bryan, P. 2017. BIM for Heritage: Developing a Historic Building Information Model. Swindon: Historic England. [On-line] https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/bimfor-heritage/heag-154-bim-for-heritage/Bastem, S., & Cekmis, A. 2021. "Development of Historic Building Information Modelling: A Systematic Literature Review". Building Research & Information. https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2021.1983754Benito, D. 1983. Arquitectura del eclecticismo en Valencia. Valencia: Ajuntament de València.Besana, D. 2019. "Cultural Heritage design: theories and methods for the project complexity management", EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica en la Edificación, no. 11, pp. 31-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2019.12864Bulgarelli-Bolaños, J. P., Hernández-Salazar,I., Pinto-Puerto, F. 2020. "Evolución de la producción científica sobre los conceptos HBIM y modelado 3D en la gestión de obras patrimoniales". Tecnología en marcha, no. 33, pp. 89-101. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v33i8.5512Coll Conesa, J. 2013. "Los orígenes de La Ceramo y el programa de Investigación de Patrimonio Inmaterial del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España". La gaceta de Folchi. El Boletín del Museo Nacional de Cerámica, no. 20, p. 15.Coll Conesa, J. 2018. "La Ceramo (València) y la cerámica de aplicación arquitectónica (1890-1936)". In Conferencia en Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación. Universitat Politècnica de València.Galiano-Garrigós, A., González-Avilés, Á., Rizo-Maestre, C., Andújar-Montoya, M. 2019. "Energy Efficiency and Economic Viability as Decision Factors in the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings". Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 18, p.4946. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11184946García-Valldecabres, J., Galiano-Garrigós, A., Cortes-Meseguer, L., & López-González, M. 2021. "HBIM work methodology applied to preventive maintenance: a state-of-the-art review". In BIM 2021; 4th International Conference on Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations. Wesex Institut and University of the West of England. https://doi.org/10.2495/BIM210131Jordan Palomar, I., Tzortzopoulos, P., García-Valldecabres, J., & Pellicer, E. 2018. "Protocol to Manage Heritage-Building Interventions Using Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM)". In Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 908. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10040908Pinto Puerto F. 2018. "Tutela sostenible del patrimonio cultural a través de modelos digitales BIM y SIG como contribución al conocimiento e innovación social". In Revista PH, vol. 93, https://doi.org/10.33349/2018.0.4125Ricci, Y., Pasquali, A., & Giraudeau, S. 2021. "From digital drawing to dissemination of the collected data, reflections on the virtual creative process". EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica de la Edificación, no. 14, pp. 114-124 ISSN: 2605-082X. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2021.15650Rodríguez Sánchez, A. 2007. "Evolucion de las dimensiones de los ladrillos y su coordinación desde la adopción del metro como unidad de medida". ReCoPaR, no. 4, p. 19-32, ISSN 1886-2497Sender Contell, M., Giménez Ribera, M., & Perelló Roso, R. 2020. "Importancia del dibujo en los proyectos de rehabilitación. Aceitera de Marxalenes". EGE Revista de Expresión Gráfica de la Edificación, no. 13, pp. 78-97. ISSN: 2605-082X. https://doi.org/10.4995/ege.2020.14676Sutti, M., Silva de Aguiar, M., Fioriti, C., Hêngling Christófani, M. 2019. "Characterization of historical coating mortars of La Ceramo factory in Valencia". Vitruvio - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 58-73. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2019.11485United Nations. 2021. The Sustainable Development Goals Report. New York: United Nations Publications. ISBN: 978-92-1-101439-

    Panorama Cuantitativo de la Tipografía Latinoamericana : Bienal Tipos Latinos (2012-2014-2016)

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    La Tipografia Llatinoamericana ha sofert grans transformacions durant les últimes tres dècades. Moltes són les tasques que s'han emprès per impulsar la producció de noves tipografies i promoure a la regió l'ús de fonts llatinoamericanes. En l'àmbit acadèmic, s'ha expandit l'oferta d'estudis de grau i postgrau i s'ha inclòs la càtedra de tipografia en les universitats per ampliar la formació dels dissenyadors. Sent la Biennal Tipus Llatins l'esdeveniment més important per a canalitzar i difondre el talent i la producció dels tipògrafs llatinoamericans, es van prendre els seus registres de les edicions 2012, 2014 i 2016 i informació obtinguda a través d'una enquesta online enviada als seus participants, per realitzar una anàlisi quantitativa de l'escenari actual. Els resultats van ratificar la importància de les propostes acadèmiques regionals en l'evolució, tendències, identitat cultural i producció de noves fonts tipogràfiques a Llatinoamèrica.La Tipografía Latinoamericana ha sufrido grandes transformaciones durante las últimas tres décadas. Muchas son las tareas que se han emprendido para impulsar la producción de nuevas tipografías y promover en la región el uso de fuentes latinoamericanas. En el ámbito académico, se ha expandido la oferta de estudios de grado y postgrado y se ha incluido la cátedra de tipografía en las universidades para ampliar la formación de los diseñadores. Siendo la Bienal Tipos Latinos el evento más importante para canalizar y difundir el talento y la producción de los tipógrafos latinoamericanos, se tomaron sus registros de las ediciones 2012, 2014 y 2016 e información obtenida a través de una encuesta online enviada a sus participantes, para realizar un análisis cuantitativo del escenario actual cuyos resultados ratificaron la importancia de las propuestas académicas regionales en la evolución, tendencias, identidad cultural y producción de nuevas fuentes tipográficas en Latinoamérica.The Latin American Typography has undergone major changes over the past three decades. There are many tasks that have been undertaken to boost the production of new fonts in the region and promote the use of Latin American fonts. In academia, it has expanded the range of undergraduate and graduate students and included the chair of typography at universities to expand the training of designers. As the Bienal Tipos Latinos the most important channel and spread the talent and the production of Latin American typographers event records editions 2012, 2014 and 2016 and information obtained through an online survey sent to participants were taken to a quantitative analysis of the current scenario. The results reaffirmed the importance of regional academic proposals in evolution, trends, cultural identity and production of new fonts in Latin America

    Air Quality Trend of PM10. Statistical Models for Assessing the Air Quality Impact of Environmental Policies

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    A statistical modelling of PM10 concentration (2006–2015) is applied to understand the behaviour, to know the influence of the variables to exposure risk, to treat the missing data to evaluate air quality, and to estimate data for those sites where they are not available. The study area, Castellón region (Spain), is a strategic area in the framework of EU pollution control. A decrease of PM10 is observed for industrial and urban stations. In the case of rural stations, the levels remain constant throughout the study period. The contribution of anthropogenic sources has been estimated through the PM10 background of the study area. The behaviour of PM10 annual trend is tri-modal for industrial and urban stations and bi-modal in the case of rural stations. The EU Normative suggests that 90% of the data per year are necessary to control air quality. Thus, interpolation statistical methods are presented to fill missing data: Linear Interpolation, Exponential Interpolation, and Kalman Smoothing. This study also focuses on testing the goodness of these methods in order to find the ones that better approach the gaps. After analyzing graphically and using the RMSE the last method is confirmed to be the best option

    Variability of PM10 in industrialized-urban areas. New coefficients to establish significant differences between sampling points

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    One of the main problems that arise in the assessment of air quality in an area is to estimate the number of representative sampling points of each microenvironment within it. We present a new model that reduces the variability and increases the quality of the comparison of the sampling points. The study is based on the comparison between a city in eastern Spain, Vila-real, a macro city in México, Monterrey and the Piemonte region regarding the assessment of PM10 in microenvironments. Vila-real is located in the province of Castellón. This province is a strategic area in the framework of European Union (EU) pollution control. On the other hand, Monterrey in México, located in the northern state of Nuevo León, has several problems with particulate material in the atmosphere produced by the extraction of building materials in the hill that surround the city. Finally, the Piemonte region, which is located in the north of Italy, has to be in consideration due to higher concentrations of PM10 in the Po river basin. In the case of Vila-real the PM10 samples were collected by a medium volume sampler according to European regulations. Particle concentration levels were determined gravimetrically (EN 12341:1999). In the case of Monterrey the PM10 concentrations were determined by Beta Ray Attenuation according to US-EPA regulations. In the Piemonte region, the average concentration of PM10 was also obtained by means of the Beta Ray Attenuation as well as using gravimetric instruments. The methodology carried out in this paper is a useful tool for developing future Air Quality Plans in other industrialised areas

    Estudio de modelos comerciales en venta telefónica

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado es una investigación sobre los modelos de venta en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones. Consiste en una investigación cualitativa, en la que se han escuchado 100 llamadas aleatorias de una conocida compañía telefónica y las cuales se han trabajado bajo la técnica de la observación. Se han tenido en cuenta las habilidades comerciales de los asesores y la actuación de los clientes durante la negociación comercial. Gracias a esta investigación se obtiene una información de valor para las agencias de televenta que venden servicios telefónicos, encontrando patrones comerciales basados en la actuación de los clientes, que permitirán mejorar la calidad comercial de las llamadas desde la actuación de los asesores. <br /

    A review of coastal anthropogenic impacts on mytilid mussel beds: Effects on mussels and their associated assemblages

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    Mussel beds are an important habitat in many coastal systems, harboring a high diversity of biota. They are threatened by anthropogenic impacts that affect mussels and their associated assemblages. Pollution, harvesting, trampling, dredging and trawling are major threats faced by these communities. Most of the studies on the effects of such impacts on the mussel beds overlook the associated fauna. Since mussels are very resilient, especially to pollution, the associated fauna can provide a better footprint of the impacts’ effects. In this review, we looked into the main remarks regarding the effects of anthropogenic impacts in mussel bed communities. Organic pollution was the best studied impact and the Atlantic region was the best studied zone. Low values of abundance, biomass, diversity, evenness and species richness were reported for all categories of impacts, with some studies describing declines in at least three of these descriptors. Among the associated fauna, some tolerant species benefited from the impacts, particularly organic enrichment, and became more abundant, but sensitive species suffered considerable declines in density, mainly in dredging and trawling impacts. Therefore, fauna associated with mussel beds is a suitable indicator of anthropogenic disturbance

    Debugging of Web Applications with Web-TLR

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    Web-TLR is a Web verification engine that is based on the well-established Rewriting Logic--Maude/LTLR tandem for Web system specification and model-checking. In Web-TLR, Web applications are expressed as rewrite theories that can be formally verified by using the Maude built-in LTLR model-checker. Whenever a property is refuted, a counterexample trace is delivered that reveals an undesired, erroneous navigation sequence. Unfortunately, the analysis (or even the simple inspection) of such counterexamples may be unfeasible because of the size and complexity of the traces under examination. In this paper, we endow Web-TLR with a new Web debugging facility that supports the efficient manipulation of counterexample traces. This facility is based on a backward trace-slicing technique for rewriting logic theories that allows the pieces of information that we are interested to be traced back through inverse rewrite sequences. The slicing process drastically simplifies the computation trace by dropping useless data that do not influence the final result. By using this facility, the Web engineer can focus on the relevant fragments of the failing application, which greatly reduces the manual debugging effort and also decreases the number of iterative verifications.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    Alfalfa winter cutting: Effectiveness against the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and effect on its rate of parasitism due to Bathyplectes spp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    The alfalfa weevil Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest of alfalfa worldwide. In Spain, insecticide sprayings are mainly used for control with low efficacy. As a potential more sustainable control method, we determined the effectiveness of an alfalfa winter cutting for reducing pest populations in the spring and its interaction with parasitism rate due to Bathyplectes spp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Forty-two commercial fields were split in two parts and one was mowed during winter. Larval abundance in each part of the field was sampled by sweep netting in 2019 and 2020 before the first alfalfa spring cutting, when damage is caused. The rates of parasitism due to Bathyplectes anura (Thomson) and Bathyplectes curculionis (Thomson) were estimated by rearing larvae in the laboratory. Winter cutting significantly reduced the spring larval weevil populations and favored the rate of larval parasitism. Our results suggest that winter cutting can be a useful cultural method for alfalfa weevil control that has potential to be a component of an integrated pest management program.This study was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spanish Government. Project AGL2017-84127-

    Reliability Validation of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter IoT Sensor in Indoor and Outdoor Environments Using a Reference Sampler

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    A suitable and quick determination of air quality allows the population to be alerted with respect to high concentrations of pollutants. Recent advances in computer science have led to the development of a high number of low-cost sensors, improving the spatial and temporal resolution of air quality data while increasing the effectiveness of risk assessment. The main objective of this work is to perform a validation of a particulate matter (PM) sensor (HM-3301) in indoor and outdoor environments to study PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations. To date, this sensor has not been evaluated in real-world situations, and its data quality has not been documented. Here, the HM-3301 sensor is integrated into an Internet of things (IoT) platform to establish a permanent Internet connection. The validation is carried out using a reference sampler (LVS3 of Derenda) according to EN12341:2014. It is focused on statistical insight, and environmental conditions are not considered in this study. The ordinary Linear Model, the Generalized Linear Model, Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing, and the Generalized Additive Model have been proposed to compare and contrast the outcomes. The low-cost sensor is highly correlated with the reference measure ( R2 greater than 0.70), especially for PM2.5, with a very high accuracy value. In addition, there is a positive relationship between the two measurements, which can be appropriately fitted through the Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing model

    Actitudes de enfermeras de urgencias ante el concepto de reanimación presenciada

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    Objective: to review the most relevant evidence on the nurses’ attitudes towards witnessed resuscitation, in the inpatient and out-of-hospital spheres. Method: integrative literature review, covering the period from 2008 till 2015, using the databases PubMed, Lilacs and SciELO; in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The pediatric context was excluded from the study. Results: the synthesis of the data resulted in the inclusion of 10 articles, categorized as: positive attitudes and negative attitudes. Conclusions: discrepancies exist among the nurses from different contexts and geographical regions towards the concept; protocols need to be established for this situation, in view of the advantages evidenced in the literature, for the nursing professionals as well as the relatives. Witnessed resuscitation can represent an opportunity to understand and cope with the rational and irrational in the situation in a shared manner, as well as mitigate or dignify the mourning.Objetivo: revisar la evidencia más relevante acerca de las actitudes de las enfermeras en cuanto a la reanimación presenciada en el ámbito tanto intra como extrahospitalario. Metodología: revisión integradora de la literatura, abarcando los años de 2008 a 2015, utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs y SciELO; en español, inglés y portugués. Se excluyen del estudio el ámbito pediátrico. Resultados: la síntesis de los datos dio como resultado la inclusión de 10 artículos, categorizándolos en: actitudes positivas y actitudes negativas. Conclusiones: existen discrepancias entre las enfermeras de diferentes ámbitos y zonas geográficas ante dicho concepto; hay necesidad de protocolizar dicha situación dadas las ventajas que la literatura evidencia tanto para los profesionales enfermeros como para los familiares. La reanimación presenciada puede ser una oportunidad de entender y afrontar de forma compartida lo racional y lo irracional de la situación y atenuar o dignificar el duelo.Objetivo: revisar a evidência mais relevante sobre as atitudes das enfermeiras quanto à reanimação presenciada nos âmbitos intra e extra-hospitalar. Metodologia: revisão integrativa da literatura, abrangendo os anos 2008 a 2015, utilizando-se as bases de dados PubMed, Lilacs e SciELO; em espanhol, inglês e português. Exclui-se do estudo o âmbito pediátrico. Resultados: a síntese dos dados deu como resultado a inclusão de 10 artigos categorizados em: atitudes positivas e atitudes negativas. Conclusões: discrepâncias entre as enfermeiras de diferentes áreas e zonas geográficas diante de dito conceito. A necessidade de protocolar essa situação, dadas as vantagens que a literatura evidencia, tanto para profissionais enfermeiros como para familiares. A reanimação presenciada pode ser uma oportunidade de entender e enfrentar de forma compartilhada os lados racional e irracional da situação e atenuar ou dignificar o luto