1,499 research outputs found

    Deformation of geometry and bifurcation of vortex rings

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    We construct a smooth family of Hamiltonian systems, together with a family of group symmetries and momentum maps, for the dynamics of point vortices on surfaces parametrized by the curvature of the surface. Equivariant bifurcations in this family are characterized, whence the stability of the Thomson heptagon is deduced without recourse to the Birkhoff normal form, which has hitherto been a necessary tool.Comment: 26 page

    Phase-Locked Spatial Domains and Bloch Domain Walls in Type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators

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    We study the role of transverse spatial degrees of freedom in the dynamics of signal-idler phase locked states in type-II Optical Parametric Oscillators. Phase locking stems from signal-idler polarization coupling which arises if the cavity birefringence and/or dichroism is not matched to the nonlinear crystal birefringence. Spontaneous Bloch domain wall formation is theoretically predicted and numerically studied. Bloch walls connect, by means of a polarization transformation, homogeneous regions of self-phase locked solutions. The parameter range for their existence is analytically found. The polarization properties and the dynamics of walls in one- and two transverse spatial dimensions is explained. Transition from Bloch to Ising walls is characterized, the control parameter being the linear coupling strength. Wall dynamics governs spatiotemporal dynamical states of the system, which include transient curvature driven domain growth, persistent dynamics dominated by spiraling defects for Bloch walls, and labyrinthine pattern formation for Ising walls.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure

    Interlayer Magnetic Frustration in Quasi-stoichiometric Li1-xNi1+xO2

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    Susceptibility, high-field magnetization and submillimeter wave electron spin resonance measurements of layered quasi-stoichiometric Li1-xNi1+xO2 are reported and compared to isomorphic NaNiO2. A new mechanism of magnetic frustration induced by the excess Ni ions always present in the Li layers is proposed. We finally comment on the possible realization of an orbital liquid state in this controversial compound.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.B, Rapid Com

    Measurement of the Transverse-Longitudinal Cross Sections in the p (e,e'p)pi0 Reaction in the Delta Region

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    Accurate measurements of the p(e,e?p)pi0 reaction were performed at Q^2=0.127(GeV/c)^2 in the Delta resonance energy region. The experiments at the MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator used an 820 MeV polarized electron beam with the out of plane magnetic spectrometer system (OOPS). In this paper we report the first simultaneous determination of both the TL and TL? (``fifth" or polarized) cross sections at low Q^{2} where the pion cloud contribution dominates the quadrupole amplitudes (E2 and C2). The real and imaginary parts of the transverse-longitudinal cross section provide both a sensitive determination of the Coulomb quadrupole amplitude and a test of reaction calculations. Comparisons with model calculations are presented. The empirical MAID calculation gives the best overall agreement with this accurate data. The parameters of this model for the values of the resonant multipoles are |M_{1+}(I=3/2)|= (40.9 \pm 0.3)10^{-3}/m_pi, CMR= C2/M1= -6.5 \pm 0.3%, EMR=E2/M1=-2.2 \pm 0.9%, where the errors are due to the experimental uncertainties.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, minor corrections and addition

    Measurement of the Induced Proton Polarization P_n in the 12C(e,e'\vec{p}) Reaction

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    The first measurements of the induced proton polarization, P_n, for the 12C (e,e'\vec{p}) reaction are reported. The experiment was performed at quasifree kinematics for energy and momentum transfer (\omega,q) \approx (294 MeV, 756 MeV/c) and sampled a recoil momentum range of 0-250 MeV/c. The induced polarization arises from final-state interactions and for these kinematics is dominated by the real part of the spin-orbit optical potential. The distorted-wave impulse approximation provides good agreement with data for the 1p_{3/2} shell. The data for the continuum suggest that both the 1s_{1/2} shell and underlying l > 1 configurations contribute.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX, 2 postscript figures, accepted by Physical Reveiw Letter

    Stable nondegenerate optical parametric oscillation at degenerate frequencies in Na:KTP

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    We report the realization of a light source specifically designed for the generation of bright continuous-variable entangled beams and for Heisenberg-limited inteferometry. The source is a nondegenerate, single-mode, continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator in Na:KTP, operated at frequency degeneracy and just above threshold, which is also of interest for the study of critical fluctuations at the transition point. The residual frequency-difference jitter is ±\pm 150 kHz for a 3 MHz cold cavity half-width at half maximum. We observe 4 dB of photon-number-difference squeezing at 200 kHz. The Na:KTP crystal is noncritically phase-matched for a 532 nm pump and polarization crosstalk is therefore practically nonexistent

    Active wetting of epithelial tissues

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    Development, regeneration and cancer involve drastic transitions in tissue morphology. In analogy with the behavior of inert fluids, some of these transitions have been interpreted as wetting transitions. The validity and scope of this analogy are unclear, however, because the active cellular forces that drive tissue wetting have been neither measured nor theoretically accounted for. Here we show that the transition between 2D epithelial monolayers and 3D spheroidal aggregates can be understood as an active wetting transition whose physics differs fundamentally from that of passive wetting phenomena. By combining an active polar fluid model with measurements of physical forces as a function of tissue size, contractility, cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion, and substrate stiffness, we show that the wetting transition results from the competition between traction forces and contractile intercellular stresses. This competition defines a new intrinsic lengthscale that gives rise to a critical size for the wetting transition in tissues, a striking feature that has no counterpart in classical wetting. Finally, we show that active shape fluctuations are dynamically amplified during tissue dewetting. Overall, we conclude that tissue spreading constitutes a prominent example of active wetting --- a novel physical scenario that may explain morphological transitions during tissue morphogenesis and tumor progression