1,149 research outputs found

    Formal inverses of the generalized Thue-Morse sequences and variations of the Rudin-Shapiro sequence

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    A formal inverse of a given automatic sequence (the sequence of coefficients of the composition inverse of its associated formal power series) is also automatic. The comparison of properties of the original sequence and its formal inverse is an interesting problem. Such an analysis has been done before for the Thue{Morse sequence. In this paper, we describe arithmetic properties of formal inverses of the generalized Thue-Morse sequences and formal inverses of two modifications of the Rudin{Shapiro sequence. In each case, we give the recurrence relations and the automaton, then we analyze the lengths of strings of consecutive identical letters as well as the frequencies of letters. We also compare the obtained results with the original sequences.Comment: 20 page

    Domestic heat pumps

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá tepelnými čerpadly pro rodinný dům. Je rozdělena na dvě základní části. V první části je popsán princip fungování tepelného čerpadla, jeho součásti a různé typy. Jsou zde také zmíněny jednotlivé druhy nízkopotenciálních zdrojů energie včetně charakteristických vlastností a vzájemného srovnání. V druhé části je řešen návrh tepelného čerpadla pro určitý rodinný dům. Součástí projektu je navržení konkrétního tepelného čerpadla, vrtu a výpočet množství tepla potřebného pro vytápění a přípravu teplé vody. V závěru je uvedena celková ekonomická bilance včetně návratnosti investice.The Bachelor´s Thesis deals with domestic heat pumps. It is devided into two basic parts. In the first part, an operating principle, components and various types are described. Particular kinds of low-energy sources including characteristical features and comparision are mentioned there as well. In the second part, a project for a domestic heat pump is prepared. The project includes proposition of a particular heat pump, a borehole and an amount of heat needed for heating and a preparation of warm water. At the end, a complete economical balance including an economic return of the investment is mentioned.

    Izdelava poroznih kovinskih ulitkov

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    The article deals with the foundry methods of manufacturing porous metal; it is focused on the materials with a regular arrangement of internal cells. Currently. there are many fields dealing with the problem of porous metals by either optimizing the already known technologies, developing new ones or using porous metals. The production of a porous metal with a regular structure of cells and the possibility of its functional usage are the main subjects of this article. Due to their shapes, sizes and distribution of internal pores, cast porous metals exhibit various properties including reduced weight, sufficient strength, an ability to absorb impact energy, a possibility to conduct heat, etc., that allow a wide range of applications in the areas such as construction. transport or power engineering.Članek opisuje livarske metode izdelave poroznih kovin. Osredotoča se na materiale s pravilno urejenostjo notranjih celic. Trenutno se na mnogih področjih ukvarjajo s problemi poroznih kovin, bodisi z optimizacijo že znanih tehnologij, razvojem novih, ali njihovo uporabo. Glavni predmet članka je izdelava poroznih kovin s pravilno strukturo celic in možnostjo njihove uporabe. Porozni ulitki imajo zaradi svoje značilne oblike, velikosti in porazdelitve por različne specifične lastnosti, vključno z manjšo maso, zadovoljivo trdnostjo, sposobnostjo absorpcije udarne energije, prevajanja toplote itd. Vse to omogoča njihovo uporabo na različnih področjih, kot so konstrukcije, transport, inženiring prenosa energije in moči.Web of Science53114113

    Optimizing of metal foam design for the use as a heat exchanger

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    The work deals with possibilities of using this specific material. It is focused on cast metal foams with a regular arrangement of internal cells and it refers to already used casting technologies - the production of metal foamswith the aid of sand cores. Metal foamsare used in many industries, such as: automotive, aerospace, construction, power engineering. They have unique propertiesand due to lower weight with sufficient strength and greater contact surface can be used, for example, for the conduction of heat. This article deals with the useof the metal foam as a heat exchanger. The efficiency of the heat exchanger depends on its shape and size and therefore the study is focused first on the optimization of the shape before the proper manufacture.Web of Science6341881187


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    Galerie umění, designu a architektury se zaměřením na vystavování prostorových objektů, soch a architektonických modelů. Výstavní prostory jsou navrženy jako veřejný prostor, který vrcholí ve 4. nadzemním podlaží terasou se sochami a kavárnou. Vstupné je dobrovolné. Na ekonomické podpoře galerie se podílí část dílen a ubytování. V části dílen se nachází zázemí pro kreativní tvorbu a pro pořádání workshopů. Velká terasa se nachází ve výšce srovnatelné s úrovní Moravského náměstí. Návštěvník na terase se dostává do pohledového kontaktu s tímto náměstím a parkem Koliště a zároveň se vzdaluje od rušné dopravní komunikace. Celá budova se navíc prosklenou fasádou otevírá do nároží směrem k Moravskému náměstí. Fasáda se tak stává přehlídkou aktivit konajících se uvnitř a stejně jako terasa se tak stává lákadlem pro kolemjdoucí.Gallery of art, design and architecture with a focus on exhibiting spatial objects, sculptures and architectural models. Exhibition halls are designed as a public space, which culminates in the 4th floor, where the terrace with statues and the café are. Admission is based on donations. Economic support of the gallery provide workshops and accommodation. In the part of workshop sis area for creative work. The large terrace is situated at a height comparable to that of the Moravian Square. A visitor to the terrace gets exposed to contact with the square and park Koliště while away from busy roads. The entire building is extra glass facade opens into the corner toward the Moravian Square. The facade becomes a showcase of activities taking place inside as well as the terrace becomes an attraction for passers-by.

    Face Detection using Feature-Based Detectors

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    Import 06/11/2014Cílem této práce je zpracovat oblast detekce obličejů, která je dnes nedílnou součástí sociálních sítí nebo bezpečnostních systémů a podobně, zejména na základě příznakového rozpoznání pomocí renomovaných příznaků HOG, Haar a LBP. Dalším bodem je prozkoumat a popsat, na jakých principech tyto příznaky fungují. Následně také implementovat detekci obličejů s~použitím kaskádového klasifikátoru natrénovaného na výše zmíněné příznaky. K~implementaci využijeme knihovnu OpenCV 2.4.8. Pro experimentální testování jednotlivých implementací je připravena vlastní testovací sadu obrazů, na kterých bude provedeno měření rychlosti, přesnosti a funkčnosti těchto detektorů. Nakonec bude provedeno porovnání naměřených dat.The purpose of this paper is to process the field of face detection. In today's world it forms an indispensable part in - social networks or security systems. It mainly utilizes thematic recognition based on renowned features of HOG, Haar and LBP. The aim of the following section is to investigate and describe the rules of how these features function. In addition,the paper will carry out an implementation of face detection with the use of cascade classifier that is tailored to the features mentioned above. For the implementation the library OpenCV 2.4.8 will be used. In terms of experimental testing of individual implementations, a separate testing set of images is prepared. It will be used to perform a test of speed, accuracy and functionality of these detectors. The paper will conclude with performing a comparison analysis of available data.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah mengembangkan buku ajar fisika yang menggunakan multimodus representasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif dan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah (KPM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research dan Development dengan desain penelitian randomized control group pretest-postest design. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 69 orang siswa kelas X dari salah satu SMA di Kota Bandung yang terbagi menjadi kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik acak kelas. Kelas eksperimen belajar dengan buku ajar fisika menggunakan multimodus representasi sedangkan kelas kontrol belajar dengan buku ajar biasa. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan instrumen tes penguasaan konsep dan KPM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai signifikansi N-Gain untuk penguasaan konsep sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ha1 diterima dan nilai signifikansi N-Gain untuk KPM sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ha2 diterima. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi buku ajar fisika menggunakan multimodus representasi secara signifikan dapat lebih meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan KPM siswa SMA. ; The aim of this study was to develop a physics teaching materials that use multimode representation to improve cognitive and problem solving abilities. This study employed Research and Development method with randomized control group pretest-posttest design as the study design. The study sample consisted of 69 students of class X from one high school in Bandung, which is divided into an experimental class and control class. The sampling technique used is the technique of random classes. Experiment class learning with physics teaching materials that use multimode representation while control class learning with the usual physics teaching materials. The data in this study were obtained using test instruments mastery of concepts and problem solving ability. The results show the significant value of N-Gain's mastery of concepts is 0.000 <0.05 so Ha1 accepted and the significant value of N-Gain for problem solving ability is 0,000 <0.05 so Ha2 accepted. Based on these results it can be concluded that the implementation of physics teaching materials that use multimode representation can significantly improve the mastery of concepts and problem solving ability for high school students

    Composition inverses of the variations of the Baum-Sweet sequence

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    Studying and comparing arithmetic properties of a given automatic sequence and the sequence of coefficients of the composition inverse of the associated formal power series (the formal inverse of that sequence) is an interesting problem. This problem was studied before for the Thue-Morse sequence. In this paper, we study arithmetic properties of the formal inverses of two sequences closely related to the well-known Baum-Sweet sequence. We give the recurrence relations for their formal inverses and we determine whether the sequences of indices at which these formal inverses take value 00 and 11 are regular. We also show an unexpected connection between one of the obtained sequences and the formal inverse of the Thue-Morse sequence.Comment: 25 page

    Private Financing and the Finnish film industry

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    The Finnish film industry is standing at a delicate cusp. At the time of writing this thesis in 2017, domestic audiences were seeing Finnish films at an all-time high, accounting for 27% of total audience per annum. This number is significant landing Finland in the top five countries for domestic audience attendance in the European market. However, this number has remained started to decline and it would appear that growth in the national market has reached its absolute limit. The only way the Finnish film industry could expand it seems, would be by crossing its national borders through the process of internationalization. The global film industry is fiercely competitive and constantly evolving and relative to countries such as Norway, Sweden and Denmark the budgets of film production are lagging behind. The emergence of private financing in Finnish film production could help in lifting budgets on level with our neighbors, as well as, getting commercially viable domestic films to the international market. The participants for this study were chosen due to their knowledge and expertise regarding film production. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews. The purpose of this study is to examine private financing in the Finnish film industry. Seen as this is a relatively new phenomenon, it acts both as an interesting subject matter as well as a challenging one, due to there being little to none background data or information regarding it in the national market. This study focused on defining what exactly private financing is, how do the private financiers operate within the Finnish film industry and what do they contribute to the internationalization of Finnish films. The findings aligned to a certain degree with the theory presented by previous research. The findings indicate that there are different forms of private financing; angel investors, crowdfunding, teleoperators, commercial partners, product-placement and private financing funds, such as IPR.VC and Nyland Film Fund. Due to the substantial private investment capabilities of the funds, this thesis focused on them. The key findings indicate that private financing and the internationalization of the Finnish film industry were observed to support one another, and private financing will continue to allow for domestic filmmakers to aspire for bigger and increasingly ambitious productions. This ensures a growing and increasingly international Finnish film industry in the future.Suomalainen elokuva-ala seisoo herkän käännekohdan edessä. Tutkielman tekemisen ajankohtana, eli vuonna 2017, suomalaiset kävivät katsomassa kotimaisia elokuvia ennätysmäärän. Kaikista elokuvateattereissa katsotuista elokuvista oli peräti 27% oli kotimaisia elokuvia. Luku on merkittävä, suomi sijoittuu viiden parhaan joukkoon kotimaisessa katsojaosuudella Euroopan markkinoilla. Katsojaosuuden kasvu on kuitenkin pysähtynyt ja ja kääntynyt laskuun. Kasvu kotimaisilla markkinoilla näyttää saavuttaneen tietynlaisen ylärajan. Suomalaisen elokuvan kasvun mahdollisuudet näyttäisivät olevan kansainvälisillä markkinoilla. Globaali elokuvateollisuus on äärimmäisen kilpailutettu ja ala kehittyy jatkuvasti. Suhteessa Norjaan, Ruotsiin ja Tanskaan suomalaisten elokuvien budjetit ovat selvästi alhaisemmat. Yksityisen rahoituksen ilmaantuminen suomalaiselle elokuva-alalle voisi mahdollisesti kuroa umpeen tätä eroa meidän naapurimaihimme ja edesauttaa taloudellisesti kannattavien elokuvien päätymistä kansainvälisille markkinoille. Valintaperusteet tutkielman haastateltaviin olivat heidän kokemus ja asiantuntijuus elokuvatuotannossa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin tässä tutkimuksessa teemahaastatteluista. Tutkielmantarkoitus oli tarkastella yksityistä rahoitusta suomalaisella elokuva-alalla. Yksityinen rahoitus on suhteellisen uusi ilmiö ja osoittautui sekä mielenkiintoiseksi ja haastavaksi aiheeksi, sillä kotimaista aineistoa siitä ei ollut saatavilla kovinkaan paljon. Tutkielma keskittyi määrittelemään mitä tarkalleen yksityinen rahoitus on, miten yksityiset rahoittajat toimivat alalla ja miten yksityinen rahoitus auttaa suomalaisen elokuva kansainvälistymistä. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat jokseenkin yhdenmukaisia teorian kanssa. Tulokset osoittivat, että yksityisellä rahoituksella on eri muotoja; enkelisijoittajia, joukkorahoitusta, teleoperaattoreita, taloudellisia kumppaneita, tuotesijoittelua ja yksityisiä sijoitusrahastoja kuten IPR.VC ja Nyland Film Fund. Tämä tutkimus keskittyi etenkin yksityisiin sijoitusrahastoihin heidän merkittävien sijoittamismahdollisuuksien perusteella. Avain tulokset osoittivat, että yksityinen rahoitus ja kansainvälistyminen tukivat toisiaan. Yksityinen rahoitus edesauttaa kotimaisia elokuvantekijöitä tavoitella suurempia ja kunnianhimoisempia tuotantoja, varmistaen elinvoimaisen ja kansainvälisemmän elokuva-alan tulevaisuudessa

    Priority Administration

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    Since the turn of the twenty first century, drought conditions have frequently stricken much of New Mexico. Such intervals of extreme dryness have been a permanent, recurring feature of the state’s climate for at least two thousand years, according to tree ring data and other scientific evidence. Some of these past droughts lasted for decades, exceeding in severity the Dust Bowl of the 1930sand the great New Mexico drought of the 1950s. Today, climate change models indicate that the Southwest will likely become even hotter, potentially making future droughts in New Mexico more extreme. Managing water shortages promises to become even more critical. Across the west, water users and state officials have embraced a legal doctrine known as priority administration1as a tool for dealing with shortages. This process allows state officials to order a temporary reduction in water diversions for some uses so that other water uses can be supplied with the water that is available. However, state authorities seldom use this tool in view of the legal,economic, and political conflicts that would likely result. This article will describe how priority administration works, in theory and in practice. After describing priority administration as a general legal concept, the article then illustrates its practical role in four specific stream systems: the Cimarron River,the Mimbres River, the San Juan Chama Project, and the Pecos River