4,479 research outputs found

    Letter from J. S. Merriam to John Muir, 1902 Jun 30.

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    [1][letterhead]June 30 1902Dear Mr Muir.I am just back from your glacier which I found & left in good state of health - but it gave me a rather cool reception on as fair a morning as ever smiled on its rugged whiteness. It only sent out a cohort of floaters about the bay to receive us. I propose to go into the Kings River region this week some time. My last from Dr Merriam030182[letterhead]informed me that he should stop at Knoxville Tenn for a week & not reach Kings River till about 10th— Do you know anything more recent than 17th June? [illegible] I was informed here at the Academy of Sciences that he & you were intending to go in together this week - and that your daughters have already joined the club - The Chronicle of yesterday states that the Tuolumne region is on fire and its big trees almost sure to be destroyed [illegible] a high wind to S.E. Would it be likely to affect your movements?Respectfully YrsJ.S. Merriam[in margin: Wawona was sending aid -]03018 Grand Hotel, San Francisco, Cal.,June 30, 1902.Dear Mr. Muir:I am just back from your glacier, which I found and left in good state of health, but it gave me a rather cool reception on as fair a morning as ever smiled on its rugged whiteness. It only sent out a cohort of floaters about ehe bay to receive us.I propose to go into the Kings River region this week sometime. My last from Dr. Merriam informed me that he should stop at Knoxville, Tenn., for a week and not reach Kings River till about 10th. Do you know anything more recent than 17th June? I was informed here at the Academy of Sciences that he and you were intending to go in together this week and that your daughters have already joined the Club. The Chronicle of yesterday states that the Tuolumne region is on fire and its big trees almost sure to be destroyed and a high wind to the S.E. Would it be likely to affect your movements.Respectfully yours,J, S. MerriamWawona was sending aid.0301

    Letter from J. S. Merriam to John Muir, 1903 Jan 5.

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    [4]photographs of their sweet faces and write me news of you all and of Sierra Club people and pictures.It will do them no harm sending it to an old man of 7+ years. What a multitude of things and incidents come to me as I close my eyes and go back there - and at last I said farewell at Muir and then a pleasant day in town and goodbye - probably forever.[Hart?] has sent me a few of his photos. in which you and Keith appear - notably at the foot of the twin sequoias across the meadow from Sierra Camp. where Mrs Hoff[man?] fed us bountifully - with fair faced Daisy Martin to help[1]209 W. 56 Street NYJany 5 1903John Muir Esq.My very dear friend-On the 11th Dec I sent you by Wells Fargo Exp. the volumes of N[illegible] A[illegible] - and the Life of your friend Christopher North the [illegible] [named?] Wilson - a glorious bronze bust of whom - one of the finest portrait busts I have ever seen - stands near by the noble monument of Sir Walter -03131 [2]I hope you may recall our speaking of the [Noctes?], once on one of those happy, happy days of which all [illegible] [large?] in red letters, when it was my great good for time to be with you, somewhere between Visalia and the Ke[illegible] Pass, probably in the National Sequoia Park-I hope the books reached you because you then expressed your love of the N[illegible] - my card was enclosed but I fear it was not observed.[3]I meant it to reach you by Xmas time when I hope you were all together - those two dear girls whom I love to think of [among?] the lovely things of those days - and your good wife - I hope the girls did not forget to tell her of our talk about her - I trust her health is complete and that you are all well these New Year days - Of course they are or have been home from school for the holidays, and why should they not send me [8]To speak to you [thus?] by a mere letter is an aggravationMy trip to the Pacific Coast was an Episode in my life - beautiful towards its close - and the story of it has made many friends wish to go —I bid you good bye with every wish for a happy and cheerful New Year to you all and am most sincerely yoursMerriam.[5]I shall be glad to know she is married.What thousands of photos must have been take by the army of young folks of the Sierra Club - It would be interesting to see them [illegible] the [illegible] [been?] my good luck to see - a few from Hart and some 8 or ten from Smith of Visalia. I may add Nov. [11th?]. Out west where the Faculty Meeting and Dinner Time Camp - must have been taken from [illegible] for nothing else could be more funny.The portrait of John Muir is really himself in a precious mood03131 [6]was it beside a great fir tree? I am very glad to [illegible] it.I presume in the Dinner time Camp - one knowing well the party, might identify a good many. The only one I feel sure of is the Dancing Doll found at first position. In the article itself [Lummis?] lost a good opportunity.It was an event, in Nov. Century to read on [Rupert\u27s?] article the Grand Canon [diacritic] which only those who have see it well can appreciateI felt how difficult the task was to satisfy yourself - and nobody but yourself could have come off victorious. I suppose it [illegible] have been easier to have filled a [7]volume.Do please tell me how you and your family all are and how dear Mr & Mrs Keith to whom my kindliest remembrances- I have not yet seen Hart to hear of the famous Kern canon [diacritic] tripThe new year came to us with weather almost worthy of your matchless state. I was at old Norwich Conn. and though a little snow was unmelted on the ground the air was soft and hazy - like Indian Summer

    C-MOS array design techniques: SUMC multiprocessor system study

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    The current capabilities of LSI techniques for speed and reliability, plus the possibilities of assembling large configurations of LSI logic and storage elements, have demanded the study of multiprocessors and multiprocessing techniques, problems, and potentialities. Evaluated are three previous systems studies for a space ultrareliable modular computer multiprocessing system, and a new multiprocessing system is proposed that is flexibly configured with up to four central processors, four 1/0 processors, and 16 main memory units, plus auxiliary memory and peripheral devices. This multiprocessor system features a multilevel interrupt, qualified S/360 compatibility for ground-based generation of programs, virtual memory management of a storage hierarchy through 1/0 processors, and multiport access to multiple and shared memory units

    Lunar Ascent and Rendezvous Trajectory Design

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    The Lunar Lander Ascent Module (LLAM) will leave the lunar surface and actively rendezvous in lunar orbit with the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV). For initial LLAM vehicle sizing efforts, a nominal trajectory, along with required delta-V and a few key sensitivities, is very useful. A nominal lunar ascent and rendezvous trajectory is shown, along with rationale and discussion of the trajectory shaping. Also included are ascent delta-V sensitivities to changes in target orbit and design thrust-to-weight of the vehicle. A sample launch window for a particular launch site has been completed and is included. The launch window shows that budgeting enough delta-V for two missed launch opportunities may be reasonable. A comparison between yaw steering and on-orbit plane change maneuvers is included. The comparison shows that for large plane changes, which are potentially necessary for an anytime return from mid-latitude locations, an on-orbit maneuver is much more efficient than ascent yaw steering. For a planned return, small amounts of yaw steering may be necessary during ascent and must be accounted for in the ascent delta-V budget. The delta-V cost of ascent yaw steering is shown, along with sensitivity to launch site latitude. Some discussion of off-nominal scenarios is also included. In particular, in the case of a failed Powered Descent Initiation burn, the requirements for subsequent rendezvous with the Orion vehicle are outlined

    Perspectives on Adult Learning: Framing Our Research

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    Based on a review of the literature we describe the assumptions and salient concepts of two major perspectives on adult learning: the individual and the contextual. We then argue that although research should continue to be grounded in these two perspectives, we should expand our research efforts in a third paradigm consisting of an integration of these two perspectives

    New Consequences of Induced Transparency in a Double-Lambda scheme: Destructive Interference In Four-wave Mixing

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    We investigate a four-state system interacting with long and short laser pulses in a weak probe beam approximation. We show that when all lasers are tuned to the exact unperturbed resonances, part of the four-wave mixing (FWM) field is strongly absorbed. The part which is not absorbed has the exact intensity required to destructively interfere with the excitation pathway involved in producing the FWM state. We show that with this three-photon destructive interference, the conversion efficiency can still be as high as 25%. Contrary to common belief,our calculation shows that this process, where an ideal one-photon electromagnetically induced transparency is established, is not most suitable for high efficiency conversion. With appropriate phase-matching and propagation distance, and when the three-photon destructive interference does not occur, we show that the photon flux conversion efficiency is independent of probe intensity and can be close to 100%. In addition, we show clearly that the conversion efficiency is not determined by the maximum atomic coherence between two lower excited states, as commonly believed. It is the combination of phase-matching and constructive interference involving the two terms arising in producing the mixing wave that is the key element for the optimized FWM generation. Indeed, in this scheme no appreciable excited state is produced, so that the atomic coherence between states |0> and |2> is always very small.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. A, 7 pages, 4 figure

    Lived Experiences of Educational Entrepreneurs: Exploring Qualities and their Realities

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    There is a new breed of teacher who uses their skills and abilities to build and develop programs, services, and products that improve the teaching and learning process. This spawned a new type of entrepreneurship known as educational entrepreneurship, edupreneurship or teacherpreneurship. Edupreneur in the study is as a member of a school organization who engages in outside entrepreneurial activities that is relevant to education, teaching, or learning. Using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the researcher conducted interviews and confirmed them through narrative reflection, field notes, and theoretical memos to five participants. The method triangulation was used to ensure validity and achieved data saturation which helped in the interpretation of the essence of the participants’ lived experiences using the Seven-Steps of IPA Data Analysis (Smith, 2009). Based on the experiences of the participants, they exemplify and are characterized as being hands-on which means doing everything and understanding what is going on in their businesses. Being hardworking or putting much effort and keep trying to succeed both in the area of teaching and business. They also exhibited flexibility or the ability to adapt to changes may it be in their teaching career or their business and on how and when things and jobs have to be done. They are empowering as they invest in relationship with people, trusting, valuing, supporting, and communicating with them. Empowering others will lead to people wanting to work and help in achieving the goals of the business. The participants constantly learn and grow as evinced on their additional studies, training, and from their learned experiences and lessons in life. Being creative, innovative, resourceful, problem solvers, positive, and visionaries and who know themselves and their capabilities were also common characteristics of the participants who thrive and beat the odds of their two roles as edupreneurs

    Efficient Raman Sideband Generation in a Coherent Atomic Medium

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    We demonstrate the efficient generation of Raman sidebands in a medium coherently prepared in a dark state by continuous-wave low-intensity laser radiation. Our experiment is performed in sodium vapor excited in Λ\Lambda configuration on the D1_{1} line by two laser fields of resonant frequencies ω1\omega_{1} and ω2\omega_{2}, and probed by a third field % \omega_{3}. First-order sidebands for frequencies ω1\omega_{1}, ω2\omega_{2} and up to the third-order sidebands for frequency ω3\omega_{3} are observed. The generation starts at a power as low as 10 microwatt for each input field. Dependencies of the intensities of both input and generated waves on the frequency difference (ω1ω2\omega_{1}-\omega_{2}), on the frequency ω3\omega_{3} and on the optical density are investigated.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    From teaching physics to teaching children : beginning teachers learning from pupils

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    This paper discusses the development of beginning physics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in the context of teaching basic electricity during a one-year Professional Graduate Diploma in Education course (PGDE) and beyond. This longitudinal study used repeated semi-structured interviews over a period of four-and-a-half years. The interview schedule followed a line of development through the secondary school electrical syllabus in Scotland. Fifteen student teachers were interviewed during the PGDE year. Six of them were followed up at the end of the Induction Year (their first year as a newly qualified teacher), and again two-and-a-half years later. Thematic analysis of the interviews showed that before the beginning teachers had taught any classes, their initial focus was on how to transform their own subject matter knowledge (SMK) about electricity into forms that were accessible to pupils. As the beginning teachers gained experience working with classes, they gave vivid descriptions of interacting with particular pupils when teaching electricity which showed the development of their pedagogical knowledge. This played a significant role in the teachers' change of focus from teaching physics to teaching children as they transformed their SMK into forms that were accessible to pupils and developed their general pedagogical knowledge