668 research outputs found

    St. Louis and Dayton: A Juxtaposition of Cities

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    I grew up in Eureka, Missouri, a town outside the city of St. Louis. If you look at a map of my town, you see that it’s mostly surrounded by the Meramec River, something I never fully realized until I left home. I would drive to high school every morning not realizing on the other side of the trees across the street was the river

    Building and Selling the NAACP: Lulu B. White as an Organizer and Mobilizer

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    The Evolution of Black Political Participation in Reconstruction Texas

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    Connecting white and grey matter damage in multiple sclerosis using multimodal MRI

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    The aim of this thesis was to study the temporal and spatial relationships between white matter (WM) damage and grey matter (GM) atrophy in early stages of multiple sclerosis (MS) using multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, in order to better understand how neurodegeneration is related to neuroinflammation and other pathological changes in MS. Our main research question was to investigate whether GM atrophy progressed faster when there is more damage in the connected WM, and how this related to disability, in subjects with early relapsing-remitting (RR)MS. In conclusion, this thesis has given some new insights in the relation between WM and GM damage, both temporal and spatial, in early RRMS brain and spinal cord by using multimodal MRI techniques. In summary, the research presented in this thesis has led to the following conclusions: Chapter 1 - Introduction • In non-progressive MS, more WM lesions (size and/or number) correlated to more GM atrophy, both globally and regionally. In progressive MS, these correlations were less consistent. • Harmonization of methodology in MRI studies of MS is of importance to enable between-study comparisons of data. Chapter 2 – Challenges related to lesions in MS • Lesion segmentation methods vary largely in their volumetric and spatial accuracy compared to manual segmentation. • Using only one manual segmentation image as input for deep learning software (such as nicMSlesions) can already outperform commonly used (semi-)automated methods. • LESIM is a new lesion simulation tool that enables the user to introduce realistic looking MS lesions with correct shapes, locations, intensities and signal-to-noise ratios in healthy control images. This allows optimization and validation of new segmentation software in MS. Chapter 3 – Atrophy and lesions in the MS spinal cord • Upper cervical cord area (UCCA) cannot be robustly reproduced between scanners or between vendors and comparisons in multi-center studies should therefore be made with caution. • UCCA can be robustly measured when cervical cord lesions are present. • There was no temporal nor spatial relation between UCCA and cervical cord lesions in our cohort of early RRMS subjects. • Increasing cord atrophy, and not cord lesions, were predictive of increasing disability over time. Chapter 4 – Grey and white matter damage in the MS brain • Thalamic atrophy progresses faster when more damage is present in the connected WM in early RRMS and CIS. • Cortical GM atrophy progresses faster when more damage is present in the connected WM in early RRMS subjects with increasing disability. • WM integrity measures such as NODDI and MWF had additional value to standard DTI parameters in determining this WM-GM relationship, and including these acquisitions is recommended for future MRI research studies in MS

    Penyidikan terhadap Pelaku USAha dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana di Bidang Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah bentuk-bentuk perbuatan yang merupakan tindak pidana pelaku USAha terhadap konsumen yang dapat dilakukan penyidikan dan bagaimana penyidikan terhadap pelaku USAha dalam perkara tindak pidana di bidang perlindungan konsumen. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan Skripsi ini, yaitu metode penelitian hokum normative dan dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1. Jenis-jenis tindak pidana yang merugikan konsumen terjadi apabila pelaku USAha memproduksi dan/atau memperdagangkan barang dan/atau jasa yang tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan dalam undang-undang perlindungan konsumen dan tidak segera menarik barang dan/atau jasa dari peredaran. Pelaku USAha menawarkan, mempromosikan, mengiklankan suatu barang dan/atau jasa secara tidak benar atau membuat pernyataan yang tidak benar atau menyesatkan dan mengelabui konsumen dan membuat atau mencantumkan klausula baku pada setiap dokumen dan/atau perjanjian yang tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang perlindungan konsumen. 2. Penyidikan terhadap perkara tindak pidana konsumen dilakukan oleh Pejabat Polisi Negara Republik Indonesia, Pejabat Pegawai Negeri Sipil tertentu di lingkungan instansi pemerintah yang lingkup tugas dan tanggung jawabnya di bidang perlindungan konsumen juga diberi wewenang khusus sebagai penyidik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana yang berlaku. Penyidik Pejabat Pegawai Negeri Sipil berwenang melakukan pemeriksaan atas kebenaran laporan, keterangan dan bahan bukti, terhadap orang atau badan hukum, tempat dan penyitaan terhadap barang hasil pelanggaran termasuk meminta bantuan ahli dalam rangka pelaksanaan tugas penyidikan tindak pidana di bidang perlindungan konsumen

    Akibat Hukum dalam Proses Penyelesaian Roya

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    This study aims to find out the nature or meaning of arranged royalties and find out the legal consequences in the settlement process of royalties. The negligence of the debtor in committing roya or writing off the mortgage right after paying off the debt at the bank can result in the debtor being harmed. This research method uses normative legal research using a statutory approach. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the nature or meaning of roya is regulated based on Article 18 paragraph (1) of Law Number 4 of 1996 concerning Mortgage Rights on Land and Objects Related to Land requiring that mortgage rights be carried out at Regency/City Land Offices. The legal consequences in the roya settlement process include causing fines for taking Credit Principal Documents at the time of repayment of debt at the bank if there is a delay, the mortgage guarantee still has the status of being a debt guarantee at the Bank and has not fully become property. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that roya is essentially an important document that has an important role with its main benefit being proof of the mortgage debt of the house or land taken. In accordance with the Mortgage Law regulations, it is explained that with the existence of roya, it proves the existence of a legal certainty that the debt agreement period that has occurred between the creditor and the debtor has expire

    Association of S-type and I-type granitoids in the Neoproterozoic Cameroon orogenic belt, Bafoussam area, West Cameroon - geology, geochemistry and petrogenesis

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    Die Region Bafoussam im westlichen Kamerun ist Teil des "Cameroon Neoproterozoic orogenic belt" (nördlich des Kongo Kratons), welcher zum "Central African Fold Belt" (CAFB)gehört. Die Entstehung des CAFB hängt ursächlich mit der Kollision zwischen dem konvergierenden Westafrikanischen Kraton, dem Sao Francisco Kongo Kraton und dem Sahara Megakraton zusammen. Die untersuchten Gesteine, im wesentlichen Granitoide, die während der pan-afrikanischen Orogenese in Migmatite und Gneisse intrudierten, sind auf einer Fläche von ca. 1000 km2 aufgeschlossen. Die Platznahme der Bafoussam Granitoide wurde zum einen durch die N 30 ʿE verlaufende transversale Störungszone entlang der Verlängerung der "Cameroon Volcanic Line" beeinflusst, zum anderen durch die N 70 ʿE verlaufende "CentralCameroon Shear Zone". Im Gelände finden diese beiden Richtungen Ausdruck in der Schieferung und Foliation der Gesteine, der Orientierung von Störungen, sowie der Anordnung von vulkanischen Kegeln.Das untersuchte Gebiet in der Umgebung von Bafoussam beherbergt vier Typen von Granitoiden: (i) Biotit-Granitoid, (ii) deformierter Biotit-Granitoid, (iii) Mega-Feldspat-Granitoid und (iv) Zwei-Glimmer-Granitoid...thesi

    On the relevance of numerical simulations to booming sand

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    We have performed a simulation study of 3D cohesionless granular flows down an inclined chute. We find that the oscillations observed in [L.E. Silbert, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 098002 (2005)] near the angle of repose are harmonic vibrations of the lowest normal mode. Their frequencies depend on the contact stiffness as well as on the depth of the flow. Could these oscillations account for the phenomena of "booming sand"? We estimate an effective contact stiffness from the Hertz law, but this leads to frequencies several times higher than observed. However, the Hertz law also predicts interpenetrations of a few nanometers, indicating that the oscillations frequencies are governed by the surface stiffness, which can be much lower than the bulk one. This is in agreement with previous studies ascribing the ability to sing to the presence of a soft coating on the grain surface.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review E http://pre.aps.org; Physical Review E (2012) to be publishe
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