1,974 research outputs found

    Incubation with a complex orange essential oil leads to evolved mutants with increased resistance and tolerance

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    Emergence of strains with increased resistance/tolerance to natural antimicrobials was evidenced after cyclic exposure to carvacrol, citral, and (+)-limonene oxide. However, no previous studies have reported the development of resistance and tolerance to complex essential oils (EOs). This study seeks to evaluate the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant and tolerant to a complex orange essential oil (OEO) after prolonged cyclic treatments at low concentrations. Phenotypic characterization of evolved strains revealed an increase of minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration for OEO, a better growth fitness in presence of OEO, and an enhanced survival to lethal treatments, compared to wild-type strain. However, no significant differences (p > 0.05) in cross-resistance to antibiotics were observed. Mutations in hepT and accA in evolved strains highlight the important role of oxidative stress in the cell response to OEO, as well as the relevance of the cell membrane in the cell response to these natural antimicrobials. This study demonstrates the emergence of S. aureus strains that are resistant and tolerant to EO (Citrus sinensis). This phenomenon should be taken into account to assure the efficacy of natural antimicrobials in the design of food preservation strategies, in cleaning and disinfection protocols, and in clinical applications against resistant bacteria

    A topological charge selection rule for phase singularities

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    We present an study of the dynamics and decay pattern of phase singularities due to the action of a system with a discrete rotational symmetry of finite order. A topological charge conservation rule is identified. The role played by the underlying symmetry is emphasized. An effective model describing the short range dynamics of the vortex clusters has been designed. A method to engineer any desired configuration of clusters of phase singularities is proposed. Its flexibility to create and control clusters of vortices is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Strict Anatomical Colocalization of Vitiligo and Elastolytic Granulomas

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    Vitiligo is the most common depigmenting disorder, with a worldwide occurrence of 0.1-2% in the general population. Multiple conditions have been described colocalized in vitiligo patches, like psoriasis or lichen planus. However, actinic granuloma has not been described in association with vitiligo lesions so far

    Hematopoyesis heterotópica en anillos osificados de la tráquea de gallinas ponedoras afectadas con síndrome respiratorio crónico

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    En un estudio aleatorizado realizado en Cuba y en gallinas ponedoras y sus reemplazos afectadaspor síndrome respiratorio crónico (SRC), se muestrearon los órganos del sistema respiratorio de 65 gallinas,48 reemplazos y 30 sin alteraciones clínica aparentes. Las muestras fueron procesadas por histología convencional. Como hallazgo no esperado se observó la osificación del cartílago hialino de la tráquea (OCHT) y la presencia de medula ósea en los núcleos osificados. Esto fue confirmado por la tinción de Giemsa donde se pudo identificar células mieloblásticas y eritroblásticas. Dada la relación que existe entre la insuficiencia ventilatoria y la OCHT con hematopoyesis heterotópica en ambas categorías, se pueden establecer los siguientes mecanismos hipotéticos: Las aves pudieron establecer una adaptación de la Hb a la hipoxia crónica a la formación de hematopoyesis en la OCHT, como mecanismo compensatorio ante la hipoxia crónica causada por la insuficiencia ventilatoria, además existe una estrecha relación entre los osteoblastos (OCHT) y la hematopoyesis heterotópica

    Abcg2 transporter affects plasma, milk and tissue levels of meloxicam

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    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcp.2020.113924ATP-binding cassette (ABCG2) is an efflux transporter that extrudes xenotoxins from cells in liver, intestine, mammary gland, brain and other organs, affecting the pharmacokinetics, brain accumulation and secretion into milk of several compounds, including antitumoral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the widely used anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam is an Abcg2 sustrate, and how this transporter affects its systemic distribution. Using polarized ABCG2-transduced cell lines, we found that meloxicam is efficiently transported by murine Abcg2 and human ABCG2. After oral administration of meloxicam, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve in Abcg2-/- mice was 2-fold higher than in wild type mice (146.06 ± 10.57 μg·h/ml versus 73.80 ± 10.00 μg·h/ml). Differences in meloxicam distribution were reported for several tissues after oral and intravenous administration, with a 20-fold higher concentration in the brain of Abcg2-/- after oral administration. Meloxicam secretion into milk was also affected by the transporter, with a 2-fold higher milk-to-plasma ratio in wild-type compared with Abcg2-/- lactating female mice after oral and intravenous administration. We conclude that Abcg2 is an important determinant of the plasma and brain distribution of meloxicam and is clearly involved in its secretion into milk.S

    Anestesia local y Sedación para Intubación con Fibrobroncoscopio de paciente con Vía Aérea Difícil

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    Presentamos el caso clínico de un varón de 60 años con vía aérea difícil que debía realizarse una tiroidectomía total por el diagnóstico de bocio multinodular tóxico y que, un mes antes, había tenido un intento fallido de intubación con fibrobroncoscopio

    Self-organization approach for THz polaritonic metamaterials

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    In this paper we discuss the fabrication and the electromagnetic (EM) characterization of anisotropic eutectic metamaterials, consisting of cylindrical polaritonic LiF rods embedded in either KCl or NaCl polaritonic host. The fabrication was performed using the eutectics directional solidification self-organization approach. For the EM characterization the specular reflectance at far infrared, between 3 THz and 11 THz, was measured and also calculated by numerically solving Maxwell equations, obtaining good agreement between experimental and calculated spectra. Applying an effective medium approach to describe the response of our samples, we predicted a range of frequencies in which most of our systems behave as homogeneous anisotropic media with a hyperbolic dispersion relation, opening thus possibilities for using them in negative refractive index and imaging applications at THz range

    Abcg2 transporter affects plasma, milk and tissue levels of meloxicam

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    33 p.ATP-binding cassette (ABCG2) is an efflux transporter that extrudes xenotoxins from cells in liver, intestine, mammary gland, brain and other organs, affecting the pharmacokinetics, brain accumulation and secretion into milk of several compounds, including antitumoral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the widely used anti-inflammatory drug meloxicam is an Abcg2 sustrate, and how this transporter affects its systemic distribution. Using polarized ABCG2-transduced cell lines, we found that meloxicam is efficiently transported by murine Abcg2 and human ABCG2. After oral administration of meloxicam, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve in Abcg2-/- mice was 2-fold higher than in wild type mice (146.06 ± 10.57 μg·h/ml versus 73.80 ± 10.00 μg·h/ml). Differences in meloxicam distribution were reported for several tissues, with a 20-fold higher concentration in the brain of Abcg2-/- compared to wild-type mice. Meloxicam secretion into milk was also affected by the transporter, with a 2.5-fold higher milk-to-plasma ratio in wild-type compared with Abcg2-/- lactating female mice (0.58 ± 0.08 versus 0.23 ± 0.06). We conclude that Abcg2 is an important determinant of the plasma and brain distribution of meloxicam and is clearly involved in its secretion into milk. This study was supported by the research projects AGL2015-65626-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and RTI2018-100903-B-I00 (AEI/FEDER, UE); and by the predoctoral grants from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (BES-2016-077235 grant to AMGL), and from Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (FPU14/05131 grant to DGM AND FPU18/01559 grant to EBP); and the Junta de Castilla y Leon and European Regional Development Fund (Post-Doctoral Fellowship LE011P17 grant to IAF)

    Clinical implications of changing thyroglobulin and antithyroglobulin antibodies analytical methods in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    Background and aims: Patients’ response to treatment in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is classified according to serum thyroglobulin concentrations (Tg), usually using the American Thyroid Association guidelines and considering potential interfering anti-thyroglobulin antibodies (Ab-Tg). We aim to evaluate the clinical implications of changing Tg and Ab-Tg quantification method. Material and methods: Tg and Ab-Tg were quantified in 82 serum samples (60 from DTC patients) by Elecsys and Access immunoassays. Results: Elecsys immunoassay rendered higher values of Tg than Access: mean bias 5.03 ng/mL (95%CI:- 14.14–24.21). In DTC patients, there was an almost perfect agreement for response classification (kappa index = 0.833). Discrepancies appeared in patients with undetermined response, with a more tendency to subclassification with Access. Ab-Tg showed a poor correlation (r = 0.5394). When Elecsys cut-off was reduced to 43 IU/ mL, agreement for positive/negative classification improved from a kappa index of 0.607 to 0.650. Prospective study with personalized follow-up showed that only 6.3% of Tg results required an analytical confirmation, being confirmed 93% of them. Conclusions: Despite the biases observed, clinical impact of an analytical change is minimal in patients’ management. However, cautious and personalized follow-up period after the change is still mandatory, especially in patients with Tg levels between 0.2 and 1 ng/mL

    Calendario de vacunaciones de la Asociación Española de Pediatría: recomendaciones 2019

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    El Comité Asesor de Vacunas de la Asociación Española de Pediatría publica anualmente el calendario de vacunaciones que estima idóneo para los niños residentes en España, teniendo en cuenta la evidencia disponible. En cuanto a las vacunas financiadas, se recomienda emplear el esquema 2 + 1 (2, 4 y 11 meses) con vacunas hexavalentes (DTPa-VPI-Hib-HB) y con antineumocócica conjugada 13-valente. Se aconseja un refuerzo a los 6 años, preferentemente con DTPa, junto con una dosis de polio para aquellos que recibieron esquemas 2 + 1, así como vacunación con Tdpa en adolescentes y en cada embarazo, entre la semana 27 y la 32. Se emplearán esquemas de 2 dosis para triple vírica (12 meses y 3-4 años) y varicela (15 meses y 3-4 años). La segunda dosis se podría aplicar como vacuna tetravírica. Se recomienda vacunación sistemática universal frente al VPH, tanto a chicas como a chicos, preferentemente a los 12 años, debiéndose realizar un mayor esfuerzo para mejorar las coberturas. La nueva vacuna de 9 genotipos amplía la cobertura para ambos sexos. Se recomienda que la vacuna antimeningocócica conjugada tetravalente (MenACWY) se introduzca en el calendario financiado a los 12 meses y a los 12-14 años, aconsejándose un rescate hasta los 19 años. Igualmente, se recomienda en los mayores de 6 semanas de edad con factores de riesgo o que viajen a países de elevada incidencia de estos serogrupos. Respecto a las vacunas no financiadas, se recomienda la antimeningocócica B, con esquema 2 + 1, solicitando su entrada en el calendario. Es recomendable vacunar a todos los lactantes frente al rotavirus. The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for children resident in Spain, according to available evidence on current vaccines. As regards funded immunisations, the 2 + 1 strategy (2, 4, 11 months) with hexavalent (DTPa-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal vaccines are recommended. Administration of the 6-year booster dose with DTPa is recommended, with a poliomyelitis dose for children who had received the 2 + 1 scheme, as well as Tdap vaccine for adolescents and pregnant women in every pregnancy between 27 and 32 weeks gestation. The 2-dose scheme should be used for MMR (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years). MMRV vaccine could be applied as the second dose. Vaccination against HPV is recommended in both genders, preferably at 12 years of age. A stronger effort should be made to improve vaccination coverage. The new 9-valent vaccine is now available, expanding the coverage for both genders. Tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is recommended at 12 months and 12-14 years, with a catch-up up at 19 years of age. It is also recommended in infants older than 6 weeks of age with risk factors, or travellers to countries with high incidence of ACWY meningococcal serogroups. As regards non-funded immunisations, it is recommended meningococcal B vaccination, with a 2 + 1 schedule, and requests that it be included in the National Immunisation Program. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants