602 research outputs found

    Ideas que hacen escribir. Los comienzos de José Jiménez Lozano en los periódicos (1956-1969).

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    El debate sobre el acceso al periodismo, si debe restringirse a los egresados de las facultades o no, encuentra un escollo en las trayectorias de quienes han dejado una clara impronta en el periodismo español reciente. José Jiménez Lozano, licenciado en Derecho, escritor de reconocido prestigio internacional, fue periodista de profesión. La recurrida polémica sobre el parentesco entre periodismo y literatura es siempre actual: se afirma, se niega, se señalan sus diferencias y se quiere encontrar cuál de ellas precede a la otra. Ambas actividades tienen en común muchos elementos. Para empezar, su detonador, ese anhelo que empuja a ciertas personas, a expresarse por medio de la pluma y de hacerlo no en el ámbito privado o de las amistades, sino en las ágoras que las sociedades crean. Entre ellas, el periódico. Periodista y escritor son, ante todo, comunicadores. En su escritura vuelcan su modo de ver la realidad. Advierten sobre ciertos peligros, denuncian actitudes y engaños, aportan conocimientos, esbozan remedios. La pregunta sobre la relación de periodismo y literatura se torna más interesante cuando se abandona el corsé de las teorías y la mirada se detiene en el escritor en singular o en el periodista, con nombre y apellidos. En su obra concreta es donde se podría intentar trazar la línea que defina lo que es periodismo y lo que es literatura, o determinar qué faceta de la persona lleva a la otra. El estudio del inicio del trabajo periodístico de Jiménez Lozano intentará responder a esta pregunta: ¿por qué José Jiménez Lozano se convirtió en periodista? A través de las inquietudes que reflejó en sus primeros años de escritura periodística, se intentará descubrirlo

    Early geomagnetic data from the Astronomical Observatory of Madrid (1879–1901)

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    La recuperación de los primeros datos geomagnéticos es esencial para mejorar el conocimiento de la evolución del campo geomagnético. Se describe un conjunto de datos recuperados recientemente que incluye valores medios decádicos (10 días) de la declinación geomagnética y algunos valores dispersos de inclinación geomagnética medidos en el Observatorio Astronómico de Madrid desde 1879 hasta 1901. Estos datos recuperados se comparan directamente con los resultados obtenidos de un modelo geomagnético. Los datos se han puesto ahora a disposición de la comunidad científica en forma digital.The recovery of early geomagnetic data is essential to improve knowledge of the evolution of the geomagnetic field. A recently recovered dataset is described that includes mean decadal (10 days) values of the geomagnetic declination and some disperse values of geomagnetic inclination measured at the Astronomical Observatory of Madrid from 1879 to 1901. These recovered data are compared directly with the results obtained from a geomagnetic model. The data have now been made accessible for the scientific community in digital form.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Becas AYA2014-57556-P y CGL201787917-P • Junta de Extremadura. Beca GR15137 e IB16127peerReviewe

    The influence of Ga composition of GaInAsN QDs on N incorporation.

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    Currently, dilute nitride III-N-As semiconductors, such as InGaAsN/GaAs quantum well material system, allow to develop very competitive lasers at long wavelength emission (1.3 µm). However, longer wavelengths, such as 1.55 µm, are very difficult to achieve without making worse the performance of the device. Alternatively, as it is well known, great efforts are being devoted to the study of dilute nitride III-N-As quantum dots (QDs) semiconductor [1]. Mainly, this is due to the attractive advantages that they show over other materials and structures: the strong reduction in the bandgap of the III-As semiconductor by adding even a few percent of nitrogen into them, and the interesting physical properties that the QDs offer to laser characteristics (e.g. low threshold current, etc

    Copper nitride: a versatile semiconductor with great potential for next-generation photovoltaics

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    Copper nitride (Cu3N) has gained significant attention recently due to its potential in several scientific and technological applications. This study focuses on using Cu3N as a solar absorber in photovoltaic technology. Cu3N thin films were deposited on glass substrates and silicon wafers by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering at different nitrogen flow ratios with total pressures ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 Pa. The thin films' structural, morphology and chemical properties were determined by XRD, Raman, AFM and SEM/EDS techniques. The results revealed that the Cu3N films exhibited a polycrystalline structure, with the preferred orientation varying from (100) to (111) depending on the working pressure employed. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of Cu-N bonds through characteristic peaks observed in the 618-627 cm-1 range. While SEM and AFM images confirmed the presence of uniform and smooth surface morphologies. The optical properties of the films were investigated using UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy and photothermal de-flection spectroscopy (PDS). The obtained band gap, refractive index, and Urbach energy values demonstrated promising optical properties for Cu3N, indicating their potential as solar absorbers in photovoltaic technology. This study highlights the favorable properties of Cu3N films deposited by the RF sputtering method, paving the way for their implementation in thin-film photovoltaic technologies. These findings contribute to the progress and optimisation of Cu3N-based materials for efficient solar energy conversion

    Two-dimensional distributed feedback lasers with thermally-nanoimprinted perylenediimide-containing films

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    Two-dimensional (2D) distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with gratings imprinted by thermal nanoimprint lithography on the active film are reported. They show thresholds for lasing of ∼10 kW/cm2, similar to the most efficient imprinted DFB lasers reported; and long operational lifetimes (under ambient conditions) of ∼12 × 104 pump pulses. The key for their successful operation has been the selection of a highly efficient and stable dye, perylene orange (PDI-O), and a proper matrix to host it, the fluoro-modified thermoplastic resist mr-I7030R, which has enabled 2D imprinting while preserving the dye optical properties. The use of the UV-curable resist SU8 as an alternative matrix for PDI-O to be imprinted by combined nanoimprint and photolithography was also investigated, and was concluded to be unsuccessful due to severe photoluminescence quenching. By replacing PDI-O with Rhodamine 6G, lasers with reasonable thresholds, but with significantly inferior operational lifetimes in comparison to PDI-O/mr-I7030R devices, were obtained.We thank support from the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through Grants MAT2011-28167-C02 and MAT2015-66586-R, as well as to the University of Alicante. M.M-V. has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747) and by a Junta de Castilla y León grant (no. SA046U16)

    Distributed feedback lasers based on perylenediimide dyes for label-free refractive index sensing

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    The refractive index sensing capabilitity of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers based on highly photostable (under ambient conditions) perylenediimide-based active films, are reported. The sensor bulk sensitivity is determined from changes in the laser emission wavelength upon exposure to different liquids. The role of the active film thickness (hf) on the sensor sensitivity and on the laser parameters is studied. Sensors based on very thin films (hf = 160 nm) show the highest sensitivities, but their laser thresholds are relatively high and their operational durabilities moderate. The use of thicker films (hf = 850 nm) allows reducing the laser threshold and increasing the durability by two orders of magnitude. In this case, a higher sensitivity is achieved when the sensor operates at the wavelength corresponding to the first-order TE1 mode, instead of at the TE0 one. Finally, it is also shown that the inclusion of a high refractive index TiO2 layer on top of the sensor structure improves the sensitivity by around two times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO) and the European Community (FEDER) through grant no. MAT-2011–28167-C02. This work was partially funded by the Basque Government within the framework of the Etortek Program (Grant No. IE13-360). M. Morales-Vidal has been partly supported by a MINECO FPI fellowship (no. BES-2009-020747)