59 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of the number of threshold functions on a two-dimensional rectangular grid

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    Let m,n2m,n\ge 2, mnm\le n. It is well-known that the number of (two-dimensional) threshold functions on an m×nm\times n rectangular grid is {eqnarray*} t(m,n)=\frac{6}{\pi^2}(mn)^2+O(m^2n\log{n})+O(mn^2\log{\log{n}})= \frac{6}{\pi^2}(mn)^2+O(mn^2\log{m}). {eqnarray*} We improve the error term by showing that t(m,n)=\frac{6}{\pi^2}(mn)^2+O(mn^2). $

    The arithmetic derivative and Leibniz-additive functions

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    An arithmetic function ff is Leibniz-additive if there is a completely multiplicative function hfh_f, i.e., hf(1)=1h_f(1)=1 and hf(mn)=hf(m)hf(n)h_f(mn)=h_f(m)h_f(n) for all positive integers mm and nn, satisfying f(mn)=f(m)hf(n)+f(n)hf(m) f(mn)=f(m)h_f(n)+f(n)h_f(m) for all positive integers mm and nn. A motivation for the present study is the fact that Leibniz-additive functions are generalizations of the arithmetic derivative DD; namely, DD is Leibniz-additive with hD(n)=nh_D(n)=n. In this paper, we study the basic properties of Leibniz-additive functions and, among other things, show that a Leibniz-additive function ff is totally determined by the values of ff and hfh_f at primes. We also consider properties of Leibniz-additive functions with respect to the usual product, composition and Dirichlet convolution of arithmetic functions

    Improving eigenvalue bounds using extra bounds

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    AbstractBounds for various functions of the eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix A, based on the traces of A and A2, are improved. A technique is presented whereby these bounds can be improved by combining them with other bounds. In particular, the diagonal of A, in conjunction with majorization, is used to improve the bounds. These bounds all require O(n2) multiplications

    Asymptotics of partial sums of the Dirichlet series of the arithmetic derivative

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    Let pinmathbbPpinmathbb P and sinmathbbRsinmathbb R, and suppose thatemptysetnePsubsetmathbbPemptysetne Psubsetmathbb P is finite.Given ninmathbbZ+ninmathbb Z_+, let n2˘7n\u27, n2˘7pn\u27_p, and n2˘7Pn\u27_P denote respectively its arithmetic derivative, arithmetic partial derivative with respect to~pp,and arithmetic subderivative with respect to~PP. We study the asymptotics of sum1lenlexfracn2˘7ns,,sum1lenlexfracn2˘7pns,quadrmand,,sum1lenlexfracn2˘7Pns.sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27}{n^s},,sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27_p}{n^s},quad{rm and},,sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27_P}{n^s}. We also show that the abscissa of convergence of the corresponding Dirichlet series equals~two

    Asymptotics of partial sums of the Dirichlet series of the arithmetic derivative

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    Let pinmathbbPpinmathbb P and sinmathbbRsinmathbb R, and suppose thatemptysetnePsubsetmathbbPemptysetne Psubsetmathbb P is finite.Given ninmathbbZ+ninmathbb Z_+, let n2˘7n\u27, n2˘7pn\u27_p, and n2˘7Pn\u27_P denote respectively its arithmetic derivative, arithmetic partial derivative with respect to~pp,and arithmetic subderivative with respect to~PP. We study the asymptotics of sum1lenlexfracn2˘7ns,,sum1lenlexfracn2˘7pns,quadrmand,,sum1lenlexfracn2˘7Pns.sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27}{n^s},,sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27_p}{n^s},quad{rm and},,sum_{1le nle x}frac{n\u27_P}{n^s}. We also show that the abscissa of convergence of the corresponding Dirichlet series equals~two

    Peruskoulun yläluokkien matematiikan opetus on eriytettävä

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    Kirjoittajien mielestä matematiikan opetus pitäisi eriyttää peruskoulun 7.–9. luokilla. Jäykkään tasoryhmittelyyn ei ole paluuta, mutta näiden luokkien matematiikan opetus on jaettava kahteen linjaan, joiden ”työnimet” voisivat olla matematiikkalinja ja laskentolinja. Niillä olisi eri opetussuunnitelmat ja oppimateriaalit