1,128 research outputs found

    Test of goodness of fit for the inverse-gaussian distribution

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    Entropy based test of goodness of fit is proposed for inverse-gaussian distribution

    C1-continuous space-time discretization based on Hamilton's law of varying action

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    We develop a class of C1-continuous time integration methods that are applicable to conservative problems in elastodynamics. These methods are based on Hamilton's law of varying action. From the action of the continuous system we derive a spatially and temporally weak form of the governing equilibrium equations. This expression is first discretized in space, considering standard finite elements. The resulting system is then discretized in time, approximating the displacement by piecewise cubic Hermite shape functions. Within the time domain we thus achieve C1-continuity for the displacement field and C0-continuity for the velocity field. From the discrete virtual action we finally construct a class of one-step schemes. These methods are examined both analytically and numerically. Here, we study both linear and nonlinear systems as well as inherently continuous and discrete structures. In the numerical examples we focus on one-dimensional applications. The provided theory, however, is general and valid also for problems in 2D or 3D. We show that the most favorable candidate -- denoted as p2-scheme -- converges with order four. Thus, especially if high accuracy of the numerical solution is required, this scheme can be more efficient than methods of lower order. It further exhibits, for linear simple problems, properties similar to variational integrators, such as symplecticity. While it remains to be investigated whether symplecticity holds for arbitrary systems, all our numerical results show an excellent long-term energy behavior.Comment: slightly condensed the manuscript, added references, numerical results unchange

    Критерії класифікації покарань

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    The scientific article presents an analysis of the criteria established in the current legislation of Ukraine and existing in the legal literature for distinguishing certain types of punishments.It has been established that the types of punishments provided for in the criminal law are fixed not in a chaotic order, but depending on the degree of their severity, and thus constitute a system of punishments. In addition, the criminal legislation deals with basic and additional punishments. So, punishments are divided into those that can be applied: 1) only as main ones; 2) only as additional; 3) as main and as additional.The following criteria for the division of punishments are distinguished, on the basis of which it is permissible to allocate separate groups of punishments: by term: 1) term; 2) indefinite and 3) one-moment or one-act, without defining the term; in relation to isolation from society: 1) associated with isolation from society and 2) not associated with isolation from society; according to the subject to which they apply: 1) general and 2) special, etc.Particular attention is focused on the classification of punishments according to the nature of the rights restrictions that the convicted person experiences as a result of their application. According to this criterion, punishment is divided into the following groups: those that exert moral and psychological influence; those that limit work capacity; those that limit ownership; those that limit personal freedom.The article emphasizes that it is permissible to classify punishments according to such criteria as: depending on the admissibility of their application to minors; depending on the possibility of applying parole from serving them; in connection with the punishment with or without the use of forced labor of the convicted person; according to the degree of strictness of regime restrictions; considering the possibility of replacing punishment with other types of punishment. It was concluded that the list of criteria outlined above for the classification of punishments is endowed with a non-exhaustive nature and can be expanded. At the same time, it is emphasized that different classification criteria play different legal roles (meanings) in the mechanism of combating crime (criminal-legal, criminal-executive, criminological), which once again testifies to the multifaceted nature of the institution of punishmentУ науковій статті представлений аналіз закріплених у чинному законодавстві України та існуючих у юридичній літературі критеріїв для виокремлення окремих видів покарань. Встановлено, що передбачені у кримінальному законі види покарань закріплені не в хаотичному порядку, а залежно від ступеня їх суворості, а відтак становлять систему покарань. Крім того, у кримінальному законодавстві йде мова про основні та додаткові покарання. Так, покарання поділяються на такі, що можуть застосовуватися: 1) лише як основні; 2) лише як додаткові; 3) як основні і як додаткові.Виокремлено наступні критерії для поділу покарань, на основі яких допустимо виділяти окремі групи покарань: за строком: 1) строкові; 2) безстрокові та 3) одномоментні чи одноактні, без визначення строку; за зв’язком з ізоляцією від суспільства: 1) пов’язані з ізоляцією від суспільства та 2) не пов’язані з ізоляцією від суспільства; за суб’єктом, до якого вони застосовуються: 1) загальні та 2) спеціальні тощо.Окрему увагу закцентовано на класифікації покарань за характером правообмежень, які зазнає засуджений у результаті їх застосування. Відповідно до цього критерію покарання поділено на наступні групи: ті, які здійснюють морально-психологічний вплив; ті, які обмежують трудову правоздатність; ті, які обмежують право власності; ті, які обмежують особисту свободу.У статті наголошено, що класифікацію покарань допустимо здійснювати за такими критеріями, як: залежно від припустимості їх застосування до неповнолітніх; залежно від можливості застосування умовно-дострокового звільнення від їх відбування; за зв’язком покарання з використанням примусової праці засудженого чи без її використання; за ступенем суворості режимних обмежень; з огляду на можливість заміни покарання іншими видами покарань. Зроблено висновок, що перелік окреслених вище критеріїв для класифікації покарань наділений невичерпним характером і може бути розширений. Водночас підкреслено, що різні класифікаційні критерії відіграють різну правову роль (значення) у механізмі боротьби зі злочинністю (кримінально-правову, кримінально-виконавчу, кримінологічну), що у черговий раз свідчить про багатоаспектний характер інституту покаранн

    Co-Production in Digital Transformation of Public Administration and Public Value Creation:The case of Denmark

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    Public administrations are investing in the digital transformation of their citizen-oriented services and internal administrative processes. They are using co-production approaches and include different types of stakeholders into these transformative processes to increase service quality and generate public value. In this study, we investigate how these co-production approaches are implemented in both digital strategy formulation and implementation in Denmark. We identify four different types of public value: citizen, economic, administrative and societal public value.publishe

    Networks, Hierarchies, and Markets: Aggregating Collective Problem Solving in Social Systems

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    How do decentralized systems collectively solve problems? Here we explore the interplay among three canonical forms of collective organization--markets, networks, and hierarchies--in aggregating decentralized problem solving. We examine these constructs in the context of how the offices of members of Congress individually and collectively wrestle with the Internet, and, in particular, their use of official websites. Each office is simultaneously making decisions about how to utilize their website. These decisions are only partially independent, where offices are looking at each other for lessons, following the same directives from above about what to do with the websites, and confront the same array of potential vendors to produce their website. Here we present the initial results from interviews with 99 Congressional offices and related survey of 100 offices about their decisions regarding how to use official Member websites. Strikingly, we find that there are relatively few efforts by offices to evaluate what constituents want or like on their websites. Further, we find that diffusion occurs at the "tip of the iceberg": offices often look at each others' websites (which are publicly visible), but rarely talk to each other about their experiences or how they manage what is on their websites (which are not publicly visible). We also find that there are important market drivers of what is on websites, with the emergence of a small industry of companies seeking to serve the 440 Members. Hierarchical influences--through the House and through the party conferences--also constrain and subsidize certain practices.

    What does Big Data mean to public affairs research? Understanding the methodological and analytical challenges

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    The term ‘Big Data’ is often misunderstood or poorly defined, especially in the public sector. Ines Mergel, R. Karl Rethemeyer, and Kimberley R. Isett provide a definition that adequately encompasses the scale, collection processes, and sources of Big Data. However, while recognising its immense potential it is also important to consider the limitations when using Big Data as a policymaking tool. Using this data for purposes not previously envisioned can be problematic, researchers may encounter ethical issues, and certain demographics are often not captured or represented

    Digitally-induced change in the public sector : a systematic review and research agenda

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    Digital transformation has become a buzzword that is permeating multiple fields, including public administration and management. However, it is unclear what is transformational and how incremental and transformational change processes are linked. Using the PRISMA method, we conduct a systematic literature review to structure this growing body of evidence. We identified 164 studies on digitally-induced change and provide evidence for their drivers, implementation processes, and outcomes. We derive a theoretical framework that shows which incremental changes happen in public administrations that are implementing digital technologies and what their cumulative, transformative effects are on society as a whole.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Prosocial Motivation of Private Sector IT Professionals Joining Government

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    Attracting highly skilled IT talent has become a priority and an immense burden for government organizations—especially when they have other—higher paying—employment opportunities. We set out to explore why IT professionals choose a government job to make an impact on society. We aim at disentangling the effects of different types of motives, such as extrinsic, intrinsic, and other-oriented motivational forces on the decision to accept a challenging government IT job. We use self-determination theory (SDT) to analyze publicly available statements of former private sector IT professionals reporting their reason for joining 18F. Our study is one of the first attempts to use SDT as a comprehensive framework for conducting qualitative research into work motivation in the public sector. We shed light on the conceptual and empirical distinctiveness of motives, behaviors, and perceptions of prosocial impact, which are often lumped together in the public service motivation (PSM) literature. We contribute novel empirical evidence to a nascent stream of research that uses SDT to disentangle the intrinsic, prosocial, and purely extrinsic motives that drive individuals' decisions to join public-sector organizations

    Magnetic properties of Fe/Dy multilayers: a Monte Carlo investigation

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    We investigate the magnetic properties of a Heisenberg ferrimagnetic multilayer by using Monte Carlo simulations. The aim of this work is to study the local structural anisotropy model which is a possible origin of the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in transition metal/rare earth amorphous multilayers. We have considered a face centered cubic lattice where each site is occupied by a classical Heisenberg spin. We have introduced in our model of amorphous multilayers a small fraction of crystallized Fe-Dy nanoclusters with a mean anisotropy axis along the deposition direction. We show that a competition in the energy terms takes place between the mean uniaxial anisotropy of the Dy atoms in the nanoclusters and the random anisotropy of the Dy atoms in the matrix.Comment: accepte pour publication - Proceeding of the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 06) - Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material