827 research outputs found

    Growth and development of larval bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) in response to early exposure to high CO2

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2013Coastal and estuarine environments experience large variability and rapid shifts in pCO2 levels. Elevated pCO2, or ocean acidification, often negatively affects early life stages of calcifying marine invertebrates, including bivalves, but it is unclear which developmental stage is most sensitive. I hypothesized that initial calcification is a critical stage during which high pCO2 exposure has severe effects on larval growth and development of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians). Using five experiments varying the timing of exposure of embryonic and larval bay scallops to high CO2, this thesis identifies two distinct stages of development during which exposure to high CO2/low pH causes different effects on bay scallop larvae. I show that any exposure to high CO2 consistently reduces survival of bay scallop larvae. I also show that high CO2 exposure during initial calcification (12-24 h post-fertilization) results in significantly smaller shells, relative to ambient conditions, and this size decrease persists through the first week of development. High CO2 exposure at 2-12 h post-­ fertilization (pre-calcification), does not impact shell size, suggesting that the CO2 impact on size is a consequence of water chemistry during calcification. However, high CO2 exposure prior to shell formation (2-12 h post-fertilization) causes a high incidence of larval shell deformity, regardless of CO2 conditions during initial calcification. This impact does not occur in response to high CO2 exposure after the 2-12 h period. The observations of two critical stages in early development has implications for both field and hatchery populations. If field populations were able to time their spawning to occur during the night, larvae would undergo initial calcification during the daytime, when CO2 conditions are more favorable, resulting in larger veliger larvae. Hatcheries could invest minimal resources to monitor and modify water chemistry only during the first day of development to ensure larva are exposed to favorable conditions during that critical period.This work was funded by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship the WHOI Academic Programs Office; NSF grant OCE-­0326734 to L. Mullineaux, H. Caswell, C. Dibacco, J. Lerczak, S. Thorrold, and M. Neubert; a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Interdisciplinary Award to L. Mullineaux and D. McCorkle; and awards to L. Mullineaux and M. White, to D. McCorkle, and to A. Cohen and D. McCorkle through NOAA Sea Grant #NA10OAR4170083. White received additional funding from WHOI’s Coastal Ocean Institute Student Research Funds and Woods Hole Sea Grant New Initiative Funds

    Early exposure of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) to high CO2 causes a decrease in larval shell growth

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 8 (2013): e61065, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061065.Ocean acidification, characterized by elevated pCO2 and the associated decreases in seawater pH and calcium carbonate saturation state (Ω), has a variable impact on the growth and survival of marine invertebrates. Larval stages are thought to be particularly vulnerable to environmental stressors, and negative impacts of ocean acidification have been seen on fertilization as well as on embryonic, larval, and juvenile development and growth of bivalve molluscs. We investigated the effects of high CO2 exposure (resulting in pH = 7.39, Ωar = 0.74) on the larvae of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians from 12 h to 7 d old, including a switch from high CO2 to ambient CO2 conditions (pH = 7.93, Ωar = 2.26) after 3 d, to assess the possibility of persistent effects of early exposure. The survival of larvae in the high CO2 treatment was consistently lower than the survival of larvae in ambient conditions, and was already significantly lower at 1 d. Likewise, the shell length of larvae in the high CO2 treatment was significantly smaller than larvae in the ambient conditions throughout the experiment and by 7 d, was reduced by 11.5%. This study also demonstrates that the size effects of short-term exposure to high CO2 are still detectable after 7 d of larval development; the shells of larvae exposed to high CO2 for the first 3 d of development and subsequently exposed to ambient CO2 were not significantly different in size at 3 and 7 d than the shells of larvae exposed to high CO2 throughout the experiment.This work was funded by a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Interdisciplinary Award to Mullineaux & McCorkle; and awards to Mullineaux & White, to McCorkle, and to Cohen & McCorkle through NOAA (National Oceanic and Admosphereic Administration) Sea Grant #NA10OAR4170083. White was funded through a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship through the American Society for Engineering Education

    Community Science in Support of Ecosystem-Based Management: A Case Study from the Damariscotta River Estuary, Maine, USA

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    Coastal marine ecosystems are dynamic social-ecological systems (SESs) that support diverse ecosystem services and human activities. The complexity of SESs means that ecosystem-based approaches are increasingly used to support coastal marine ecosystem stewardship. We report how a community science program in Maine, USA offers a model of organizational innovation to expand capacities for shellfish research and management. Since 2019, we have collaborated with local students, shellfish harvesters, and others in data collection, interpretation, and application, contributing to local shellfish management and ecosystem sustainability. We demonstrate how community-based social and ecological research can build adaptive capacities by centering local knowledge; generating long-term and fine-scale datasets; supporting community-led management and civic engagement; and contributing to field methods that people with varied lived experiences and training can implement in a sustainable fashion. Our approach can be adapted to other contexts, particularly in data-limited SESs that are experiencing observable social and ecological change

    Measuring ecosystem services from soil health. Vermont Payment for Ecosystem Services Technical Research Report #1

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    There are a multitude of approaches to evaluating soil health and the soil processes influenced by soil health. As the state of Vermont explores innovative programs that compensate farmers for soil health and associated ecosystem services, the selection of soil health indicators and quantification methods is a foundational first step that influences other aspects of program design. What is measured determines the ecosystem services that can be inferred, the accuracy of data that informs decisions, and programmatic transaction costs. Simply put, what is measured matters. The PES Working Group identified organic matter, bulk density, aggregate stability, greenhouse gas flux from the soil surface and soil biodiversity as the soil health indicators that would be most closely related to the desired ecosystem services, and contracted with UVM to provide more information on the measurement considerations for these indicators. In this report, the available methods and costs of measurement for these soil health indicators are discussed in detail. In addition, modeling options are identified. Finally an index that could combine multiple soil health indicators is explored as an option. Overall, this foundational research identified the need for the PES program to integrate both soil health measurements with modeling to validate soil health. Costs for laboratory analysis and labor for these selected metrics were approximately $250 per field, and we identified three analytical laboratories that could provide the soil health analysis. The contents of this report are intended to support decision-making on the part of the Vermont Soil Health and Payment for Ecosystem Services Working Group about what will be measured in a PES, but do not constrain the group from adding other metrics should they so desire. This decision must balance accuracy and complexity with the cost of measuring the best indicators of performance. These decisions are foundational to other aspects of PES program design

    The Relationship Between Intermittent Limit Cycles and Postural Instability Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

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    Background: Many disease-specifc factors such as muscular weakness, increased muscle stiffness, varying postural strategies, and changes in postural refexes have been shown to lead to postural instability and fall risk in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recently, analytical techniques, inspired by the dynamical systems perspective on movement control and coordination, have been used to examine the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of postural declines and the emergence of postural instabilities in people with PD. Methods: A wavelet-based technique was used to identify limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) in the anterior–posterior (AP) postural sway of people with mild PD (n = 10) compared to age-matched controls (n = 10). Participants stood on a foam and on a rigid surface while completing a dual task (speaking). Results: There was no signifcant difference in the root mean square of center of pressure between groups. Three out of 10 participants with PD demonstrated LCOs on the foam surface, while none in the control group demonstrated LCOs. An inverted pendulum model of bipedal stance was used to demonstrate that LCOs occur due to disease-specifc changes associated with PD: time-delay and neuromuscular feedback gain. Conclusion: Overall, the LCO analysis and mathematical model appear to capture the subtle postural instabilities associated with mild PD. In addition, these fndings provide insights into the mechanisms that lead to the emergence of unstable posture in patients with PD

    Respiratory treatment history predicts suck pattern stability in preterm infants

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    Sensory deprivation and motor restriction associated with extensive oxygen therapy may lead to poor oromotor control in preterm infants. Non-nutritive suck is one of the first complex oromotor behaviors infants perform. This study determined the spatiotemporal variability of non-nutritive suck (NNS) pressure trajectories in three preterm groups with differing oxygen histories—one control group with minimal or no O2 therapy, and two Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) groups with either a mild/moderate (RDS1) or moderate/severe (RDS2) O2 history. The Non-nutritive Suck Spatiotemporal Index (NNS STI) quantifies spatial and temporal variability across kinematic trajectories, and was calculated from digital representations of infants’ suck pressure signals. An ANCOVA revealed a significant effect for group (p \u3c .001) on the NNS STI measure, with RDS2 infants showing highly variable NNS patterning, and thus relatively underdeveloped suck. Extensive oxygen therapy, which alters the oral sensory environment and reduces motor experiences, disrupts the development of coordinated NNS in preterm infants

    A Spatially Resolved Inner Hole in the Disk around GM Aurigae

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    We present 0.3 arcsec resolution observations of the disk around GM Aurigae with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at a wavelength of 860 um and with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. These observations probe the distribution of disk material on spatial scales commensurate with the size of the inner hole predicted by models of the spectral energy distribution. The data clearly indicate a sharp decrease in millimeter optical depth at the disk center, consistent with a deficit of material at distances less than ~20 AU from the star. We refine the accretion disk model of Calvet et al. (2005) based on the unresolved spectral energy distribution (SED) and demonstrate that it reproduces well the spatially resolved millimeter continuum data at both available wavelengths. We also present complementary SMA observations of CO J=3-2 and J=2-1 emission from the disk at 2" resolution. The observed CO morphology is consistent with the continuum model prediction, with two significant deviations: (1) the emission displays a larger CO J=3-2/J=2-1 line ratio than predicted, which may indicate additional heating of gas in the upper disk layers; and (2) the position angle of the kinematic rotation pattern differs by 11 +/- 2 degrees from that measured at smaller scales from the dust continuum, which may indicate the presence of a warp. We note that photoevaporation, grain growth, and binarity are unlikely mechanisms for inducing the observed sharp decrease in opacity or surface density at the disk center. The inner hole plausibly results from the dynamical influence of a planet on the disk material. Warping induced by a planet could also potentially explain the difference in position angle between the continuum and CO data sets.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The Role of the CD4 Receptor versus HIV Coreceptors in Envelope-Mediated Apoptosis in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    AbstractWe examined the role of CD4, CXCR4, and CCR5 in HIV envelope-mediated apoptosis by measuring the response of activated PBMCs to recombinant envelope proteins derived from CXCR4- and CCR5-utilizing viruses. Apoptosis of T cells was assessed by annexin-V staining and TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling. Treatment of CCR5Δ32 homozygote PBMCs with a CCR5-specific envelope induced apoptosis in T cells, demonstrating that envelope–CD4 interactions are sufficient to induce apoptosis. However, a CXCR4-specific envelope induced higher levels of apoptosis than a CCR5-specific envelope, suggesting that envelope-mediated apoptosis can be enhanced by envelope–CXCR4 interactions. We conclude that envelope can induce apoptosis in T cells independently of the coreceptor specificity of a given envelope, or the expression profile of CXCR4 or CCR5 on a target cell. However, envelope–coreceptor interactions, and in particular, envelope–CXCR4 interactions, can contribute to this process
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