48 research outputs found

    Types, Stratégies et Enjeux des nouveaux supports de l\u27information

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    MĂ©moire de Master Archives numĂ©riques portant sur les technologies numĂ©riques de sauvegarde permettant l\u27archivage d’importantes quantitĂ©s d’informations et sur l\u27Ă©volution des stratĂ©gies archivistiques

    Quelles connaissances du Plan S et de la stratégie de non-cession des droits ??

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    Cette enquĂȘte intitulĂ©e « Quelle·s connaissance·s du Plan S et de la stratĂ©gie de rĂ©tention [non-cession] des droits ? » a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e Ă  la fin de l’annĂ©e 2022 par le groupe juridique du groupe de travail science ouverte du Consortium Couperin (GTSO). DiffusĂ©e sous forme d’un questionnaire en ligne, elle s’adressait aux professionnels de l’information scientifique et technique (IST) et personnels des services d’appui Ă  la recherche, travaillant dans des universitĂ©s, organismes de recherche et grandes Ă©coles. L’objectif de cette enquĂȘte Ă©tait de mesurer le niveau de connaissance et d’appropriation du Plan S de ces professionnels, leurs besoins Ă©ventuels d’accompagnement, alors qu’il n’existe pas Ă  ce jour de cadre d’application global du Plan S dans les Ă©tablissements et structures de recherche françaises

    High precision astrometry mission for the detection and characterization of nearby habitable planetary systems with the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope (NEAT)

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    (abridged) A complete census of planetary systems around a volume-limited sample of solar-type stars (FGK dwarfs) in the Solar neighborhood with uniform sensitivity down to Earth-mass planets within their Habitable Zones out to several AUs would be a major milestone in extrasolar planets astrophysics. This fundamental goal can be achieved with a mission concept such as NEAT - the Nearby Earth Astrometric Telescope. NEAT is designed to carry out space-borne extremely-high-precision astrometric measurements sufficient to detect dynamical effects due to orbiting planets of mass even lower than Earth's around the nearest stars. Such a survey mission would provide the actual planetary masses and the full orbital geometry for all the components of the detected planetary systems down to the Earth-mass limit. The NEAT performance limits can be achieved by carrying out differential astrometry between the targets and a set of suitable reference stars in the field. The NEAT instrument design consists of an off-axis parabola single-mirror telescope, a detector with a large field of view made of small movable CCDs located around a fixed central CCD, and an interferometric calibration system originating from metrology fibers located at the primary mirror. The proposed mission architecture relies on the use of two satellites operating at L2 for 5 years, flying in formation and offering a capability of more than 20,000 reconfigurations (alternative option uses deployable boom). The NEAT primary science program will encompass an astrometric survey of our 200 closest F-, G- and K-type stellar neighbors, with an average of 50 visits. The remaining time might be allocated to improve the characterization of the architecture of selected planetary systems around nearby targets of specific interest (low-mass stars, young stars, etc.) discovered by Gaia, ground-based high-precision radial-velocity surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in Experimental Astronomy. The full member list of the NEAT proposal and the news about the project are available at http://neat.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Circulating adrenomedullin estimates survival and reversibility of organ failure in sepsis: the prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock-1 (AdrenOSS-1) study

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    Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM) regulates vascular tone and endothelial permeability during sepsis. Levels of circulating biologically active ADM (bio-ADM) show an inverse relationship with blood pressure and a direct relationship with vasopressor requirement. In the present prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock 1 (, AdrenOSS-1) study, we assessed relationships between circulating bio-ADM during the initial intensive care unit (ICU) stay and short-term outcome in order to eventually design a biomarker-guided randomized controlled trial. Methods: AdrenOSS-1 was a prospective observational multinational study. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included organ failure as defined by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, organ support with focus on vasopressor/inotropic use, and need for renal replacement therapy. AdrenOSS-1 included 583 patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis or septic shock. Results: Circulating bio-ADM levels were measured upon admission and at day 2. Median bio-ADM concentration upon admission was 80.5 pg/ml [IQR 41.5-148.1 pg/ml]. Initial SOFA score was 7 [IQR 5-10], and 28-day mortality was 22%. We found marked associations between bio-ADM upon admission and 28-day mortality (unadjusted standardized HR 2.3 [CI 1.9-2.9]; adjusted HR 1.6 [CI 1.1-2.5]) and between bio-ADM levels and SOFA score (p < 0.0001). Need of vasopressor/inotrope, renal replacement therapy, and positive fluid balance were more prevalent in patients with a bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission than in those with bio-ADM ≀ 70 pg/ml. In patients with bio-ADM > 70 pg/ml upon admission, decrease in bio-ADM below 70 pg/ml at day 2 was associated with recovery of organ function at day 7 and better 28-day outcome (9.5% mortality). By contrast, persistently elevated bio-ADM at day 2 was associated with prolonged organ dysfunction and high 28-day mortality (38.1% mortality, HR 4.9, 95% CI 2.5-9.8). Conclusions: AdrenOSS-1 shows that early levels and rapid changes in bio-ADM estimate short-term outcome in sepsis and septic shock. These data are the backbone of the design of the biomarker-guided AdrenOSS-2 trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02393781. Registered on March 19, 2015

    Deprescribing benzodiazepines and Z-drugs in community-dwelling adults: a scoping review

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    Le dépistage clinique des conducteurs sous influence de psychotropes

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    Si l'alcool a reprĂ©sentĂ©, pendant des dĂ©cennies la principale cause d'altĂ©ration comportementale chez les conducteurs, la consommation de drogues illicites est devenue, depuis une vingtaine d'annĂ©es, une cause non nĂ©gligeable de troubles du comportement au volant. Si certains pays ont mis en place des procĂ©dures cliniques d'Ă©valuation comportementale depuis de nombreuses annĂ©es, d'autres sont restĂ©s pratiquement exclusivement orientĂ©s sur la dĂ©tection des Ă©tats d'alcoolisation. Si la preuve biologique est un apport important dans la dĂ©termination de l'Ă©tat d'ivresse dans les pays qui utilisent les tests comportementaux, cet apport n'est pas toujours indispensable pour autoriser une procĂ©dure judiciaire. Si la dĂ©tection initiale des altĂ©rations du comportement chez les conducteurs repose toujours Ă  la base sur les policiers de terrains, des approches diffĂ©rentes sont ensuite utilisĂ©es selon les pays. Les USA ont dĂ©veloppĂ©, depuis une quinzaine d'annĂ©es, un systĂšme basĂ© sur des policiers experts, spĂ©cialement entraĂźnĂ©s, chargĂ©s de rĂ©aliser une Ă©valuation complĂšte de l'Ă©tat du conducteur. Les Pays Scandinaves, l'Allemagne et la Belgique, ont des procĂ©dures sensiblement diffĂ©rentes. A la base, le policier de terrain a pour seul objectif d'Ă©tablir, Ă  l'aide de tests simples, s'il y a ou non une lĂ©gitime suspicion l'Ă©tat d'ivresse. Si cette suspicion est avĂ©rĂ©e, il est procĂ©dĂ©, avec l'aide d'un mĂ©decin, Ă  un prĂ©lĂšvement biologique, gĂ©nĂ©ralement sanguin, qui servira Ă  Ă©tablir la preuve judiciaire. En France oĂč il n'y pas d'obligation d'Ă©valuation comportementale chez les conducteurs, ou mĂȘme de suspicion d'ivresse, la dĂ©tection Ă©tait uniquement focalisĂ©e sur la dĂ©termination d'une imprĂ©gnation alcoolique jusqu'Ă  la mise en place de la loi sur la conduite sous l'emprise de stupĂ©fiants. Pour faire face Ă  ce problĂšme, les procĂ©dures de dĂ©tection devront logiquement reposer sur une Ă©valuation clinique et comportementale prĂ©liminaire et susceptible d'avoir une valeur probante devant les tribunaux

    Development of negatives electrodes made of titanium and niobium oxide for Li-Ions battery

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    Ce travail de doctorat concerne l’étude du matĂ©riau TiNb2O7 en tant qu’électrode nĂ©gative pour batteries Li-ion.Dans ce cadre une technique de synthĂšse simple et robuste a Ă©tĂ© mise au point, permettant la rĂ©alisation d’une large quantitĂ© de matĂ©riau dont la puretĂ© et la granulomĂ©trie sont contrĂŽlĂ©es et compatibles avec la rĂ©alisation d’électrodes de qualitĂ©. Une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e sur le comportement en Ă©lectrochimie du composĂ© TiNb2O7 a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e et des mesures en cyclage galvanostatique Ă  diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes, notamment lors d’un emploi Ă  haut rĂ©gime avec des capacitĂ©s en insertion de 150 mAh.g-1 Ă  10C et 275 mAh.g-1 Ă  C/10.Toutefois ces mesures ont Ă©galement mis en avant une dĂ©gradation supposĂ©e du matĂ©riau suite Ă  la rĂ©alisation d’un cycle lent et la formation de composĂ© Ă  haut taux de lithium. Pour comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne, la diffraction des rayons X in situ et post mortem a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. L’étude des affinements rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les diffractogrammes a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence un processus de lithiation impliquant une succession de trois rĂ©actions de solution solide menant Ă  une importante dilatation volumique, de l’ordre de 10% sans pour autant montrer d’évolution de la structure. Il a alors fallu recourir Ă  la spectroscopie Raman pour mettre en Ă©vidence une possible disparition de dĂ©fauts et la possible Ă©volution de la structure.En dernier lieu nous nous sommes attachĂ©s Ă  caractĂ©riser le gaz produit par une Ă©lectrode de TiNb2O7. Ce composĂ© prĂ©sente un dĂ©gagement gazeux important mais qui reste Ă©quivalent Ă  celui de Li4Ti5O12, une fois rapportĂ© Ă  sa capacitĂ©. Des analyses operando ont permis de montrer que ce gaz est majoritairement composĂ© de dihydrogĂšne.This PhD work was about the study of the material TiNb2O7 as a negative electrode for Li-ion batteries.In this framework a simple and robust synthesis method has been developed, allowing the realization of a large quantity of material with controlled purity and granulometry that are compatible with the realization of high quality electrodes. A detailed study on the electrochemical behavior of the compound TiNb2O7 was achieved and measurements in galvanostatic cycling at different C-rates have highlighted interesting properties, especially when used at high cycling rates with insertion capacities of 150 mAh.g-1 at 10C and 275 mAh.g-1 at C/10.However, these measurements also revealed a supposed degradation of the material following the realization of a cycle at low rate and the formation of a highly lithiated compound. To understand this phenomenon, in situ and post mortem X-ray diffraction have been used. The study of the refinement carried out on the diffractograms revealed a lithiation process involving a succession of three solid solution reactions leading to significant volume expansion, of the order of 10% without showing any structural evolutions. It was then necessary to use Raman spectroscopy to highlight a possible removal of the defects and the possible evolution of the structure. Finally, we have characterized the gas produced by a TiNb2O7 electrode. The corresponding gas generation is equivalent to the one of Li4Ti5O12, once related to its specific capacity. Operando analyses have shown that this gas is mainly composed of dihydrogen

    DĂ©veloppement d’électrodes nĂ©gatives Ă  base d’oxydes mixtes de Titane et de Niobium pour accumulateurs Li-Ion

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    This PhD work was about the study of the material TiNb2O7 as a negative electrode for Li-ion batteries.In this framework a simple and robust synthesis method has been developed, allowing the realization of a large quantity of material with controlled purity and granulometry that are compatible with the realization of high quality electrodes. A detailed study on the electrochemical behavior of the compound TiNb2O7 was achieved and measurements in galvanostatic cycling at different C-rates have highlighted interesting properties, especially when used at high cycling rates with insertion capacities of 150 mAh.g-1 at 10C and 275 mAh.g-1 at C/10.However, these measurements also revealed a supposed degradation of the material following the realization of a cycle at low rate and the formation of a highly lithiated compound. To understand this phenomenon, in situ and post mortem X-ray diffraction have been used. The study of the refinement carried out on the diffractograms revealed a lithiation process involving a succession of three solid solution reactions leading to significant volume expansion, of the order of 10% without showing any structural evolutions. It was then necessary to use Raman spectroscopy to highlight a possible removal of the defects and the possible evolution of the structure. Finally, we have characterized the gas produced by a TiNb2O7 electrode. The corresponding gas generation is equivalent to the one of Li4Ti5O12, once related to its specific capacity. Operando analyses have shown that this gas is mainly composed of dihydrogen.Ce travail de doctorat concerne l’étude du matĂ©riau TiNb2O7 en tant qu’électrode nĂ©gative pour batteries Li-ion.Dans ce cadre une technique de synthĂšse simple et robuste a Ă©tĂ© mise au point, permettant la rĂ©alisation d’une large quantitĂ© de matĂ©riau dont la puretĂ© et la granulomĂ©trie sont contrĂŽlĂ©es et compatibles avec la rĂ©alisation d’électrodes de qualitĂ©. Une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e sur le comportement en Ă©lectrochimie du composĂ© TiNb2O7 a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e et des mesures en cyclage galvanostatique Ă  diffĂ©rents rĂ©gimes ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence des propriĂ©tĂ©s intĂ©ressantes, notamment lors d’un emploi Ă  haut rĂ©gime avec des capacitĂ©s en insertion de 150 mAh.g-1 Ă  10C et 275 mAh.g-1 Ă  C/10.Toutefois ces mesures ont Ă©galement mis en avant une dĂ©gradation supposĂ©e du matĂ©riau suite Ă  la rĂ©alisation d’un cycle lent et la formation de composĂ© Ă  haut taux de lithium. Pour comprendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne, la diffraction des rayons X in situ et post mortem a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e. L’étude des affinements rĂ©alisĂ©s sur les diffractogrammes a permis de mettre en Ă©vidence un processus de lithiation impliquant une succession de trois rĂ©actions de solution solide menant Ă  une importante dilatation volumique, de l’ordre de 10% sans pour autant montrer d’évolution de la structure. Il a alors fallu recourir Ă  la spectroscopie Raman pour mettre en Ă©vidence une possible disparition de dĂ©fauts et la possible Ă©volution de la structure.En dernier lieu nous nous sommes attachĂ©s Ă  caractĂ©riser le gaz produit par une Ă©lectrode de TiNb2O7. Ce composĂ© prĂ©sente un dĂ©gagement gazeux important mais qui reste Ă©quivalent Ă  celui de Li4Ti5O12, une fois rapportĂ© Ă  sa capacitĂ©. Des analyses operando ont permis de montrer que ce gaz est majoritairement composĂ© de dihydrogĂšne