973 research outputs found

    Modeling of geophysical fluid flows: case of a Peruvian region

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    We model mathematically and computationally the geophysical fluid flows, using the basic concepts of rational mechanic and mathematical analysis; then as applications we present the numerical simulation of a rotating of viscoelastic fluid flow and simulate the forecast of some atmospheric variables for the region of La Libertad-Peru, using the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System BRAMS; some climate variable as the precipitation is verify again the observed variable. Since its height above sea level varies from 3 msnm to 4800 msnm, observes certain instabilities in the simulation mainly when using a high-resolution mesh, due to this situation we try to improve stability by introducing a monotonic convective scheme of Walce, which is a high order and stable scheme

    La integración de una componente didáctica en la formación de profesores universitarios

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    En este trabajo, como aporte a la inserción de una componente a la formación pedagógica de docentes de nivel terciario (universitario y no universitario), se describe la trayectoria de tres proyectos de investigación realizados por “docentes –investigadores” de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, en el marco de una concepción de la Educación Matemática nominada por Wittman como “ciencia de diseño”. Esta trayectoria ha culminado en la constitución de equipos de investigación colaborativa constituidos por docentes de distintas facultades, en un trabajo dirigido a la construcción de una Didáctica de la Matemática Operativa para el nivel Terciario

    Los docentes como evaluadores de una instancia de evaluación docente

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    En este trabajo se describen los resultados de una evaluación realizada por docentes, en situación de alumnos, participantes en un “Postítulo en Matemática y Estadística” que se desarrolla en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR). Una etapa de la evaluación de la calidad de este postítulo, objeto de nuestra investigación, se realizó por medio de un cuestionario que ha incluido un espacio abierto a reflexiones críticas

    Intervencion psicoeducativa en adolescentes con tumores del sistema nerviosos central

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    Se describen los resultados de la evaluación neuropsicológica y de un programa de intervención psicoeducativa y apoyo emocional aplicados a 5 adolescentes afectados por un tumor del sistema nervioso central. Este programa se desarrolló en ASION (Asociación de padres de niños enfermos de cáncer de la Comunidad de Madrid)

    La importancia de la visualización geométrica como estrategia de análisis

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    En este trabajo se pone en evidencia la importancia de las representaciones visuales como modelizadoras de problemas en áreas de aplicación como serían los problemas de ingeniería. En una aplicación al problema de detección de fallas en sistemas dinámicos, se presenta una metodología para la separación de poliedros de gran tamaño. Utilizando técnicas de programación lineal, se relacionan cientos o miles de variables, formando sistemas de ecuaciones lineales ralos. Se ejemplifica así, la necesidad de los referentes geométricos en la formación básica. Se muestra en un ejemplo concreto, la importancia del pensamiento visual en la formación básica de la ingeniería y su utilización en una modelización que utiliza formas tridimensionales visualizables

    Aquinas and Maimonides on the Possibility of the Knowledge of God

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    Thomas Aquinas wrote a text later known as Quaestio de attributis and ordered it inserted in a precise location of his Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard more than a decade after composing this work. Aquinas assigned exceptional importance to this text, in which he confronts the debate on the issue of the divine attributes that swept the most important centres of learning in 13th Century Europe and examines the answers given to the problem by the representatives of the four mainstream schools of his time: the Greek mystic Dionysius Areopagita, the Latin Saint Anselm of Canterbury, the Jewish rabbi Moses Maimonides and the Muslim philosopher Ibn Sina. This in-depth study of Thomas Aquinas’ Quaestio de attributis (In I Sent., d. 2, q. 1, a. 3) binds together the findings of previous research on the unique history of this text by reconstructing the historical circumstances surrounding its composition, shows that the Quaestio contains Aquinas’ final answer to the dispute on the divine attributes, and thoroughly examines his interpretation of Maimonides’ position on the issue of the knowledge of God by analysing this and other texts related to it chronologically and doctrinally. The examination of the Quaestio reveals the background of Thomas Aquinas’ renewed interest in Maimonides’ position on the issue and brings to light elements of Aquinas’ interpretation that are absent from his earlier references to Maimonides. Moreover, the chronological and doctrinal connection of the Quaestio de attributis to other Thomistic works with explicit references to Maimonides enables a reconstruction of his comprehensive approach to Maimonides’ teaching on the possibility and extent of the knowledge of God in the Guide of the Perplexed and highlights the place of Maimonides’ philosophical teachings in Thomas’ own thought in issues like "Being" as the proper name of God, the multiplicity of the divine names, the beatific vision in the afterlife, the causes that prevent the instruction of the multitude in divine matters and the role of faith and prophecy in the acquisition of the true knowledge of God in this life. The last chapter examines the reasons behind Aquinas’ silencing of Maimonides’ name when introducing his Five Ways for the knowledge of the existence of God, in spite of the evident relation between these and Maimonides’ Four Speculations. The study is completed with an extensive appendix that includes the text of the Quaestio de attributis with an English translation and the critical edition of several chapters of the 13th Century Latin translation of the Guide of the Perplexed known as Dux neutroru

    The Love for the Truth According St. Albert the Great

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    Alberto Magno aprovecha lo mejor del neoplatonismo y del aristotelismo. Examina la doctrina aristotélica sobre el deseo de la verdad presente en la naturaleza humana y la ciencia metafísica que perm-te intuir la fuente de ese deseo, pero éste es analizado con más profundidad por el Pseudo Dionisio, sien-do la ciencia teológica la que da más respuestas y la ciencia más universal, porque logra una mayor perfección no sólo intelectual sino de toda la personaAlbert the Great extracts the best contributions of Neo-Platonism and Aristotelism. He examines theAristotelian doctrine on the desire for truth present in human nature and the science of Metaphysics, whichallows for an inkling of the source of such desire, but this desire is examined more in-depth by the Pseu-do-Dionysius, being Theology the science that grants more answers and the most universal because it en-ables for greater perfection, not just intellectual but of the whole perso

    在日朝鮮族のアイデンティティ -マルチリンガリズムとトランスナショナリズムが自己認識に及ぼす影響-

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    BACKGROUND: Previous work showed that miRNAs play key roles in the regulation of metamorphosis in the hemimetabolan species Blattella germanica. To gain insight about which miRNAs might be important, we have constructed two miRNA libraries, one of the penultimate, pre-metamorphic nymphal instar (N5) and the other of the last, metamorphic nymphal instar (N6). RESULTS: High throughput sequencing gave 61 canonical miRNAs present in the N5 and N6 libraries, although at different proportions in each. Comparison of both libraries led to the identification of three and 37 miRNAs significantly more expressed in N5 and N6 respectively. Twelve of these 40 miRNAs were then investigated further by qRT-PCR and results indicated that miR-252-3p was well expressed in N5 but not in N6, whereas let-7-5p, miR-100-5p and miR-125-5p showed the reverse pattern. 20-Hydroxyecdysone (20E) tended to stimulate miRNA expression, whereas juvenile hormone (JH) inhibited the 20E stimulatory effect. Expression of let-7, miR-100 and miR-125 was increased by 20E, which has also been observed in D. melanogaster. The only miRNA that was inhibited by 20E was miR-252-3p. The involvement of let-7, miR-100 and miR-125 in metamorphosis has been demonstrated in other insects. Depletion of miR-252-3p caused growth and developmental delays, which suggests that this miRNA is involved in regulating these processes prior to metamorphosis. CONCLUSIONS: The comparative analysis of miRNA libraries from pre-metamorphic (N5) and metamorphic stages (N6) of B. germanica proved to be a useful tool to identify miRNAs with roles in hemimetabolan metamorphosis. Three miRNAs emerged as important factors in the metamorphic stage (N6): let-7-5p, miR-100-5p and miR-125-5p, whereas miR-252-3p appears to be important in the pre-metamorphic stage (N5)

    Ab initio determination of the electron affinities of DNA and RNA nucleobases

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    High-level quantum-chemical ab initio coupled-cluster and multiconfigurational perturbation methods have been used to compute the vertical and adiabatic electron affinities of the five canonical DNA and RNA nucleobases: uracil, thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine. The present results aim for the accurate determination of the intrinsic electron acceptor properties of the isolated nucleic acid bases as described by their electron affinities, establishing an overall set of theoretical reference values at a level not reported before and helping to rule out less reliable theoretical and experimental data and to calibrate theoretical [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]