244 research outputs found


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    El presente trabajo es una lectura de Cien años de soledad, de Gabriel García Márquez, en contrapunto con En diciembre llegaban las brisas, de Marvel Moreno, desde la perspectiva sociológica, y tiene como propósito develar las axiologías que engloban estas obras. Para ello, se determinarán los principales ejes alrededor de los cuales se mueven los sentidos de las novelas, buscando esclarecer las distintas tomas de posición de cada texto. A estas dos novelas de autores caribeños colombianos, las separan veinte años. Cien años de soledad (CAS) fue publicada por primera vez en 1967, En diciembre llegaban las brisas (EDB) en 1987. El objetivo de situarlas una al lado de la otra, es identificar la posición que cada una ocupa en el campo literario y cultural como obras del Caribe colombiano. Se tendrá, así, una visión mucho más amplia y compleja acerca de las estructuras de valores que recorren estos textos. El trabajo busca esclarecer los ejes principales alrededor de los cuales se construye el complejo tejido axiológico de cada obra, entre ellos, el cronotopo (Bajtín: 1989) y el sistema de personajes. Los tópicos no se trabajan de forma independiente, sino que se relacionan desde el principio, tratando de determinar cómo van de la mano en la creación de sentido. El análisis está alimentado por la teoría de los campos de producción cultural, de Pierre Bourdieu (1995). De esta forma, el acercamiento a la estructura de las novelas es más completo, dado que se buscan sentidos totalizantes. PALABRAS CLAVES Novela, Caribe colombiano, premodernidad, posmodernidad, campo, visiones del mundo.   ABSTRACT The current work is an interpretation of One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, as opposed to In December the Breezes Arrived by Marvel Moreno, based on a sociological perspective. Its main goal is to discover the values that surround these works. The main axis around which the senses of the novels spin will be determined, by looking for the different points of view of each text. These two novels, written by Caribbean Colombian authors have 20 years of difference among each other. One Hundred years of Solitude - Cien años de soledad (CAS) was first Published in 1967; In December the Breezes Arrived - En diciembre llegaban las brisas (EDB) in 1987. The purpose of placing them one next to the other is to identify the position that each one occupies in the cultural and literary fields as Colombian Caribbean works. Then, a wider and more complex vision will be achieved by analyzing the moral structures that travel through these texts. This work aims at clarifying the main axes around which the whole complex axiological weave of each work is built; among these is the Chronotrop (Bajtín: 1989) and the System of Characters. Topics are not worked independently; they are related from the beginning, trying to determine how they co-relate in the building up of meaning. The analysis is fed by Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of Fields of Cultural Production, (1995). Thus, the close up towards the structure of the novels is more complete because of the search for whole meanings. KEY WORDS Novel, Colombian Caribbean, pre-modernity, post-modernity, field, world visions


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    El trabajo constituye la introducción de una investigación más amplia que propone una lectura de los primeros nueve cuentos de la narradora del Caribe colombiano Márvel Moreno. Los relatos –escritos en un periodo de aproximadamente ocho años cuyos inicios datan de 1969– presentan diversas estructuras axiológicas en las que complejos universos evaluativos se integran, se anulan o conviven, lo que hace de los textos de la escritora evaluadores críticosde las concepciones del mundo de la cultura caribeña, latinoamericana y universal. El texto se interesa en analizar la manera como la obra moreniana ingresa al campo literario colombiano, indagando en cuáles son las posiciones axiológicas que se plantean en sus relatos preliminares, teniendo en cuenta la asimilación la autora de los contextos en que se fue moviendo, como una mujer escritora situada, según la cronología literaria, entre el Boom y el Posboom. PALABRAS CLAVES Literatura colombiana, el Caribe, Boom, Posboom, sociología, Márvel Moreno, cuento. ABSTRACT This paper is composed by the introduction of a larger research that proposes a reading of first nine short-stories of the Colombian Caribbean author, Marvel Moreno. The stories –written in an approximately eight years period that begins in 1969– present diverse axiological structures in which complex evaluative universes are integrated, annulled or even coexist, which makes the texts of the writer critical evaluators of the world conceptions of the Caribbean, the Latin American and the universal culture. The text analyzes the way in which Moreno’s work enters the Colombian literary field, it looks for to investigate which considered in her preliminary stories, taking into account the author’s assimilation of the contexts in which she was involved, as a woman writer located, according to the literary chronology, between the Boom and the Posboom. KEY WORDS Colombian literature, Caribbean, Boom, Posboom, sociology, Marvel Moreno, short-story

    Oriane, tía Oriane, de Márvel Moreno: la progresiva construcción de una escritura

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    El trabajo constituye la introducción de una investigación más amplia que propone una lectura de los primeros nueve cuentos de la narradora del Caribe colombiano Márvel Moreno. Los relatos –escritos en un periodo de aproximadamente ocho años cuyos inicios datan de 1969– presentan diversas estructuras axiológicas en las que complejos universos evaluativos se integran, se anulan o conviven, lo que hace de los textos de la escritora evaluadores críticos de las concepciones del mundo de la cultura caribeña, latinoamericana y universal. El texto se interesa en analizar la manera como la obra moreniana ingresa al campo literario colombiano, indagando en cuáles son las posiciones axiológicas que se plantean en sus relatos preliminares, teniendo en cuenta la similación de la autora de los contextos en que se fue moviendo, como una mujer escritora situada, según la cronología literaria, entre el Boom y el Posboom. AbstractThis paper is composed by the introduction of a larger research that proposes a reading of first nine short-stories of the Colombian Caribbean author, Marvel Moreno. The stories –written in an approximately eight years period that begins in 1969– present diverse axiological structures in which complex evaluative universes are integrated, annulled or even coexist, which makes the texts of the writer critical evaluators of the world conceptions of the Caribbean, the Latin American and the universal culture. The text analyzes the way in which Moreno’s work enters the Colombian literary field, it looks for to investigate which are the axiological positions that are considered in her preliminarystories, taking into account the author’s assimilation of the contexts in which she was involved, as a woman writer located, according to the literary chronology, between the Boom and the Posboom.

    Castigo y liberación en “La muerte de la acacia” de Marvel Moreno

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    This paper analyzes "The death of the acacia," a short story by the Colombian writer Marvel Moreno from a multidisciplinary perspective that integrates elements of literary theory, hermeneutics, sociology and gender studies. To go beyond the anecdote narrated and delve into the themes proposed by the story, we study the particular structure of the narrative voice, which reveals the organization of Barranquilla society at the beginning of the 20th century, in which violence against women is present but veiled. It also examines the strategies used by the main female character to circumvent the system of surveillance and discipline imposed on her and the consequences it entails.En el presente artículo se analiza el cuento “La muerte de la acacia” de la escritora colombiana Marvel Moreno desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinaria que integra elementos de la teoría literaria, la hermenéutica, la sociología y los estudios de género. Con el objetivo de ir más allá de la anécdota narrada e indagar en los temas propuestos por el cuento, se estudia la particular estructuración de la voz narrativa, que revela la organización de la sociedad barranquillera de principios del siglo xx, en la que la violencia contra la mujer está presente pero aparece de manera velada. Se examinan, asimismo, las estrategias a las que recurre el personaje femenino central para burlar el sistema de vigilancia y disciplina que se le impone y las consecuencias que esto le acarrea

    Bullying and cyberbullying prevention and intervention workshop

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    Comunicaciones. Área tématica 1: La inclusión, socialización y educación en valores a través del aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Física.[ES] El uso de las tecnologías ha aumentado considerablemente a raíz de la situación de confinamiento vivida a causa del COVID-19, haciendo surgir un escenario que propicia una nueva forma de violencia entre iguales (cyberbullying) que sucede cada vez a edades más tempranas. Uno de los factores que puede mediar y favorecer la reducción de las conductas de agresión es la Educación Física, y en concreto el trabajo de la cooperación en esta asignatura, puesto que involucra competencias que mejoran la cohesión de grupo, la responsabilidad, la conducta prosocial, la competencia emocional o la inclusión. Teniendo en consideración esta información, se ha diseñado e implementado un taller de prevención e intervención de acoso y ciberacoso en alumnado de Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria, que complementa contenidos específicos relacionados con el bullying y el cyberbullying, a través de retos físicos cooperativos.[EN] The use of technologies has increased considerably as a result of the situation of lockdown experienced due to COVID-19, giving rise to a scenario that favors a new form of violence among peers (cyberbullying) and at increasingly younger ages. One of the factors that may mediate and favor the reduction of aggression behaviors is Physical Education, and specifically the work on cooperation in this subject, since it involves competencies that improve group cohesion, responsibility, prosocial behavior, emotional competence or inclusion. Taking this information into consideration, a bullying and cyberbullying prevention and intervention workshop has been designed and implemented in Primary and Secondary Education students, complementing specific contents related to bullying and cyberbullying through cooperative physical challenges

    Effect of Five Biostimulants on Sugar Cane Seedling Strengthening and Resistance to Transplantation

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    Context: The stress undergone by sugar cane during the seedling strengthening stage may be caused by various reasons, such as pest infestation, nutritional deficiencies, and mechanical damages due to manipulation that leads to the loss of genetic material. Objective: To evaluate the effect of five biostimulants on sugar cane seedling strengthening and resistance to transplantation. Methods: A completely randomized experimental design with six treatments (absolute control and samples with the application of azotobacter, phosphorine, improved natural liquid humus, and mineral-fortified liquid humus (BoCalZn)), and four repetitions, was used. The seedlings were placed on a 60-well tray filled with a mix of soil and filter cake. Seven foliar applications were made between days 7 and 56 following transplantation. Plant height and thickness, foliar area, root length, number of active roots, and fresh and dry weights were evaluated 50 days after. For evaluation of resistance to transplantation, the strengthened seedlings were placed in the field, and 45 days later, their survival percentage was determined. Results: The positive effects of the biostimulants applied were observed on the morphophysiological indicators. Conclusions: The application of biostimulants showed the positive effect on the morphophysiological indicators evaluated. The best transplantation resistance of the mineral-fortified liquid humus (BoCalZn) was observed in field conditions

    Large-Scale smart grids as system of systems

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    Smart Grids are advanced power networks that introduce intelligent management, control, and operation systems to address the new challenges generated by the growing energy demand and the appearance of renewal energies. In the literature, Smart Grids are presented as an exemplar SoS: systems composed of large heterogeneous and independent systems that leverage emergent behavior from their interaction. Smart Grids are currently scaling up the electricity service to millions of customers. These Smart Grids are known as Large-Scale Smart Grids. From the experience in several projects about Large-Scale Smart Grids, this paper defines Large-Scale Smart Grids as a SoS that integrate a set of SoS and conceptualizes the properties of this SoS. In addition, the paper defines the architectural framework for deploying the software architectures of Large-Scale Smart Grid SoS

    Desarrollo de liderazgo docente mediante programación neurolingüística

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    Objetivos Generales: • Diagnosticar si los estudiantes de la carrera de Docencia Media Diversificada poseen competencias para desarrollar liderazgo en su labor docente. • Proponer alternativas de mejoramiento en estudiantes de la carrera de Docencia Media Diversificada. Objetivos Específicos: • Definir las variables de investigación. • Aplicar los instrumentos de recolección de información. • Tabular y analizar los resultados obtenidos en el estudio. • Evaluar la pertinencia de utilizar los resultados obtenidos en futuras investigaciones sobre el tema del liderazgo docente. • Generar proyectos en función de los resultados obtenidos

    Hybridization of Sport Education model and Cooperative Learning: considerations to be taken into consideration for its practical application

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    [ES] La hibridación de modelos pedagógicos surge como una alternativa para paliar aquellas limitaciones que tiene la implementación de un único modelo pedagógico en el área de Educación Física. Por ello, en esta intervención se realizó una hibridación entre el modelo de Educación Deportiva y el modelo de Aprendizaje Cooperativo con niños 5º de Educación Primaria. La intervención tuvo una duración total de 15 sesiones y se incluyeron las características de ambos modelos. Se siguió la estructura del modelo de Educación Deportiva (pretemporada, competición formal y fase final) y posteriormente se introdujeron las fases del Aprendizaje Cooperativo. En conclusión, la experiencia práctica resulta ser efectiva, ya que, con la hibridación de modelos, se pueden abordar un mayor número de objetivos en una misma intervención.[EN] The hybridization of pedagogical models arises as an alternative to alleviate the limitations of implementing a single pedagogical model in Physical Education. Thus, in this intervention, a hybridization between the Sport Education model and Cooperative Learning was carried out with children in the 5th grade of Primary Education. The intervention had a duration of 15 sessions and included the characteristics of both models. The structure of the Sport Education model was followed (preseason, formal competition and final phase) and subsequently the phases of the Cooperative Learning were introduced. In conclusion, the practical experience proves to be effective, since the hybridization of models, a greater number of objectives can be addressed in the same interventio

    Effect of Bio-Organic Alternatives in the Agronomic Response of Onion on Los Angeles Farm

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    Context: Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an edible bulb that ranks, as a green vegetable, third in terms of harvested area. In general terms, world production of this crop is made intensively, with a broad application of agrochemicals, which threatens agricultural sustainability, health, and protection of the environment. Aim: To evaluate the effect of bio-organic alternatives in the agronomic response of onion. Methods: A randomized block experimental design with seven treatments was used (absolute control and samples with natural liquid humus, improved liquid humus, fortified liquid humus, fortified liquid humus, plus Phosphoric inducer BayFolan Forte, FitoMas E), and four repetitions. The treatments were made every seven days, starting seven days after the plantation of bulbs. Plant height, pseudostem thickness, leaf number, bulb diameter, and crop yield were the indicators evaluated. The main economic indicators of each treatment were determined. Costs, income, profit, and economic effect were calculated. Results: The results show the positive effect of the morphophysiological and yield indicators related to the application of different bio-organic alternatives. The study produced greater profits than the control. Conclusions: The application of bio-organic alternatives showed a positive effect on the morphophysiological and yield indicators evaluated. The fortified liquid humus plus the phosphoric inducer showed the best results, producing the highest profits in the financial assessment