518 research outputs found

    Gestión de almacenes para la mejora del abastecimiento de materiales en una empresa comercializadora de productos alimenticios

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    La investigación tiene como problema general: ¿De qué manera la gestión de almacenes influye en la mejora del abastecimiento de materiales en una empresa comercializadora de productos alimenticios?; el objetivo general de la investigación es determinar de qué manera la gestión de almacenes influye en el abastecimiento de materiales en una empresa comercializadora de productos alimenticios, para tal efecto se planteó la hipótesis general: la gestión de almacenes influye significativamente en el abastecimiento de materiales en una empresa comercializadora de productos alimenticios. La metodología de la investigación es científica, tipo de investigación aplicada, se optó por un nivel de investigación descriptivo – explicativo, de diseño cuasi experimental de corte longitudinal y un tipo de muestreo no probabilístico.Como conclusión principal, se logró mejorar el abastecimiento conforme a los pedidos entregados y el nivel de cumplimiento de despacho, se obtuvo como resultado un incremento significativo del abastecimiento de materiales en un 20.23%, por ello se demuestra la influencia de la aplicación de la gestión de almacenes en una empresa comercializadora de productos alimenticios

    Avaliação da problemática ambiental em populações carentes: caso de estudo em instituição educativa do departamento de Santander, Colômbia

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    Introduction: this article was produced by the research project “Assessment of the environmental situation in educational institutions” developed in 2015 by the Industrial University of Santander and the University of Santander. The addressed research problem derives from the hurdle that current educational institutions must overcome when working with marginalized populations in creating environmental awareness and visualizing a future with sustainable educational institutions. Methodology: in order to perform the Environmental Impact Assessment (eia) in the case study educational institution, the conesa method and the measurement of the “ecological footprint” were applied. The resulting information was analyzed so that the educational institution would alleviate the environmental effects of daily actions of students, teachers and staff during the general course of operations. Results: a significant impact of social and cultural variables was made in the environment. Given the aforementioned, the findings indicated the need to promote good citizenship behaviors through play-like strategies that would allow the students to build social guidelines and create symbols associated with environmental conservation. Conclusion: the environmental perception of the case study educational institution was assessed through a statistical analysis that produced an unfavorable environmental perception. The biggest impact identified is associated to a high consumption of water, followed by the impact associated with high level noise.Introducción: este artículo es producto de la investigación del proyecto “Evaluación de la situación ambiental en instituciones educativas”, desarrollada en el 2015 en la Universidad Industrial de Santander y en la Universidad de Santander. El problema de investigación abordado obedece a la dificultad que actualmente tienen las instituciones educativas que laboran con poblaciones marginales, al crear conciencia ambiental y visualizarse en un futuro como instituciones educativas sostenibles. Metodología: a fin de realizar la evaluación de impacto ambiental (eia), el método conesa y la medición de la huella ecológica fue aplicada en una institución educativa caso de estudio. Se analizó la información recolectada con el objetivo de que la institución educativa caso de estudio tome acciones que mitiguen las consecuencias ambientales de las acciones cotidianas realizadas por estudiantes, docentes y administrativos durante su funcionamiento. Resultados: se obtuvo el significativo impacto de la variable social y cultural en el medio ambiente. Dado lo anterior, se concluyó que se debe promover el comportamiento ciudadano, mediante estrategias lúdicas que le permitan al estudiante construir normas sociales a través de la creación de símbolos asociados con la conservación del medio ambiente. Conclusiones: la percepción ambiental de la institución educativa caso de estudio se valoró mediante un análisis estadístico gracias al cual se obtuvo como resultado una percepción ambiental desfavorable. El principal impacto identificado es el asociado con el consumo elevado de agua, seguido por el impacto asociado al ruido.Introdução: este artigo é produto da investigação do projeto “Avaliação da situação ambiental em instituições educativas”, desenvolvida no ano 2015 na Universidade Industrial de Santander e na Universidade de Santander. O problema de investigação abordado obedece à dificuldade que hoje têm as instituições educativas que trabalham com populações carentes, criando consciência ambiental e visualizar-se em um futuro como instituições educativas sustentáveis. Metodologia: a fim de realizar a avaliação de impacto ambiental (eia), o método conesa e a medição da pegada ecológica foi aplicada em una instituição educativa caso de estudo. Analisou-se a informação coletada visando que a instituição educativa caso de estudo empreenda ações voltadas a mitigar as consequências ambientais das ações quotidianas realizadas por estudantes, docentes e administrativos durante seu funcionamento. Resultados: obteve-se o significativo impacto da variável social e cultural no meio ambiente. Dado o anterior, concluiu-se que se deve promover o comportamento cidadão, através de estratégias lúdicas que lhe permitam ao estudante construir normas sociais mediante a criação de símbolos associados com a conservação do meio ambiente. Conclusões: a percepção ambiental da instituição educativa caso de estudo foi valorada mediante uma análise estatística graças à qual se obteve como resultado uma percepção ambiental desfavorável. O principal impacto identificado é o associado com o consumo elevado de água, seguido pelo impacto associado ao ruído

    Propuesta regulatoria para la sustituci?n del mecanismo de declaraci?n de precios de gas natural

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    El esquema de la Ley de Concesiones El?ctricas (LCE) consiste en un pool obligatorio bajo costos auditados. Este simula competencia, en tanto el precio spot es igual al costo variable de la ?ltima central que despacha. El DS N? 016-2000-EM estableci? una excepci?n, permitiendo las declaraciones no auditables a las Generadoras que usan GN bajo el Mecanismo de Declaraci?n de Precios (MDP). Inflexibilidades contractuales en el Suministro, Transporte y Distribuci?n de GN hacen que los costos asociados se comporten como fijos. Despachar o no despachar se convierte en una decisi?n cr?tica para la Generadora, puesto que si no despacha, sus costos comprenden la remuneraci?n a precio spot de los retiros y el pago de los insumos no consumidos. Las conclusiones principales de la tesis son: - El MDP afecta la eficiencia asignativa del Mercado de Corto Plazo (MCP). Esto incentiva, entre otros, que el CMCP sea menor y el aumento del Cargo Prima RER. - La Opci?n Regulatoria escogida es aquella donde se hace variable el costo de los insumos, y se crea una bolsa con caracteres fiduciarios que contiene los compromisos contractuales. La nominaci?n se realiza por el COES optimizando y minimizando el costo de operaci?n. Las cantidades no utilizadas (minimizadas a trav?s de declaraciones del COES) son remuneradas a trav?s de un cargo

    The Effect of Wood Burial and Submersion on Decomposition: Implications for Reducing Carbon Emissions

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    Gemstone Team Carbon SinksCarbon cycles among soils, organisms, the atmosphere, water, and the Earth‘s crust. These fluxes make up a sizeable portion of the carbon cycle which holds potential for carbon sequestration. Team Carbon Sinks sought to sequester carbon in dead trees via burial and submersion. The team conducted a field experiment monitoring the decomposition of 125 wood samples. A lab experiment was completed to evaluate the variables that may affect decomposition in buried wood. Finally, a computer model was used to explore sequestration potential on a large scale. The field results showed that buried logs decomposed slower than exposed logs. The lab experiment suggested that wood should be buried as deep as possible, in a wet, cool area, and in oligotrophic soil in order to inhibit decomposition. The model showed that decomposition could be effectively inhibited via burial, and could serve as an economically feasible way to decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide

    Refining and regaining skills in fixation/diversification stage performers: The Five-A Model

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    Technical change is one of many factors underpinning success in elite, fixation/diversification stage performers. Surprisingly, however, there is a dearth of research pertaining to this process or the most efficacious methods used to bring about such a change. In this paper we highlight the emergent processes, yet also the lack in mechanistic comprehension surrounding technical change, addressing issues within the motor control, sport psychology, coaching and choking literature. More importantly, we seek an understanding of how these changes can be made more secure to competitive pressure, and how this can be embedded within the process of technical change. Following this review, we propose The Five-A Model based on successful coaching techniques, psychosocial concomitants, the avoidance of choking and principles of effective behaviour change. Specific mechanisms for each stage are discussed, with a focus on the use of holistic rhythm-based cues as a possible way of internalising changes. Finally, we suggest the need for further research to examine these five stages, to aid a more comprehensive construction of the content and delivery of such a programme within the applied setting

    Clinical Consensus Guideline on the Management of Phaeochromocytoma and Paraganglioma in Patients Harbouring Germline SDHD Pathogenic Variants

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    Patients with germline SDHD pathogenic variants (encoding succinate dehydrogenase subunit D; ie, paraganglioma 1 syndrome) are predominantly affected by head and neck paragangliomas, which, in almost 20% of patients, might coexist with paragangliomas arising from other locations (eg, adrenal medulla, para-aortic, cardiac or thoracic, and pelvic). Given the higher risk of tumour multifocality and bilaterality for phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) because of SDHD pathogenic variants than for their sporadic and other genotypic counterparts, the management of patients with SDHD PPGLs is clinically complex in terms of imaging, treatment, and management options. Furthermore, locally aggressive disease can be discovered at a young age or late in the disease course, which presents challenges in balancing surgical intervention with various medical and radiotherapeutic approaches. The axiom-first, do no harm-should always be considered and an initial period of observation (ie, watchful waiting) is often appropriate to characterise tumour behaviour in patients with these pathogenic variants. These patients should be referred to specialised high-volume medical centres. This consensus guideline aims to help physicians with the clinical decision-making process when caring for patients with SDHD PPGLs

    Deactylase inhibition in myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are clonal haemopoietic progenitor cell disorders characterized by the proliferation of one or more of the haemopoietic lineages (myeloid, erythroid and/or megakaryocytic). The MPNs include eight haematological disorders: chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), primary myelofibrosis (PMF), systemic mastocytosis (SM), chronic eosinophilic leukemia, not otherwise specified (CEL, NOS), chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL), and unclassifiable MPN (MPN, U). Therapeutic interventions for MPNs include the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for BCR-ABL1+ CML and JAK2 inhibitors for PV, ET and PMF. Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a novel class of drugs capable of altering the acetylation status of both histone and non-histone proteins, thereby affecting a repertoire of cellular functions in neoplastic cells including proliferation, differentiation, immune responses, angiogenesis and survival. Preliminary studies indicate that HDACi when used in combination with tyrosine kinase or JAK2 inhibitors may overcome resistance to the latter agents and enhance the pro-apoptotic effects on MPN cells. This review provides a review of pre-clinical and clinical studies that have explored the use of HDACi as potential therapeutics for MPNs

    A theoretical model for the development of a diagnosis-based clinical decision rule for the management of patients with spinal pain

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    Influence of Psychological Factors on Pain and Disability in Anterior Knee Pain Patients

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    AKP patients express chronic pain but also disability. However, the correlation between pain and disability is not complete and linear. Some patients with a lot of pain show mild disability while others with much less pain also show great disability. The disability is profoundly influenced by other emotional and cognitive factors that are associated with the perception of pain. Therefore, the clinical efforts do not have to be focused only on treating the pain as a feeling but on identifying and modifying these factor

    Application of a diagnosis-based clinical decision guide in patients with neck pain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neck pain (NP) is a common cause of disability. Accurate and efficacious methods of diagnosis and treatment have been elusive. A diagnosis-based clinical decision guide (DBCDG; previously referred to as a diagnosis-based clinical decision rule) has been proposed which attempts to provide the clinician with a systematic, evidence-based guide in applying the biopsychosocial model of care. The approach is based on three questions of diagnosis. The purpose of this study is to present the prevalence of findings using the DBCDG in consecutive patients with NP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Demographic, diagnostic and baseline outcome measure data were gathered on a cohort of NP patients examined by one of three examiners trained in the application of the DBCDG.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data were gathered on 95 patients. Signs of visceral disease or potentially serious illness were found in 1%. Centralization signs were found in 27%, segmental pain provocation signs were found in 69% and radicular signs were found in 19%. Clinically relevant myofascial signs were found in 22%. Dynamic instability was found in 40%, oculomotor dysfunction in 11.6%, fear beliefs in 31.6%, central pain hypersensitivity in 4%, passive coping in 5% and depression in 2%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The DBCDG can be applied in a busy private practice environment. Further studies are needed to investigate clinically relevant means to identify central pain hypersensitivity, oculomotor dysfunction, poor coping and depression, correlations and patterns among the diagnostic components of the DBCDG as well as inter-examiner reliability, validity and efficacy of treatment based on the DBCDG.</p