18 research outputs found

    Multiple nuclear genes stabilize the phylogenetic backbone of the genus Quercus

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    Phylogenetic relationships among 108 oak species (genus Quercus L.) were inferred using DNA sequences of six nuclear genes selected from the existing genomic resources of the genus. Previous phylogenetic reconstructions based on traditional molecular markers are inconclusive at the deeper nodes. Overall, weak phylogenetic signals were obtained for each individual gene analysis, but stronger signals were obtained when gene sequences were concatenated. Our data support the recognition of six major intrageneric groups Cyclobalanopsis, Cerris, Ilex, Quercus, Lobatae and Protobalanus. Our analyses provide resolution at deeper nodes but with moderate support and a more robust infrageneric classification within the two major clades, the ‘Old World Oaks’ (Cyclobalanopsis, Cerris, Ilex) and ‘New World Oaks’ (Quercus, Lobatae, Protobalanus). However, depending on outgroup choice, our analysis yielded two alternative placements of the Cyclobalanopsis clade within the genus Quercus. When Castanea Mill. was chosen as outgroup, our data suggested that the genus Quercus comprised two clades corresponding to two subgenera as traditionally recognized by Camus: subgenus Euquercus Hickel and Camus and subgenus Cyclobalanopsis Øersted (Schneider). However, when Notholithocarpus Manos, Cannon and S. Oh was chosen as an outgroup subgenus Cyclobalanopsis clustered with Cerris and Ilex groups to form the Old World clade. To assess the placement of the root, we complemented our dataset with published data of ITS and CRC sequences. Based on the concatenated eight gene sequences, the most likely root position is at the split between the ‘Old World Oaks’ and the ‘New World Oaks’, which is one of the alternative positions suggested by our six gene analysis. Using a dating approach, we inferred an Eocene age for the primary divergences in Quercus and a root age of about 50–55 Ma, which agrees with palaeobotanical evidence. Finally, irrespective of the outgroup choice, our data boost the topology within the New World clade, where (Protobalanus + Quercus) is a sister clade of Lobatae. Inferred divergence ages within this clade and the Cerris–Ilex clade are generally younger than could be expected from the fossil record, indicating that morphological differentiation pre-dates genetic isolation in this clade

    Data from: A consistent species richness-climate relationship for oaks across the Northern Hemisphere

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    Aim: Although the effects of climate on species richness are known, regional processes may lead to different species richness-climate relationships across continents resulting in species richness anomalies, especially for tropical groups. Phylogenetic niche conservatism may also influence species richness-climate relationships of different lineages. Here, we tested whether regional effects also exist for temperate lineages using the genus Quercus. Location: Northern Hemisphere Time period: Present day Major taxa studied: Quercus (Fagaceae) Methods: We used a dated phylogeny and distribution data for Quercus to evaluate its global species richness patterns and phylogenetic niche conservatism. To evaluate the consistency in species richness-climate relationships across continents of the genus Quercus as a whole and the temperate subgenus Quercus, we conducted analyses of covariance with continent as the categorical variable and climate variables as the covariate. We calibrated four widely used models using the global data or data from each continent separately and evaluated the predictive power of each model for different continents using the root mean squared error. Results: The relationships between species richness and climate were insignificantly different among continents for both the genus Quercus as a whole and the subgenus Quercus. Unlike the models based on European data, those based on North American and eastern Asian data predicted both the global species richness and the richness in other continents. The species richness of a subtropical subgenus Cyclobalanospsis was most influenced by water availability, while that of a temperate subgenus Quercus was most influenced by environmental temperature. Conclusion: In contrast to the subtropical subgenus Cyclobalanospsis, our results showed a consistent richness-climate relationship and absence of regional effects on species richness across continents for the temperate subgenus Quercus, likely suggesting that the species richness of temperate lineages, e.g. subgenus Quercus, may have reached equilibrium with the contemporary climate in the Northern Hemisphere