1,874 research outputs found

    Environmental education: creative place-making in Papua New Guinea

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    This paper addresses how experience of environment may be an important stimulant in the creative process through which appropriate architectural place may be made. We will argue that with a better understanding of their own reactions in and to environments architectural students may be more sensitive to the effects of their architectural gestures on others. Accepting that such depth experiences are mirrored in archetypal forms and patterns in indigenous architectures, we will use as a case study the education of architects and the creation of architecture in Papua New Guinea [PNG]. We argue that an appropriate architecture, responsive to the locale of PNG, offers the antithesis of the often inappropriate internationalised architecture

    Regulating energy communities in Europe: from the origins to the EU directives

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    openThe concept of energy community in Europe originated in Denmark in the 1970s, then spread to other Northern European countries, and, consequently, since the beginning of the new millennium, across all Europe. The development of energy communities has made it possible to analyze its impact from the social, economic and environmental points of view, as well as their organization and, the incentives and financing exploited by European countries. The push towards energy transition and a system with neutral carbon emissions have contributed to turn citizens into active participants of the energy market. In fact, energy communities were first introduced into the EU legal system through the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package in 2018 allowing for a more consistent clarity of the concept even though at the same time that has left a wide discretion for Member States to translate the concept into national laws. This work evaluates the on-going implementation of the two directives - Directive on common rules of the use of energy from renewable sources and the Directive on common rules for the Internal Electricity Market - within the national legislation of some European countries.The concept of energy community in Europe originated in Denmark in the 1970s, then spread to other Northern European countries, and, consequently, since the beginning of the new millennium, across all Europe. The development of energy communities has made it possible to analyze its impact from the social, economic and environmental points of view, as well as their organization and, the incentives and financing exploited by European countries. The push towards energy transition and a system with neutral carbon emissions have contributed to turn citizens into active participants of the energy market. In fact, energy communities were first introduced into the EU legal system through the Clean Energy for all Europeans Package in 2018 allowing for a more consistent clarity of the concept even though at the same time that has left a wide discretion for Member States to translate the concept into national laws. This work evaluates the on-going implementation of the two directives - Directive on common rules of the use of energy from renewable sources and the Directive on common rules for the Internal Electricity Market - within the national legislation of some European countries

    Rewriting the World: Gendered Violence, the Political Imagination and Memoirs from the “Years of Lead” in Morocco

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    Prison literature (littérature carcérale or adab al-sujun) has shed light on censured dimensions of Moroccan postcolonial history. By sharing their personal memories, former political prisoners have triggered a debate on state violence under Hassan II (1961–1999). This exploration of the gendered and relational dimensions of violence and testimony draws on the published memoirs and interviews of Nour-Eddine Saoudi and Fatna El Bouih, two former Marxist-Leninist political prisoners. Specifically, it identifies the means by which Saoudi and El Bouih theorised their personal experience to denounce the system of repression in Morocco. Their testimonies illustrate the role of memory as a transformative site of agency and political imagination, exhibiting hope for a different future by encouraging Moroccans to engage with their dark past

    Conformational control of anticancer activity: the application of arene-linked dinuclear ruthenium(II) organometallics

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    Dinuclear metal complexes have emerged as a promising class of biologically active compounds which possess unique anticancer activity. Here, we describe a novel series of arene-linked dinuclear organometallic Ru(II) complexes, where the relative conformation of the ruthenium centres is controlled by the stereochemical configuration of 1,2-diphenylethylenediamine linker moieties, as confirmed by X-ray crystallography. The reactivity and cytotoxicity of these compounds is compared to flexible dinuclear and mononuclear analogues, demonstrating in all cases the complexes can undergo aquation, coordinate to typical biological donor ligands and importantly, in the case of dinuclear analogues, crosslink oligonucleotide and peptide sequences. Differences in the conformation of the isomeric dinuclear compounds lead to significantly different levels of cytotoxicity against A2780, A2780cisR and HEK-293 cell lines; isomers with a closed conformation are significantly more cytotoxic than isomers with a more open conformation and they are also significantly less susceptible to acquired resistance mechanisms operating in the A2780cisR cell line. These rigid dinuclear compounds possess markedly increased cytotoxicity relative to the non-cytotoxic mononuclear analogues that does not appear to be related to differences in complex lipophilicity or cellular uptake, which, in general, remain similar in magnitude across the series. Thus, the molecular conformation of such dinuclear species may be crucial in determining the nature of the adducts formed on coordination to biological targets in a cellular environment, and opens up a novel route toward the development of more active metal-based anticancer agents

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - A Challenge to America

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    Representaciones sociales de la ley en adolescentes de una ciudad del Estado de São Paulo (Brasi)

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    En la presente investigación fueron identificadas las representaciones de la ley de 480 adolescentes de escuelas públicas y privadas de una ciudad del interior del estado de São Paulo Brasil). Fueron investigadas las definiciones de ley, las razones para su obediencia, la posibilidad de ser modificadas y desobedecidas. Para el análisis de los datos se consideraron dos perspectivas teóricas: la que supone fases de juicio de las leyes (Tapp, 1991) y la que supone representaciones sociales de las leyes que varían según los grupos sociales. Los resultados identificaron fases más convencionales y postconvencionales en alumnos de escuelas públicas y fases más convencionales y posconvencionales en alumnos de escuelas privadas; los análisis de correspondencia señalaron diferentes representaciones de leyes entre los alumnos de las escuelas públicas y privadas en función, principalmente, del nivel socioeconómico de los mismos.En aquesta investigació es van identificar les representacions de llei de 480 adolescents d'escoles públiques i privades d'una ciutat de l'interior de l'estat de São Paulo (Brasil). Es van investigar les definicions de llei, les raons que porten els adolescents a obeir-la, la possibilitat de modificar-la i de desobeir-la. Per a l'anàlisi de les dades es van considerar dues perspectives teòriques: la que suposa fases de judici de les lleis (Tapp 1991) i la que suposa representacions socials de les lleis que varien segons els grups socials. Els resultats van identificar fases més convencionals i preconvencionals en alumnes d'escoles públiques, i fases més convencionals i postconvencionals en alumnes d'escoles privades; les anàlisis de correspondència van assenyalar diferents representacions de lleis entre els alumnes de les escoles públiques i privades segons, principalment, el seu nivell socioeconòmic.This work presents representations of law among 480 teenagers from public and private schools from a city of the state of São Paulo (Brazil). They were collected through a questionnaire inquiring about the definitions of law, the reasons to obey it, the possibilities of breaking or changing it. Two theoretical approaches guided the analysis of the data: one establishing Tapp's levels of judgement of laws (1991), the other establishing the changing of the representations of law according to the social differences of the groups. This research detected levels rather conventional or pre-conventional among the students of the public school, whereas levels rather conventional and post-conventional were detected among the students of the private school. The analysis of correspondences revealed different representations of law among the two groups of students, owing mainly to their social and economical level

    Educação e Exclusão no Espaço Local – Ponta Grossa: Investigando o Ensino Fundamental

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    <p align="justify" >Com o objetivo de identificar o perfil da educação em Ponta Grossa, buscamos junto ao Núcleo Regional de Educação e a Secretaria Municipal de Educação desta cidade, dados que pudessem ser estudados, analisados e relacionados com as questões políticas econômicas e sociais do contexto atual. Organizamos dados relativos ao número de matrículas efetuadas nos anos de 1999, 2000 e 2001 para as estaduais e nos anos de 2000 e 2001 das escolas municipais. Analisamos os índices de aprovação, reprovação e desistentes, por escola, do ano de 1999 das escolas estaduais, e dos anos de 1999 e 2000, de modo geral, relativo as séries, das escolas municipais. Ainda, referente as escolas municipais, organizamos dados a respeito do número de alunos em “idade série” e fora da “idade série” do ano de 2001. Esses dados foram tema de discussão junto ao Núcleo de Pesquisa “Desigualdade e Exclusão no Espaço Local”, portanto, um das considerações finais relaciona-se com a visibilidade da exclusão no contexto da educação, no espaço local. </p


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    This work describes the three-dimensional survey of "Ex Stazione Frigorifera Specializzata": initially used for agricultural storage, during the years it was allocated to different uses until the complete neglect. The historical relevance and the architectural heritage that this building represents has brought the start of a recent renovation project and functional restoration. In this regard it was necessary a global 3-D survey that was based on the application and integration of different geomatic methodologies (mainly terrestrial laser scanner, classical topography, and GNSS). The acquisitions of point clouds was performed using different laser scanners: with time of flight (TOF) and phase shift technologies for the distance measurements. The topographic reference network, needed for scans alignment in the same system, was measured with a total station. For the complete survey of the building, 122 scans were acquired and 346 targets were measured from 79 vertices of the reference network. Moreover, 3 vertices were measured with GNSS methodology in order to georeference the network. For the detail survey of machine room were executed 14 scans with 23 targets. The 3-D global model of the building have less than one centimeter of error in the alignment (for the machine room the error in alignment is not greater than 6 mm) and was used to extract products such as longitudinal and transversal sections, plans, architectural perspectives, virtual scans. A complete spatial knowledge of the building is obtained from the processed data, providing basic information for restoration project, structural analysis, industrial and architectural heritage valorization