237 research outputs found

    A multimodal investigation of matching mechanisms in automatic imitation

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    In recent years, research on imitation focused on investigating the underlying neural mechanisms; to this aim simple paradigms were developed to experimentally investigate the phenomenon. Following the natural tendency of humans to mimic gestures and postures of their conspecifics, paradigms of automatic imitation are nowadays widely used in the field. The main aim of my dissertation is to investigate how imitation occurs using an automatic imitation paradigm, in particular focusing on the matching processes that are required to map model and performers actions.The dissertation contains six chapters. In chapter 1, I will provide a brief background of the current theoretical accounts of imitation and of the concepts of automatic imitation and compatibility effects. I will particularly focus on the questions concerning automatic imitation that are still to be fully addressed, particularly those related to the distinction of imitative and spatial compatibility. I will also address the neuroimaging and neuropsychological literature on the neural correlates of imitation. In chapter 2, I will present a neuroimaging study I carried out to investigate the imitation components. Throughout all the studies of this thesis, we used a simple automatic imitation paradigm that is suitable to differentiate between the spatial compatibility and the imitative compatibility, due to the anatomical correspondence between model and performer. Results of the first study showed that the parietal opercula are active anytime the anatomical correspondence between model and performer is present. Hence, in chapter 3 I will present a study in which double-pulse TMS was used to investigate the role of the parietal opercula in automatic imitation, and in particular in coding the imitative compatibility. Results showed that when the activity in the parietal opercula is interfered by TMS, the imitative compatibility effect disappears. In the second part of my thesis I have investigated the factors that can interact with and modulate imitative behaviors. Chapter 4 contains an fMRI study in which the role of the model in imitation is investigated. Using a simplified version of the automatic imitation paradigm, I found that the fronto-parietal network, usually associated to imitation, is more active when participants perform actions that are compatible with those performed by a human model than by a non biological model. Moreover, in this study I have also investigated how different emotional contexts can influence the automatic tendency to imitate. The results showed that the activation of the fronto-parietal network is suppressed by emotional context, such as an angry face, that does not promote affiliative tendencies. In chapter 5 I will describe a neuropsychological study on brain damaged patients. Associations and dissociations between automatic imitation and action imitation were investigated, to analyze the differences between the two types of imitation. Moreover, the role of putative body representations in imitation and whether these body representations are needed for imitation has been investigated. Lastly, in chapter 6 I will wrap up the main results of my dissertation and I will argue that I was able to provide evidence that in automatic imitation an anatomical matching operates between the model and the performer, and that this is sustained by the parietal opercula. In addition I clarified the importance of the model, showing that the activity of fronto-parietal regions supporting imitative behaviors is modulated by model identity

    The patronage in the financing of social and sustainable projects

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    [Abstract]: Traditionally, many companies have contributed, altruistically, to the generation of crowdfunding platforms as a space of knowledge and innovation where entrepreneurs develop their projects independently or in collaboration. The companies considered this platform as an investment whose rate of return was transformed into a profitable improvement of its brand image. However, these platforms have evolved, in recent times, to generate real ecosystems of technological innovation, oriented to the propulsion of business projects of marked social trend, seeking to promote alternatives for social inclusion and green projects aimed at improving sustainability and the environment. These projects not only help improve both parameters, but also manage to generate beneficial externalities for the social economy and even for the sponsoring company itself

    The effect of the size of the system, aspect ratio and impurities concentration on the dynamic of emergent magnetic monopoles in artificial spin ice systems

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    In this work we study the dynamical properties of a finite array of nanomagnets in artificial kagome spin ice at room temperature. The dynamic response of the array of nanomagnets is studied by implementing a "frustrated celular aut\'omata" (FCA), based in the charge model and dipolar model. The FCA simulations, allow us to study in real-time and deterministic way, the dynamic of the system, with minimal computational resource. The update function is defined according to the coordination number of vertices in the system. Our results show that for a set geometric parameters of the array of nanomagnets, the system exhibits high density of Dirac strings and high density emergent magnetic monopoles. A study of the effect of disorder in the arrangement of nanomagnets is incorporated in this work

    The digital divide: An approach through machine learning classifiers

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    [EN] In 2022, 2.9 billion people worldwide lacked access to the internet, thus being unable to benefit from the digital economy (WEF, 2022). Moreover, lacking internet access at home can further exacerbate existing educational and economic inequalities. Thus, it is crucial not only to identify the sociodemographic profile of households that lack internet access, but of those most vulnerable to lacking internet access in the future (Hidalgo et al., 2020). This study applies several widely used machine learning classifiers (logit regression, naïve Bayes, linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbors and random forest; James et al., 2021) to analyze the main socioeconomic internet access drivers for the Mexican population, using household surveys for the period between 2016 and 2020 (INEGI, 2020). Our principal result is that income, education level, and rurality are the main factors determining lack of internet access, both present and future; and that gender and occupation only play a secondary role in explaining the digital divide. These results can inform the formulation of public policies with the aim to secure universal access to the internet, and thus prevent the widening of existing inequalities in development.Aleán, A.; Nieto Mengotti, M. (2023). The digital divide: An approach through machine learning classifiers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 17-18. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/201753171

    La influencia moderadora de la implicacion con las TICs en los servicios moviles

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    [Abstract]: Purpose – The growing availability of wireless internet services and the great popularization of smartphones and other mobile devices means a greater challenge for mobile service companies that need to identify the factors influencing the use behavior of mobile services. So considering that the level of consumer involvement can lead to differences in service outcome evaluations, this study aims to examine whether consumer involvement with information and communication technologies (ICTs) has a moderating influence on consumer behavior in mobile services Design/methodology/approach – The authors propose an integrative model of the usage of mobile services to examine the moderating role of involvement with ICTs. Drawing on a sample of 493 users, two levels of involvement with ICTs were examined; and data were analyzed through multiple-group structural equation modeling. Findings – Findings show that the level of consumer involvement with ICTs influences the behavior in the mobile services. Further, the findings support that mobile services’ perceived quality, followed by the service perceived value are the factors with a stronger influence in satisfaction with mobile services, regardless the level of consumer involvement with ICTs. However, the mobile company corporate image has a lower influence. In addition, the results support the partial moderating role of involvement with ICTs in the loyalty toward mobile service providers, suggesting that consumers lowly involved with ICTs experience a greater impact of the service quality on their loyalty. Originality/value – The main contribution of this study is the examination of the influence of involvement with technologies in consumer behavior in the mobile services[Resumen]: Proposito – La disponibilidad creciente de los servicios internet inalámbrico y la gran popularización y adopción de los smartphones y de otros dispositivos móviles supone un gran desafío para las compañías de servicios móviles que necesitan identificar aquellos factores que influyen en el comportamiento de uso de los servicios móviles. Así, considerando que el nivel de implicación del consumidor puede llevar a diferencias en las evaluaciones de los resultados de los servicios, este estudio analiza si la implicación del consumidor con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) tiene una influencia moderadora en el comportamiento del consumidor en los servicios móviles. Metodología – Se propone un modelo integrador sobre el uso de los servicios móviles para examinar el rol moderador de la implicación del consumidor con las TICs. Sobre la base de una muestra de 493 usuarios, se analizaron dos niveles de implicación con las TICs; y los datos fueron analizados mediante un modelo multigrupo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados – Los resultados muestran que el nivel de implicación del consumidor con las TIC influye en su comportamiento hacia los servicios móviles. Además, nuestros resultados respaldan que la calidad percibida de los servicios móviles, seguida del valor percibido de estos servicios son los factores con mayor influencia en la satisfacción con los servicios móviles, independientemente del nivel de implicación del consumidor con las TIC. Sin embargo, la imagen corporativa de la compañía de servicios móviles tiene una influencia menor. Adicionalmente, nuestros resultados muestran el rol moderador parcial de la implicación con las TIC en la lealtad hacia los proveedores de servicios móviles, sugiriendo que los consumidores poco implicados con las TIC experimentan un mayor impacto de la calidad del servicio en su lealtad. Valor – La principal contribución de este estudio es el análisis de la influencia de la implicación del consumidor con las tecnologías, en su comportamiento hacia los servicios de comunicación móvil de los smartphones y de otros dispositivos móviles supone un gran desafío para las compañías de servicios móviles que necesitan identificar aquellos factores que influyen en el comportamiento de uso de los servicios móviles. Así, considerando que el nivel de implicación del consumidor puede llevar a diferencias en las evaluaciones de los resultados de los servicios, este estudio analiza si la implicación del consumidor con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) tiene una influencia moderadora en el comportamiento del consumidor en los servicios móviles. Metodología – Se propone un modelo integrador sobre el uso de los servicios móviles para examinar el rol moderador de la implicación del consumidor con las TICs. Sobre la base de una muestra de 493 usuarios, se analizaron dos niveles de implicación con las TICs; y los datos fueron analizados mediante un modelo multigrupo de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados – Los resultados muestran que el nivel de implicación del consumidor con las TIC influye en su comportamiento hacia los servicios móviles. Además, nuestros resultados respaldan que la calidad percibida de los servicios móviles, seguida del valor percibido de estos servicios son los factores con mayor influencia en la satisfacción con los servicios móviles, independientemente del nivel de implicación del consumidor con las TIC. Sin embargo, la imagen corporativa de la compañía de servicios móviles tiene una influencia menor. Adicionalmente, nuestros resultados muestran el rol moderador parcial de la implicación con las TIC en la lealtad hacia los proveedores de servicios móviles, sugiriendo que los consumidores poco implicados con las TIC experimentan un mayor impacto de la calidad del servicio en su lealtad. Valor – La principal contribución de este estudio es el análisis de la influencia de la implicación del consumidor con las tecnologías, en su comportamiento hacia los servicios de comunicación móvil

    Le manuscrit retrouvé des Mémoires de Nicolas Fontaine

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    Les étapes d’une improbable découverte Comment et où découvrir un inédit, et de surcroît un original autographe ? La réponse déconcertera sans doute : sans le chercher et dans le fonds d’une bibliothèque accessible à tous. On ne dira jamais assez quelles surprises peuvent surgir de l’exploration tâtonnante, mais non sans but, des catalogues des manuscrits, défendus dans les bibliothèques publiques par l’altitude maligne et les secrètes profondeurs des rayonnages, sous l’indiscrète poussière e..

    Statistics4j framework para el desarrollo de simulaciones estadísticas

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    El objetivo de Staticstics4j es del desarrollo de un framework en java, para la realización de trabajos estadísticos en el ámbito de la biología. El pensamiento de nuestra aplicación es el de la creación de un motor de trabajo y un entorno lo más general, rápido y reconfigurable posible, donde realizar cálculos estadísticos sobre cualquier tipo de muestra que haya sido anteriormente volcada en nuestra base de datos. Por lo tanto podríamos decir que nuestra filosofía es la de busca los datos “donde quieras”, ejecuta sobre ellos las operaciones “que quieras” y por fin, muestra el resultado “del modo que quieras”. Una de las características más importantes debe ser la rapidez de la aplicación, pensada sobre todo para que corra en multiprocesadores, intentando para ello separar las tareas en hilos de ejecución paralelos siempre que sea posible. Incluiremos en la distribución base una configuración por defecto que cargue los datos de un fichero de texto, los almacene del modo más eficaz en base de datos y tras la ejecución de ciertas tareas sobre ellos, muestre los resultados en forma de gráficos o valores, en un archivo PDF. Dado el entorno de carácter académico en el que se desarrolla este proyecto, hemos pretendido que este proyecto sirva como excusa para el aprendizaje de diversas tecnologías emergentes usadas en el mundo de la empresa. SAX, JDOM, VELOCITY, HIBERNATE… [ABSTRACT] The target for Statistics4j is the development of a framework in java for the execution of statistic work in the environment of the biology. Our thought in our application is the creation of a work engine and an environment so general, fast and reconfigurable as possible, where you can carry out some statistic calculations over any kind of sample previously inserted in our database. Thus, we could say that our philosophy is looking for the data “wherever you want”, execute over them the operations “you want” and at the end, show the results “in the way you want”. One of the more important characteristics must be the speed of the application, developed thinking in being running in multi-processors, trying in that order to split the tasks in different parallel execution threads. We’ll included in our basic distribution, a default configuration which we’ll get the data from a text file, save them in the most efficient way in the database and after the execution of certain task over them, show the result obtained in the way of charts or single values, in a PDF file. Because of the academic environment in which this project is developed, we have tried that this project were useful for us as a reason for the learning of several rising technologies used in the world of the companies. SAX, JDOM, VELOCITY, HIBERNATE

    El comportamiento de los consumidores ante los cambios en las industrias de red: el caso de las telecomunicaciones y servicios móviles

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    [Abstract] Chapter 1. We propose and test an integrative model to examine the relationships among service quality, perceived value, corporate image, customer satisfaction and loyalty with mobile communication services. The moderating role of sector knowledge and type of subscription contract were also examined. The data was analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling, and results showed that service quality exerts the highest influence on customer satisfaction, followed by perceived value and corporate image. Chapter 2. This article provides a conceptual model to analyze the creation of customer satisfaction and switching intention with mobile services, and to examine the differences according to the type of subscription contract. Our findings suggest that service quality is one of the key determinants of customer satisfaction, while the attractive alternatives are the main switching barrier. Chapter 3. Based on the flow theory, we develop and test a model on the creation and consequences derived from consumer satisfaction with digital content through mobile devices. For this purpose, we developed Structural Equation Modeling analysis. This study found that the ease of use is one of the key determinants of consumer satisfaction, followed by content characteristics.[Resumen] El capítulo 1 propone y prueba un modelo integral para examinar las relaciones existentes entre la calidad del servicio, el valor percibido, la imagen corporativa, la satisfacción del consumidor y la lealtad en los servicios de comunicación móvil. El papel moderador del conocimiento del sector y del tipo de contrato también se analizan. Los datos se analizan mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, y los resultados muestran que la calidad del servicio ejerce la mayor influencia en la satisfacción del consumidor, seguida del valor percibido y de la imagen corporativa. El capítulo 2 ofrece un modelo conceptual para analizar la creación de la satisfacción del consumidor y la intención de cambio en los servicios de comunicación móvil, y para examinar las diferencias dependiendo del tipo de contrato. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la calidad del servicio es uno de los factores determinantes de la satisfacción del consumidor, mientras que el atractivo de las alternativas es la principal barrera de entrada. El capítulo 3 se basa en la teoría del flujo. Se desarrolló y se prueba un modelo sobre la creación y las consecuencias derivadas de la satisfacción de los consumidores con los contenidos digitales a través del móvil. Para este propósito, desarrollamos un análisis mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Este estudio muestra que la satisfacción de los usuarios está influida por la facilidad de uso, seguida por las características del contenido.[Resumo] O capítulo 1 propón un modelo integral para examinar as relacións existentes entre a calidade do servicio, o valor percibido, a imaxe corporativa, a satisfacción do consumidor e a lealtade nos servizos de comunicación móvil. O papel moderador do coñecemento do sector e o tipo de contrato tamén se analizan. Os datos se analizan mediante un modelo de ecuacións estructurais, e os resultados amosan que a calidade do servizo exercen a maior influencia na satisfacción do consumidor, seguida do valor percibido e da imaxe corporativa. O capítulo 2 ofrece un modelo conceptual para analizar a creación da satisfacción do consumidor e a intención de cambio nos servizos de comunicación móvil, e para examinar as diferenzas dependendo do tipo de contrato. Os nosos resultados están a suxerir que a calidade do servizo é un dos factores determinantes da satisfacción do consumidor, mentres que o atractivo das alternativas é a principal barreira de entrada. O capítulo 3 se basa na teoría do fluxo. Se desenvolve e se proba un modelo sobre a creación e as consecuencias derivadas da satisfacción dos consumidores cos contenidos dixitais a través do móvil. Para este propósito, desenrola unha análise mediante un modelo de ecuacións estructurais. Este estudio amosa que a satisfacción dos usuarios está influida pola facilidade de uso, seguida polas características do contido

    Equilíbrio de fases do DMF e NMP em Propano

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    Orientador: Papa Matar NdiayeCo-Orientador: José Vladimir de OliveiraDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor Tecnologia. Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Engenharia Química. Defesa: Curitiba,11/03/2010Bibliografia: fls.67-78Área de concentração: Termodinâmica aplicadaResumo: O projeto de processos que envolvem misturas fluidas a altas pressões necessita de um conhecimento prévio sobre o comportamento de fases. Frações pesadas do petróleo são conhecidas por possuírem um alto teor em compostos aromáticos com a presença de nitrogênio e enxofre. A remoção destes compostos pode ser feita usando solventes industriais tais como DMF e NMP. Altos rendimentos podem ser obtidos com o uso de fluidos pressurizados, como o propano, que tem a vantagem adicional de evitar a formação de azeótropos comumente encontrados nestes sistemas. Neste trabalho, dados de comportamento de fases de sistemas binários e ternários envolvendo propano, DMF, NMP e metanol são reportados. O método empregado foi o estático-sintético, que consiste em determinar a pressão de transição para uma dada temperatura e composição global do sistema. As temperaturas averiguadas variam de 323,15 K até 393,14K. Pressões de transição de até 160 bar foram observadas. Os resultados mostram que os sistemas binários Propano – DMF e Propano - NMP apresentam comportamento semelhante, como a presença de uma curva de transição do tipo UCST e a presença de um ponto crítico terminal superior (UCEP) em temperatura superior a temperatura crítica do propano. As pressões de transição dos sistemas com DMF são menores do que aquelas encontradas em sistemas com o NMP. A presença do metanol diminui a região de imiscibilidade líquido-líquido. As características dos envelopes de fase encontrados sugerem que os sistemas binários Propano - DMF e Propano - NMP apresentam um diagrama de fase do Tipo lll de acordo com a classificação de van Konynenburg e Scott.Abstract: The process design that involves fluid mixtures at high pressure requires a previous knowledge of the phase equilibrium behavior. Heavy fraction of Petroleum is characterized by high content of aromatics compounds, especially those containing of nitrogen and sulfur. High yields can be achieved by use of compressed fluid like propane. Furthermore the use of propane avoid the azeotrope formation commonly related at low pressure. In this work, phase equilibria data at high pressure of binary and ternary systems involving Propane, DMF, NMP. The influence of methanol addition as co-solvent is investigated too. The temperature and global propane molar fraction ranges investigated are 323,15 K – 393,15 and 0,1 – 0,998, respectively. The staticsynthetic method which consist of determination of phase envelop without sampling, was used. Liquid–liquid, liquid-vapor and liquid-liquid-vapor transition were vis ally detected with pressure transition up to 160 bar. Results show thatthe binary and ternary systems have similar behavior, with an Upper Critical Solution Temperature transition curve and an upper critical end point at temperature higher than the propane critical temperature. The system with DMF presents lower pressure transition when compared to the system with NMP. The presence of methanol reduces the liquid-liquid immiscibility region in both systems. The features of phase envelop of binary system plotted in a P-T diagram suggests that these present a Type III behavior according to the van Konynenburg -Scott classification