76 research outputs found

    Hortas escolares como promoção da educação ambiental e alimentar da Escola Municipal Rural Vereda

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Faculdade de Educação, 2013. Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia a Distância.O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar a relevância da horta na escola, incentivando a educação ambiental e nutricional através da horta na escola e despertar a consciência da importância do meio ambiente e da sustentabilidade. Aconteceu na Escola Municipal Rural Veredas II Norte com 11 crianças de 6 a 9 anos da turma multiseriada de 1º, 2º e 3º ano


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    In this research aimed identify the impact of virtual education in the teaching process and children’s learning and coping strategies. The survey was carried out online, between June and September 2021, authorized by the Ethics Committee, according to the recommendations cited in the circular letter nº 1/2021-CONEP/CNS/MS, with 111 families residing in Bahia with children under 12 years of age diagnosed with COVID-19 any of the members. The research was approved by CEP (4.749.366). Data were analyzed in the SPSS through single frequency. Development/results: In this research, it was evident that among the 111 respondent families, some were able to follow the classes online, had access to electronic devices, they had good quality wi-fi, they had a computer and cell phone to monitor classes, had the presence of parentes available to help, had a reserved environment and some had no difficulties with the electronic device for being old. Through this study it was possible to conclude that the degree of difficulty related to school difficulties is low, which seems to be confirmed by socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, the study was relevant for thinking in policy strategies to help minimize potential negative consequencesEste trabajo busca identificar el impacto de la educación virtual en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los niños, así como las estrategias para afrontar los retos de ese contexto. Se realizó de forma online, entre junio y septiembre de 2021, según lo autorizado por el Comité de Ética, de acuerdo con las recomendaciones citadas en la Circular nº 1/2021-CONEP/CNS/ MS, con 111 familias residentes en Bahía, con niños menores de 12 años con diagnóstico de COVID-19 en cualquiera de los miembros. La encuesta fue aprobada por el CEP (4.749.366). Los datos se analizaron en el SPSS a través de la frecuencia absoluta. En esta investigación, se evidenció que, entre las 111 familias encuestadas, algunos niños podían seguir las clases en línea, tenían acceso a dispositivos electrónicos, tenían wi-fi de buena calidad, tenían computadora y celular para el seguimiento de las clases, tenían la presencia de padres disponibles para ayudar, tenían un entorno reservado y algunos no tenían dificultades con el dispositivo electrónico porque era antiguo. Aunque la condición socioeconómica de la muestra fue favorable para reducir el impacto de covid-19 en la educación de los escolares en estas familias, hubo informes de dificultades financieras durante este período. A través de este estudio, fue posible concluir que la pandemia tuvo un pequeño impacto en el desarrollo escolar de la muestra estudiada y esto parece ser confirmado por las condiciones socioeconómicas. Ante esto, el estudio fue relevante para pensar en estrategias políticas para ayudar a minimizar posibles consecuencias negativas.Este trabalho busca identificar o impacto da educação virtual no processo de ensino e aprendizagem das crianças, bem como as estratégias de enfrentamento aos desafios desse contexto. Realizou-se de forma online, entre junho e setembro de 2021, conforme autorizado pelo Comitê de Ética, de acordo com as recomendações citadas na Circular nº 1/2021-CONEP/CNS/MS, com 111 famílias residentes na Bahia, com crianças menores de 12 anos com diagnóstico para COVID-19 em qualquer dos membros.  A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo CEP (4.749.366). Os dados foram analisados no SPSS através de frequência absoluta. Nesta pesquisa, evidenciou-se que, dentre as 111 famílias respondentes, algumas crianças conseguiam acompanhar as aulas online, tinham acesso a aparelhos eletrônicos, tinham wi-fi de boa qualidade, tinham computador e celular para o acompanhamento das aulas, tinham a presença de pais disponíveis para ajudar, possuíam um ambiente reservado e alguns não apresentaram dificuldades com o aparelho eletrônico por ser antigo. Embora a condição socioeconômica da amostra tenha sido favorável para a redução do impacto da covid-19 sob a educação de escolares nessas famílias, houve o relato de dificuldades financeiras durante esse período. Por meio deste estudo, foi possivel concluir que a pandemia causou impacto pequeno no desenvolvimento escolar da amostra estudada e isso parece ser confirmado pelas condições socioeconômicas. Diante disso, o estudo foi relevante para pensar em estratégias políticas para ajudar a minimizar possíveis consequências negativas

    Vitamin A and D deficiencies: Perspectives for COVID-19

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    OBJECTIVE: Considering the rapid spread of COVID-19, the scientific community has been looking for ways to recognize factors that may interfere with the outcome of viral infection. Despite the lack of studies with the new coronavirus, it is known that adequate serum levels of micronutrients are essential for the organic response to infectious diseases. Thus, we aim to review the effects of vitamin A, D, iron, zinc, or folate deficiency on the prognosis of patients with respiratory infections with manifestations similar to COVID-19 and discuss about supplementation of the nutrients analyzed in this review. METHODS: The search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Lilacs, and SciELO, including observational studies published between 2010-2020, with results for individuals with respiratory tract infections with manifestations similar to COVID-19. RESULTS: Six articles met the inclusion criteria, all of which were related to deficiencies of vitamins A and D. In general, vitamin A deficiency was associated with cough, fever, and greater total respiratory resistance. Regarding vitamin D, the lack of this nutrient led to higher rates of ICU admission, the need for mechanical ventilation, and mortality. Evidence linking specific relationships between nutritional deficiencies and COVID-19 remain lacking due to the small number of studies and heterogeneities in population subgroups. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, deficiencies of vitamins A and D seem to negatively affect the prognosis of respiratory tract infections. Supplementation of these nutrients for prevention or treatment of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 should respect serum levels, nutritional status and housing conditions (e.g.,endemic location) of individuals

    Femoral Orthopedic Implants in Dogs with Titanium - Mechanical Evaluation

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Orthopedic implants are commonly used for different types of surgical procedures to gain optimal function and to provide stability to both bones and tendon structures. When inserting these implants, the characteristics of the material are important for surgical success, and the ideal implant must be biocompatible and nonallergenic. However, when molding an implant to the bone structure, its resistance can change significantly. Implants can be temporary or permanent in the body, and metal possesses properties that make it acceptable for bone repair. In biomedical implants, 2 types are most common, commercially pure (CP)-Ti and Ti-6A1-4V. They both provide stable fixation and low risk of loosening. Implants made with the same material and composition can perform differently if the material has been altered by processing techniques for different scenarios. Stress, strain and elastic modulus are the primary metrics used in the description of implant materials. They can be calculated based on mechanical tests of specimens with defined geometry, most commonly tensile, bending and torsional tests. In order to better evaluate those changes, we compared the mechanical characteristics of titanium bone plates, before and after they were molded to the bone, to verify and quantify the loss of stiffness and resistance after molding the plate.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was prospective. Orthopedic implant made of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) were divided into 2 groups, one group without plate molding and the other with plate molding to a dog femora bone. Thirty-six plates of different sizes (5.0, 6.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and 11.0-mm diameter) were divided into 6 groups containing 6 plates of each size and submitted to the 4-point flexion test of resistance, using a piece of dog femur (weights of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 kg) as the bone in which the molding was performed. The evaluations were tabulated and analyzed using the program GraphPad Prism version 5.0. Corrections of the normal distribution curve were made using the Bartlett test. After the corrections, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with P < 0.05. Assessments were made within the group and between groups. Subsequently, the Newman-Keuls test was performed, adopting P < 0.05. For analyses in 2 groups, Student's t-test was performed as a post-test, also with P < 0.05. When the plates were compared between equal sizes of groups 1 and 2, the non-molded plate group (G1) obtained the best results in the flexural stiffness and structural flexion tests. However, in the flexural resistance test, most plates obtained similar results and the plates with diameters of 8 mm, 9 mm and 10 mm of the molded plate group (G2) obtained the best results.Discussion: Our results show that the implants had adequate mechanical characteristics, but the unmolded plates had greater flexural and structural stiffness than the molded plates. This difference was significant, thus demonstrating a large loss of stiffness in relation to the original conformation. However, when we tested the flexural resistance, no significant differences were observed, and although without significant statistical changes, there was an increase in the resistance of the plate with the new conformation obtained by molding. In the results of the mechanical tests, we observed that after the molding, the implants gained greater resistance, although the difference was not statistically significant. This suggests that the architecture of the implants should have slight curvature in the medial direction of the bone, since this would lead to a better adaptation to the anatomy of the bone, and possibly greater resistance, as indicated by the new configuration after molding.Keywords: bone implants, titanium, orthopedic implants, femur, dogs

    Validação de cartilha educacional sobre prevenção do Câncer Colorretal / Validation of educational booklet on Colorectal Cancer prevention

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    Objetivo: validar uma cartilha sobe CCR, a fim de acrescentar conhecimento e, através disso, contribuir para a diminuição de casos e a melhoria da saúde pública. Materiais e método: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de validação de material educativo no formato de cartilha impressa, sob a análise e método da literatura de Pasquali, utilizando o seu modelo trinário. Resultados: enriquecimento textual com a inclusão de fatores de risco, retirada de termos técnicos, harmonia entre o texto e visual trazendo o material a alcance da população. Conclusão: Destacou-se a importância da avaliação e identificação dos trechos não compatíveis com a efetividade da comunicação, trazendo uma linguagem de fácil entendimento e assimilação de informações, o que proporciona formas de prevenção, levando o usuário ao autocuidado

    Assessment of the risk of burnout and its associated factors in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A prospective cohort study

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    IntroductionThe COVID-19 pandemic resulted in tremendous physical and psychological pressure on healthcare professionals, especially on those working in intensive care units (ICUs) and Emergency Departments (EDs). The present study intended to characterize the profile of these professionals which is associated with burnout and determine the potential predictors of such condition.MethodsA Prospective cohort study was carried out in a tertiary hospital between March 2020 and March 2021, in Salvador, Brazil. A standardized and validated version of the Oldenburg Burnout inventory (OLBI) was applied to assess risk of burnout together with data forms designed to collect information on sociodemographic characteristics and religious beliefs. ICU and ED healthcare professionals were evaluated during off-hours at two distinct periods of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 and in 2021. Differences in the results obtained from each study participant between the timepoints were compared. A binary logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of burnout development independent of other confounding factors.ResultsSeventy-seven healthcare professionals with a median age of 33 (interquartile range [IQR]: 31–37.5) years and predominantly female (72.7%; n = 56) were enrolled. There were 62 professionals at risk of developing burnout through the OLBI. Those had a median age of 33 (IQR: 31–37) and female predominance (71%, n = 44). Disengagement and burnout were the only features which frequencies significantly changed over time, with increasing detection at the latest timepoint. Alcohol consumption was found to be an important risk factor for burnout development [adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 10.8 (95% CI: 1.8–64.2)]. Importantly, working in the ICU [aOR: 0.04 (95%CI: 0.01–0.32)] and the habit of praying daily [aOR: 0.07 (95%CI: 0.01–0.41)] were characteristics linked to reduced odds of burnout.DiscussionDisengagement substantially increased during the COVID-19 pandemic in healthcare professionals. Alcohol consumption favors the onset of burnout whereas habit of praying daily and working in the ICU are protective against such outcome. Institutional policies aimed at minimizing etilism may positively impact mental health of these professionals

    Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery: analysis of articles published between 2010-2019

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    Introduction: The Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery (RBCP - Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica)is the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP - Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica) official publication and will complete 35 years of existence in 2021. During this period, few articles analyzed the content published by the journal. This work aims to carry out an analysis of articles published in RBCP between 2010 and 2019. Methods: Descriptive retrospective analysis of articles published in RBCP between 2010 and 2019. Inclusion criteria were articles present in the analyzed issues, of the type “Original Article,” “Review Article,” and “Case Report,” and not be a supplement edition. Results: A total of 1,107 articles were evaluated, of which 931 were included in the study; 700 “Original Articles” (75.2%), 66 “Review Articles” (7%) and 165 (17.8%) “Case Reports.” 3. 012 (73%) males and 1,108 (27%) females among the authors. Nine hundred fourteen articles were produced in Brazil. Of these, 577 (63.1%) in services accredited by Department of Education and Accredited Services (DESC - Departamento de Ensino e Serviços Credenciados) and 337 (36.9%) in non-accredited services. The main themes were aesthetics with 379 (40.7%) articles, followed by head and neck reconstruction with 115 (12.3%) and basic and experimental science with 114 (12.2%) publications. Conclusion: The data presented in this article allow a descriptive analysis of the RBCP. There is a need to intensify the publication of original articles and to discuss the search for gender equality in publications. Institutions that train residents to play an important role in national scientific production and scientific participation during training must be encouraged

    Monitoring fungal burden and viability of Sporothrix spp. in skin lesions of cats for predicting antifungal treatment response

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    Skin lesions in feline sporotrichosis usually present a high fungal burden, making cats an important source of infection. This study evaluated the fungal burden and isolation in skin lesions of feline sporotrichosis during treatment with itraconazole (ITZ), combined with or without potassium iodide (KI). Treatment-naïve cats with culture-confirmed sporotrichosis and presenting skin ulcers were treated for up to 40 weeks with oral ITZ alone (n = 74) or combined with KI (n = 56). These cats were submitted to monthly sampling of the same lesion for mycological culture and cytopathology until healing of lesion or up to twelve weeks. The fungal burden was expressed as the mean yeast cell count in three microscopic fields from imprint smears. The fungal burden before treatment was significantly higher in cats in which the lesion persisted and in cases of treatment failure when using ITZ alone. After twelve weeks, the median fungal burden decreased to zero in both treatment protocols, suggesting a potential decrease in the risk of transmission of Sporothrix spp. from cats. These findings encourage the early treatment of feline sporotrichosis as a control measure. Moreover, the fungal burden in feline sporotrichosis lesions can be a prognostic indicator and a parameter for choosing appropriate therapeutic regimen

    HIV, plastic surgery and Brazil: a narrative review

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    Introduction: Brazil presents one of the best HIV programs globally, and one of the characteristics of this approach is multidisciplinarity, where plastic surgery is involved. Objective: To conduct a non-systematic review of what has already been published on HIV by Brazilian plastic surgeons, analyzing the main themes studied. Methods: Research at PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica with the following terms: "plastic surgery HIV", "plastic surgery AIDS", "HIV plastic surgery", "AIDS plastic surgery", "HIV" and "AIDS. Results: We found 862 articles, and after selecting those written by Brazilian plastic surgeons, we reached a final number of 15, produced by 10 institutions from 5 Brazilian states. The most addressed theme was lipodystrophy in 13 publications. Discussion: From the selected articles, it is clear the concentration in the Southeast region. The most addressed theme was lipodystrophy, and the articles on it were published after ordinance GM/MS 2582. Areas such as skin cancer, genetics and surgery for gender reassignment have not been published, although there is already content related to HIV and plastic surgery in other countries. Conclusion: Despite quality publications, there are still areas in which Brazilian plastic surgery research needs to explore concerning HIV/AIDS


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    RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a percepção da pessoa idosa sobre o acolhimento e cuidado da enfermeira na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Métodos: estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido com 21 idosos, cadastrados em sete unidades de saúde da família, em um município da Bahia, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, ocorridas entre janeiro e março de 2016. Os dados foram analisados com base na análise categorial temática de Bardin, sob a luz da teoria transpessoal de Watson. Resultados: as percepções de pessoas idosas sobre o acolhimento e cuidado da enfermeira no contexto atenção básica foram: 1. empatia com ênfase na escuta qualificada; 2. cuidado com acolhimento e afeto; 3. cuidado com ênfase no aspecto biológico; 4. o cuidado direcionado para a prevenção de doenças e promoção da saúde. Conclusão: o acolhimento e o cuidado da enfermeira têm repercussões positivas para a saúde da pessoa idosa assistida nas unidades de saúde da família. Entretanto, apesar do cuidado empático, acolhedor e com afeto, poucos depoimentos referiram a atenção multidimensional em seus aspectos direcionados, o que remete à necessidade de a enfermeira direcionar o cuidado que atenda a todas as dimensões propostas por Jean Watson no Processo Clinical Caritas