865 research outputs found

    L'habitat participatif : une solution pour le logement abordable?

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    rapport d'étudeCe rapport d'étude analyse de manière exploratoire, les différents montages opérationnels de l'habitat participatif. Il ouvre des pistes, permettant aux collectivités et aux porteurs de projet de développer leur propre projet d'habitat participatif

    Prosuming, or when customers turn collaborators: coordination and motivation of customer contribution

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    This article investigates the phenomenon of increasing integration of customers and users into the organizational creation of value, focusing primarily on the dissolving boundaries between production and consumption. Concepts such as "prosuming", the "working customer", "produsing" and "interactive value creation" have been used to describe this phenomenon. Within the framework of a research project at the Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, this debate was investigated theoretically as well as empirically in three case studies. The research question is as follows: Why do customers participate in "new types of prosuming" or "interactive value creation" and how are these processes coordinated by the firms? The results show a considerable range of motives and forms of coordination: The customers’ primary motives to voluntarily assume tasks and activities were both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. The organizational models identified range from strategies of rationalization to prosuming as a basic business model to the collaborative and interactive value creation between the company and the web-community

    L'Agence d'urbanisme de Lyon : avant-garde et creuset d'expertise pour une politique urbaine stratégique

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    International audienceFour organisms in charge of urban studies and the conception of spatial planning have succeeded one other in the urban area of Lyon since the early sixties: the Urbanism Workshop of the City of Lyon, the Urbanism Workshop of the Urban Community of Lyon, the Urbanism Agency of the Urban Community of Lyon and last the Urbanism Agency for the Development of the Agglomeration of Lyon, which is still in operation. Each of them contributes towards the development of the metropolis, by introducing new approaches in elaboration and the running of urban policies at the local level. At the time of the elaboration of the SDAU (structure plan at the agglomeration level) and the POS (legally binding local land use plan) during the years of economic growth, the first two organisms constitute the penetration and spreading points for modern conceptions of planning, which are conveyed by the State services to the local actors, but also for interests and the point of view the local economical actors defend against State orientations. The Agencies are asserting themselves afterwards as centre of methodological innovation and creation of new forms of expertise. They work on strategic planning and territorial development, and also to enable the Urban Community of Lyon to define and lead an ambitious urban policy on the agglomeration territory.Quatre organismes successifs ont été en charge des études urbaines et de la préparation des documents de planification territoriale dans l'agglomération lyonnaise depuis le début des années 1960 : l'Atelier d'urbanisme de la Ville de Lyon, l'Atelier d'urbanisme de la Communauté urbaine de Lyon, l'Agence d'urbanisme de la Communauté urbaine de Lyon et enfin l'Agence d'urbanisme pour le développement de l'agglomération lyonnaise, qui est toujours en activité. Chacun a contribué et contribue aujourd'hui au développement de la métropole lyonnaise, en introduisant de nouvelles approches dans l'élaboration et la conduite des politiques urbaines au niveau local. Lors de l'élaboration du Schéma Directeur d'Aménagement et d'Urbanisme et du Plan d'Occupation des Sols durant les années de croissance, les deux premiers ont constitué des points de pénétration et de diffusion des conceptions modernisatrices portées par les services de l'Etat auprès des responsables locaux, mais aussi des intérêts et points de vue défendus par les acteurs économiques locaux en réaction aux orientations étatiques. Les deux Agences s'affirment ensuite comme des foyers d'innovation méthodologique et de création de nouvelles formes d'expertise au service de la planification stratégique et du développement territorial, dans un contexte d'ensemble de crise économique. Les travaux de l'Agence permettent à la Communauté urbaine de Lyon de concevoir et de piloter une politique urbaine ambitieuse à l'échelle de l'agglomération. Ils servent ainsi de trame fondamentale à l'organisation des services techniques communautaires, dans les champs de l'urbanisme et du développement économique notamment. Ce positionnement des Ateliers puis des Agences à l'avant-garde en matière d'études urbaines, comme leur capacité à diffuser une nouvelle culture managériale du développement urbain, favorisent l'émergence d'un pouvoir d'agglomération puissant au sein du Grand Lyon. Il n'empêche cependant pas le confinement de l'Agence dans un rôle d'étude et d'observatoire, quelque peu à l'écart de la mise en œuvre concrète des orientations des politiques urbaines, alors même que l'intercommunalité gagne en capacité d'action

    Saint-Igeaux – Nonémo

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    La découverte par Mme Bernard de Laniscat, accompagnée de M. Yannick Cosson, de Plélauff, de 6 monnaies en argent dans un champ labouré laissait présager de l’existence d’un petit dépôt monétaire. Une intervention de sondage a donc été effectuée sur une superficie de 8 m2, le 2 septembre, à l’emplacement présumé de cette découverte. Ont participé à cette opération, outre les découvreurs des premières monnaies, M. Maurice Gautier et moi-même. Au contact du sous-sol, éraflé par les socs des cha..

    Paule – Camp de Saint-Symphorien

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    L’opération effectuée à Paule en 1998 a permis d’étendre le décapage du cœur de cet habitat, occupé du ve au ier s. av. J.‑C. La poursuite de la fouille du fossé de l’enceinte quadrangulaire interne, comblé avec un imposant remblai composé pour partie de terres cendreuses et de matériaux brûlés, a permis de mettre au jour de nombreux fragments de céramiques. Une des formes les plus fréquentes est l’écuelle à profil « en esse », totalement ou partiellement enduite de graphite et ornée de motif..

    Paule – Camp de Saint-Symphorien

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    Les principaux résultats de l’opération de 1997, la dixième effectuée sur cette forteresse du second âge du Fer, peuvent être résumés en trois points. L’étude des troisième et quatrième souterrains mis au jour en 1997 a été achevée, une cinquième structure de ce type étant découverte légèrement plus au sud. L’étude stratigraphique des remplissages de ces excavations, creusées dans le grès armoricain plus ou moins altéré, a mis en évidence un processus complexe de comblement où succèdent, à l’..


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    Las bases de datos consultadas dentro de la AIOS son en medida de lo posible una recopilación y estandarización por parte de la asociación para brindar información homologada de cada país perteneciente facilitando las consultas; en caso de ausencia de información, se recurrirá a las bases de datos de los organismos en materia de pensiones de cada país en estudio. Se utilizarán métodos estadísticos donde los datos recabados serán utilizados para la realización de tablas de resultados, cuadros estadísticos y gráficos que permitan el análisis de la información. Cabe señalar que tras haber realizado un análisis previo, la presente investigación sólo tomará como objeto de estudio una muestra de dos AFP por país, aquella con mejor rendimiento y la que tenga mayor proporción del mercado acorde al periodo que se especifique en el trabajo. Dentro del primer capítulo se construye el marco conceptual utilizado, éste contiene conceptos clave para comprender el contenido del mismo, tal como la definición de fondo de pensiones y su clasificación, entre otros. Por otro lado, contiene antecedentes históricos que ayudarán a comprender la razón del presente trabajo y brindarán un panorama sobre las pensiones en Latinoamérica, abarcando información de los diferentes sistemas de pensiones, las dificultades que estos presentaron y los cambios e implementaciones que se llevaron a cabo con la finalidad de mejorarlos. Dentro del segundo capítulo se abarcarán temas relacionados a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones, su definición, origen, objetivo e importancia, así como el desarrollo que éstas han tenido en Latinoamérica. En el tercer capítulo, en primera instancia se describirán conceptos que ayuden a la lectura de los cuadros estadísticos que se elaboraran a partir de las bases de datos de los organismos ya mencionados, tomando en cuenta únicamente algunas de las AFP de los países definidos, dichas AFP serán seleccionadas de acuerdo a lo descrito en el apartado. El análisis de los cuadros se realiza con la finalidad de comparar los rendimientos reales y proporción de mercado (basado en la cantidad de cuentas individuales que tenga cada AFP respecto al total de su país). Lo anterior determinará cuáles son las AFP con mayor participación en el mercado, así como aquellas que otorgan mayor rendimiento y por ende que se consideran son las mejores de la región Latinoamérica. En el cuarto y último capítulo se efectuará el modelo estadístico coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, tomando un nivel de confianza del 95% para llevar a cabo la prueba, a razón de que se desea observar la correlación existente entre las variables número de cuentas individuales de las AFP frente a rendimientos y comisiones

    A category theoretic approach to extensions of Banach algebras

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    This thesis aims to generalise Busby’s framework for studying extensions of C∗-algebras, to the Banach-algebraic setting, without requiring admissibility assumptions on extensions. In the case where the canonical embedding ιJ of a faithful Banach algebra J into its multiplier algebra MJ has closed range, we classify all extensions of an arbitrary Banach algebra B by J. This is done by presenting two categories, one of extensions and another of Busby maps, and proving that these categories are equivalent. We then consider cases where the canonical embedding of J need not have closed range, and provide some partial results in such cases under the extra assumption of a bounded linear lift for a given Busby map. These results are then applied to several examples, where we also compute explicit multiplier norms for MJ when J is a maximal ideal in Ck([−1, 1]). To go further, we study the quotient MJ/ιJ (J) not as a seminormed space but as an object in a suitable derived category. To lay the necessary foundations, the derived category construction of Grothendieck and Verdier is applied to the category of Banach spaces and bounded linear maps. Using this framework, we introduce a class of “Q-Busby maps” from an arbitrary Banach algebra B into MJ/ιJ (J), and obtain a restricted version of Busby’s original correspondence, applicable whenever J is a faithful Banach algebra

    Evaluation of plasma biomarkers to predict major adverse kidney events in hospitalized patients with COVID-19

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    RATIONALE & OBJECTIVE: Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are at increased risk for major adverse kidney events (MAKE). We sought to identify plasma biomarkers predictive of MAKE in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: A total of 576 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between March 2020 and January 2021 across 3 academic medical centers. EXPOSURE: Twenty-six plasma biomarkers of injury, inflammation, and repair from first available blood samples collected during hospitalization. OUTCOME: MAKE, defined as KDIGO stage 3 acute kidney injury (AKI), dialysis-requiring AKI, or mortality up to 60 days. ANALYTICAL APPROACH: Cox proportional hazards regression to associate biomarker level with MAKE. We additionally applied the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and random forest regression for prediction modeling and estimated model discrimination with time-varying C index. RESULTS: The median length of stay for COVID-19 hospitalization was 9 (IQR, 5-16) days. In total, 95 patients (16%) experienced MAKE. Each 1 SD increase in soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (sTNFR1) and sTNFR2 was significantly associated with an increased risk of MAKE (adjusted HR [AHR], 2.30 [95% CI, 1.86-2.85], and AHR, 2.26 [95% CI, 1.73-2.95], respectively). The C index of sTNFR1 alone was 0.80 (95% CI, 0.78-0.84), and the C index of sTNFR2 was 0.81 (95% CI, 0.77-0.84). LASSO and random forest regression modeling using all biomarkers yielded C indexes of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.83-0.89) and 0.84 (95% CI, 0.78-0.91), respectively. LIMITATIONS: No control group of hospitalized patients without COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: We found that sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 are independently associated with MAKE in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and can both also serve as predictors for adverse kidney outcomes. PLAIN-LANGUAGE SUMMARY: Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are at increased risk for long-term adverse health outcomes, but not all patients suffer long-term kidney dysfunction. Identification of patients with COVID-19 who are at high risk for adverse kidney events may have important implications in terms of nephrology follow-up and patient counseling. In this study, we found that the plasma biomarkers soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (sTNFR1) and sTNFR2 measured in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 were associated with a greater risk of adverse kidney outcomes. Along with clinical variables previously shown to predict adverse kidney events in patients with COVID-19, both sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 are also strong predictors of adverse kidney outcomes

    Pattern and process in southern Iberian land mollusc diversity

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    Locations in southern Iberia were sampled to assess patterns in the distributions and diversities of land molluscs and to determine the effects of habitat structure on diversity at differing scales. In Part One of the study 91 sites, each 1km , were sampled. Species with higher abundances were present at more sites than those with lower abundances. Low levels of similarity were found between the land mollusc communities. The monthly mean of sunshine hours per day during the wet period and the annual mean absolute humidity provided the best explanation of the species data. The results suggest that the heterogeneous habitats from the region allow a large number of mollusc species to co-exist in varied communities possibly controlled by historical and regional factors including climate and geology. In Part Two of the study 60 sites, each 1600m2, were sampled. Twenty sites were located in each of three habitat types (sand, steppe and garigue), and for each habitat type ten sites were sampled in both the wet period and dry period. Diversities and habitat structure were assessed at 1m , 5m and 20m . There were differences in the number of species, abundances and diversities between habitats, and between the wet and dry periods at each habitat. Increasing heterogeneity and complexity increased the number of species, but not their abundances. Components of habitat structure affected the number of species and abundances independently of the total complexity. Relationships between heterogeneity, complexity, number of species and species diversity were scale-dependent with most of the statistically significant relationships between these occurring at lm2. Increases in abundances and number of species with increasing area support the passive sampling model and the area per se hypothesis.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo