924 research outputs found

    Activated biochars as sustainable and effective supports for hydrogenations

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    Activated biochars were obtained from pyrolysis and CO2-physical activation of four different biomasses including tannery shaving waste (T), vine wood waste (W), barley waste (B) and Sargassum, brown macroalgae of Venice lagoon (A). The potential of obtained carbonaceous materials as the supports of Ni,Al catalysts was investigated in levulinic acid (LA) conversion to γ-valerolactone (GVL) as a model hydrogenation reaction. Al-containing species as the Lewis acid sites for the dehydration step were incorporated to the supports using wet impregnation or precipitation. Ni as a hydrogenation active phase was added to the supports via wet impregnation. Biochar-based supports and catalysts were characterized by AAS, elemental analysis, FTIR, N2 physisorption, XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM, He-TPD, NH3-TPD and TPR techniques. The catalysts were tested for LA hydrogenation to GVL in a batch system and aqueous medium. The results showed that Ni supported on activated biochar was not active due to a lack of Lewis acid sites for dehydration. Precipitated Al-containing species on the biochar-based supports demonstrated a better catalytic performance in the reaction compared to impregnated one because of different interactions with the support and Ni species. Among different supports, the activated biochars obtained from T and W acted as the best ones. A higher catalytic efficiency was strongly influenced by the chemical (aromaticity and stability, presence of N,O-doped and functional groups), textural (the porous texture and surface area), and morphological (higher dispersion of active phases) properties of activated biochars obtained from different biomasses with different natures

    A study on the risk of subaortic and pulmonic stenosis and on genetic aspects of echocardiography measurements in the Italian Boxer dog

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    Subaortic and pulmonic stenosis are congenital cardiac defects affecting several dog breeds (Jacobs, 1990; Buchanan, 1992; Tidholm, 1997). Subaortic stenosis (SAS) is characterized by a fibrous ring of tissue placed immediately below the aortic valve

    MCM-41 supported co-based bimetallic catalysts for aqueous phase transformation of glucose to biochemicals

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    The transformation of glucose into valuable biochemicals was carried out on different MCM-41-supported metallic and bimetallic (Co, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Co-Mo) catalysts and under different reaction conditions (150 °C, 3 h; 200 °C, 0.5 h; 250 °C, 0.5 h). All catalysts were characterized using N2 physisorption, Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR), Raman, X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) techniques. According to the N2-physisorption results, a high surface area and mesoporous structure of the support were appropriate for metal dispersion, reactant diffusion and the formation of bioproducts. Reaction conditions, bimetals synergetic effects and the amount and strength of catalyst acid sites were the key factors affecting the catalytic activity and biochemical selectivity. Sever reaction conditions including high temperature and high catalyst acidity led to the formation mainly of solid humins. The NH3-TPD results demonstrated the alteration of acidity in different bimetallic catalysts. The 10Fe10CoSiO2 catalyst (MCM-41 supported 10 wt. þ, 10 wt. %Co) possessing weak acid sites displayed the best catalytic activity with the highest carbon balance and desired product selectivity in mild reaction condition. Valuable biochemicals such as fructose, levulinic acid, ethanol and hydroxyacetone were formed over this catalyst

    A new study of 25^{25}Mg(α\alpha,n)28^{28}Si angular distributions at EαE_\alpha = 3 - 5 MeV

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    The observation of 26^{26}Al gives us the proof of active nucleosynthesis in the Milky Way. However the identification of the main producers of 26^{26}Al is still a matter of debate. Many sites have been proposed, but our poor knowledge of the nuclear processes involved introduces high uncertainties. In particular, the limited accuracy on the 25^{25}Mg(α\alpha,n)28^{28}Si reaction cross section has been identified as the main source of nuclear uncertainty in the production of 26^{26}Al in C/Ne explosive burning in massive stars, which has been suggested to be the main source of 26^{26}Al in the Galaxy. We studied this reaction through neutron spectroscopy at the CN Van de Graaff accelerator of the Legnaro National Laboratories. Thanks to this technique we are able to discriminate the (α\alpha,n) events from possible contamination arising from parasitic reactions. In particular, we measured the neutron angular distributions at 5 different beam energies (between 3 and 5 MeV) in the \ang{17.5}-\ang{106} laboratory system angular range. The presented results disagree with the assumptions introduced in the analysis of a previous experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures - accepted by EPJ

    MCM-41 Supported Co-based Bimetallic Catalysts for Aqueous Phase Transformation of Glucose in Biochemicals

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    The transformation of glucose into valuable biochemicals was carried out on different MCM-41-supported metallic and bimetallic (Co, Co-Fe, Co-Mn, Co-Mo) catalysts and under different reaction conditions (150 °C, 3 h; 200 °C, 0.5 h; 250 °C, 0.5 h). All catalysts were characterized using N2 physisorption, Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR), Raman, X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD) techniques. According to the N2-physisorption results, a high surface area and mesoporous structure of the support were appropriate for metal dispersion, reactant diffusion and the formation of bioproducts. Reaction conditions, bimetals synergetic effects and the amount and strength of catalyst acid sites were the key factors affecting the catalytic activity and biochemical selectivity. Sever reaction conditions including high temperature and high catalyst acidity led to the formation mainly of solid humins. The NH3-TPD results demonstrated the alteration of acidity in different bimetallic catalysts. The 10Fe10CoSiO2 catalyst (MCM-41 supported 10 wt.þ, 10 wt.%Co) possessing weak acid sites displayed the best catalytic activity with the highest carbon balance and desired product selectivity in mild reaction condition. Valuable biochemicals such as fructose, levulinic acid, ethanol and hydroxyacetone were formed over this catalyst

    Neutron-induced background by an alpha-beam incident on a deuterium gas target and its implications for the study of the 2H(alpha,gamma)6Li reaction at LUNA

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    The production of the stable isotope Li-6 in standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis has recently attracted much interest. Recent observations in metal-poor stars suggest that a cosmological Li-6 plateau may exist. If true, this plateau would come in addition to the well-known Spite plateau of Li-7 abundances and would point to a predominantly primordial origin of Li-6, contrary to the results of standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations. Therefore, the nuclear physics underlying Big Bang Li-6 production must be revisited. The main production channel for Li-6 in the Big Bang is the 2H(alpha,gamma)6Li reaction. The present work reports on neutron-induced effects in a high-purity germanium detector that were encountered in a new study of this reaction. In the experiment, an {\alpha}-beam from the underground accelerator LUNA in Gran Sasso, Italy, and a windowless deuterium gas target are used. A low neutron flux is induced by energetic deuterons from elastic scattering and, subsequently, the 2H(d,n)3He reaction. Due to the ultra-low laboratory neutron background at LUNA, the effect of this weak flux of 2-3 MeV neutrons on well-shielded high-purity germanium detectors has been studied in detail. Data have been taken at 280 and 400 keV alpha-beam energy and for comparison also using an americium-beryllium neutron source.Comment: Submitted to EPJA; 13 pages, 8 figure

    Caderno de normas do regulamento de produção da indicação de procedência do mel do Pantanal.

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    A apicultura é uma atividade produtiva do meio rural que pode ser desenvolvida em larga escala no Pantanal, devido à existência de extensas áreas que foram submetidas a reduzidas alterações antrópicas no processo de ocupação quando comparada com outras regiões do Brasil; apresentando ainda uma flora nativa muito variada, que pode proporcionar a produção de mel e de outros produtos apícolas em grandes quantidades. Tudo isso se traduz em um potencial econômico alternativo a ser desenvolvido na região pantaneira, principalmente se os produtos apícolas forem obtidos em sistemas de produção com maior agregação de valor como o sistema orgânico e/ou com de indicação de procedência, do que os similares do sistema convencional de produção. O ?Caderno de Normas do Regulamento de Produção da Indicação de Procedência do Mel do Pantanal? aqui apresentado é um sumário dos procedimentos mínimos que devem ser adotados para que a produção apícola obtida no Pantanal na área geográfica delimitada da indicação de procedência do ?Mel do Pantanal? nos estados do Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso, a qual é baseada no mapa de Biomas do Brasil do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), possa ser certificada como estando em conformidade com esse protocolo. Por se tratar de um alimento saudável, com aplicações em diversas áreas relacionadas a saúde e ao bem estar humano, o mel é cada vez mais consumido por um público de maior poder aquisitivo e exigente em suas escolhas. Esta certificação vem somar e atribuir excelente reputação, valor e identidade própria ao Mel do Pantanal, além de distingui-lo de seus similares disponíveis no mercado. O apelo "ecologicamente correto" de um alimento que é produzido de forma harmônica à preservação ambiental e por pessoas da região agrega valor e diferencia o mel pantaneiro. Cabe destacar que a indicação geográfica (IG), um dos tipos de indicação de procedência registrado e emitido pelo Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI), que resultou na IG do Mel do Pantanal, é a primeira de uma região produtora de mel e também a primeira da região Centro-Oeste sendo um dos mais expressivos resultados de um processo oriundo da ação sinérgica de diversas instituições.bitstream/item/139098/1/DOC137.pd

    On Sylow normalizers of finite groups

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    Electronic version of an article published as Journal of Algebra and Its Applications Vol. 13, No. 3 (2014) 1350116 (20 pages). DOI 10.1142/S0219498813501168. © [copyright World Scientific Publishing Company] http://www.worldscientific.com/[EN] The paper considers the influence of Sylow normalizers, i.e. normalizers of Sylow subgroups, on the structure of finite groups. In the universe of finite soluble groups it is known that classes of groups with nilpotent Hall subgroups for given sets of primes are exactly the subgroup- closed saturated formations satisfying the following property: a group belongs to the class if and only if its Sylow normalizers do so. The paper analyzes the extension of this research to the universe of all finite groups.The second and third authors have been supported by Proyecto MTM2010-19938C03-02, Ministerio de Econom ia y Competitividad, Spain. The first author would like to thank the Universitat de Valencia and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their warm hospitality during the preparation of this paper. He has been also supported by RFBR Project 13-01-00469.Kazarin, L.; Martínez Pastor, A.; Perez Ramos, MD. (2014). On Sylow normalizers of finite groups. Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 13(3):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219498813501168S12013

    49Cr: Towards full spectroscopy up to 4 MeV

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    The nucleus 49Cr has been studied analysing gamma-gamma coincidences in the reaction 46Ti(alpha,n)49Cr at the bombarding energy of 12 MeV. The level scheme has been greatly extended at low excitation energy and several new lifetimes have been determined by means of the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method. Shell model calculations in the full pf configuration space reproduce well negative-parity levels. Satisfactory agreement is obtained for positive parity levels by extending the configuration space to include a nucleon-hole either in the 1d3/2 or in the 2s1/2 orbitals. A nearly one-to-one correspondence is found between experimental and theoretical levels up to an excitation energy of 4 MeV. Experimental data and shell model calculations are interpreted in terms of the Nilsson diagram and the particle-rotor model, showing the strongly coupled nature of the bands in this prolate nucleus. Nine values of K(pi) are proposed for the levels observed in this experiment. As a by-result it is shown that the values of the experimental magnetic moments in 1f7/2 nuclei are well reproduced without quenching the nucleon g-factors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure