432 research outputs found

    Efficient Calculation of the Green's Functions for Multilayered Shielded Cavities with Right Isosceles-Triangular Cross-Section

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    An efficient calculation of the Green’s functions inside multilayered shielded cavities with right isosceles-triangular cross-section is presented. The method is entirely developed in the spatial domain, and it is based on image theory. The idea is to use the spatial-domain Green’s functions inside a multilayered shielded square box, in order to accurately obtain the Green’s functions for the right isosceles-triangular cavity. Image theory is then used to enforce the boundary conditions along the non-equal side of the triangle. It is shown that the new algorithm is very robust, with limited computational effort. Resonance frequencies and potential patterns of a triangular cavity have been calculated and compared with those obtained by other techniques, showing very good agreement. Finally, a transversal filter inside a multilayered triangular-shaped cavity is designed, manufactured and tested using the developed technique.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Grant FPU-AP2006-015 and with the Project TEC2007-67630-C03-02

    Survival of patients diagnosed with gastric cancer in the department of Santander in the period 2015 - 2016

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    El cáncer gástrico (CG) es una de las neoplasias malignas de mayor frecuencia y de mayor impacto en morbilidad y mortalidad en la población adulta a nivel mundial, es la quinta neoplasia maligna más frecuente del planeta, precedida por el cáncer de seno, próstata, pulmón y colorrectal. En Colombia el CG ocupa el cuarto lugar en incidencia y el primer lugar en mortalidad por cáncer. En Santander y en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga (AMB) el CG es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer, estimándose la supervivencia global en el AMB a 5 años del 11% (1) la cual es considerablemente más baja que a nivel nacional (24,6% a los 5 años) y mundial (20% a los 5 años) (2) (3). A la fecha no hay datos que estimen la supervivencia en el departamento de Santander y es posible que la supervivencia en el resto del departamento sea menor en comparación con la del AMB, pues los factores sociodemográficos, falta de cobertura y atención optima en salud que son característicos de este grupo poblacional, retrasan el diagnóstico y posterior tratamiento del CG (1). Ante esta problemática y la ausencia de datos que confirmen la supervivencia por CG en Santander mediante este estudio se busca determinar la supervivencia a 2 años y los factores sociodemográficos y clínicos asociados al tiempo de supervivencia.1. RESUMEN ..................................................................................................... 10 2. INTRODUCCIÓN ........................................................................................... 12 3. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA ............................................................ 14 4. JUSTIFICACIÓN ............................................................................................ 15 5. OBJETIVOS ................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Objetivo general ........................................................................................... 16 5.2 Objetivos específicos ................................................................................... 16 6. MARCO TEÓRICO ........................................................................................ 17 6.1 Epidemiología a nivel mundial. .................................................................... 17 6.2 Epidemiología del cáncer gástrico en Colombia .......................................... 20 6.3 Supervivencia por cáncer gástrico ............................................................... 23 6.4 Etiología y factores de riesgo para cáncer gástrico. .................................... 27 6.5 Manifestaciones clínicas del cáncer gástrico ............................................... 28 6.6 Diagnóstico del cáncer gástrico ................................................................... 29 6.7 Tratamiento del cáncer gástrico ................................................................... 30 6.8 Distribución geográfica y núcleos de desarrollo provincial en Santander. ... 31 6.9 Estado del arte en supervivencia por cáncer gástrico. ................................ 32 7. METODOLOGÍA ............................................................................................ 33 7.1 Diseño .......................................................................................................... 33 7.2 Población de pacientes ................................................................................ 33 7.3 Criterios de inclusión.................................................................................... 33 7.4 Criterios de exclusión................................................................................... 33 7.5 Variables del estudio.................................................................................... 34 7.6 Recolección de la información ..................................................................... 34 7.7 Procesamiento y control de calidad de los datos ......................................... 35 7.8 Análisis de datos .......................................................................................... 35 8. CONSIDERACIONES ETICAS ...................................................................... 37 9. RESULTADOS ............................................................................................... 39 9.1 Participantes ................................................................................................ 39 9.2 Características sociodemográficas de los casos de cáncer gástrico ........... 39 9.3 Características clínicas de los casos de cáncer gástrico. ............................ 42 9.4 Incidencia de cáncer gástrico en Santander para el periodo 2015 y 2016... 47 9.5 Superviviencia: Incidencia acumulada y tiempos de supervivencia. ............ 48 5 9.6 Función de supervivencia global por cáncer gástrico. ................................. 49 9.7 Función de riesgo para el fallecimiento por cáncer gástrico. ....................... 60 10. DISCUSIÓN................................................................................................. 63 11. CONCLUSIONES ........................................................................................ 73 12. LIMITACIONES ........................................................................................... 74 13. ANEXOS ..................................................................................................... 76EspecializaciónGastric cancer (GC) is one of the most frequent malignancies with the greatest impact on morbidity and mortality in the adult population worldwide, it is the fifth most frequent malignancy on the planet, preceded by breast, prostate, lung and colorectal. In Colombia, GC is fourth in incidence and first in cancer mortality. In Santander and in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Bucaramanga (AMB), GC is the leading cause of death from cancer, with an overall 5-year survival of AMB of 11% (1), which is considerably lower than at the national level ( 24.6% at 5 years) and worldwide (20% at 5 years) (2) (3). To date, there are no data that estimate survival in the department of Santander and it is possible that survival in the rest of the department is lower compared to that of the AMB, since the sociodemographic factors, lack of coverage and optimal health care that are characteristic of this population group, they delay the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of GC (1). Given this problem and the absence of data confirming survival by GC in Santander, this study seeks to determine survival at 2 years and the sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with survival time

    e-Learning managements tools

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    El uso de plataformas e-Learning como apoyo a la docencia en las distintas universidades europeas ha experimentado un gran desarrollo en los últimos años. En estas universidades, y en muchas empresas se han venido utilizando indistintamente tanto plataformas de código abierto como comerciales. En concreto, en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, la plataforma comercial WebCT [11] convive en la actualidad con plataformas de código abierto como Moodle [1], Ilias [13] y Sakai [17]. Generalmente, los problemas surgen cuando un profesor decide, (o se ve obligado) a cambiar la plataforma donde tiene virtualizada una cierta asignatura/s. En ese momento el profesor teme perder todo el trabajo realizado con la anterior plataforma. Cuestionarios, exámenes, notas, temas, la perdida sería importante. Por eso es tan importante disponer de una herramienta que facilite todo este trabajo de migración de plataformas. Ésta es la idea principal a partir de la cual surge el proyecto e-Learning Management Tools, crear una aplicación que permita migrar los contenidos que un profesor tiene en una plataforma x a otra plataforma y. Concretamente la aplicación se centra en los ‘cuestionarios’ o ‘bancos de preguntas’ que forman parte de las asignaturas/cursos virtualizadas en alguna de las siguientes plataformas WebCT [11], Moodle [1], Ilias [13] y Sakai [17]. Cada plataforma permite importar y exportar dichos cuestionarios. Por tanto la aplicación que hemos diseñado, implementado y desarrollado contendrá una base de datos donde se almacenarán preguntas y respuestas de las distintas plataformas. El usuario de la aplicación deberá exportar desde la plataforma de origen las preguntas que quiera migrar. A continuación y desde nuestra aplicación podrá elegir qué tipo de fichero desea importar, eligiéndose el archivo generado en el paso anterior. La aplicación escaneará ese fichero y añadirá a la base de datos las preguntas que dicho fichero contenga. A continuación el usuario podrá exportar todas las preguntas de la base de datos a la plataforma que el desee, generándose un fichero que podrá ser utilizado desde las distintas plataformas para la importación de preguntas. De esta forma se consigue una migración de preguntas de una plataforma a otra, de una manera sencilla y rápida para el usuario. Por tanto gracias a esta herramienta se le X brinda al profesor la posibilidad de organizar y localizar las preguntas de cursos virtualizados en distintas plataformas en una misma aplicación, permitiéndose la modificación, borrado y exportación de esas preguntas, así como la creación de nuevas preguntas desde la propia aplicación. Dentro de estas plataformas es muy común el uso de imágenes en las distintas secciones que componen los cursos. Además los profesores suelen trabajar con una gran variedad de imágenes, que en múltiples ocasiones buscan en internet una y otra vez. Así surge la idea de otra de las herramientas que contiene e-Learning Management Tools, la referente al gestor de imágenes. La herramienta permite almacenar en una base de datos, imágenes permitiendo al profesor anotarlas con Temas o descripciones que el elija, así como asignar a las imágenes asignaturas, de forma que luego puedan filtrar imágenes por una asignatura o descripción concreta. Además se permite la exportación en un fichero comprimido de las imágenes que el usuario elija. La otra herramienta de e-Learning Management Tools nace a raíz de la gran variedad de plataformas existentes en el mercado y la dificultad que encuentran muchos profesores a la hora de decidir cual utilizar. Ésta consiste en un recomendador de plataformas de e-Learning basado en el árbol de decisión ID3 [19], que automatiza la elección de la plataforma, teniendo en cuenta las características y necesidades del usuario. Estos usuarios se ven desbordados ante la variedad de plataformas disponibles, y ante la escasez de conocimientos acerca de en qué casos es mejor utilizar una u otra plataforma. Para ello el recomendador se basa en un perfil, rellenado por el usuario o extraído de la base de datos, para obtener así la plataforma más acorde a sus necesidades. La aplicación ha sido desarrollada bajo Microsoft Windows, con tecnología .NET [2] y en el lenguaje C#, que ha tenido un gran auge en los últimos tiempos. [ABSTRACT] The use of e-Learning platforms to support teaching in European universities have experienced a great development in recent years. In these universities, and many companies there have been used indiscriminately open source platforms and commercial ones. Specifically in Complutense University of Madrid University the commercial platform WebCT [11] coexists with other open source platforms as Moodle [1], Ilias [13] or Sakai [17]. Generally, the problems emerge when a teacher decides, or is forced to change the platform where he has virtualized a certain subject, at this moment the following questions arise; will he loose all his quizzes, exams, etc. in the new platform? Or contrarily, will he be able to preserve all his work done with older platforms. This one is the principal idea from which the project e-Learning Management Tools arises, to create an application that allows to migrate the contents that a teacher has in a platform x to another platform y. Concretely the application centre’s on the questionnaires or banks of questions, that form a part of the subjects / courses virtualized in someone of XI the following platforms WebCT [11], Moodle [1], Ilias [13] and Sakai [17]. Every platform allows to import and to export the above mentioned questionnaires. Therefore the application that we have designed, implemented and developed will contain a database where there will be stored questions and answers of the different platforms. The user of the application will have to export from the platform of origin the questions that he wants to migrate. Later and from our application he will be able to choose what type of file wants to import, (he will select the file generated in previous step). The application will parse this file and it will add to the database the questions that the above mentioned file contains. Later the user will be able to export all the questions of the database to the platform that he wishes a file will be generated that could be used from the different platforms for questions import. So following the previous steps there is obtained a migration of questions of a platform to other one, in a simple and rapid way for the user. Therefore our tools lets the teacher the possibility of organizing and locating the questions of courses virtualized in different platforms in the same application, and also the modification deletion and export of these questions will be allowed, as well as the creation of new questions. Inside these platforms the use of images is very common in the different sections that compose the courses. In addition the teachers are in the habit of working with a great variety of images, which are in multiple occasions search in Internet. This way emerge another tool that e-Learning Management Tools contains, the relating one to the manager of images. The tool allows to store in a database, images allowing the teacher to annotate them with topics or descriptions that he chooses, as well as to assign to the images subjects, so that then they could select images for a concrete subject or description. In addition the export is allowed in a compressed file of the images that the user chooses. Another E-Learning Management's Tools component is born immediately after the great variety of existing platforms on the market and the difficulty that many teachers find at the moment of deciding which to use. This one consists of a recommender of platforms of e-Learning based on the tree of decision ID3 [19], which automates the choice of the platform, having in it counts the characteristics and needs of the user. These users meet exceeded before the variety of available platforms, and before the shortage of knowledge it brings over of in what cases it is better to use one or another platform. For it the recommender bases on a profile filled by the user or extracted from the database, to obtain this way the best platform for his needs. The application has been developed under Microsoft Windows, with technology .NET [2] and in the language C# that has had a great summit in the last times

    Synthesis and Characterization of bis[(2-ethyl-5-methyl-imidazo-4-yl)methyl]Sulfide and Its Coordination Behavior toward Cu(II) as a Possible Approach of a Copper Site Type I

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    The synthesis and characterization of a novel ligand, bis[(2-ethyl-5-methyl-imidazo-4-yl)methyl]sulfide (bemims), as well as a bemims-containing copper(II) coordination complex are described. In this complex, [Cu(bemims)X2] with X = NO3−, bemims acts as a tridentate ligand and two monodentate nitrate ions complete the coordination sphere. Both imidazole N atoms and the thioether S atom of bemims participate in coordination. The Cu(II) ion is five-coordinated with a slightly distorted square-pyramidal geometry (τ = .09). Electrochemical studies and spectroscopic data for this complex are compared with some blue copper proteins in order to assess its ability to mimic the copper center of type I copper proteins

    Interaction : a way to understand power relationships in an EFL classroom

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    Eng: This study emerged from the necessity of understanding the way in which power and power relationships took place within the interaction a group of students studying English. Therefore, interaction in this study was the means to analyze and understand the way in which the power relationships operated inside the English classroom. Stemming from a qualitative approach that according to Dörnyei , “…has as a main objective to describe social phenomena as they occur naturally”(2007, p.336 ). In that order of ideas, it is possible to make sure that this study does not aim to measure elements inside the classroom but rather analyze the process of interactions and relationships between a group of pre-service teachers in an English classroom and the students. As part of the analysis in the study, it is evident that there are more elements that appear or happen amidst the development of the teaching-learning process, elements such as paralinguistics and kinesthetic aspects. The fact is, beyond having knowledge of a subject matter, teachers and individuals belonging to a classroom have to be aware that the interactive process can provide important elements, as mentioned above, that account for the power dynamic inside the classroom. Similarly, this study also claims that the set of data that was gathered and analyzed in the development of this project can be used as a guide or as a referent in other studies or contexts due to the way in which power relationships are present in all contexts and human relationships where interaction takes place. So, in spite of this issue was found in a specific environment, it was possible for the researchers to perceive this issue in another environment, opening the possibility for further research ideas about this issue and its variables.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 116-122.PregradoLicenciado en Idiomas Modernos Español - Inglé

    Novel implementations for microstrip resonator filters in transversal topology

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    This paper presents novel implementations of bandpass filters in multilayered microstrip technology. The structures presented implement transversal filter topologies of order three. In order to allow for easy implementation of the required couplings, multilayered broadside configurations are proposed. We demonstrate that with the proposed configurations, both dualband and quasi-elliptic responses can be easily synthesized, by only changing the sign of certain entries in the coupling matrix. To easily adjust the signs of the couplings, novel resonators are proposed, including simple half-wavelength transmission line resonators, meander line resonators and short-circuited resonators. Experimental validation for one prototype is presented, demonstrating the validity and usefulness of the proposed configurations.The authors thank Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, which has supported this work under Grant TEC2007- 67630-C03/TCM

    Design of Dual-Bandpass Hybrid Waveguide-Microstrip Microwave Filters

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    A simple dual-bandpass filtering structure is pro- posed. The filter is implemented by means of a new hybrid waveguide­microstrip technology. The novelty of the structure is that it combines two standard printed microstrip coupled line resonators, with a resonance of the base waveguide cavity, to implement a dual-band operation. Important aspects about the filter design, useful for practical applications are treated. This includes a study on the maximum coupling that can be achieved to the cavity resonance, and guidelines to control the positions of the two passbands and the transmission zeros. Besides, an example has been designed, manufactured and tested. The measurements on the fabricated prototype have confirmed the validity of the new structure to perform dual-band operation.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Ref. TEC2007-67630-C03-0

    Musicological analysis of rhythmic pattern of Merecumbe for rhythmic variations adapted to drums

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    Este artículo aborda principalmente el proceso de conceptualización, a través de la musicología, de las características del ritmo del merecumbé, tratado desde una metodología de tipo descriptivo y enfoque cualitativo, iniciando por una breve contextualización histórica del ritmo y el análisis del patrón rítmico. Los principales resultados obtenidos, además del análisis, fueron tres variaciones rítmicas del patrón original adaptadas en la batería, además del análisis musicológico realizado a la célula rítmica creada por Pompilio Rodríguez, bajo los criterios analíticos de diversos musicólogos tales como LaRue, Nattiez y Cooper y Meyer.This article approaches mainly the process of conceptualization through musicology of the features of the rhythm of Merecumbé, that is treated from a methodology of descriptive type with a qualitative approach, starting with the historical context of the rhythm and the rhythmic pattern analysis. The main results obtained, in addition to de analysis, were three rhythmic variations from the original pattern adapted for drums, in addition to the musicological analysis conducted to the rhythmic cell created by Pompilio Rodriguez under the criteria of various musicologists such as Jean LaRue, Nattiez and Cooper & Meye

    Plan de negocios para la implementación de una startup de una plataforma digital para interoperar el ecosistema de reciclaje que permita la optimización de recojo de residuos mediante el uso de tecnología

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    El presente plan de negocios brinda como beneficios la mejora en el proceso de gestión de la recolección de residuos lo que permitirá un manejo eficiente de los costos a las diferentes municipalidades que cuenten con el servicio de nuestra plataforma. El modelo de negocio propuesto generará ingresos mediante una comisión en base a la cantidad de residuos segregados que reciban los municipios desde los hogares o empresas que se comprometan a utilizar el sistema. Es por ello, que los clientes directos de la solución serían las municipalidades de la provincia de Lima y los clientes indirectos: los hogares de cualquier nivel socioeconómico y los negocios de cada distrito, así como los recicladores que contribuyen con este proceso. Respecto a la difusión del servicio se utilizará publicidad en redes sociales con campañas para concientizar a la población en los beneficios del reciclaje y segregado de residuos, así también mediante una página web informativa. Adicionalmente, se proponen campañas de activaciones con apoyo de la municipalidad y personajes representativos del medio. Finalmente, si bien el negocio busca generar rentabilidad, cabe mencionar el afán de contribuir con la preservación ambiental mediante la implementación de la solución tecnológica propuesta

    An interpolated spatial images method for the analysis of multilayered shielded microwave circuits

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    In this paper, an efficient interpolation method is presented in order to compute the Green’s function associated to electrical sources, when they are placed inside cylindrical cavities. The interpolation scheme is formulated in the frame of the spatial images technique recently developed. The original idea was to calculate, for every location of a point electric source, the complex values of the electric dipole and charge images, placed outside the cavity, to impose the appropriate boundary conditions for the potentials. In order to considerably reduce the computational cost of the original technique, a simple interpolation method is proposed to obtain the complex values of the images for any source location. To do that, a rectangular spatial subdivision inside the cavity is proposed. Each new sub-region is controlled by means of the exact images values obtained when the source is placed at the four corners of the region. The key idea is to use a bilinear interpolation to obtain the images complex values when the source is located anywhere inside this sub-region. The interpolated images provide the Green’s functions of the new source positions fast, and with high accuracy. This new approach can be directly applied to analyze printed planar filters. Two examples with CPU time comparisons are provided, showing the high accuracy and computational gain achieved with the technique just derived.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Grant FPU-AP2006-015 and with the Project TEC2007-67630-C03-02