140 research outputs found

    Conocimiento tradicional sobre el uso y conservación del tequelite chico en Chipahuatlan, Olintla, Puebla.

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    The small tequelite (Peperomia peltilimba C. DC. ex Trelease) is a wild plant, native to Mexico, considered vulnerable to extinction. The aim of this study was to document knowledge and attitudes towards conservation and use of the small tequelite in the Totonac community of Chipahuatlan, Olintla, in the state of Puebla (Mexico). 53 semi-structured interviews were applied to a sample of the population; the number of families was considered to be representative. The interview consisted of the following sections; knowledge about the species, conservation, commercialization, uses and benefits. We explored the natural habitat of the species to document accompanying flora and fauna. Results indicated that the stems and leaves of the small tequelite are used to prepare traditional foods such as mole (sauce), broths, tamales, and boiled beans; with or without sesame seeds. The species is obtained from its natural habitat and in local markets, although some families grow plants in their home gardens. Traditional knowledge about the small tequelite relates to flora and fauna; only the most developed plants are used and those with buds or inflorescences are preserved. We discovered interest in conserving this resource because of its cultural and economic importance; although its commercial value is low, it offers additional income for families, who are dedicated to its collection. These results summarize Totonac knowledge and the perception they have regarding the conservation and use of small tequelite.El tequelite chico (Peperomia peltilimba C. DC. ex Trelease) es una planta nativa y silvestre de México, considerada vulnerable a la extinción. El objetivo de este estudio fue documentar el conocimiento y la percepción sobre la conservación y el uso del tequelite chico en la comunidad totonaca de Chipahuatlan, Olintla, en el estado de Puebla (México). Se aplicaron 53 entrevistas semiestructuradas a una muestra representativa de la población; se consideró como universo al número de familias. La entrevista estuvo conformada por las secciones, conocimiento de la especie, conservación, comercialización, usos y beneficios. Se realizaron recorridos en el hábitat natural de la especie para documentar flora y fauna acompañantes. Los resultados indicaron que los tallos y hojas del tequelite chico se utilizan para la elaboración de alimentos tradicionales como mole, caldos, tamales y frijoles hervidos con o sin ajonjolí. La especie se obtiene a través de su hábitat natural y en tianguis locales, aunque algunas familias tienen plantas en sus traspatios. Los conocimientos tradicionales sobre el tequelite chico están relacionados con la flora y la fauna, se aprovechan solo las plantas más desarrolladas y se conservan las que presentan brotes o inflorescencias. Se identificó interés por conservar este recurso debido a su importancia cultural y económica; aunque su valor comercial es bajo, representa un ingreso adicional para las familias que se dedican a su recolección. Estos resultados son una aproximación al conocimiento totonaca y su percepción en torno a la conservación y el aprovechamiento del tequelite chico

    Pedro Molina a Juan Facundo Quiroga

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    The Role of Technology in Greenhouse Agriculture: Towards a Sustainable Intensification in Campo de Dalías (Almería, Spain)

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    Campo de Dalías, located in southeastern Spain, is the greatest European exponent of greenhouse agriculture. The development of this type of agriculture has led to an exponential economic development of one of the poorest areas of Spain, in a short period of time. Simultaneously, it has brought about a serious alteration of natural resources. This article will study the temporal evolution of changes in land use, and the exploitation of groundwater. Likewise, this study will delve into the technological development in greenhouses (irrigation techniques, new water resources, greenhouse structures or improvement in cultivation techniques) seeking a sustainable intensification of agriculture under plastic. This sustainable intensification also implies the conservation of existing natural areas

    Pre-analytical errors management in the clinical laboratory: a five-year study

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    Introduction: This study describes quality indicators for the pre-analytical process, grouping errors according to patient risk as critical or major, and assesses their evaluation over a five-year period. Materials and methods: A descriptive study was made of the temporal evolution of quality indicators, with a study population of 751,441 analytical requests made during the period 2007-2011. The Runs Test for randomness was calculated to assess changes in the trend of the series, and the degree of control over the process was estimated by the Six Sigma scale. Results: The overall rate of critical pre-analytical errors was 0.047%, with a Six Sigma value of 4.9. The total rate of sampling errors in the study period was 13.54% (P = 0.003). The highest rates were found for the indicators “haemolysed sample” (8.76%), “urine sample not submitted” (1.66%) and “clotted sample” (1.41%), with Six Sigma values of 3.7, 3.7 and 2.9, respectively. Conclusions: The magnitude of pre-analytical errors was accurately valued. While processes that triggered critical errors are well controlled, the results obtained for those regarding specimen collection are borderline unacceptable; this is particularly so for the indicator “haemolysed sample”

    Propuesta en supply chain management y logística en la empresa Cooper Global

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    No aplicaEl supply Chain Management inicia en una compañía desde la planificación e incluye adecuadamente diferente procedimientos para la adquisición de materias primas, gestión de la producción y distribución al consumidor final, motivo por el cual no deberá hacerse a un lado el hecho de incluir actividades de investigación de mercados, que permitan adquirir un conocimiento pertinente del comportamiento del consumidor y de las tendencias actuales en En línea con lo anterior, se da nacimiento al presente trabajo de opción de grado el cual busca brindar una propuesta adecuada en estrategias de Supply Chain Management y Logistic para la compañía Cooper Global S.A.S., la cual es una empresa que brinda servicios logísticos y técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento de dispositivos celulares para diferentes clientes de gran relevancia en el mercado de las telecomunicaciones a nivel nacionalSupply Chain Management begins in a company from planning and appropriately includes different procedures for the acquisition of raw materials, production management and distribution to the final consumer, which is why the fact of including research activities should not be set aside of markets, which allow acquiring relevant knowledge of consumer behavior and current trends in in order to adapt internal processes in the best way and allow continuous improvement. In line with the above, the present degree option work is born which seeks to provide an adequate proposal in Supply Chain Management and Logistic strategies for the Cooper Global SAS company, which is a company that provides logistics and technical services of repair and maintenance of cellular devices for different clients of great relevance in the telecommunications market nationwid

    Grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con diferente espesor de grasa dorsal, respuesta hormonal y principales variables reproductivas

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la grasa de sobrepaso en ovejas con bajo (1 a 2 mm) y alto (3 a 4 mm) espesor de grasa dorsal y sincronización de estro (inicio y duración), niveles séricos de hormona luteinizante (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4 e insulina (INS), porcentaje de gestación y prolificidad. Cincuenta y nueve ovejas, con dos niveles de grasa dorsal determinado mediante ultrasonografía, bajo y alto (GDb, GDa), sin y con la adición de 150 g de grasa de sobrepaso (0 y 150 g), respectivamente, se asignaron a los siguientes grupos: GDb+0 g (n = 16), GDb+150 g (n = 14), GDa+0 g (n = 14) y GDa+150 g (n = 15). Las ovejas se sincronizaron con esponjas de acetato de fluorogesterona (FGA, 20 mg) por 12 d y, dos días antes de su remoción se aplicó 15 mg de PGF2. El diseño fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2X2, los resultados fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico SAS. No se encontraron diferencias (P>0,05) para las variables inicio y duración del estro, inicio y duración del pico pre-ovulatorio de LH y prolificidad, por efecto de la adición de la grasa; sin embargo, la amplitud del pico de LH y el porcentaje de gestación fueron diferentes entre tratamientos (P<0,05). La concentración de P4en suero fue mayor (P<0,05) en ovejas sin la adición de grasa (0 g). Las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron (P<0,05) en ovejas con GDa. Se concluye que la adición de grasa de sobrepaso no modificó la respuesta en las variables reproductivas, pero si disminuyó la concentración de P4. Por otro lado, las concentraciones de E2 e INS se incrementaron en ovejas con GDa, lo cual se atribuye a un mejor estado metabólico, nutricional y corporal del animal

    MTHFR rs1801133 Polymorphism Is Associated With Liver Fibrosis Progression in Chronic Hepatitis C: A Retrospective Study.

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    Background: The MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) rs1801133 polymorphism leads to higher circulating levels of homocysteine, which is related to several liver diseases. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between MTHFR rs1801133 polymorphism and liver fibrosis progression in HCV-infected patients. Methods: We conducted a preliminary retrospective cohort study in 208 non-cirrhotic HCV-infected patients. These subjects had at least two liver stiffness measurements (LSM), which were assessed using transient elastography, and no patient had cirrhosis at baseline. We analyzed the association between MTHFR rs1801133 and outcome variables using Generalized Linear Models. Results: HCV-infected patients were 47 years old, around 54% were males, a low frequency of high alcohol intake (13.5%) or prior use of intravenous drugs (10.1%). A total of 26 patients developed cirrhosis (LSM1 ≥ 12.5) during a median follow-up of 46.6 months. The presence of the rs1801133 C allele showed an inverse association with the LSM2/LSM1 ratio (adjusted AMR = 0.90; 95%CI = 0.83-0.98; p = 0.020) and the cirrhosis progression (adjusted OR = 0.43; 95%CI = 0.19-0.95; p = 0.038). Besides, rs1801133 CT/CC genotype had an inverse association with the LSM2/LSM1 ratio (adjusted AMR = 0.80; 95%CI = 0.68-0.95; p = 0.009) and the cirrhosis progression (adjusted OR= 0.21; 95%CI = 0.06-0.74; p = 0.015). Conclusions:MTHFR rs1801133 C allele carriers presented a diminished risk of liver fibrosis progression and development of cirrhosis than rs1801133 T allele carriers. This statement supports the hypothesis that MTHFR rs1801133 polymorphism appears to play a crucial role in chronic hepatitis C immunopathogenesis.This work has been supported by grants given by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant # PI17CIII/00003 to SR). MJ-S and AF-R are supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant # CP17CIII/00007 and CP14CIII/00010, respectively).S

    Characterization of mamey [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) Moore & Stearn] in the Totonacapan Poblano region of Puebla, Mexico

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    Abstract The mamey is a fruit tree that is distributed in the Totonacapan Poblano, which has the potential to generate development in that region. It is part of an environmental ecological system that presents morphological variations in size, leaves and fruit. The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize the mamey in 10 municipalities of the Sierra Nororiental of Puebla (Totonacapan Poblano), Mexico. 206 samples were evaluated using qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors, using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. Eight groups were formed; the tree and leaf variables turned out to be the most important for grouping the samples. The descriptors that contributed the most to the group were those related to the shape, height and size of the tree, the weight, size and shape of the leaf and in relation to the fruit the descriptor that contributed the most was the shape. Keywords: morphological diversity, conglomerates, Sierra Norte of Puebla, Sapotaceae.Objective: The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize mamey in 10 municipalities of the Sierra Nororiental of Puebla (Totonacapan Poblano), Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: In the study, 206 accessions obtained from simple random sampling using qualitative and quantitative morphological descriptors were evaluated, using an analysis of variance, principal components and hierarchical cluster analysis with the Gower distance and the Ward grouping method. Results: Quantitative descriptors had high coefficients of variability (12.66% to 43.40%). The principal components analysis indicated that components 1 (41.66%), 2 (19.97%) and 3 (16.62%) accounted for 78.25% of the variance and the cluster analysis identified eight groups; the tree and leaf variables turned out to be the most important to group the samples. Limitations on study/implications: For greater accuracy on the morphological diversity of mamey, it is necessary to include more descriptors of the fruit and the flower. Findings/conclusions: The descriptors that contributed the most to the grouping were those related to the shape, height and size of the tree, and the weight, size and shape of the leaf; in relation to the fruit, the descriptor that contributed the most was the shape. These results could be useful in programs of conservation, improvement, and use of the mamey

    Efecto de la temperatura de incubación sobre la motilidad de las subpoblaciones de Fasciola hepatica/Eect of incubation temperature on motility of Fasciola hepatica miracidia

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la motilidad de miracidios de Fasciola hepatica a diferentes temperaturas de incubación y tiempo post-eclosión. Los huevos de F. hepatica se incubaron a 22 ◦C y 25 ◦C durante 14 d en oscuridad. Se evaluaron siete subpoblaciones bajo los parámetros de velocidad curvilínea, lineal y media por 10 h después de la eclosión. No se observaron diferencias signicativas entre la temperatura de incubación y el porcentaje de huevos eclosionados. El porcentaje de miracidios de la incubación a 22 ◦C fue diferente estadísticamente a la de 25 ◦C (p < 0.01). Para la velocidad lineal y media, la mayor proporción de subpoblaciones de miracidios eclosionados se observó a las 0 h, en el rango de 2 190 a 2 545 µm s−1 ; mientras que para la velocidad curvilínea se observó la mayor proporción en el rango de 1 820 a 2 190 µm s−1 . Se observaron diferencias signicativas entre el porcentaje de miracidios de las subpoblaciones y el tiempo post-eclosión de los huevos. La velocidad lineal y media de las subpoblaciones de miracidios mostraron diferencias en las temperaturas de incubación (p < 0.01). Los datos sugieren que la temperatura de incubación de los huevos de F. hepatica tiene efecto en la motilidad del miracidio, lo que puede inuir en la infectividad