1,080 research outputs found

    La propuesta de fundación de una «Facultad universitaria de antropología, arqueología, historia y etnología» en 1936

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    International audienceLos debates en Guatemala de 1929-1930 y 1936-1938 fueron una expresión del pensamiento de los intelectuales de la época en relación al llamado «problema indígena» llevó a una serie de intentos de creación de instituciones dedicadas a su estudio. Es así que el rescate de una propuesta desconocida y perdida escrita por Antonio Goubaud Carrera sobre la fundación de una Facultad Universitaria de Antropología, Arqueología, Historia y Etnología en 1936 publicada en el Diario El Imparcial durante el año de 1936 (enero a diciembre)

    Caracterización del Centro Corporativo del Grupo EPM

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir el propósito, la forma y funciones que adopta el Centro corporativo del Grupo EPM, empresa colombiana líder en el sector de servicios públicos, analizando su forma de actuar y contrastándolo con la teoría existente -- En la literatura de administración estratégica se encuentran investigaciones que brindan una perspectiva de las formas y funciones que emplean los centros corporativos, pero estos estudios entregan información limitada de empresas colombianas -- Este estudio cualitativo que aporta al conocimiento sobre estrategia corporativa se fundamenta en datos de informes realizados sobre el Grupo EPM y entrevistas a algunos de sus directivos -- Los resultados indican que el Centro corporativo del Grupo EPM está integrado a su empresa matriz con funciones relacionadas con la estrategia, el capital, el control, capacidades e identidad – Opera generando valor sobre dos esquemas de intervención: 1) arquitecto estratégico, donde las unidades de negocio son las responsables por los resultados y el valor es creado por las empresas individuales; y 2) involucrado operativo, donde el valor es generado por la experticia del Centro corporativo y éste establece planes estratégicos y ejerce mayor control sobre ellasThis paper describes the purpose, form and functions adopted by the EPM Group Corporate Center, a leading Colombian company in the public services sector, analyzing its way of acting and contrasting it with the existing theory -- In the strategic management literature, there are researches that provide a perspective of the forms and functions used by corporate centers, but these studies provide limited information on Colombian companies -- This qualitative study that contributes to the knowledge on corporate strategy is based on data from reports made about the EPM Group and interviews with some of its executives -- The results indicate that the EPM Group Corporate Center is integrated into its parent company with functions related to strategy, capital, control, capabilities and identity -- It operates generating value on two intervention schemes: 1) strategic architect, where the business units are responsible for the results and the value is created by the individual companies; and 2) operational involvement, where the value is generated by the expertise of the Corporate Center and it establishes strategic plans and exerts greater control over the


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    As the universities in the Philippines aspires to be among the leading institutions within ASEAN together with other ASEAN universities, research initiatives have been one of the way for them to internationalize. Research agenda were created to align all the efforts of the higher education institution towards few, if not one, foci. This paper is a formative evaluation of the initial execution of a certain autonomous university in the country. Utilization of the research agenda as well as the research capability of the advisers is looked into in this paper.    The 10-fold agenda, sixty eight (68) theses and thirty (30) faculty members, twenty (20) of which are thesis advisers, are used as data for the document analysis. Slovin’s formula is shown to set the minimum required number of data needed. The census of the population is gathered. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentage, are employed since the research is qualitative in nature.    Among the 68 theses analyzed, 6 are classified as Type A, 18 are Type B, and the rest are Type C. Scoring is based on the panel or paper critique done at the end of the semester. The bias is reduced through a ranking of score, instead of using the weighted mean to eliminate sensitivity to extreme values.            In its entirety, this research is valuable to the institution as its results could be used to improve the current system of the institution and further strengthen its research culture. At the end of this paper, a model is proposed to aid the other institution in formulating its own research agenda through internal and external assessment – Tri-Focal Assessment for Research Agenda Creation (TARAC)

    Experiments on the Sinking of Marine Pipelines on Clayey Soils

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    This research was funded by AREDIS project from the European Regional Development Fund, NSRF-National strategic reference framework (2007-2013 Portugal) and the Regional operational program PORLISBOA, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT) of Mexico and the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) of Spain under contract C0004-201201 143095. The APC was funded by CONACYT-SENER/Sustentabilidad Energetica through the Centro Mexicano de Inovacion en Energias del Oceano (CEMIE-Oceano), grant number 249795.An experimental study was carried out to investigate seabed-pipeline interactions with regard to soil liquefaction. For a soil with a high proportion (30 to 60%) of fine sediment, four groups of tests were configured to reproduce soil liquefaction around pipelines for different initial pipe depths, pipe densities and wave conditions (wave height and period). The study focused on verifying the theoretically computed areas of soil failure by analyzing the sinking depths of the pipelines. The main findings are that a pipe with a submerged specific weight of less than half that of the soil will move up to the mudline; that the loss of soil loading capacity is more frequently evidenced in a fluid-like behavior of the soil than by an abrupt breaking of the soil matrix; and that the pipes which are totally buried will sink more than half-buried pipes. Moreover, wave action and the specific weight of the pipes seem to play more important roles in the expected behavior of the wave–soil–pipe interaction than the initial water content of the mud.AREDIS project from the European Regional Development FundNSRF-National strategic reference framework (2007-2013 Portugal)Regional operational program PORLISBOAConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT)Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) of Spain C0004-201201 143095CONACYT-SENER/Sustentabilidad Energetica through the Centro Mexicano de Inovacion en Energias del Oceano (CEMIE-Oceano) 24979

    Consultoría técnica y económica para la unidad productiva centro de reprografia de la Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de El Salvador

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consiste en la realización de una consultoría técnica y económica para la creación de una unidad productiva (centro de reprografía) de la Facultad de Medicina, de la Universidad de El Salvador. El objetivo central es presentar a las autoridades de la Facultad de Medicina la consultoría técnica y económica de la creación de la Unidad Productiva que sea auto sostenible económicamente en el tiempo, para lo cual fue necesario realizar varias actividades, siendo las principales: Estudio de la estructura administrativa y organizativa, procedimiento operativo del proceso de servicios a prestar, funciones del operario, políticas de control y resultados, que faciliten la creación de la Unidad de Reprografía. Evaluación financiera de la viabilidad técnica y económica de la creación de la referida unidad. Evaluar en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina, si con los recursos físicos de reprografía existentes es factible proporcionar servicios reprográficos de toda la información y documentación que los estudiantes demandan. Estudio de mercado de la demanda cautiva para medir el nivel de satisfacción de la población estudiantil de las diferentes escuelas que conforman la Facultad de Medicina. Estudio de mercado del entorno de la Facultad para determinar los precios que se cobran. Estudio de la necesidad legal y de control de las autoridades universitarias, para la trazabilidad del efectivo cobrado por servicios de reprografía que preste la nueva Unidad Productiva adscrita a la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina. Determinar los flujos de efectivo de los próximos años con base a los estados de resultados proforma. La puesta en marcha de la Unidad Productiva de la Facultad de Medicina implicó la necesidad de disciplinar la investigación con un análisis de marketing utilizando la herramienta de la “las cuatro P” con el objeto de estudiar el comportamiento del mercado y de los consumidores. El comportamiento del mercado y de los consumidores sirvió de insumo para la construcción de un análisis FODA que permitiera diagnosticar fortalezas, oportunidades, amenazas y debilidades, para el planteamiento de objetivos estratégicos de la Unidad a crear, resultando en esta etapa la identificación de objetivos estratégicos consistentes en estructurar un manual de Funciones, la necesidad de centralizar ventas de folletos producidos en la Facultad de Medicina, monopolizar a largo plazo el mercado de reprografía en la referida Facultad, reducir la dependencia de las fotocopiadoras del mercado interno y externo ofreciendo precios de mercado que permitan maximizar las utilidades. El diagnóstico para la creación de la Unidad de Reprografía implicó conocer el entorno del negocio de fotocopias, analizar el mercado interno y externo, la demanda potencial del negocio, la oferta de servicios de Reprografía, análisis de los costos del negocio, los precios de los insumos y los precios de los equipos entre otros. La propuesta de la Unidad de Reprografía también implicó analizar el tamaño del negocio con la cantidad de recursos existentes, el equipo y el capital de trabajo necesario, el nivel de apalancamiento financiero y conocer los resultados de las viabilidades financiera, económica y técnica

    Integrated-Optic Oxygen Sensors

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    Compact optical oxygen sensors with self-calibration capabilities are undergoing development. A sensor of this type features a single-chip, integrated-optic design implemented by photolithographic fabrication of optical waveguides in a photosensitive porous glass. The porosity serves as both a matrix for retention of an oxygen-sensitive fluorescent indicator chemical and a medium for diffusion of oxygen to the chemical from the ambient air to be monitored. Each sensor includes at least one such waveguide exposed to the atmosphere and at least one covered with metal for isolation from the atmosphere. The covered one serves as a reference channel. In operation, the concentration of oxygen is deduced from the intensity and lifetime of the fluorescence in the exposed channel, with the help of calibration data acquired via the reference channel. Because the sensory chemical is placed directly in and throughout the cross section of the light path, approximately 99 percent of the light in the waveguide is available for interaction with the chemical, in contradistinction to only about 1 percent of the light in an optical sensor that utilizes evanescentwave coupling. Hence, a sensor of this type is significantly more sensitive

    Compact Multi-Gas Monitor for Life Support Systems Control in Space: Evaluation Under Realistic Environmental Conditions

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    Advanced space life support systems require lightweight, low-power, durable sensors for monitoring critical gas components. A luminescence-based optical flow-through cell to monitor carbon dioxide, oxygen, and humidity has been developed and was demonstrated using bench top instrumentation under environmental conditions relevant to portable life support systems, including initially pure oxygen atmosphere, pressure range from 3.5 to 14.7 psi, temperature range from 50 F to 150 F, and humidity from dry to 100% RH and under liquid water saturation. This paper presents the first compact readout unit for these optical sensors, designed for the volume, power, and weight restrictions of a spacesuit portable Life support system and the analytical characterization of the optical sensors interrogated by the novel optoelectronic system. Trace gas contaminants in a space suit, originating from hardware and material off-gassing and crew member metabolism, are from many chemical families. The result is a gas mix much more complex than the pure oxygen fed into the spacesuit, which may interfere with gas sensor readings. The paper also presents an evaluation of optical sensor performance when exposed to the most significant trace gases reported to be found in spacesuits. The studies were conducted with the spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations for those trace gases and the calculated 8-hr. concentrations resulting from having no trace contaminant control system in the ventilation loop. Finally, a profile of temperature, pressure, humidity, and gas composition for a typical EVA mission has been defined, and the performance of sensors operated repeatedly under simulated EVA mission conditions has been studied