121 research outputs found

    Primary Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma in a Cow

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    Background: Primary neoplasms of the respiratory tract are rare in cattle, and they present with nonspecific clinical signs and are usually found at post-mortem. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type is uncommon, and information about this neoplasm in cattle is scarce. This paper aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings in a cow with this neoplasm.Case: A 10-year-old, adult, mixed-breed Holstein cow weighing 300 kg was referred to the Garanhuns Cattle Clinic of the Campus of Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a history of decreased appetite, tiredness, weight loss, and difficulty in breathing for two months. The animal had been treated at the farm of origin with enrofloxacin, florfenicol, and flunixin meglumine. The animal’s appetite improved, but no improvement in the respiratory symptoms was observed. On examination at our center, the cow was in an orthopedic position, with neck extension and elbow abduction; and it remained in a recumbent position. The cow had neutrophilia, normochromic normocytic anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 1 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the cow had moderate enophthalmia, serous secretions in nostrils, tachycardia, and tachypnea. It also had increased breathing intensity; increased breath sounds in the cranial regions of both lungs; areas of reduced breath sounds in the medial portions of the lungs; intermittent wheezing in the cranial region of the left lung medially and in the cranial region of the right lung medially; intermittent crepitations in the cranial region of the right lung medially; reduced thoracic expansion; and expiratory dyspnea. Pulmonary ultrasonography revealed hyperechogenic multifocal structures in both lungs. In view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the owner opted for euthanasia. Necropsy revealed that there was a significant amount of yellow fluid in the thoracic cavity, and the cut surfaces of the lungs were covered with fibrin and pleural adhesions. The lungs had irregular surfaces with multifocal nodules of various sizes and firm consistency. The texture of the cut nodules was solid, and the nodules had a yellowish color. Histologically, the pulmonary nodules were composed of neoplastic cells. They were pleomorphic, infiltrative epithelial cells with little cytoplasm; large and spherical nuclei with abundant euchromatin; occasional anisokaryosis; visible nucleolus; and numerous mitotic figures. Results of anti-cytokeratin immunohistochemistry were strongly positive for cytokeratin in the lungs and lymph nodes. Discussion: The diagnosis of acinar pulmonary adenocarcinoma was based on clinical, laboratory, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Clinical signs and lung ultrasound suggested a severe respiratory disease. Pulmonary tumors are usually solid, and they show areas of central necrosis that resemble granulomas. However, the histopathological findings in the current case were compatible with a primary pulmonary neoplasm. Primary pulmonary neoplasms, although rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of weight loss, cachexia, and respiratory symptoms in adult cattle. The morphological pattern and the strong immunoreactivity on immunohistochemical examination were conclusive for a diagnosis of a primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma of the acinar type because these tumors specifically contain cytokeratin

    Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA to Assess Genetic Diversity and Structure of Natural Calophyllum brasiliense

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    The objective of this study was to assess the genetic variability in two natural populations of Calophyllum brasiliense located along two different rivers in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, using RAPD molecular markers. Eighty-two polymorphic fragments were amplified using 27 primers. The values obtained for Shannon index (I) were 0.513 and 0.530 for the populations located on the margins of the Rio Grande and Rio das Mortes, respectively, demonstrating the high genetic diversity in the studied populations. Nei’s genetic diversity (He) was 0.341 for the Rio Grande population and 0.357 for the Rio das Mortes population. These results were not significantly different between populations and suggest a large proportion of heterozygote individuals within both populations. AMOVA showed that 70.42% of the genetic variability is found within populations and 29.58% is found among populations (ФST=0.2958). The analysis of kinship coefficients detected the existence of family structures in both populations. Average kinship coefficients between neighboring individuals were 0.053 (P<0.001) in Rio das Mortes and 0.040 (P<0.001) in Rio Grande. This could be due to restricted pollen and seed dispersal and the history of anthropogenic disturbance in the area. These factors are likely to contribute to the relatedness observed among these genotypes

    Effects of the topical administration of copaiba oil ointment (Copaifera langsdorffii) in skin flaps viability of rats

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of copaiba oil ointment (Copaifera langsdorffii) on dorsal skin flaps in rats. METHODS: Adult male rats (n=30) were distributed into three groups of ten animals each, as follows: GC - control; GCA - absolute control and GT - treated with copaiba ointment. The rats were subjected to dorsal cutaneous skin flap surgery and the animals from the GC and GT received post-operative treatment for eight consecutive days. The animals from the GCA group did not receive treatment while the animals from the GC group received daily topical treatment of ointment without the active ingredient and the animals from the GT group were daily treated with 10% copaiba oil ointment. At the end of each experimental period the lesions were evaluated according to the percentage of necrotic area. Then, fragments from cranial, median and caudal parts were fixed in Boüin's solution and processed for paraffin embedding. The morphology of histological sections (5µm) was evaluated and the number of leucocytes, fibroblasts and blood vessels was also analyzed. The data obtained were submitted to ANOVA test complemented by Tukey-Kramer test (pGC and GT), while the morphology showed larger granulation tissue with bulky fibroblasts and collagen fibers more arranged in the GT group. The morphometry showed a significant higher number of blood vessels in the median and caudal parts (GT>GCA and GC), leucocytes in the cranial part (GT>GC>GCA), and also fibroblasts in the median (GT and GC> GCA) and caudal parts (GT>GC and GCA) (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The copaiba oil ointment favors angiogenesis and accelerates the viability of random skin flaps in rats.Federal Rural University of Pernambuco Department of Morphology and Animal Physiology Postgraduate Program in Animal BioscienceUFRPE Department of Morphology and Physiology Histology DivisionFederal University of Pernambuco Department of Morphology Histology DivisionFederal University of São Paulo Department of Morphology and Genetic Postgraduate Program in MorphologyUNIFESP, Department of Morphology and Genetic Postgraduate Program in MorphologySciEL

    Histopathologic aspects of splenic fragments autotransplanted in rats

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    The splenic tissue autograft viability (one third of the spleen) associated to parcial splenectomy was studied to verify the evolutive kinetic of its regeneration by macroscopic and histological aspects. Twenty-eight adult male Wistar rats, weighting 300g, were distributed in four experimental groups. Each animal was submitted to parcial splenectomy and one fragment of each spleen was autotransplanted to the greater omentum, for a period of 30, 60, 90, and 120 days. After each period, the autotransplanted splenic tissues were collected and histopathologically analyzed. The results showed regeneration of the splenic capsule, blood vessels, white pulp, and red pulp. After 90 days, the microscopic architecture was similar to the normal spleen.Estudou-se a viabilidade do autotransplante de tecido esplênico, um terço do baço, associado à esplenectomia parcial, e verificou-se a cinética evolutiva de sua regeneração, sob o aspecto macroscópico e histológico. Foram utilizados 28 ratos Wistar, adultos, machos, com média de peso de 300g, distribuídos em quatro grupos experimentais. Cada animal foi submetido à esplenectomia parcial, e um fragmento de baço foi transplantado para o omento maior, por períodos de 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Após cada período pré-estipulado, os tecidos esplênicos autotransplantados foram coletados e analisados histologicamente. Os resultados mostraram regeneração da cápsula esplênica, dos vasos sanguíneos e das polpas branca e vermelha. Aos 90 dias, a arquitetura microscópica apresentava-se semelhante à do baço normal.UNIC Faculdade de Medicina VeterináriaUniversidade Federal Rural de PernambucoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Glomus Tumor of the Stomach: A Rare Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

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    Introduction. Glomus tumors (GTs) are benign neoplasm originating from the glomus body, commonly described in subungual region. The involvement abdominal is rare. Our aim is to describe a case of glomus tumor of the stomach that presented upper gastrointestinal bleeding. A 34-year-old woman was admitted with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and underwent an upper endoscopy that showed bleeding arising from an ulcerated lesion, treated by sclerosis therapy. A new endoscopy confirmed a submucosal lesion in upper portion of the stomach. During the laparotomy, a tumor at the upper anterior wall of gastric body was found and resected by a vertical gastrectomy. The pathological exam revealed hyperplastic smooth muscle fibers of the muscularis propria of the stomach wall, surrounded by hyaline stroma. The immunohistochemistry panel was positive for smooth muscle actin and type IV collagen, with low rate of mitosis studied by Ki-67 which allowed the final diagnosis of a gastric glomus tumor. Discussion. The majority of intraperitoneal glomus tumors occur in the stomach, and it is phenotypically similar to those localized in peripheral sites. Gastric GT generally is a benign tumor although it can be malignant and have the potential to metastasize. Conclusion. Even though gastric glomus tumor is rarely described, it should be considered as a possible cause of a major upper gastrointestinal bleeding


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    A regulação da atividade do ciclo estral dos mamí¬feros domésticos é um processo complexo e está, basica¬mente, sob o controle do eixo hipotálamo-adenohipófise-ovários, através de mecanismos endócrinos e neuroendócri¬nos. A progesterona constitui-se em importante regulador da atividade funcional e estrutural do sistema reprodutor das fêmeas domésticas. Considerando-se sua importância e sua freqüente utilização, realizou-se o presente trabalho, que teve por objetivo avaliar os aspectos citopatológicos da vagina de camundongas tratadas com progesterona. Foram utilizadas 36 camundongas da linhagem Swiss Webster di¬vididas em quatro grupos e submetidas aos seguintes pro¬cedimentos: Grupo S (controle – camundongas tratadas com o veículo e avaliadas durante quinze dias consecuti¬vos); Grupos E1, E2 e E3 (camundongas tratadas com 0,375 mg, 0,75 mg e 1,5 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona respectivamente e avaliadas durante quinze dias de experi¬mento). De acordo com os resultados obtidos pode-se con¬cluir que o acetato de medroxiprogesterona em dose única de 0,75 ou 1,5 mg predispõe a interrupção do cliclo estral e o aumento do número de leucócitos no colpocitológico de camundongas. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Bloqueio do ciclo estral, ciclo estral, colpocitologia, medroxiprogesterona


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    The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship among Management Control System Use, development of company's organizational competences and performance using Henri's framework (HENRI, 2006). The dimension Use of Management Control System, proposed by Simons (1995, 2000) in diagnostic use and interactive use is scarcely studied in Brazil, in spite of the international research that has shown some contradictory results. The research was carried out in 2008, by a survey in a sample of 104 companies from Exame Magazine 1000 Biggest Brazilian Companies. Using the Structural Equation Model, the main results indicate no evidence of negative relationships between the diagnostic use and the organizational competences development, what contradicts Henri's results (2006). It was also identified that the interactive use has positive influences in the competences of Organizational Learning and Market Orientation, and these have positive influences in Performance (measured by self-evaluation). This study contributes to Brazilian research as its subject integrates Management Accounting and Strategy and also for measurement the construct Dynamic Tensions. For the practice, the result is important as it shows that companies should continue to use Management Control for diagnostic, as it helps the organization to correct errors, simultaneously recommending the use of interactive way to activate organizational ompetences.O propósito deste estudo de natureza empírico-teórica foi entender os relacionamentos entre o Uso do Sistema de Controle Gerencial; o desenvolvimento de Competências Organizacionais e Desempenho usando o framework proposto por Henri 2006 . A dimensão Uso do Sistema de Controle Gerencial proposta por Simons 1995; 2000 em Uso Diagnóstico e Uso Interativo é pouco estudada no Brasil; contrariamente à literatura internacional; embora esta tenha mostrado alguns resultados que são contraditórios. A pesquisa foi realizada em 2008; por meio de um survey em uma amostra de 104 empresas constantes da relação das 1.000 Maiores Empresas da Revista Exame. Com a aplicação da Modelagem de Equação Estrutural; os principais resultados mostram que não existem evidências de relacionamento negativo entre o Uso Diagnóstico e o desenvolvimento de Competências Organizacionais; o que contradiz os resultados de Henri 2006 . Também se identificou que o Uso Interativo influencia positivamente as competências Aprendizagem Organizacional e Orientação para Mercado e estas influenciam positivamente o Desempenho medido por auto-avaliação . O estudo contribui para a literatura nacional ao abordar um tema que integra Contabilidade Gerencial e Estratégia; e também por operacionalizar o construto Tensões Dinâmicas. O resultado contribui para a prática ao mostrar que as empresas devem continuar usando diagnosticamente o Controle Gerencial; pois este auxilia a organização a corrigir desvios; ao mesmo tempo que recomenda a utilização da forma interativa para ativar as competências organizacionais


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    Relata-se um surto de intoxicação por inseticida organofosforado e piretroide em vacas leiteiras no município de Cuiabá, Estado de Mato Grosso. Morreram onze vacas, de um total de 25 animais. Entre as principais manifestações clínicas observaram-se apatia, anorexia, sialorreia, diarreia de coloração escurecida, por vezes com estrias de sangue, tremores musculares, incoordenação e dificuldade respiratória. As lesões observadas à necropsia consistiram em edema pulmonar, enfisema subpleural e hemorragias de intensidade e formas diversas em vários órgãos. Não foram observadas alterações microscópicas significativas em nenhum dos animais. A pesquisa toxicológica em conteúdos de rúmen, retículo, omaso e abomaso resultaram negativas. Amostras de fígados e rins resultaram positivas para o grupo de inseticidas organofosforados e piretroides. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Inseticidas, organofosforados, piretroides, vacas

    Levantamento molecular de micoplasma hemotrópico em mão-pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) do sul do Brasil

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    Hemoplasmas are non-cultivable bacterial parasites of erythrocytes that infect domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. Their means of transmission and pathogenesis remain contentious issues and difficult to evaluate in wild animals. Procyon cancrivorus is a South American carnivore and occurs in all Brazilian biomes. In this study, we aimed to investigate occurrences of hemoplasmas infecting P. cancrivorus and to identify their 16S rRNA gene, in southern Brazil. DNA was extracted from spleen and blood samples of P. cancrivorus (n = 9) from different locations. Hemoplasma DNA was detected in six samples, based on 16S rRNA gene amplification and phylogenetic analysis. Four of the six sequences belonged to the “Mycoplasma haemofelis group”, which is closely related to genotypes detected in Procyon lotor from the USA; one was within the “Mycoplasma suis group”, closely related to “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum”; and one was within the intermediate group between these clusters. Thus, these sequences showed that the molecular identity of hemoplasmas in the population studied was very variable. In five positive animals, Amblyomma aureolatum ticks and a flea (Ctenocephalides felis felis) were collected. The present study describes the first molecular detection of mycoplasmas in P. cancrivorus.Os micoplasmas hemotrópicos (hemoplasmas) são parasitas bacterianos não-cultiváveis de eritrócitos que infectam tanto animais domésticos e selvagens, como seres humanos. A transmissão e a patogênese são discutíveis e difíceis de avaliar em animais selvagens. O mão pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) é um carnívoro Sul-americano, que ocorre em todos os biomas brasileiros. O objetivo do presente estudo é o de investigar a ocorrência de hemoplasmas infectando P. cancrivorus e identificar seu gene 16S rRNA no Sul do Brasil. O DNA foi extraído do baço e amostras de sangue de P. cancrivorus (n= 9). O DNA de hemoplasma foi detectado em seis amostras, com base na amplificação do gene 16S rRNA e na análise filogenética. Quatro das seis sequências pertencem ao “Grupo Mycoplasma haemofelis”, que estão intimamente relacionadas aos genótipos detectados no Procyon lotor dos EUA; uma dentro do “Grupo Mycoplasma suis”, que está intimamente relacionado ao “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum”, e uma dentro do grupo intermediário entre esses clusters, mostrando assim que há uma diversidade genética de hemoplasmas na população estudada. Em cinco animais positivos, foram coletados carrapatos Amblyomma aureolatum e uma pulga Ctenocephalides felis. O presente estudo traz a primeira detecção molecular de micoplasmas em P. cancrivorus

    A vacinação contra a gripe em idosos na Unidade de Saúde da Família São José

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    Objetivo: Investigar a eficácia da campanha de vacinação em idosos atendidos pela Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família (UBSF) São José, na cidade de Anápolis, Goiás. Métodos: Este é um estudo prospectivo descritivo transversal. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 80 idosos, que responderam a um questionário. Resultados: Os resultados encontrados indicam que entre a população masculina, 77% foram vacinados em algum momento. Observou-se que na população feminina, esse valor sobe para 82%. Entre os motivos que orientaram a vacinação, destaca-se o medo de adoecer (40%), sendo que a não imunização foi justificada pela falta de informação, de tempo e a crença de que a vacina não funciona. Quanto aos meios de obtenção de informações sobre a vacina, as realizadas pelas Agentes Comunitárias de Saúde mostraram-se as mais importantes, na opinião dos entrevistados. Observou-se ainda que a maioria dos entrevistados acreditam que a vacina e a campanha de vacinação funcionam e mesmo os que disseram não acreditar na eficácia da vacina, vacinaram-se. Conclusões: Notou-se que houve aceitação da população quanto à vacina e à campanha. As estratégias utilizadas para promoção da campanha mostraram-se eficazes. A campanha atingiu seu objetivo, assistindo mais de 70% da população entrevistada