152 research outputs found

    Diseño y modelado del simulador web que permite realizar estudios de factibilidad con los datos necesarios para ejecutar instalaciones de energía solar On Grid en Colombia.

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    Este trabajo se enfoca sobre la energía solar renovable, es producida mediante la radiación solar y es la fuente de la energía eléctrica fotovoltaica, la cual se genera mediante un dispositivo semiconductor denominado célula fotovoltaica (Aguilar, Aledo y Quiles, 2016). Para empezar el simulador web es un objeto de aprendizaje que, mediante un programa de software, intenta modelar parte de una réplica de los fenómenos de la realidad y su propósito es que el usuario construya conocimiento a partir del trabajo exploratorio, la inferencia y el aprendizaje por el descubrimiento (Barrientos. M, 2011). El diseño y modelado del simulador web una vez desarrollado y puesto en marcha se integrará en una página web llamada Colombia Renovable. Además; tiene como valor agregado, un sistema de cotizaciones online que basándose en la necesidad del cliente reúne todos los equipos necesarios (kits de equipos) de la mejor calidad para realizar las instalaciones solares. Por cada estudio generado con el simulador, se presenta 1 cotización con tres diferentes opciones de kits de equipos solares de los posibles proveedores. En otras palabras; se actúa como intermediarios para vender los productos que ofrecen las empresas y para generar utilidades por cada venta confirmada. Para el diseño y modelado del simulador web, se crean diferentes procesos bajo lenguajes de programación que permite analizar los siguientes datos de entrada suministrados por los usuarios: Localización de la instalación fotovoltaica • Seleccione Departamento: en este apartado se selecciona el departamento donde se realizará el estudio de factibilidad. • Seleccione Municipio o Ciudad: en este apartado se selecciona el Municipio o Ciudad donde se realizará el estudio de factibilidad. Datos de su consumo eléctrico • Consumo eléctrico del último mes (KWh/mes). La puede encontrar en información técnica presente en la factura eléctrica. • Consumo eléctrico promedio de los últimos 6 meses (KWh/mes). La puede encontrar en información técnica presente en la factura eléctrica. • Valor total de la energía facturada del último mes (COP).Informacioˊnpresenteenlafacturaeleˊctrica.Porcentajedeenergıˊaeleˊctricaparacubrirconelsistemasolar.Estratosocioeconoˊmico.Elresultadodeesteestudiodefactibilidadcontaraˊconloselementosnecesariosparaquelosinteresadosenrealizarinstalacionessolaresdispongandeinformacioˊnmaˊsampliaquelespermitalatomadedecisionesparalaejecucioˊndelproyecto.Lametodologıˊaparaeldesarrollodeldisen~oymodeladodelsimuladorwebiniciaconlarecoleccioˊndelainformacioˊnnecesariaparasuejecucioˊn,lacualtienequeverconelestudiodelmercado,laviabilidadelproyecto,aspectosteˊcnicos,aspectoseconoˊmicosyaspectoslegales.Seguidamente;Secreanlosdiferentesprocesosquetienecomopropoˊsitoeladecuadofuncionamientodelsimulador.Demaneraconjunta;sedisen~alapaˊginawebllamadaColombiaRenovableconsusrespectivosmenuˊs,laopcioˊndegenerarlascotizacionesonlineysedeterminanlosequipossolaresquesemostraraˊnenlosestudiosdefactibilidad.Thisworkfocusesonrenewablesolarenergy,thatisproducedbysolarradiationandisthesourceofphotovoltaicelectricalenergy,whichisgeneratedbyasemiconductordevicecalledaphotovoltaiccell(Aguilar,AledoandQuiles,2016).Cellsaremanufacturedwithsemiconductormaterialswiththebasiccomponentofaphotovoltaicsystem.Photovoltaicsystemscanbedividedintotwosegments.Theautonomousphotovoltaicsystemsthatareusedtomeetacertainelectricaldemandinremotelocations,isolatedfromtheelectricitygridand,ontheotherhand,thephotovoltaicsystemsconnectedtothegridthathasthemainobjectiveofmaximizingannuallytheproductionofelectricalenergythatisinjectedintothegrid.First,thewebsimulatorisalearningobjectthat,throughasoftwareprogram,attemptstomodelpartofareplicaofthephenomenaofrealityanditspurposeisfortheusertobuildknowledgefromexploratorywork(Barrientos.M,2011).Thedesignandmodelingofthewebsimulatoroncedevelopedandlaunchedwillbeintegratedintoawebsitecalled"ColombiaRenovable".Inaddition;ithasasanaddedvalue,anonlinequotesystemthatbasedonthecustomersneedbringstogetherallthenecessaryequipment(equipmentkits)ofthebestqualitytocarryoutthesolarinstallations.Foreachstudygeneratedwiththesimulator,1quoteispresentedwiththreedifferentoptionsofsolarequipmentkitsfrompotentialsuppliers.Inotherwords;itactsasintermediariestoselltheproductsofferedbycompaniesandtogenerateprofitsforeachconfirmedsale.Forthedesignandmodelingofthewebsimulator,differentprocessesarecreatedunderprogramminglanguagesthatallowanalyzingthefollowinginputdataprovidedbyusers:LocationofphotovoltaicinstallationSelectDepartment:Inthissection,thedepartmentwherethefeasibilitystudywillbeperformedisselected.SelectMunicipalityorCity:inthissection,theMunicipalityorCitywherethefeasibilitystudywillbecarriedoutisselected.PowerConsumptionDataLastmonthspowerconsumption(KWh/month).Itcanbefoundintechnicalinformationpresentontheelectricbill.Averagepowerconsumptionofthelast6months(KWh/month).Itcanbefoundintechnicalinformationpresentontheelectricbill.Totalvalueoflastmonthsbilledenergy( COP). Información presente en la factura eléctrica. • Porcentaje de energía eléctrica para cubrir con el sistema solar. • Estrato socio económico. El resultado de este estudio de factibilidad contará con los elementos necesarios para que los interesados en realizar instalaciones solares dispongan de información más amplia que les permita la toma de decisiones para la ejecución del proyecto. La metodología para el desarrollo del diseño y modelado del simulador web inicia con la recolección de la información necesaria para su ejecución, la cual tiene que ver con el estudio del mercado, la viabilidad el proyecto, aspectos técnicos, aspectos económicos y aspectos legales. Seguidamente; Se crean los diferentes procesos que tiene como propósito el adecuado funcionamiento del simulador. De manera conjunta; se diseña la página web llamada Colombia Renovable con sus respectivos menús, la opción de generar las cotizaciones online y se determinan los equipos solares que se mostrarán en los estudios de factibilidad.This work focuses on renewable solar energy, that is produced by solar radiation and is the source of photovoltaic electrical energy, which is generated by a semiconductor device called a photovoltaic cell (Aguilar, Aledo and Quiles, 2016). Cells are manufactured with semiconductor materials with the basic component of a photovoltaic system. Photovoltaic systems can be divided into two segments. The autonomous photovoltaic systems that are used to meet a certain electrical demand in remote locations, isolated from the electricity grid and, on the other hand, the photovoltaic systems connected to the grid that has the main objective of maximizing annually the production of electrical energy that is injected into the grid. First, the web simulator is a learning object that, through a software program, attempts to model part of a replica of the phenomena of reality and its purpose is for the user to build knowledge from exploratory work (Barrientos. M, 2011). The design and modeling of the web simulator once developed and launched will be integrated into a website called "Colombia Renovable". In addition; it has as an added value, an online quote system that based on the customer's need brings together all the necessary equipment (equipment kits) of the best quality to carry out the solar installations. For each study generated with the simulator, 1 quote is presented with three different options of solar equipment kits from potential suppliers. In other words; it acts as intermediaries to sell the products offered by companies and to generate profits for each confirmed sale. For the design and modeling of the web simulator, different processes are created under programming languages that allow analyzing the following input data provided by users: Location of photovoltaic installation • Select Department: In this section, the department where the feasibility study will be performed is selected. • Select Municipality or City: in this section, the Municipality or City where the feasibility study will be carried out is selected. Power Consumption Data • Last month's power consumption (KWh/month). It can be found in technical information present on the electric bill. • Average power consumption of the last 6 months (KWh/month). It can be found in technical information present on the electric bill. • Total value of last month's billed energy ( COP). Information present on the electric bill. • Percentage of electrical energy to cover with the solar system. • Socio-economic stratum. The result of this study will have the necessary elements for those interested in making solar installations to have more extensive information that allows them to make decisions for the execution of the project. The methodology for the development of the design and modeling of the web simulator begins with the collection of the information necessary for its execution, which has to do with market study, project feasibility, technical aspects, economic aspects, and legal aspects. Next; The different processes that the proper functioning of the simulator. Together; the website called Colombia Renovable is designed with their respective menus, the option to generate the online quotes, and determine the solar equipment that will be shown in the feasibility studies

    Experimental analysis of heat and mass transfer in non-isothermal sloshing using a model-based inverse method

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    Nonisothermal liquid sloshing in partially filled reservoirs can significantly enhance heat and mass transfer between liquid and ullage gasses. This can result in large temperature and pressure fluctuations, producing thrust oscillations in spacecraft and challenging thermal management control systems. This work presents an experimental characterization of the thermodynamic evolution of a cylindrical reservoir undergoing sloshing-induced thermal de-stratification. We use a 0D model-based inverse method to retrieve the heat and mass transfer coefficients in planar and swirl sloshing conditions from the temperature and pressure measurements in the liquid and the ullage gas. The experiments were carried out in the SHAKESPEARE shaking table of the von Karman Institute in a cuboid quartz cell with a cylindrical cut-out of 80 mm diameter in the centre, filled up to 60mm with the cryogenic replacement fluid HFE-7200. A thermal stratification with 25 K difference between the ullage gas and liquid was set as the initial conditions. A pressure drop of 90% in the ullage gas was documented in swirling conditions. Despite its simplicity, the model could predict the system's thermodynamic evolution once the proper transfer coefficients were derived.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Analyse du Procédé d'Essorage au Moyen de la Vélocimétrie par Image de Particules et la Technique d'Absorption de Lumière

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    International audienceCe travail présente une caractérisation expérimentale du procédé d’essorage par couteau gazeux. Ce dernier constitue une méthode de revêtement continu, fortement utilisée en dans l’industrie du papier, la fabrication de films photographiques et les lignes de galvanisation.La méthode se base sur l’impact d’un jet de gaz bidimensionnel pour contrôler l’épaisseur d’un film liquide entraîné par une bande mobile. Le procédé est reproduit sur un modèle de laboratoire et sa dynamique instable est pour la première fois analysée en combinant plusieurs techniques de mesure optiques et de traitement de données telles que l’absorption de lumière (LAbs) pour caractériser l’évolution tridimensionnelle et temporelle de l’épaisseur du film liquide, la vélocimétrie par images de particules résolue en temps (TR-PIV) pour étudier l’aéraulique du jet et la fluorescence induite par laser (LIF) pour le suivi de l’interface gaz-liquide. Un lien entre le contenu fréquentiel de la non-uniformité du revêtement liquide et le comportement du jet est établi. Plus précisément, la dynamique du jet gazeux est décrite via la décomposition orthogonale aux valeurs propres à échelles multiples (mPOD) de l’ensemble des données TR-PIV. Elle révèle la présence d’oscillations à grandes échelles, couplées à l’instabilité de l’interface liquide impactée. L’analyse des spectres fréquentiels du jet et du film liquide montre que le mécanisme oscillatoire auto-entretenu produit une ondulation de grande longueur d’onde dans le produit final

    Effect of inertia on the dynamic contact angle in oscillating menisci

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    The contact angle between a gas-liquid interface and a solid surface is a function of the dynamic conditions of the contact line. Classic steady correlations link the contact angle to the contact line velocity. However, it is not clear whether they hold in presence of inertia and in the case of perfect wetting fluids. We analyze the shape of a liquid interface and the corresponding contact angle in accelerating conditions for two different fluids, i.e. HFE7200 (perfect wetting) and demineralized water. The set-up consists of a U-shaped quasi-capillary tube in which the liquid column oscillates in response to a pressure step on one of the two sides. We obtained the evolution of the interface shape from high-speed back-light visualization, and we fit interface models to the experimental data to estimate the contributions of all the governing forces and the contact angle. Traditional interface models fail to predict the interface shape and its contact angle at large interface and contact line accelerations. We propose a new model to account for the acceleration, and we discuss its impact on the measurement of the transient contact angle

    Data-driven modeling of stagnation-line flow with heat and mass transfer in hypersonic reentry

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    The entry phase constitutes a design driver for aerospace systems that include such a critical step. This phase is characterized by hypersonic flows encompassing multiscale phenomena that require advanced modeling capabilities. However, since high fidelity simulations are often computationally prohibitive, simplified models are needed in multidisciplinary analyses requiring fast predictions. This work proposes data-driven surrogate models to predict the flow, and mixture properties along the stagnation streamline of hypersonic flows past spherical objects. Surrogate models are designed to predict velocity, pressure, temperature, density and air composition as a function of the object's radius, velocity, reentry altitude and surface temperature. These models are trained with data produced by numerical simulation of the quasi-one-dimensional Navier-Stokes formulation and a selected Earth atmospheric model. Physics-constrained parametric functions are constructed for each flow variable of interest, and artificial neural networks are used to map the model parameters to the model's inputs. Surrogate models were also developed to predict surface quantities of interest for the case of nonreacting or ablative carbon-based surfaces, providing alternatives to semiempirical correlations. A validation study is presented for all the developed models, and their predictive capabilities are showcased along selected reentry trajectories of space debris from low-Earth orbits

    Dynamic circulating tumor DNA quantificaton for the individualization of non-small-cell lung cancer patients treatment

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    Background: Liquid biopsy has evolved from being a promising line to becoming a validated approach for biomarker testing. However, its utility for individualization of therapy has been scarcely reported. In this study, we show how monitoring levels of EGFR mutation in plasma can be useful for the individualization of treatment. Results: Longitudinal EGFR mutation levels in plasma always correlated with tumor response ascertained by RECIST criteria. Moreover, decreasing EGFR mutation levels were detected in all patients benefiting from locoregional radiotherapy, whereas the opposite occurred when a patient progressed soon after radiotherapy treatment. Similarly, increasing EGFR mutation levels anticipated disease progression after TKI dose reduction, discontinuation of treatment, or reduced bioavailability due to drug interactions. In addition, EGFR mutation levels were useful to monitor treatment outcome of new therapies and constituted a decisive factor when the clinical situation of the patient did not correlate with responses ascertained by radiologist. Finally, our results indicate that cancer associated body fluids (pleural, pericardial or cerebrospinal fluid) are certainly a suitable source for biomarker testing that can extend EGFR mutation detection to biofluids other than blood. Materials and Methods: A total of 180 serial plasma samples from 18 non-smallcell lung cancer patients who carried an activating EGFR mutation were investigated by digital PCR. Conclusions: Monitoring levels of EGFR mutation in plasma allows resolving doubts that frequently arise in daily clinical practice and constitutes a major step towards achieving personalized medicineThis study was supported by Carlos III Institute of Health, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and European Regional Development Fund (grant number: PI16/01818 and PIE14/00064), A Romero is supported by Joan Rodés fellowship (grant number: JR14/00017) and CP pre-doctoral studies are supported by Jose Luís Castaño Foundatio

    Enhancing the First-Pass Effect in Acute Stroke: The Impact of Stent Retriever Characteristics

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    Introduction: Although stentrievers (SRs) have been a mainstay of mechanical thrombectomy (MT), and current guidelines recommend the use of SRs in the treatment of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVO), there is a paucity of studies in the literature comparing SRs directly against each other in terms of mechanical and functional properties. Timely access to endovascular therapy and the ability to restore intracranial flow in a safe, efficient, and efficacious manner have been critical to the success of MT. This study aimed to investigate the impact of contemporary SR characteristics, including model, brand, size, and length, on the first-pass effect (FPE) in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Methods: Consecutive patients with M1 occlusion treated with a single SR+BGC were recruited from the ROSSETTI registry. The primary outcome was the FPE that was defined as modified (mFPE) or true (tFPE) for the achievement of modified thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (mTICI) grades 2b-3 or 3 after a single device pass, respectively. We compared patients who achieved mFPE with those who achieved tFPE according to SR characteristics. Results: We included 610 patients (52.3% female and 47.7% male, mean age 75.1 +/- 13.62 years). mFPE was achieved in 357 patients (58.5%), whereas tFPE was achieved in 264 (43.3%). There was no significant association between SR characteristics and mFPE or tFPE. Specifically, the SR size did not show a statistically significant relationship with improvement in FPE. Similarly, the length of the SR did not yield significant differences in the mFPE and tFPE, even when the data were grouped. Conclusions: Our data indicate that contemporary SR-mediated thrombectomy characteristics, including model, brand, size, and length, do not significantly affect the FPE

    Ciudad-territorio sustentable. Procesos, actores y estructuras

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    En los últimos años, los estudios urbanos especializados insisten en que los procesos de urbanización por los que atraviesan los distintos países desarrollados, parecen dejar atrás las explicaciones de la urbanización industrial, han surgido otras construcciones y perspectivas unas más acabadas que otras (Indovina, 1998, la “ciudad difusa”; Dematteis 1998, ciudad sin centros; Nel-lo, 1998 ciudad sin confines, Soja, 2008, la exópolis). En suma se dice que se avanza hacia la urbanización generalizada, ello acaba con la larga trayectoria del funcionamiento y naturaleza de la ciudad moderna, el cambio urbano estructural actual, es nuevamente, consecuencia de la descentralización, difusión, redistribución del desarrollo, del crecimiento y las innovaciones ahora sobre una estructura en el territorio. Ha sido una mutación no sólo empírica sino que ha dado lugar a la confrontación teórica. El sistema urbano jerárquico ha reducido su valor interpretativo porque se han modificado los supuestos en los que se basaban las relaciones de dominio y dependencia de los centros principales, porque se han abaratado los costos de transporte y el efecto de la distancia ya no es una limitante absoluta, ahora los procesos productivos flexibles y descentralizados propician las relaciones técnicas horizontales con lo cual se consiguen economías de escala externas e internas a las empresas en un territorio ampliado y no sólo exclusivamente en la aglomeración económica (Precedo, 2003; Veltz, 1999; Boix, 2002; Camagni, 2005; De Santiago, 2008 y; Garmendia, 2010).El objetivo es examinar dentro de la descentralización del proceso urbano a la ciudad-territorio en América Latina, en particular en México. En contextos urbanos desarrollados se afirma la convergencia urbana con la apertura de las unidades funcionales de los sistemas urbanos donde operan redes e interrelaciones de desarrollo cualitativo en el territorio. América Latina registra evidencias empíricas poco claras, existe alta concentración de aquella economía que contribuye al crecimiento nacional, mientras la población se descentraliza rápidamente. México, es un caso de primacía urbana histórica aunque da paso a la formación de regiones urbanas, mismas que reproducen relaciones polarizadas y escasamente descentralizadas. De manera que, en tanto domine la concentración espacial económica, la ciudadterritorio se podrá presentar en el continente sólo con algunos rasgos en regiones urbanas con mayor desarrollo y crecimiento. Palabras claves: descentralización urbana, sistema urbano, ciudad-territorio

    Overview of recent TJ-II stellarator results

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    The main results obtained in the TJ-II stellarator in the last two years are reported. The most important topics investigated have been modelling and validation of impurity transport, validation of gyrokinetic simulations, turbulence characterisation, effect of magnetic configuration on transport, fuelling with pellet injection, fast particles and liquid metal plasma facing components. As regards impurity transport research, a number of working lines exploring several recently discovered effects have been developed: the effect of tangential drifts on stellarator neoclassical transport, the impurity flux driven by electric fields tangent to magnetic surfaces and attempts of experimental validation with Doppler reflectometry of the variation of the radial electric field on the flux surface. Concerning gyrokinetic simulations, two validation activities have been performed, the comparison with measurements of zonal flow relaxation in pellet-induced fast transients and the comparison with experimental poloidal variation of fluctuations amplitude. The impact of radial electric fields on turbulence spreading in the edge and scrape-off layer has been also experimentally characterized using a 2D Langmuir probe array. Another remarkable piece of work has been the investigation of the radial propagation of small temperature perturbations using transfer entropy. Research on the physics and modelling of plasma core fuelling with pellet and tracer-encapsulated solid-pellet injection has produced also relevant results. Neutral beam injection driven Alfvénic activity and its possible control by electron cyclotron current drive has been examined as well in TJ-II. Finally, recent results on alternative plasma facing components based on liquid metals are also presentedThis work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under Grant Agreement No. 633053. It has been partially funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Inovación y Universidades of Spain under projects ENE2013-48109-P, ENE2015-70142-P and FIS2017-88892-P. It has also received funds from the Spanish Government via mobility grant PRX17/00425. The authors thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by the Barcelona S.C. It has been supported as well by The Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU), Project P-507F