274 research outputs found

    Are voters fiscal conservatives? Evidence from Brazilian municipal elections

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    Some papers in literature show that voters are fiscal conservatives, while others find evidence of a preference for fiscal profligacy. We use a traditional Probit model to analyze the preference of Brazilian municipal voters in the 2000 election. The main result suggests that voters prefer greater expenditure. We present evidence that this result is a consequence of a fiscal federalism model where there is a soft budget constraint for municipalities (institutional context). Moreover, we obtained evidence that voters with different levels of schooling impose a different result on expenditure. The effect of expenditure is more marked in municipalities with a low level of literacy.Alguns artigos na literatura mostram que os eleitores são conservadores em assuntos fiscais enquanto outros encontram evidências de preferência por uma expansão fiscal. Nós usamos um modelo Probit tradicional para analisar a preferência dos eleitores municipais brasileiros na eleição de 2000. Nosso principal resultado sugere que os eleitores preferem mais gastos. Apresentamos algumas evidências de que esse resultado é uma consequência do modelo de federalismo fiscal existente no qual predomina uma restrição orçamentária fraca para os municípios (contexto institucional). Adicionalmente, obtivemos evidências de que os eleitores com diferentes níveis de escolaridade impõem diferente resultado nos gastos. O efeito do gasto é maior nos municípios onde o nível de alfabetização é menor

    Atividades históricas em produtos educacionais de mestrados profissionais para o ensino de aritmética

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    Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo um recorte de produtos educacionais de dissertações de mestrados profissionais que contêm atividades históricas relacionadas ao ensino de operações aritméticas para os Anos Iniciais ou atividades que possam ser adaptáveis para os Anos Finais do Ensino Fundamental. Nosso objetivo é fazer uma descrição comentada desses produtos e indicar como os professores poderão utilizá-las na sala de aula. Para alcançar nosso objetivo, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo bibliográfica, caracterizada por levantamento, classificação e agrupamento de produtos educacionais que usam história para o ensino da Matemática para identificar os conteúdos matemáticos relacionados a operações aritméticas voltados para os Anos Iniciais, visando a sua possível utilização nesse nível de ensino, uma vez que se constituem em um contributo importante das pesquisas realizadas nos mestrados profissionais do país. Os resultados apontam possibilidades de uso desses produtos educacionais como complementar ao programa estabelecido nos livros didáticos e nas práticas de sala de aula, podendo ser adaptados para a ação docente nos Anos Iniciais. Cabe ao professor fazer o tratamento e as adaptações adequadas para sua utilização na ação pedagógica


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    O século XXI tem enfrentado uma conjuntura ímpar onde os efeitos das mudanças climáticas e do aquecimento global em curso estão impactando toda natureza e sociedade ocasionando perdas e danos irreparáveis. Como resultado disso, uma reorganização nos padrões climáticos dos diferentes lugares está em curso alterando o ritmo e ciclo da temperatura e precipitação. Atentando para esta conjuntura, buscou-se através deste estudo analisar o comportamento da temperatura na porção sul do território mineiro entre 1960 e 2020 cuidando em destacar se há estabilidade na série elegida para estudo ou se a área apresenta tendência de aumento ou diminuição em seus índices térmicos. Após a coleta e análise dos dados, foi possível identificar um gradual aumento na temperatura por toda a área de estudo


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    Inbreeding depression is caused by breeding between closely relatedindividuals and can have a significant negative impact on cattle production. It can be estimated at the population level using pedigree analysis or molecular markers. Such estimations can then be used to better manage the genetic resources of herds. The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic variability and the influence of inbreeding depression on productive traits in 45 785 animals Nellore cattle (polled variety) from Brazil. Inbreeding depression was determined by fitting four regression models (linear, quadratic, exponential and Michaelis-Menten) to the errors generated by the animal model. The traits studied were weight at 205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W550) days of age. The effective number of founders (fe) and ancestors (fa) was 288 and 283, respectively, with 173 ancestors explaining 50% of the genetic variability in the population. Inbreeding depression effects were identified on all growth traits (W205, W365, and W550), demonstrating significant losses in evaluated weight means. For each 1% increase in inbreeding there was a depression of about 0.14% or 0.24 kg (W205), 0.12% or 0.29 kg (W365) and 0.09%or 0.29 kg (W550). Exponential and Michaelis-Menten models were similarly efficient predictors for all the traits (P<0.01). We conclude that Nellore cattle in Northeastern Brazil presents low genetic variation and the relationship between inbreeding and depressed productivity in this breed is not linear, with the greatest effects occurring when endogamy is above 20%. To change this scenario, it is important to use a high number of male breeders, mainly young individuals of high breeding value, and improvement of reproductive indexes of females. To achieve this goal, a traditional mating system focused on the utilization of a few (and famous) male breeders should be avoided by both farmers and technicians


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    O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar se há alguma relação entre Pontos Estratégicos e Imóveis Especiais (PE-IE) e incidência de dengue em suas proximidades, em Campinas-SP, entre 2013 e 2016. Os imóveis cadastrados como PE apresentam, alta concentração de materiais preferenciais para a desova da fêmea do mosquito Aedes aegypti e aqueles cadastrados como IE são imóveis relevantes para a disseminação do vírus da dengue, principalmente devido à grande circulação de pessoas nesses locais. Primeiramente, a população para cada ano de estudo foi estimada para cada célula da grade estatística do IBGE. Após isso, foram criadas faixas de distância com intervalos de 100m, até a distância máxima de 1000m em torno dos PE-IE. Em seguida, foi estimada a taxa média de incidência para cada uma das faixas de distância. A mesma estratégia foi aplicada aos PE-IE criados de modo aleatório. Foram elaborados modelos de regressão linear simples, tendo como variável dependente os valores das taxas de incidência e, como variável independente, as distâncias às fontes. Os resultados sugerem que a proximidade aos PE-IE apresenta relação com as taxas de incidência em seu entorno. A tendência foi de decréscimo das taxas médias de incidência conforme o aumento da distância das fontes. Espera-se que os resultados reforcem a importância do trabalho regular e sistemático nos imóveis denominados como PE-IE, implementando estratégias específicas, somada à revisão periódica das normas técnicas adotadas para a vistoria desses imóveis

    Response of South American Terrestrial Ecosystems to Future Patterns of Sea Surface Temperature

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    Global warming in the first half of the 21st century is likely to have profound influences on South American vegetation and climate. Although coupled atmosphere-biosphere models have been widely used to forecast future vegetation patterns under various scenarios of global warming, they have not been used to assess the potentially critical role of variations in sea surface temperature (SST) in modifying the climate-vegetation interactions. Here, we use monthly output of a 100-year coupled model run to investigate the relationship between SST, precipitation, and productivity of vegetation. Specifically, we assess statistical correlations between SST variability and vegetation in six different South America regions: Northern South America, Western Amazonia, Eastern Amazonia, Northeast Brazil, Central Brazil, and Patagonia. Our model robustly simulates changes in mean precipitation, net primary production (NPP), upper canopy leaf area index (LAI), and lower canopy LAI under warming and nonwarming scenarios. Most significantly, we demonstrate that spatial-temporal variability in SST exerts a strong influence over the vegetation dynamics in all six South American regions

    Influence of Polymeric Restorative Materials on the Stress Distribution in Posterior Fixed Partial Dentures: 3D Finite Element Analysis

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    This study evaluated the effect of interim restorative materials (acrylic resin (AR), resin composite (RC) or polyetheretherketone (PEEK) for dental computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM)) on the stress distribution of a posterior three-unit fixed partial denture

    Morphofunctional characteristics of Dorper sheep crossed with Brazilian native breeds

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    Abstract The relationship between body development and external measures in sheep could provide useful information to define the optimal slaughter time as well as the adequate nutritional management. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the morpho-functional diversity of Dorper sheep crossed with Brazilian native breeds using in vivo morphometric analysis. The animals evaluated were from crosses of Dorper with Morada Nova, Rabo Largo and Santa Ines sheeps. The animals were slaughtered at 120 and 240 days of age. Body and carcass measures, weight of meat cuts and growth were evaluated. The crossbred animals were analyzed by sex, totaling six treatments. A factorial analysis was performed using two sets of data: the in vivo morphometric measures, and all the other characteristics and these factors were used as new variables. The differences among treatments were analyzed using MANOVA and canonical analysis. The meat cuts, conformation, marketability adaptation, and early maturity of the animals slaughtered at 120 days, as well as the meat cuts, conformation, adaptation, early maturity, and hindquarter of the animals slaughtered at 240 days were evaluated. As regards body measurements, at both slaughter ages, the following factors were discriminated: height, robustness, length, and thoracic circumference. Animal slaughtered at 120 days of age showed greater differences whereas at 240 days the differences diminished allowing to individuate which treatments were more adaptive or productive. Crosses ½ Dorper × ½ Santa Ines (male and female), and ½ Dorper × ½ Rabo Largo male slaughtered at 240 days seem to show higher productivity and better marketability abilities. The other crosses tend to have a more rustic profile (less productive) and smaller size, reaching however adult size earlier and showing better adaptive characteristics, which allows to decide for slaughtering at younger ages

    Are plant growth retardants a strategy to decrease lodging and increase yield of sunflower?

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    One of the major disadvantages of sunflower cultivation is the increased plant height, making it prone to the lodging. The use of plant growth retardants can be an alternative strategy to reduce plant height; however, these compounds may affect productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plant growth retardants on sunflower development and yield. Four treatments were studied: 1- control; 2- gibberellic acid (GA) 10 mg L−1; 3- trinexapac-ethyl (TE) 5 mL L−1, and 4- maleic hidrazide (MH) 8 mL L−1. TE and MH decreased plant height (16.9 and 35.9%, respectively); however, only TE positively influenced capitulim diameter and dry mass (46.7 and 311%, when compared to control) at 60 days after planting (DAP). At 81 DAP, dry mass of capitulum did not differ among control and TE-treated plants. On the other hand, MH impaired diameter and dry mass of capitulum (92.9 and 74.7%, respectively). It can be concluded that the application of TE is a potential strategy to decrease lodging probability without affecting sunflower yield. Furthermore, although MH negatively affected sunflower development, its use on the crop cannot be excluded since other doses, frequencies and moment of application can be studied.One of the major disadvantages of sunflower cultivation is the increased plant height, making it prone to the lodging. The use of plant growth retardants can be an alternative strategy to reduce plant height; however, these compounds may affect productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plant growth retardants on sunflower development and yield. Four treatments were studied: 1- control; 2- gibberellic acid (GA) 10 mg L−1; 3- trinexapac-ethyl (TE) 5 mL L−1, and 4- maleic hidrazide (MH) 8 mL L−1. TE and MH decreased plant height (16.9 and 35.9%, respectively); however, only TE positively influenced capitulim diameter and dry mass (46.7 and 311%, when compared to control) at 60 days after planting (DAP). At 81 DAP, dry mass of capitulum did not differ among control and TE-treated plants. On the other hand, MH impaired diameter and dry mass of capitulum (92.9 and 74.7%, respectively). It can be concluded that the application of TE is a potential strategy to decrease lodging probability without affecting sunflower yield. Furthermore, although MH negatively affected sunflower development, its use on the crop cannot be excluded since other doses, frequencies and moment of application can be studied