3,142 research outputs found

    A lifting method for analyzing distributed synchronization on the unit sphere

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    This paper introduces a new lifting method for analyzing convergence of continuous-time distributed synchronization/consensus systems on the unit sphere. Points on the d-dimensional unit sphere are lifted to the (d + 1)-dimensional Euclidean space. The consensus protocol on the unit sphere is the classical one, where agents move toward weighted averages of their neighbors in their respective tangent planes. Only local and relative state information is used. The directed interaction graph topologies are allowed to switch as a function of time. The dynamics of the lifted variables are governed by a nonlinear consensus protocol for which the weights contain ratios of the norms of state variables. We generalize previous convergence results for hemispheres. For a large class of consensus protocols defined for switching uniformly quasi-strongly connected time-varying graphs, we show that the consensus manifold is uniformly asymptotically stable relative to closed balls contained in a hemisphere. Compared to earlier projection based approaches used in this context such as the gnomonic projection, which is defined for hemispheres only, the lifting method applies globally. With that, the hope is that this method can be useful for future investigations on global convergence

    Prostatic Arterial Embolization to Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) might be a feasible procedure to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen patients (age range, 62-82 years; mean age, 74.1 y) with symptomatic BPH after failure of medical treatment were selected for PAE with nonspherical 200-μm polyvinyl alcohol particles. The procedure was performed by a single femoral approach. Technical success was considered when selective prostatic arterial catheterization and embolization was achieved on at least one pelvic side. RESULTS: PAE was technically successful in 14 of the 15 patients (93.3%). There was a mean follow-up of 7.9 months (range, 3-12 months). International Prostate Symptom Score decreased a mean of 6.5 points (P = .005), quality of life improved 1.14 points (P = .065), International Index of Erectile Function increased 1.7 points (P = .063), and peak urinary flow increased 3.85 mL/sec (P = .015). There was a mean prostate-specific antigen reduction of 2.27 ng/mL (P = .072) and a mean prostate volume decrease of 26.5 mL (P = .0001) by ultrasound and 28.9 mL (P = .008) by magnetic resonance imaging. There was one major complication (a 1.5-cm(2) ischemic area of the bladder wall) and four clinical failures (28.6%). CONCLUSIONS: In this small group of patients, PAE was a feasible procedure, with preliminary results and short-term follow-up suggesting good symptom control without sexual dysfunction in suitable candidates, associated with a reduction in prostate volume

    The Role of Inflammatory Diet and Vitamin D on the Link between Periodontitis and Cognitive Function: A Mediation Analysis in Older Adults

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    Patients suffering from periodontitis are at a higher risk of developing cognitive dysfunction. However, the mediation effect of an inflammatory diet and serum vitamin D levels in this link is unclear. In total, 2062 participants aged 60 years or older with complete periodontal diagnosis and cognitive tests from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011–2012 and 2013–2014 were enrolled. The Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s disease (CERAD) word learning subtest (WLT) and CERAD delayed recall test (DRT), the animal fluency test (AFT) and the digit symbol substitution test (DSST) was used. Dietary inflammatory index (DII) was computed via nutrition datasets. Mediation analysis tested the effects of DII and vitamin D levels in the association of mean probing depth (PD) and attachment loss (AL) in all four cognitive tests. Periodontitis patients obtained worse cognitive test scores than periodontally healthy individuals. DII was negatively associated with CERAD-WLT, CERAD-DRT, AFT and DSST, and was estimated to mediate between 9.2% and 36.4% of the total association between periodontitis with cognitive dysfunction (p < 0.05). Vitamin D showed a weak association between CERAD-DRT, AFT and DSST and was estimated to between 8.1% and 73.2% of the association between periodontitis and cognitive dysfunction (p < 0.05). The association between periodontitis and impaired cognitive function seems to be mediated both by a proinflammatory dietary load and vitamin D deficiency. Future studies should further explore these mediators in the periodontitis-cognitive decline link

    Influencia de las actividades en la calidad de vida de los ancianos: revisión sistemática

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    Objetivo. Identificar quais as atividades ou intervenções que causan alterações na qualidade de vida dos idosos. Método. Revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados: Scopus, ISI Web of Science, Scielo, Lilacs, BDENF e PubMed. O descritor principal do Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) utilizado foi “quality of life”, combinado com os termos de maior interesse "aged, motor activity, educatuion". A pesquisa foi realizada entre julho e agosto de 2015, e incluídos artigos originais publicados entre 2010 e 2015 em inglês, português e espanhol. Além disso foi seguida a estratégia da Cochrane para elaboração do revisão. Resultados. Foram estudados 27 artigos comparando a qualidade de vida dos idosos antes e após uma intervenção de tipo física, educacional ou mista. O principal resultado obtido são que os dominios estado geral de saúde, capacidade funcional, aspectos sociais, aspecto físico e satisfação com a vida apresentaram-se mais alterados, sendo as atividades físicas em grupo aquelas executadas en maior número. Conclusões. Concluiu-se que as atividades de qualquer espécie, de preferência adaptadas, causam mudanças na qualidade de vida dos idosos em termos gerais, com destaque para a melhora nos aspectos funcionais, mentais e sociais

    Electrochemical communication with the inside of cells using micro-patterned vertical carbon nanofibre electrodes

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    With the rapidly increasing demands for ultrasensitive biodetection, the design and applications of new nano-scale materials for development of sensors based on optical and electrochemical transducers have attracted substantial interest. In particular, given the comparable sizes of nanomaterials and biomolecules, there exist plenty of opportunities to develop functional nanoprobes with biomolecules for highly sensitive and selective biosensing, shedding new light on cellular behaviour. Towards this aim, herein we interface cells with patterned nano-arrays of carbon nanofibers forming a nanosensor-cell construct. We show that such a construct is capable of electrochemically communicating with the intracellular environment.This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust [grant numbers F/00 094/BD, ECF/2013-603]; the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant number BB/L017059/1]; the European Research Council [Consolidator Grant, number 614787], the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/K027263/1]; and the NC3Rs [grant number NC/L00058X/1]

    Computational and Mathematical Modelling of the EGF Receptor System

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    This chapter gives an overview of computational and mathematical modelling of the EGF receptor system. It begins with a survey of motivations for producing such models, then describes the main approaches that are taken to carrying out such modelling, viz. differential equations and individual-based modelling. Finally, a number of projects that applying modelling and simulation techniques to various aspects of the EGF receptor system are described

    Uncovering the overlapping community structure of complex networks in nature and society

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    Many complex systems in nature and society can be described in terms of networks capturing the intricate web of connections among the units they are made of. A key question is how to interpret the global organization of such networks as the coexistence of their structural subunits (communities) associated with more highly interconnected parts. Identifying these a priori unknown building blocks (such as functionally related proteins, industrial sectors and groups of people) is crucial to the understanding of the structural and functional properties of networks. The existing deterministic methods used for large networks find separated communities, whereas most of the actual networks are made of highly overlapping cohesive groups of nodes. Here we introduce an approach to analysing the main statistical features of the interwoven sets of overlapping communities that makes a step towards uncovering the modular structure of complex systems. After defining a set of new characteristic quantities for the statistics of communities, we apply an efficient technique for exploring overlapping communities on a large scale. We find that overlaps are significant, and the distributions we introduce reveal universal features of networks. Our studies of collaboration, word-association and protein interaction graphs show that the web of communities has non-trivial correlations and specific scaling properties.Comment: The free academic research software, CFinder, used for the publication is available at the website of the publication: http://angel.elte.hu/clusterin