58 research outputs found


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    As Universidades precisam ir além do tripé ensino, pesquisa e extensão, para consolidar sua importância para a sociedade. O ensino não é uma atividade exclusiva da Universidade, assim como a pesquisa e a prestação de serviço também não são. O que difere a Universidade de colégios, escolas, centros de pesquisa e serviços assistenciais, a formação de cidadãos com capacidade crítica, competência para decidir com sabedoria e julgar com precisão

    Complexity-entropy causality plane: a useful approach for distinguishing songs

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    Nowadays we are often faced with huge databases resulting from the rapid growth of data storage technologies. This is particularly true when dealing with music databases. In this context, it is essential to have techniques and tools able to discriminate properties from these massive sets. In this work, we report on a statistical analysis of more than ten thousand songs aiming to obtain a complexity hierarchy. Our approach is based on the estimation of the permutation entropy combined with an intensive complexity measure, building up the Complexity-entropy causality plane. The results obtained indicate that this representation space is very promising to discriminate songs as well as to allow a relative quantitative comparison among songs. Additionally, we believe that the here-reported method may be applied in practical situations since it is simple, robust and has a fast numerical implementation.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Cárie dentária e desigualdades socioeconômicas no Brasil

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    O estudo dos determinantes sociais dos processos de saúde e doença da população é um importante campo da Saúde Coletiva, indicando que o entendimento desses fatores favorece ações concretas de cuidado e respostas às necessidades de saúde, principalmente na promoção, prevenção, tratamento e recuperação da saúde, aumenta a redução de vulnerabilidades, de iniquidades em saúde e promove justiça social. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivos verificar a evolução dos indicadores socioeconômicos e de cárie dentária aos 5 e 12 anos de idade, ocorrida no Brasil entre os anos 2000 e 2010. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo ecológico de caráter exploratório envolvendo dados secundários oficiais coletados dos inquéritos populacionais em Saúde Bucal, dos anos de 2003 e 2010, e do Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano no Brasil 2013. Os resultados mostraram que entre os anos 2000 e 2010 houve melhora significativa em todos os indicadores socioeconômicos estudados em todas as regiões administrativas. Neste mesmo período, também houve melhora significante nos índices de ocorrência de cárie dentária nas faixas etárias estudadas e em todas as regiões do Brasil. Os indicadores analisados podem contribuir na elaboração de modelos de decisão em saúde, na explicação dos processos organizativos e da desigualdade na oferta de serviços e recursos humanos em saúde bucal no Brasil

    Saúde bucal de trabalhadores da construção civil: abordagem epidemiológica

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    This cross-sectional study aimed at evaluating the oral health conditions of building construction workers from a city in the mid-west region of São Paulo, Brazil. This study involved 219 male subjects, aged 17 to 72. The definition of a random sample utilized the functional number of each worker as a criterion to the raffle, which took into account all 450 subjects registered in the Working Accidents Prevention Program. The examination of oral health conditions by DMFT index and need of treatment were carried out according to WHO criteria (1997). This paper reports the prevalence of caries according to age, occupation, and educational level. Among the 219 workers examined, the mean DMFT was 16.9. Amongst the younger workers (Este estudo transversal foi delineado para avaliar as condições de saúde bucal de trabalhadores da construção civil em município da região centro-oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Foram examinados 219 indivíduos do sexo masculino, com idades entre 17 e 72 anos. O levantamento das condições bucais foi realizado em processo de amostragem aleatória simples, a partir do total de 450 inscritos na MEGA-SIPAT 2000 (Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho). Foi utilizado o índice CPOD (cárie dentária) e necessidade de tratamento odontológico, segundo metodologia proposta pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (1997). Neste estudo, são descritas a prevalência de cárie segundo a idade, ocupação e escolaridade. Entre os 219 trabalhadores examinados, o valor CPOD apurado foi 16,9. Os trabalhadores mais jovens

    Complexity-entropy causality plane: a useful approach for distinguishing songs

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    Nowadays we are often faced with huge databases resulting from the rapid growth of data storage technologies. This is particularly true when dealing with music databases. In this context, it is essential to have techniques and tools able to discriminate properties from these massive sets. In this work, we report on a statistical analysis of more than ten thousand songs aiming to obtain a complexity hierarchy. Our approach is based on the estimation of the permutation entropy combined with an intensive complexity measure, building up the Complexity-entropy causality plane. The results obtained indicate that this representation space is very promising to discriminate songs as well as to allow a relative quantitative comparison among songs. Additionally, we believe that the here-reported method may be applied in practical situations since it is simple, robust and has a fast numerical implementation.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Characterization of time series via Rényi complexity–entropy curves

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    One of the most useful tools for distinguishing between chaotic and stochastic time series is the so-called complexity–entropy causality plane. This diagram involves two complexity measures: the Shannon entropy and the statistical complexity. Recently, this idea has been generalized by considering the Tsallis monoparametric generalization of the Shannon entropy, yielding complexity–entropy curves. These curves have proven to enhance the discrimination among different time series related to stochastic and chaotic processes of numerical and experimental nature. Here we further explore these complexity–entropy curves in the context of the Renyi entropy, which is another monoparametric generalization of the Shannon entropy. By combining the Renyi entropy with the proper generalization of the statistical complexity, we associate a parametric curve (the Renyi complexity–entropy curve) with a given time series. We explore this approach in a series of numerical and experimental applications, demonstrating the usefulness of this new technique for time series analysis. We show that the Renyi complexity–entropy curves enable the differentiation among time series of chaotic, stochastic, and periodic nature. In particular, time series of stochastic nature are associated with curves displaying positive curvature in a neighborhood of their initial points, whereas curves related to chaotic phenomena have a negative curvature; finally, periodic time series are represented by vertical straight lines.Centro de Investigaciones Óptica


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    O campo de trabalho na odontologia tem vivido transformações devido ao surgimento de novas tecnologias direcionadas à área, e também aos movimentos de desenvolvimento do Sistema Único de Saúde e da economia brasileira. A avaliação dos egressos do curso de odontologia da UESB formados entre 2009 e 2017 foi realizada através de um questionário enviado por e-mail a todos os formandos. A taxa de resposta foi de 52,2%. Foi verificado que a maioria é do sexo feminino (68,4%), graduou-se dentro do período mínimo de integralização de 5 anos, com idade média de 27 anos, a maioria teve necessidade de aprimorar seus conhecimentos após o curso (96,8%) fazendo alguma pós-graduação, atua predominantemente no setor privado (63,0%), vivenciam a falta de condições adequadas de trabalho com baixa remuneração, estão parcialmente satisfeitos com a profissão (41,2%), otimistas com o futuro da profissão (54,7%) e grande parte cursaria odontologia novamente (69,5%). Ao expor o perfil profissional dos egressos do curso de odontologia este trabalho visa mostrar que as exigências do mercado de trabalho solicitam dos profissionais uma diversidade de habilidades que vão além do caráter técnico/clínico da odontologia. Competências intelectuais, de comunicação, sociais, comportamentais e organizacionais propiciarão ao egresso maiores chances de obter sucesso e satisfação profissional

    Identification of Off-Patent Compounds That Present Antifungal Activity Against the Emerging Fungal Pathogen Candida auris

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    Candida auris is an emerging fungal pathogen of great concern among the scientific community because it is causing an increasing number of hospital outbreaks of difficult management worldwide. In addition, isolates from this species frequently present reduced susceptibility to azole and echinocandin drugs. For this reason, it is necessary to develop new antifungal strategies to better control the disease caused by this yeast. In this work, we screened drugs from the Prestwick chemical library, which contains 1,280 off-patent compounds that are already approved by the Food and Drug Administration, with the aim of identifying molecules with antifungal activity against C. auris. In an initial screening, we looked for drugs that inhibited the growth of three different C. auris strains and found 27 of them which it did so. Ten active compounds were selected to test the susceptibility profile by using the EUCAST protocol. Antifungal activity was confirmed for seven drugs with MICs ranging from 0.5 to 64 mg/L. Some of these drugs were also tested in combination with voriconazole and anidulafungin at sub-inhibitory concentrations. Our results suggest synergistic interactions between suloctidil and voriconazole with fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) values of 0.11 to 0.5 and between ebselen and anidulafungin (FICI, 0.12 to 0.44). Our findings indicate that drug repurposing could be a viable alternative to managing infections by C. auris

    Paracoccidoides brasiliensis 30 kDa adhesin: identification as a 14-3-3 protein, cloning and subcellular localization in infection models

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    Paracoccidoides brasiliensis adhesion to lung epithelial cells is considered an essential event for the establishment of infection and different proteins participate in this process. One of these proteins is a 30 kDa adhesin, pI 4.9 that was described as a laminin ligand in previous studies, and it was more highly expressed in more virulent P. brasiliensis isolates. This protein may contribute to the virulence of this important fungal pathogen. Using Edman degradation and mass spectrometry analysis, this 30 kDa adhesin was identified as a 14-3-3 protein. These proteins are a conserved group of small acidic proteins involved in a variety of processes in eukaryotic organisms. However, the exact function of these proteins in some processes remains unknown. Thus, the goal of the present study was to characterize the role of this protein during the interaction between the fungus and its host. To achieve this goal, we cloned, expressed the 14-3-3 protein in a heterologous system and determined its subcellular localization in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed the ubiquitous distribution of this protein in the yeast form of P. brasiliensis, with some concentration in the cytoplasm. Additionally, this 14-3-3 protein was also present in P. brasiliensis cells at the sites of infection in C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells for 72 h (acute infections) and 30 days (chronic infection). An apparent increase in the levels of the 14-3-3 protein in the cell wall of the fungus was also noted during the interaction between P. brasiliensis and A549 cells, suggesting that this protein may be involved in host-parasite interactions, since inhibition assays with the protein and this antibody decreased P. brasiliensis adhesion to A549 epithelial cells. Our data may lead to a better understanding of P. brasiliensis interactions with host tissues and paracoccidioidomycosis pathogenesis.FAPESP, 2011/18038-9National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, 473119/2010-2Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio
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