12,747 research outputs found

    Spinors Fields in Co-dimension One Braneworlds

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    In this work we analyze the zero mode localization and resonances of 1/2−1/2-spin fermions in co-dimension one Randall-Sundrum braneworld scenarios. We consider delta-like, domain walls and deformed domain walls membranes. Beyond the influence of the spacetime dimension DD we also consider three types of couplings: (i) the standard Yukawa coupling with the scalar field and parameter η1\eta_1, (ii) a Yukawa-dilaton coupling with two parameters η2\eta_2 and λ\lambda and (iii) a dilaton derivative coupling with parameter hh. Together with the deformation parameter ss, we end up with five free parameter to be considered. For the zero mode we find that the localization is dependent of DD, because the spinorial representation changes when the bulk dimensionality is odd or even and must be treated separately. For case (i) we find that in odd dimensions only one chirality can be localized and for even dimension a massless Dirac spinor is trapped over the brane. In the cases (ii) and (iii) we find that for some values of the parameters, both chiralities can be localized in odd dimensions and for even dimensions we obtain that the massless Dirac spinor is trapped over the brane. We also calculated numerically resonances for cases (ii) and (iii) by using the transfer matrix method. We find that, for deformed defects, the increasing of DD induces a shift in the peaks of resonances. For a given λ\lambda with domain walls, we find that the resonances can show up by changing the spacetime dimensionality. For example, the same case in D=5D=5 do not induces resonances but when we consider D=10D=10 one peak of resonance is found. Therefore the introduction of more dimensions, diversely from the bosonic case, can change drastically the zero mode and resonances in fermion fields.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Station coordinates in the standard earth 3 system and radiation-pressure perturbations from ISAGEX camera data

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    Simultaneous and individual camera observations of GEOS 1, GEOS 2, Pageos, and Midas 4 obtained during the International Satellite Geodesy Experiment are utilized to determine station coordinates. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Standard Earth III system of coordinates is used to tie the geometrical network to a geocentric system and as a reference for calculating satellite orbits. A solution for coordinates combining geometrical and dynamical methods is obtained, and a comparison between the solutions and terrestrial data is made. The radiation-pressure and earth-albedo perturbations for Pageos are very large, and Pageos' orbits are used to evaluate the analytical treatment of these perturbations. Residual effects, which are probably of interest to aeronomists, remain in the Pageos orbits

    Entanglement guided search for parent Hamiltonians

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    We introduce a method for the search of parent Hamiltonians of input wave-functions based on the structure of their reduced density matrix. The two key elements of our recipe are an ansatz on the relation between reduced density matrix and parent Hamiltonian that is exact at the field theory level, and a minimization procedure on the space of relative entropies, which is particularly convenient due to its convexity. As examples, we show how our method correctly reconstructs the parent Hamiltonian correspondent to several non-trivial ground state wave functions, including conformal and symmetry-protected-topological phases, and quantum critical points of two-dimensional antiferromagnets described by strongly coupled field theories. Our results show the entanglement structure of ground state wave-functions considerably simplifies the search for parent Hamiltonians.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, supplementary materia

    Measuring von Neumann entanglement entropies without wave functions

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    We present a method to measure the von Neumann entanglement entropy of ground states of quantum many-body systems which does not require access to the system wave function. The technique is based on a direct thermodynamic study of entanglement Hamiltonians, whose functional form is available from field theoretical insights. The method is applicable to classical simulations such as quantum Monte Carlo methods, and to experiments that allow for thermodynamic measurements such as the density of states, accessible via quantum quenches. We benchmark our technique on critical quantum spin chains, and apply it to several two-dimensional quantum magnets, where we are able to unambiguously determine the onset of area law in the entanglement entropy, the number of Goldstone bosons, and to check a recent conjecture on geometric entanglement contribution at critical points described by strongly coupled field theories

    Transition from endemic behavior to eradication of malaria due to combined drug therapies: an agent-model approach

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    We introduce an agent-based model describing a susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) system of humans and mosquitoes to predict malaria epidemiological scenarios in realistic biological conditions. Emphasis is given to the transition from endemic behavior to eradication of malaria transmission induced by combined drug therapies acting on both the gametocytemia reduction and on the selective mosquito mortality during parasite development in the mosquito. Our mathematical framework enables to uncover the critical values of the parameters characterizing the effect of each drug therapy. Moreover, our results provide quantitative evidence of what is empirically known: interventions combining gametocytemia reduction through the use of gametocidal drugs, with the selective action of ivermectin during parasite development in the mosquito, may actively promote disease eradication in the long run. In the agent model, the main properties of human-mosquito interactions are implemented as parameters and the model is validated by comparing simulations with real data of malaria incidence collected in the endemic malaria region of Chimoio in Mozambique. Finally, we discuss our findings in light of current drug administration strategies for malaria prevention, that may interfere with human-to-mosquito transmission process.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Laser pulse analysis

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    Methods are presented for locating threshold points by using laser pulse analysis. It was found that there are errors involved in the determination of each of these quantities, and an attempt was made to separate their effects on the overall range correction. Several series of corrected range measurements for fixed reflectors and satellites were obtained. Residuals were computed by fitting the range measurements to either fixed-reflector distances or short arcs of satellite orbits. Root mean square values of these residuals are presented

    Effective action in DSR1 quantum field theory

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    We present the one-loop effective action of a quantum scalar field with DSR1 space-time symmetry as a sum over field modes. The effective action has real and imaginary parts and manifest charge conjugation asymmetry, which provides an alternative theoretical setting to the study of the particle-antiparticle asymmetry in nature.Comment: 8 page

    On the canonical map of surfaces with q>=6

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    We carry out an analysis of the canonical system of a minimal complex surface of general type with irregularity q>0. Using this analysis we are able to sharpen in the case q>0 the well known Castelnuovo inequality K^2>=3p_g+q-7. Then we turn to the study of surfaces with p_g=2q-3 and no fibration onto a curve of genus >1. We prove that for q>=6 the canonical map is birational. Combining this result with the analysis of the canonical system, we also prove the inequality: K^2>=7\chi+2. This improves an earlier result of the first and second author [M.Mendes Lopes and R.Pardini, On surfaces with p_g=2q-3, Adv. in Geom. 10 (3) (2010), 549-555].Comment: Dedicated to Fabrizio Catanese on the occasion of his 60th birthday. To appear in the special issue of Science of China Ser.A: Mathematics dedicated to him. V2:some typos have been correcte

    Geometry, stochastic calculus and quantum fields in a non-commutative space-time

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    The algebras of non-relativistic and of classical mechanics are unstable algebraic structures. Their deformation towards stable structures leads, respectively, to relativity and to quantum mechanics. Likewise, the combined relativistic quantum mechanics algebra is also unstable. Its stabilization requires the non-commutativity of the space-time coordinates and the existence of a fundamental length constant. The new relativistic quantum mechanics algebra has important consequences on the geometry of space-time, on quantum stochastic calculus and on the construction of quantum fields. Some of these effects are studied in this paper.Comment: 36 pages Latex, 1 eps figur
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