4,088 research outputs found

    Displasia Torácica

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    Os autores descrevem um caso clínico referente a uma criança que apresentava ao nascer uma marcada desproporção toraco-abdominal,por diminuição do diâmetro torácico. O Recém-nascido (RN) fez um Síndrome de Dificuldade Respiratória (SDR) precoce com necessidade de ventilação mecânica, tendo-se verificado dificuldade na entubação traqueal. Após a extubação manteve crises frequentes de polipneia e cianose. Na sequência da investigação etiológica, verificou-se que tinha uma estenose sub glótica importante. Associando os achados clínicos verificamos tratar-se de um síndrome de Barnes, forma rara de displasia torácica

    Comunidade zooplanctônica de seis reservatórios no nordeste do Brasil

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the zooplankton community at six reservoirs in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil). Zooplankton assemblages were identified using current literature and quantitatively analysed under a microscope and stereomicroscope. Concurrently to the sampling of zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities, in situ measurements of abiotic variables, such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH, were determined using field probes and transparency was determined with a Secchi disk. Total phosphorus concentrations were used for the determination of the Trophic State Index. The reservoirs were classified between eutrophic and hypertrophic, oxygenated, with pH varying from slightly acid to alkaline, high temperatures and low water transparency. A total of 27 zooplankton taxa were identified. Phytoplankton was represented by Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Baccilariophyta and phytoflagellates. The highest richness of species was observed for Rotifera (17), followed by Crustacea (8), Protozoa (1) and Insecta (1). Rotifers shared quantitative importance with Crustacea, which were mainly represented by juvenile forms. Jazigo Reservoir presented the highest diversity and equitability. Lowest diversity and equitability were recorded at the Poço da Cruz and Mundaú reservoirs, respectively. Dissimilarity was detected between the environments studied regarding zooplankton composition and structure.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a estrutura e dinâmica do zooplâncton em seis reservatórios do Estado de Pernambuco. A comunidade zooplanctônica foi identificada com literatura atualizada e a densidade analisada sob microscópio e estereomicroscópio. Concomitantemente às coletas das comunidades zooplanctônicas e fitoplanctônicas, foram medidas in situ algumas variáveis abióticas como temperaturas da água e do ar, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, pH, turbidez, usando sondas de campo, transparência com disco de Secchi. As concentrações de fósforo total foram usadas para a determinação do Índice de Estado Trófico. Os reservatórios foram classificados entre eutróficos e hipertróficos, oxigenados, pH levemente ácido a alcalino, temperaturas altas e baixos valores de transparência da água. O zooplâncton esteve composto por 27 táxons. O fitoplâncton foi representado pelas Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Baccilariophyta e Fitoflagelados. A maior riqueza de espécies foi observada para Rotifera, (17), seguida por Crustacea (8), Protozoa (1) e Insecta (1). Rotifera compartilhou a importância quantitativa com os Crustacea, estes representados principalmente pelas formas jovens. No reservatório de Jazigo, foram obtidos os maiores valores para diversidade e equitabilidade. Os valores mais baixos foram registrados em Poço da Cruz e Mundaú, respectivamente. Foi detectada dissimilaridade entre os ambientes estudados quanto à composição e estrutura do zooplâncton

    Relationship between tissue retention efficiency and production traits in a slow-growing broiler population

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    An experiment was conducted using 96 individually caged male broilers between 49 and 77 d of age. One objective was to establish phenotypic relationships between some production traits [feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption, residual feed consumption (RFC), relative weight gain (RWG), weight gain (WG) and live weight (LW)] and “tissue retention efficiency” (TRE) traits in a slow-growing broiler population. The other objective was the characterization of Campero-INTA broilers for TRE traits. Weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly. Forty four broilers were slaughtered at 44 d of age to estimate initial body composition while the remaining birds were slaughtered at 79 d of age. Ether extract and crude protein content of the carcasses were used to estimate TRE traits: Energy retained as protein (ERP), energy retained as fat (ERF), ERP/(ERP+ERF), ERF/(ERP+ERF), protein retention efficiency and lipid-protein ratio. Correlation coefficients between traits were obtained and regression analyses were done for the evaluation of the influence of production traits on TRE traits. The independent variable that best explained ERF was WG (R2 = 0.49). Inclusion of final LW and RWG raised the R2 to 0.58 and decreased the error term. The ERP was best explained by RWG (R2 = 0.37); lipid-protein ratio by final LW (R2 = 0.49); protein retention efficiency by FCR (R2 = 0.34) and fraction of retained energy (ERF-ERP/ERP+ERF) by WG (R2 = 0.29). The TRE traits were not well predicted by the measured production traits. The high phenotypic variability observed in some of the TRE traits suggested a need for further studies on these characteristics. Keywords: Broiler; tissue retention; efficiency; slow-growing stock South African Journal of Animal Science Vol. 37 (3) 2007: pp.164-16

    Study of the impact of the post-MS evolution of the host star on the orbits of close-in planets. I. Sample definition and physical properties

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    Context: To date, more than 30 planets have been discovered around giant stars, but only one of them has been found to be orbiting within 0.6 AU from the host star, in direct contrast to what is observed for FGK dwarfs. This result suggests that evolved stars destroy/engulf close-in planets during the red giant phase. Aims: We are conducting a radial velocity survey of 164 bright G and K giant stars in the southern hemisphere with the aim of studying the effect of the host star evolution on the inner structure of planetary systems. In this paper we present the spectroscopic atmospheric parameters (\Teff, \logg, ξ\xi, [Fe/H]) and the physical properties (mass, radius, evolutionary status) of the program stars. In addition, rotational velocities for all of our targets were derived. Methods: We used high resolution and high S/N spectra to measure the equivalent widths of many Fe{\sc\,i} and Fe{\sc\,ii} lines, which were used to derive the atmospheric parameters by imposing local thermodynamic and ionization equilibrium. The effective temperatures and metallicities were used, along with stellar evolutionary tracks to determine the physical properties and evolutionary status of each star. Results: We found that our targets are on average metal rich and they have masses between \sim\,1.0\,M_\odot and 3.5\,M_\odot. In addition, we found that 122 of our targets are ascending the RGB, while 42 of them are on the HB phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento. Levantamento Nacional de Recursos e Necessidades

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    As perturbações do neurodesenvolvimento são das patologias crónicas mais frequentes da infância e com tendência a aumentar nas sociedades modernas. Têm na grande maioria dos casos um percurso crónico e com limitação da aprendizagem necessária para a integração na sociedade de um modo autónomo. A Sociedade de Pediatria do Neurodesenvolvimento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria procedeu em 2008 e 2009 ao levantamento de recursos, movimento e necessidades na área assistencial do neurodesenvolvimento no universo de 49 hospitais portugueses com Pediatria, referente a 31 de Dezembro de 2007. Responderam 42 (85.7%) hospitais. O número total de consultas de desenvolvimento representou 10.7% das de Pediatria, e foi- -lhe imputada uma mediana de tempo de 20 horas por semana. Dedicavam-se ao desenvolvimento 82 pediatras, mas mais de dois terços só o fazia a tempo parcial. Outros profissionais (fisiatras, psicólogos, terapeutas da fala, terapeutas ocupacionais, fisioterapeutas, docentes e técnicos de Serviço Social) faziam parte das equipas do desenvolvimento, mas em menor número que os pediatras, e de igual modo só raramente a tempo completo. Aguardava por consulta de desenvolvimento uma mediana de 185 crianças, e o tempo de espera variou entre um e 18 meses(mediana de seis). No seu conjunto os hospitais a curto prazo recrutariam 34 Pediatras para se dedicarem à área do neurodesenvolvimento,metade em regime de tempo completo. Dos outros profissionais requisitados [psicólogos (21), terapeutas da fala (20), docentes (20), terapeutas ocupacionais (14), fisioterapeutas (8) e técnicos do Serviço Social (6)], solicitavam-nos a tempo inteiro. Concluí-se que o movimento assistencial específico desta área no contexto global da Pediatria representa já um número significativo de consultas. Ainda assim, a resposta na área do neurodesenvolvimento revelou-se insuficiente e as equipas não funcionavam na generalidade em trabalho multidisciplinar. Contudo, os pedidos solicitados de recursos humanos médicos e não médicos e a preferência de que a dedicação ao neurodesenvolvimento fosse a tempo completo reflecte uma evolução positiva a curto prazo, caso estes recrutamentos se venham a concretizar

    Serum Levels of Vitamin D and Dental Caries in 7-Year-Old Children in Porto Metropolitan Area

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    Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with significant changes in dental structures. In children, it can induce enamel and dentin defects, which have been identified as risk factors for caries. This study aimed to assess the association between low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) levels ( 0), and advanced caries (d3–6mft/D3–6MF > 0). Serum 25(OH) D was measured using a competitive electrochemiluminescence immunoassay protein-binding assay. Bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression were used. Advanced caries in permanent teeth was significantly associated with children’s vitamin D levels <30 ng/mL, gastrointestinal disorders, higher daily intake of cariogenic food, and having had a dental appointment at ≤7 years old. Optimal childhood levels of vitamin D may be considered an additional preventive measure for dental caries in the permanent dentition.Generation XXI was funded by Programa Operacional de Saúde (Regional Department of Ministry of Health). It has support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Ana Cristina Santos holds a FCT Investigator contract info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/FCT/Investigador FCT/IF/01060/2015/CP1319/CT0001/PT. The authors received no specific funding for this work

    Daily sperm production and evaluation of morphological reproductive parameters of Murrah buffaloes in an extensive breeding system

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    The development of male sexual maturity varies among buffaloes. The Murrah buffalo is considered the most important and efficient milk and fat producer, but aspects of its reproductive biology are still unknown. The present study aimed to evaluate the daily sperm production (DSP) and spermatogenesis in developing Murrah buffalo bulls by evaluation of the seminiferous tubules, testicular morphometry and using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The testes of Murrah buffalo bulls at 18 mo was immature and at 24 mo could still be considered an average-efficiency breed based on their DSP. At 24 mo, the DSP rate was 0.97 billion sperm per testis and 13 million sperm per gram of testis. However, the animals had superior morphometric parameters compared with those of other livestock animals, except for the seminiferous tubule volume and diameter, which were inferior. In conclusion, our data support former views that the testes of the Murrah breed does not reach sexual maturity before 2 y of age and that important developmental steps occur later than Murrah crossbreeds from Brazil

    Can the concentration of citric acid affects its cytotoxicity and antimicrobial activity?

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    Background: There has been no unanimity concerning the ideal concentration of citric acid for safe use in clinical practice. This study evaluated the cytotoxicity and the antibacterial activity in infected dentinal tubules of 10% and 1% citric acid (CA) solutions. Methods: The cytotoxicity of CA solutions in DMEM (diluted 1/10, 1/100) was assessed in L-929 fibroblasts. A broth macrodilution method (MIC and MBC) was used to assess CA antibacterial concentration. The antimicrobial activity of CA solutions was also evaluated after their final rinse inside root canals in previously Enterococcus faecalis-contaminated dentinal tubules. Ten infected dentine samples were rinsed for 5 min with 5% NaOCl and subsequently with 1% citric acid for 3 min. Another 10 were rinsed with 5% NaOCl and 10% citric acid for 3 min; the remaining four specimens were utilized as positive controls. Two uncontaminated specimens were used as negative controls. After LIVE/DEAD BacLight staining, the samples were assessed using CLSM to analyze the percentage of residual live and dead cells. Results: Both undiluted and diluted CA solutions showed severe toxicity; no changes from normal morphology were displayed when diluted 1/100. The MIC and MBC of CA were 6.25 mg/mL and 12.50 mg/mL, respectively. CA solutions demonstrated significantly low levels of bacterial counts than the positive control group, reporting a value of 9.3% for the 10% solution versus the 1% solution (35.2%). Conclusions: Despite its valuable antimicrobial properties, the cytotoxic effects of citric acid should be considered during endodontic treatment

    A technique using a membrane flow-cell to determine average mass transfer coefficients and tortuosity factors in biofilms

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    Average mass transfer coefficients of an inert compound (LiCl) within denitrifying biofilms were monitored during biofilm growth in a membrane flow cell under different flow conditions, until the biofilm reached (pseudo-) steady state. Average effective diffusivities were found to increase with the decrease in tortuosity factors of the biofilm matrix. The lowest tortuosity factor corresponded to the biofilm formed under the highest liquid velocity

    Markedly Divergent Tree Assemblage Responses to Tropical Forest Loss and Fragmentation across a Strong Seasonality Gradient

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    We examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the structure and composition of tree assemblages within three seasonal and aseasonal forest types of southern Brazil, including evergreen, Araucaria, and deciduous forests. We sampled three southernmost Atlantic Forest landscapes, including the largest continuous forest protected areas within each forest type. Tree assemblages in each forest type were sampled within 10 plots of 0.1 ha in both continuous forests and 10 adjacent forest fragments. All trees within each plot were assigned to trait categories describing their regeneration strategy, vertical stratification, seed-dispersal mode, seed size, and wood density. We detected differences among both forest types and landscape contexts in terms of overall tree species richness, and the density and species richness of different functional groups in terms of regeneration strategy, seed dispersal mode and woody density. Overall, evergreen forest fragments exhibited the largest deviations from continuous forest plots in assemblage structure. Evergreen, Araucaria and deciduous forests diverge in the functional composition of tree floras, particularly in relation to regeneration strategy and stress tolerance. By supporting a more diversified light-demanding and stress-tolerant flora with reduced richness and abundance of shade-tolerant, old-growth species, both deciduous and Araucaria forest tree assemblages are more intrinsically resilient to contemporary human-disturbances, including fragmentation-induced edge effects, in terms of species erosion and functional shifts. We suggest that these intrinsic differences in the direction and magnitude of responses to changes in landscape structure between forest types should guide a wide range of conservation strategies in restoring fragmented tropical forest landscapes worldwide