1,175 research outputs found

    A importância da gestão dos recursos humanos nas organizações sociais-Estudo de Caso da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Resende

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos analisar as práticas de gestão de recursos humanos percecionadas pelos colaboradores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Resende, instituição do terceiro setor, e a influência que esse conjunto de práticas tem no comprometimento organizacional e na satisfação profissional desses mesmos colaboradores. A metodologia é de carater quantitativo no qual se aplicaram questionários relativamente a dados sociodemográficos, de comprometimento e da satisfação profissional. Como objetivos procura-se Caraterizar a Santa casa da Misericórdia de Resende em todos os seus processos de Gestão de Recursos Humanos; Promover um conjunto de melhorias para efetivar uma correta Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Os resultados encontrados são claros e evidenciam que existe uma diferença entre as práticas que os diretores dizem disponibilizar e aquelas que os colaboradores percecionam, contudo, no geral todas as práticas de GRH percecionadas influenciam positivamente o Comprometimento Organizacional e a Satisfação Profissional. Verifica-se também que os inquiridos se sentem mais comprometidos com a instituição do que satisfeitos profissionalmente, ainda que apresentem uma média positiva na sua satisfação e no comprometimento.With this work we intend to analyze the human resources management practices perceived by the employees of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Resende, institution of the third sector, and the influence that this set of practices has on the organizational commitment and the professional satisfaction of these same employees. The methodology is quantitative in which questionnaires were applied regarding socio-demographic data, commitment and professional satisfaction. As objectives, it seeks to characterize the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Resende in all its processes of Human Resources Management; Promote a set of improvements to carry out a correct Human Resources Management. The results obtained are clear and show that there is a difference between the practices that the directors say they make available and those that the employees perceive, however, in general, all GRH practices perceived positively influence the Organizational Commitment and the Professional Satisfaction. It is also verified that respondents feel more committed to the institution than they are professionally satisfied, even though they present a positive average in their satisfaction and commitment

    Influência da função pulmonar e da força muscular na capacidade funcional de portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica

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    AbstractAim: To determine which variable (forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), nocturnal hypoxaemia and muscular strength of femoral quadriceps) can predict the distance walked in the six-minute walk test (6MWT) by COPD patients.Methods: A cross-sectional and observational study of thirty patients referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation programme at a university hospital. Lung function was evaluated by spirometry, arterial blood gas analysis and nocturnal oximetry. Muscle function was evaluated by quadriceps strength and functional capacity by the 6MWT.Results: Bivariate regression analysis showed that quadriceps strength, was the only variable to correlate significantly with the distance walked in the 6MWT (p=0.002), accounting for 38% of the 6MWT variance. The statistical relationship established for these variables was 1kg of quadriceps strength equalled 5.9 metres walked in the 6MWT.Conclusions: Our results showed the importance of lower limb muscle strength in submaximal exercise testing. We conclude that femoral quadriceps muscle strength is the only one of the variables studied which can predict the distance COPD patients walk in the 6MWT.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (2): 199-21

    Composição florística e estrutura da comunidade arbórea de um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual em Coqueiral, MG, Brasil

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    Studies about the floristic characterization and it’s behavior in forest fragments are necessary to better understand the ecosystem, mainly of the Atlantic Domain. This study aimed to describe the floristics and tree community structure of a fragment of a Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in the city of Coqueiral – MG, to subsidize future interventions and management strategies of the Atlantic Domain. To analyze the structure, 20 plots were installed with dimensions of 20x20 m, totaling a sample area of 0.8 ha. Were sampled individuals trees with circumference at breast height (CBH) ≥ 15.7 cm. To identify patterns of species distribution that could reflect environmental variations, was made a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). Posteriorly, was used a second matrix containing edaphic variables, to compare and correlate, a posteriori, with the distribution of the species. There was a separation of the plots into two groups: one group formed due to organic matter and pH, and the other due to P-rem and silt. In the sample area were identified 879 subjects belonging to 144 species, 98 genera and 51 families. The diversity index was 4.310 nat/individual and equability 0.867. The total density was 1098.75 ind./ha and basal area was estimated at 23.76 m²/ha, which infers that this fragment is found in a late secondary successional stage. The studied fragment shows great relevance for the conservation of biodiversity, because it presents one of the largest diversities of tree species from the Alto Rio Grande region.Para compreender melhor o ecossistema é necessário estudos sobre a caracterização florística e seu comportamento em fragmentos florestais, principalmente do Domínio Atlântico. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a florística e a estrutura da comunidade arbórea de um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual no município de Coqueiral - MG, para subsidiar futuras intervenções e manejos em fragmentos do Domínio Atlântico. Para analisar a estrutura, foram instaladas 20 parcelas com dimensões de 20 x 20 m, somando uma área amostral de 0,8 ha. Foram amostrados os indivíduos arbóreos com circunferência a 1,30 m acima do peito (CAP) ≥ 15,7 cm. Para identificar padrões de distribuição das espécies que pudessem refletir variações ambientais foi feita uma análise de correspondência retificada (DCA). Posteriormente, foi utilizada uma segunda matriz contendo as variáveis edáficas, para comparar e correlacionar, a posteriori, com a distribuição das espécies. Houve a separação das parcelas em dois grupos, sendo um grupo formado devido a matéria orgânica e pH, e o outro devido ao P-rem e ao silte.  Na área amostral foram identificados 879 indivíduos, pertencentes a 144 espécies, 98 gêneros e 51 famílias. O índice de diversidade foi de 4,310 nat/indivíduo e a equabilidade 0,867. A densidade total foi de 1.098,75 ind./ha e a área basal total estimada foi de 23,76 m2/ha, o que infere que esse fragmento se encontra em estágio sucessional secundário tardio. O fragmento estudado mostra-se bastante relevante para a conservação da biodiversidade, pois apresenta uma das maiores diversidade de espécies arbóreas da região do Alto Rio Grande

    Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques to Solve the Economic Emission Load Dispatch Problem Using Various Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms

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    The main objective of thermoelectric power plants is to meet the power demand with the lowest fuel cost and emission levels of pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions, considering the operational restrictions of the power plant. Optimization techniques have been widely used to solve engineering problems as in this case with the objective of minimizing the cost and the pollution damages. Heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms have been extensively studied and used to successfully solve this multi-objective problem. This chapter, several optimization techniques (simulated annealing, ant lion, dragonfly, NSGA II, and differential evolution) are analyzed and their application to economic-emission load dispatch (EELD) is also discussed. In addition, a comparison of all approaches and its results are offered through a case study


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509820649This study aimed to answer the following question: Does habitat heterogeneity affect the tree community? To answer that question, we evaluated the influence of the species composition and structure of the tree community of inselbergs on the tree community of the matrix where the inselberg is located. The correlations between environmental and vegetation gradients were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis of a species composition matrix constructed from abundance data of 40 plots sampled in two areas, one composed of seasonal semideciduous forest (SSF) and another with riparian forests, a vegetation corridor, and inselbergs. A similarity dendrogram of the four areas was calculated using the Dice-Sorensen index and UPGMA linkage method. The species indicator analysis was used to evaluate which species were characteristic of each area sampled. The eigenvalues of the first two axes were high indicating high species turnover. The correlations between environmental variables and plots indicated the formation of three groups: the first one formed by the SSF patch plots with high clay content; the second group formed by the vegetation corridor and inselberg plots, which did not separate as sharply as the first group, with a small separation in organic matter content; and the third group, formed by the riparian forest plots, which are located in areas of highest soil fertility, with high content of calcium, sum of bases and base saturation. The results showed high species turnover among areas, indicating that even though the areas are geographically close, the occurrence of inselbergs increased habitat heterogeneity, directly affecting the variation in species composition and community structure among areas.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509820649O presente trabalho objetivou responder a seguinte pergunta: A heterogeneidade ambiental influencia a comunidade arbórea? Para isso avaliou-se a interferência da composição e estrutura da comunidade arbórea localizada em inselberg sobre a comunidade arbórea da matriz na qual o inselberg está inserido. Para isso fez-se uma CCA (análise de correspondência canônica) sobre uma matriz de abundância das espécies de 40 parcelas amostradas em dois fragmentos, um de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES) e outro constituído por mata ciliar, corredor e inselbergs. Foi construído um dendrograma de similaridade para as quatro áreas utilizando o índice de Dice-Sorensen e o método de ligação UPGMA. A análise de espécies indicadoras foi usada para avaliar quais espécies foram características de cada área amostrada. Os autovalores dos dois primeiros eixos foram altos, evidenciando uma forte substituição das espécies. As correlações entre variáveis ambientais e parcelas indicaram a formação de três grupos: o primeiro formado pelas parcelas do fragmento FES, com alto teor de argila; o segundo grupo formado pelas parcelas do corredor e dos inselbergs, que não se separaram tão nitidamente como o primeiro grupo, apresentando uma pequena separação quanto ao teor de matéria orgânica; e o terceiro grupo, formado pelas parcelas da mata ciliar, com alto teor de magnésio, cálcio, soma de bases e saturação de bases, sendo solos de maior fertilidade. Os resultados evidenciaram alta substituição de espécies entre as áreas, indicando que, apesar de ser bem próximas, a presença do inselberg aumentou a heterogeneidade ambiental, o que afeta diretamente a variação, tanto na composição de espécies quanto na estrutura entre as áreas

    Mortality reduction with use of oral beta-blockers in patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    OBJECTIVES: Recent studies have revealed a relationship between beta-blocker use and worse prognosis in acute coronary syndrome, mainly due to a higher incidence of cardiogenic shock. However, the relevance of this relationship in the reperfusion era is unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome that started oral beta-blockers within the first 24 hours of hospital admission (group I) compared to patients who did not use oral beta-blockers in this timeframe (group II). METHODS: This was an observational, retrospective and multicentric study with 2,553 patients (2,212 in group I and 341 in group II). Data regarding demographic characteristics, coronary treatment and medication use in the hospital were obtained. The primary endpoint was in-hospital all-cause mortality. The groups were compared by ANOVA and the chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was conducted by logistic regression and results were considered significant when

    "Sou escravo de oficiais da Marinha": a grande revolta da marujada negra por direitos no período pós-abolição (Rio de Janeiro, 1880-1910)

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