549 research outputs found

    Predicted multiply-imaged X-ray AGNs in the XXL survey

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    We estimate the incidence of multiply-imaged AGNs among the optical counterparts of X-ray selected point-like sources in the XXL field. We also derive the expected statistical properties of this sample, such as the redshift distribution of the lensed sources and of the deflectors that lead to the formation of multiple images, modelling the deflectors using both spherical (SIS) and ellipsoidal (SIE) singular isothermal mass distributions. We further assume that the XXL survey sample has the same overall properties as the smaller XMM-COSMOS sample restricted to the same flux limits and taking into account the detection probability of the XXL survey. Among the X-ray sources with a flux in the [0.5-2] keV band larger than 3.0x1015^{-15} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} and with optical counterparts brighter than an r-band magnitude of 25, we expect ~20 multiply-imaged sources. Out of these, ~16 should be detected if the search is made among the seeing-limited images of the X-ray AGN optical counterparts and only one of them should be composed of more than two lensed images. Finally, we study the impact of the cosmological model on the expected fraction of lensed sources.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Комп’ютерне моделювання характеристик одноелектронних транзисторів

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    Proposed methods of modeling of electrical and temperature characteristics of single-electrontransistor for providing information to system of computer-aided design Electronics Workbench.Analyzed dependence in current-voltage characteristics of nano-device trough values of temperature andoperating modeРазработаны методы моделирования электрических и температурных характеристик одноэлектронного транзистора для информационного обеспечения системы автоматизированного схемотехническогопроектирования Electronics Workbench. Проанализирована зависимость вольт-амперных характеристик наноприбора от влияния температуры и рабочего режимаРозроблено методи моделювання електричних та температурних характеристик одноелектронного транзистора для інформаційного забезпечення системи автоматизованого схемотехнічного проектування Electronics Workbench. Проаналізовано залежність вольт-амперних характеристик наноприладу від впливу температури таробочого режим

    Search for gravitational lens candidates in the XMM-LSS/CFHTLS common field

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    Our aim was to identify gravitational lens candidates among some 5500 optical counterparts of the X-ray point-like sources in the medium-deep ~11 sq. deg. XMM-LSS survey. We have visually inspected the optical counterparts of each QSOs/AGN using CFHTLS T006 images. We have selected compact pairs and groups of sources which could be multiply imaged QSO/AGN. We have measured the colors and characterized the morphological types of the selected sources using the multiple PSF fitting technique. We found three good gravitational lens candidates: J021511.4-034306, J022234.3-031616 and J022607.0-040301 which consist of pairs of point-like sources having similar colors. On the basis of a color-color diagram and X-ray properties we could verify that all these sources are good QSO/AGN candidates rather than stars. Additional secondary gravitational lens candidates are also reported.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Machine learning technique for morphological classification of galaxies at z<0.1 from the SDSS

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    Methods. We used different galaxy classification techniques: human labeling, multi-photometry diagrams, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors, and k-fold validation. Results. We present results of a binary automated morphological classification of galaxies conducted by human labeling, multiphotometry, and supervised Machine Learning methods. We applied its to the sample of galaxies from the SDSS DR9 with redshifts of 0.02 < z < 0.1 and absolute stellar magnitudes of 24m < Mr < 19.4m. To study the classifier, we used absolute magnitudes: Mu, Mg, Mr , Mi, Mz, Mu-Mr , Mg-Mi, Mu-Mg, Mr-Mz, and inverse concentration index to the center R50/R90. Using the Support vector machine classifier and the data on color indices, absolute magnitudes, inverse concentration index of galaxies with visual morphological types, we were able to classify 316 031 galaxies from the SDSS DR9 with unknown morphological types. Conclusions. The methods of Support Vector Machine and Random Forest with Scikit-learn machine learning in Python provide the highest accuracy for the binary galaxy morphological classification: 96.4% correctly classified (96.1% early E and 96.9% late L types) and 95.5% correctly classified (96.7% early E and 92.8% late L types), respectively. Applying the Support Vector Machine for the sample of 316 031 galaxies from the SDSS DR9 at z < 0.1, we found 141 211 E and 174 820 L types among them.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. The presentation of these results was given during the EWASS-2017, Symposium "Astroinformatics: From Big Data to Understanding the Universe at Large". It is vailable through \url{http://space.asu.cas.cz/~ewass17-soc/Presentations/S14/Dobrycheva_987.pdf

    Competition between Two Kinds of Correlations in Literary Texts

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    A theory of additive Markov chains with long-range memory is used for description of correlation properties of coarse-grained literary texts. The complex structure of the correlations in texts is revealed. Antipersistent correlations at small distances, L 300 define this nontrivial structure. For some concrete examples of literary texts, the memory functions are obtained and their power-law behavior at long distances is disclosed. This property is shown to be a cause of self-similarity of texts with respect to the decimation procedure.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to Physica

    X-ray AGN in the XMM-LSS galaxy clusters: no evidence of AGN suppression

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    We present a study of the overdensity of X-ray selected AGN in 33 galaxy clusters in the XMM-LSS field, up to redhift z=1.05. Previous studies have shown that the presence of X-ray selected AGN in rich galaxy clusters is suppressed. In the current study we investigate the occurrence of X-ray selected AGN in low and moderate X-ray luminosity galaxy clusters. Due to the wide contiguous XMM-LSS survey area we are able to extend the study to the cluster outskirts. We therefore determine the projected overdensity of X-ray point-like sources out to 6r_{500} radius. To provide robust statistical results we also use a stacking analysis of the cluster projected overdensities. We investigate whether the observed X-ray overdensities are to be expected by estimating also the corresponding optical galaxy overdensities. We find a positive X-ray projected overdensity at the first radial bin, which is however of the same amplitude as that of optical galaxies. Therefore, no suppression of X-ray AGN activity with respect to the field is found, implying that the mechanisms responsible for the suppression are not so effective in lower density environments. After a drop to roughly the background level between 2 and 3r_{500}, the X-ray overdensity exhibits a rise at larger radii, significantly larger than the corresponding optical overdensity. Finally, using redshift information of all optical counterparts, we derive the spatial overdensity profile of the clusters. We find that the agreement between X-ray and optical overdensities in the first radial bin is also suggested in the 3-dimensional analysis. However, we argue that the X-ray overdensity "bump" at larger radial distance is probably a result of flux boosting by gravitational lensing of background QSOs. For high redshift clusters an enhancement of X-ray AGN activity in their outskirts is still possible.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted for publication in A&