3,334 research outputs found

    Identities with historical regions – are they adapting to modern administrative division? The case of Ukraine

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    Historical regions remain the most common basis for the formation or promotion of regional identities in Europe. However, regions and regional identities are in the process of constant formation and can change significantly in line with new conditions. In this paper we focused on the changes of the spatial spread of identities with historical regions in Ukraine in comparison to the initial boundaries of those. The results show that identities with historical regions are markedly adapting to modern administrative boundaries. At the same time, the symbolic value of historical regions constitutes an essential element of identity building in contemporary administrative regions


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    Under the conditions of an armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine the level of ensuring the fundamental human right to education is being reduced. Therefore there is a need to search for additional mechanisms of the protection of the right to education, among which must be singled out such an extra-judicial human rights mobile institution as an ombudsman. All this stipulates the purpose of the article: to find out the role of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the Commissioner of Ukraine on the rights of the Child and the Educational Ombudsman to ensure the right to education in Ukraine. During the study, such methods as the analysis of scientific literature, normative legal acts in the field of the right to education and annual reports of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights were used. The research results of the Razumkov Center (Ukraine) regarding the attitude of citizens to the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rightshave been analyzed. As a resultit was discovered that the measures taken by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the Commissioner on the rights of the Child for the right to education are active and effective. In the society the legislative introduction of the post of educational ombudsman as an additional human rights institution in the field of education in Ukraine is positively evaluated. The conducted study shows that subsidiary, non-judicial means of protection of the right to education in Ukraine have greater authority among Ukrainian citizens than the judicial system


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    The purpose of the article is to reveal the direct influence of research and teaching staff professional competence on their academic integrity. The authors used theoretical and empirical research methods to validate the results. The use of the dialectic method made it possible to show a close link between teachers’ professional competence development and their adherence to academic integrity. By means of the comparative method we managed to reflect the scientists to the academic dishonesty in Ukraine and abroad. The researchempirical basis is the results of a survey of 250 teachers of higher education institutions in Vinnitsa region, including Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi, Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus. In addition, the authors’ own experience of scientific and pedagogical work of the authors of this article was taken into account.The requirement of the legislator is to adhere by the scientific and pedagogical staff of academic virtue that can be realized through the development of motivational-value, cognitive-operational, reflexive-evaluation components of the teacher's professional competence. Scientific and pedagogical staff should systematically form professional knowledge, skills, personal traits that would ensure academic integrity.

    Медицина древнерусских монастырей с точки зрения современной лечебной практики

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    History of domestic medicine is indissolubly related to the history of the state and its political and social institutes among which Orthodox Church took a high position in times of Prince epoch. There is no doubt that in this period Church and its ramified structures executed a progressive role in the formation of the Kievan state.One of the work directions, that were actively developing in church centers - monasteries, was medical care for population and maintenance of conditions for indoor treatment in monastic shelters for patients and invalids.Till now not enough attention is paid to the research of this aspect of church activity not only from the side of explorers. Modern doctors, as a rule, are oriented on pre-revolution researches or works of soviet historians on medicine of the middle ХХ.After the adoption of Christianity in 988, a new social layer of Church people appeared in Rus. From the very beginning, one of the important directions of monasteries’ activities was service on curing the sick people, where folk medicine was losing its positions. Most well-educated monks-bookmen knew the bases of medical knowledge, attained by them during the protracted studies and self-education, some of them appeared to be talented doctors, prominent medics for their time. The monks of monastery came from the mountain of Afonasii, where at the monastery of St. Afonasii was the «hospital for the sake of sick», and brought medical knowledge».Nykonivskyi Chronicle describes the foundation by Yefrem the network of medical institutions at the temples of the whole Metropolitan church. In fact, he created the prefiguration of the entire system of health protection which covered the significant territorial and human massifs. That was unprecedented in Rus. We consider that by tradition of building temples, which came from Byzantine Empire, most of them, if not all, were equipped in bath-houses and hospitals. Churches and monasteries were in every town, ten – in the capitals of principalities, hundreds – in Kyiv. This tradition of Middle Ages and New Time’s fracture passed then to the cossack monasteries. Only after a bath-house, some surgical interferences were done – deletes of gall-stones, reduction of joints and vertebrae etc.When we compare Church and witch-doctors, chiropractors and midwives, who used to base on millennial ordinary knowledge, it should be noted that the first one had a substantially prevailing financial and theoretical base due to the «tithe» set by prince authority. This significant sum of money from the income of the state was sent on acquiring and copying of the translated books, building of alms-houses, and «strannopriimnikh domiv» at temples. Monastery or church hospital was actually inpatient department where a sick person was under day-and-night care of the specialist and educated junior personnel. Such conditions favorably differed from medical practice of magus-medicasters or secular «lichets» or «tsiriulnik» that usually consulted and cured at home. Besides, monks-doctors accumulated rich practical experience at struggle with dangerous illnesses and infections, curing wounds and seriously ill persons. The specialization of monastery doctors and names of the most respectful of them are notified in ancient documents.So, it was exactly monastery hospital that was founded by Orthodox Church and where doctors worked. Later, the rapid growth of Old Russian cities, their acquisition of German law contributed to spreading of secular medicine, formation of workshops for doctors and tsiriulniks, opening of pharmacies and educational-medicinal establishments in Lviv, Kyiv and other capitals of Ukraine/Rus. But alongside there was gratuitous, developed and full of practical experience medical branch. Coexistence of both types of medical aids was not a problem but addition to each other.Дається спроба на основі давньоруських літописних та літературних джерел провести аналіз досягнень монастирської медицини Княжої доби. Наводиться фактичний матеріал щодо існування на Русі доволі розгалуженої для свого часу мережі лікувальних установ, створених спільними зусиллями церковної та світської влади. Подається порівняльний аналіз доступності та ефективності лікувальної практики руського знахаря, світського медика та монастирського лічця. Із використанням джерел давньоруського періоду проводиться думка про фахову спеціалізацію монастирських лічців, їх високу для свого часу кваліфікацію.Робиться висновок про ефективність монастирської медицини з точки зору сучасної лікувальної практики.Дается попытка на основе древнерусских летописных и литературных источников провести анализ достижений монастырской медицины Княжеского периода.Приводится фактический материал о существовании на Руси довольно разветвленной для своего времени сети лечебных учреждений, созданных совместными усилиями церковной и светской власти. Подается сравнительный анализ доступности и эффективности лечебной практики русского знахаря, светского медика и монастырского лечца. С использованием источников древнерусского периода проводится мысль о профессиональной специализации монастырских лечцов, их высокой для своего времени квалификации.Делается вывод об эффективности монастырской медицины с точки зрения современной лечебной практики

    Creation of agricultural land market in Ukraine: current state of development

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    Land reform started in Ukraine 14 years ago became one of the most important issues in transformation of large state agricultural enterprises into market oriented agricultural enterprises. Significant changes in land use and land ownership has happened as a result of land reform implementation in Ukraine. Namely, state monopoly on land was eliminated, agricultural land was privatized, citizens of Ukraine received land plots in possession, first land transactions have happened at agricultural land market etc. Actual data regarding Ukrainian land relations reformation is systematized in this Discussion paper with especial focus on establishing the prerequisites of further formation and perspective development of the agricultural land market in Ukraine. Additionally, a current situation is described at the Ukrainian agricultural land market and its legislative regulations. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die vor 14 Jahren in der Ukraine begonnene Bodenreform stellt eine wichtige Maßnahme der Transformation der ehemaligen staatlichen Agrarunternehmen in marktorientierte Unternehmen dar. Im Ergebnis der Bodenreform haben wichtige Veränderungen bezüglich der Bodennutzung und der Bodeneigentumsverhältnisse stattgefunden. Das staatliche Monopol an Boden wurde beseitigt und der Boden privatisiert. Die ukrainische Bürger erhielten Grundstücke als Eigentum übertragen, und erste Bodentransaktionen haben stattgefunden. Dieses Discussion Paper systematisiert die aktuelle Lage auf dem ukrainischen Bodenmarkt und formuliert weitere Voraussetzungen zur Herausbildung eines voll funktionsfähigen landwirtschaftlichen Bodenmarktes in der Ukraine. Die aktuellen Gesetze werden erläutert.Land market reform,transition,Ukraine,Bodenmarktreform,Transformationsprozess,Ukraine

    Тне potential use of intangible resources of business entities in economic security assessment

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    http://vsed.oneu.edu.uaThe article deals with theoretical and methodological aspects of potential intangible resources to assess the level of economic security entities. The approach to measuring intangible resources of entities to identify their degree of influence on economic security was considered

    Основні положення теоретичних праць Миколи Вороного про театр та театральну педагогіку

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    The purpose of the research. The article deals with M. Voronyi’s theoretical legacy including theatrical journalism and theatrical pedagogy in the fledging period of the Ukrainian modern theater at the beginning of the twentieth century. His theatrical works as well as theoretical achievements in theatrical pedagogy, which were based on his considerable acting experience and studies of the achievements in world theatre, are analyzed. The main units of the first Ukrainian theatrical textbook "The director": "The nature of the director's activities", "Preparatory work of the director" and "The director’s work with actors", dedicated to the professional education of the director, are analyzed. Methodology. While dealing with historic aspects of the investigation, there have been applied historic, historic comparative and historic genetic methods. While analyzing the achievements of both the world and the national theater, there has also been used the method of drama study. The scientific novelty consists in defining the main points of M. Voronyi’s theoretical works on theater and theatrical pedagogy, as well as in comprehending the artist’s legacy considering the important culturological aspects, which affected the development of the national culture. Conclusions. The whole M. Voronyi’s creative activity was of educational nature and was designed to boost both Ukrainian culture and the Ukrainian modern theater to the level of the world standards.Цель работы. В статье исследуется теоретическое наследие Н. Вороного (театральная публицистика, теат-ральная педагогика) периода становления украинского современного театра начала ХХ века. Анализируются его театроведческие труды, а также теоретические достижения в сфере театральной педагогики, которые были построе-ны на значительном актерском опыте и изучении достижений мирового театра. Рассматриваются и анализируются основные разделы первого украинского театрального учебника "Режиссер". Методология. В работе применены исто-рический, историко-сравнительный и историко-генетический методы в рассмотрении исторических аспектов исследо-вания; театроведческий метод – в анализе достижений мирового и отечественного театров. Научная новизна заклю-чается в определении основных положений теоретических трудов Н. Вороного о театре и театральной педагогике, а также в осмыслении наследия художника в свете важных культурологических аспектов, повлиявших на развитие оте-чественной культуры в целом. Выводы. Вся творческая деятельность Н. Вороного имела просветительский характер была направлена на то, чтобы поднять украинскую культуру, украинский модерный театр до уровня мирового. Мета роботи. В статті досліджується теоретичний доробок М. Вороного (театральна публіцистика, театральна педагогіка) періоду становлення українського модерного театру початку ХХ століття. Аналізуються його театрознавчі праці , а також теоретичні надбання з театральної педагогіки, ґрунтовані на значному акторському досвіді та вивченні досягнень світового театру. Розглядаються та аналізуються основні розділи першого українсь-кого театрального підручника "Режисер". Методологія. Застосовано історичний, історико-порівняльний та історико-генетичний методи у розгляді історичних аспектів дослідження; театрознавчий метод – в аналізі здобутків сві-тового та вітчизняного театрів. Наукова новизна полягає у визначенні основних положень теоретичних праць М. Вороного про театр та театральну педагогіку, а також в осмисленні доробку митця у сенсі важливих культуро-логічних аспектів, що вплинули на розвиток вітчизняної культури загалом. Висновки. Уся творча діяльність М. Вороного мала просвітницький характер і була спрямована на те, щоб підняти українську культуру, український модерний театр до рівня світового

    Features of seasonal dynamics of sheep Haemonchosis in the territory of Zaporizhzhya region

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    The article presents the results of studies on the indicators of invasiveness of domestic sheep Ovis aries (Linnaeus, 1758), the causative agent of Haemonchus contortus (Rudolphi 1803; Cobb 1898) and its characteristics depending on the season in the climatic and geographical conditions of the Zaporizhzhya region. The research was conducted during 2015–2019 on the basis of laboratories of the departments of parasitology and ichthyopathology of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv and Parasitology and Veterinary-Sanitary Examination of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy. Helminths were isolated by the results of complete helminthological sections of the digestive organs of the dead or slaughtered sheep, and the indicators of the extent and intensity of the invasion were established. Specific identification of the identified nematodes was performed taking into account the morphological features of mature males and females. It is proved that H. contortus is a fairly widespread species of nematodes in the population of domestic sheep in the territory of the studied region. The magnitude of the invasion of animals reached 66.36 %, the intensity of the invasion – 25.56 ± 1.51 samples/animal (for fluctuations from 1 to 79 sp./an.). It is noted that the causative agent of Haemonchosis is registered during the year. At the same time, the degree of sheep infection depends on the season of the year and is characterized by certain patterns in the extent and intensity of H. contortus invasion of sheep. The peak of the animals with the nematodes was detected in the autumn-winter period of the year, EI ranged from 73.23 to 78.57 %. The decline in invasion magnitude was observed in spring (52.63 %) and summer (59.68 %). Seasonal fluctuations in the infestation rates had some differences and were characterized by maximum values in the summer and autumn seasons ranging from 27.49 ± 2.52 to 37.35 ± 2.36 samples/animal. During the winter, the intensity of H. contortus infestation in sheep gradually decreased (13.73 ± 2.12 sp/an) and gained minimum values in the spring of the year (10.85 ± 1.78 sp./an). The conducted researches illuminate the current epizootic condition of sheep haemorrhage in the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, expand and supplement the already existing data that will allow to increase the effectiveness of the use of therapeutic and preventive measures in this invasion