89 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar aspectos do diálogo das obras de dois escritores paranaenses, Dalton Trevisan e Newton Sampaio. Para isso, no contexto da evolução da literatura no Estado pós Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922, utiliza-se o texto de Jorge Luís Borges, “Kafka e seus precursores”, bem como da teoria formulada por Julia Kristeva e Antoine Compagnon, que tratam da intertextualidade. A relevância do estudo está em contribuir para o conhecimento da obra de Newton Sampaio, que, apesar de sua importância na cultura e nas letras do Paraná, é relativamente pouco conhecido

    Efeito das variáveis abióticas sobre a decomposição de detritos em mangues subtropicais brasileiros

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    OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a taxa de decomposição de duas espécies vegetais (Rhizophora mangle e Avicennia schaueriana) dominantes em manguezais subtropicais (Ratones e Itacorubi), e sua relação com os fatores abióticos ao longo de dois períodos do ano; MÉTODOS: Folhas senescentes (4 ± 0,1 g peso seco) foram colocadas em "litter bags" (20 × 25 cm e malha de 1 cm) e submersas em ambos os manguezais nos períodos de inverno e verão. As replicadas (n = 4) de cada detrito nos dois diferentes manguezais foram então retiradas após 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de incubação e aferiu-se in situ a temperatura, condutividade elétrica, pH e oxigênio dissolvido da coluna da água; RESULTADOS: A taxa de decomposição de R. mangle . A. schaueriana foram lentos em Itacorubi e intermediários em Ratones no inverno, mas no verão em ambos os manguezais foram rápidos, indicando influência da temperatura da água. Não se observou diferença da perda de massa entre os locais no inverno, devido a uma baixa variação dos fatores ambientais. Já no verão houve diferença na perda de massa entre detritos, com os maiores valores em R. mangle (maior em Ratones). Quando relacionamos as variáveis abióticas com a massa remanescente total, novamente observou-se uma associação negativa apenas com temperaturas mais altas no verão. No inverno a massa remanescente se associou negativamente com a condutividade elétrica, possivelmente, por maior quantidade de recurso disponível para as comunidades decompositoras, e também, positivamente com o oxigênio da água, revelando um padrão contrario ao observado na literatura; CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados mostraram que a decomposição foi acelerada pelos valores mais elevados de temperatura e condutividade elétrica, e menores concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido, confirmando os efeitos destas variáveis abióticas sobre o processamento dos detritos e funcionamento dos mangues.AIM: The objective of this study was to determine the rate of decomposition of two dominant arboreal species (Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia schaueriana) in two Brazilian subtropical mangroves (Ratones and Itacorubi) and their relationship with abiotic factors during two periods of the year (winter and summer). METHODS: Senescent leaves (4 ± 0.1 g dry weight) were placed into litter bags (20 × 25 cm with 1 cm mesh size) and submersed in mangrove forests during a winter and a summer sampling period. Replicates (n = 4) of each detritus sample were obtained from the mangroves after 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of incubation during both time periods. During each period, in situ measurements were taken to obtain the temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen in the water column. RESULTS: The species R. mangle and A. schaueriana exhibited slow rates of decomposition at Itacorubi and intermediate rates at Ratones during the winter, while quick rates were observed at both sites during the summer; this result suggested that water temperature is an influential factor. There was no difference in the loss of mass between the sites during the winter, but in the summer, the highest values were observed for R. mangle in Ratones site. The highest summer temperatures were negatively associated with mass loss, suggesting that the temperature is an influential factor. During the winter, remaining mass was associated negatively with electrical conductivity, possibly because of a greater resource available to decomposing communities, and it was also positively associated with oxygen, revealing a pattern opposite to that observed in the literature. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that decomposition accelerated with higher temperatures and that electrical conductivity decelerated with increased dissolved oxygen, confirming the effects of abiotic factors on both detritus decomposition and mangrove functioning

    Genética da doença de Parkinson no Brasil : revisão sistemática de formas monogênicas

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    Background: Increasing numbers of mutations causing monogenic forms of Parkinson's disease (PD) have been described, mostly among patients in Europe and North America. Since genetic architecture varies between different populations, studying the specific genetic profile of Brazilian patients is essential for improving genetic counseling and for selecting patients for clinical trials. Objective: We conducted a systematic review to identify genetic studies on Brazilian patients and to set a background for future studies on monogenic forms of PD in Brazil. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and Web of Science from inception to December 2019 using terms for "Parkinson's disease", "genetics" and "Brazil". Two independent reviewers extracted the data. For the genes LRRK2 and PRKN, the estimated prevalence was calculated for each study, and a meta-analysis was performed. Results: A total of 32 studies were included, comprising 94 Brazilian patients with PD with a causative mutation, identified from among 2,872 screened patients (3.2%). PRKN mutations were causative of PD in 48 patients out of 576 (8.3%). LRRK2 mutations were identified in 40 out of 1,556 patients (2.5%), and p.G2019S was the most common mutation (2.2%). Conclusions: PRKN is the most common autosomal recessive cause of PD, and LRRK2 is the most common autosomal dominant form. We observed that there was a lack of robust epidemiological studies on PD genetics in Brazil and, especially, that the diversity of Brazil’s population had not been considered.Introdução: Um número crescente de mutações causando formas monogênicas de doença de Parkinson (DP) tem sido descrito, principalmente entre pacientes da Europa e da América do Norte. Como a arquitetura genética varia entre diferentes populações, entender os perfis genéticos específicos de pacientes brasileiros é essencial para um melhor aconselhamento genético e para a seleção de participantes para ensaios clínicos. Objetivo: Revisão sistemática para identificar estudos genéticos brasileiros na área e definir o cenário para estudos futuros das formas monogênicas de DP no Brasil. Métodos: Nós pesquisamos as bases de dados MEDLINE, EMBASE e Web of Science desde a criação até dezembro de 2019, usando termos para “Parkinson’s disease”, “genetics” e “Brazil”. A extração de dados foi feita por dois revisores independentes. Para os genes LRRK2 e PRKN, calculamos a prevalência estimada para cada estudo e realizamos uma meta-análise. Resultados: Um total de 32 estudos foram incluídos e 94 pacientes brasileiros com DP com mutações causativas foram identificados em 2872 pacientes avaliados (3.2%). As mutações no PRKN causaram DP em 48 de 576 pacientes (8.3%). As mutações no LRRK2 foram identificadas em 40 de 1566 pacientes (2.5%), sendo a mutação mais comum a p.G2019S (2.2%). Conclusões: As mutações na PRKN são a causa mais comum de DP autossômica recessiva, e as mutações no LRRK2 a causa mais comum de DP autossômica dominante. Nós observamos uma falta de estudos epidemiológicos robustos em genética de DP, especialmente por não levar em conta a diversidade de nossa população

    Tradução de artigos científicos no domínio da medicina: especificidades

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada, sob orientação de Doutor Manuel Fernando Moreira da SilvaNeste relatório descreve-se o trabalho realizado no estágio realizado no Centro de Estudos Matex para conclusão do Mestrado em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. De forma a melhor sustentar este relatório de estágio é apresentada uma análise sobre algumas teorias de tradução e, na sequência dessa mesma análise, foi escolhido o modelo proposto por Daniel Gouadec como metodologia de trabalho. Posteriormente é feita uma breve análise sobre o texto científico, a tradução na área da medicina e, também sobre as características de um artigo científico. Foram ainda descritas as dificuldades mais comuns na tradução de textos médicos juntamente com uma breve análise sobre terminologia científica e médica. Após esta revisão teórica, seguiu-se a fase relativa ao processo tradutivo, onde foram seguidas as fases propostas pelo modelo de Gouadec, na elaboração da tradução dos artigos científicos. Os artigos inserem-se na área da tradução técnica, nomeadamente da medicina. O presente trabalho revelou-se importante quer na aquisição de conhecimentos quer na prática do que é a tradução freelance em ambiente empresarial. Através do mesmo foi possível ficar a conhecer de perto muitas das especificidades e dificuldades que se podem encontrar na tradução técnica.In this report it is described the work developed during the traineeship in Centro de Estudos Matex for the conclusion of the Masters degree in Translations and Specialized Interpretations in the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP). In order to sustain better the traineeship report it is presented an analysis of some translations theories and in the sequence of this analysis it was chosen Daniel Gouadecs work methodology. Then a brief analysis was made on scientific text, translation in the medical area and also on the characteristics of a scientific article. . It was also described the most common difficulties in translating medical texts and together with a brief analysis on scientific terminology and medical terminology. After this theorical revision it followed the phase related to the translation process and all the phases proposed by Gouadec were followed in the translation of the scientific articles. The articles translated are from the technical translation area, namely medicine. This work has revealed to be important in the acquisition of practice knowledge of freelance translation in the corporate world. It was also possible to know closely all the specificities and difficulties you can find in technical translation

    Macro-scale (biomes) differences in neotropical stream processes and community structure

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    The definition of conservation strategies and ecological assessment schemes requires understanding ecosystem patterns over multiple spatial scales. This study aimed to determine if macro-scale structural and functional (processes) patterns associated with stream ecosystems differed among three neotropical biomes (Cerrado, Amazon, Atlantic Forest). We compared the aquatic communities (benthic invertebrates and hyphomycetes) and processes (decomposition rates, primary production and biofilms growth and aquatic hyphomycetes reproduction rates-sporulation) of Cerrado stream sites (neotropical savannah) against those of stream sites in the connecting biomes of the Atlantic Forest and Amazon (rainforests). We expected that, contrary to the biome dependency hypothesis the community structure and processes rates of streams at the biome-scale would not differ significantly, because those ecosystems are strongly influenced by their dense riparian forests, which have a transitional character among the three biomes. Fifty-three stream sites were selected covering a wide range of geographic locations (Table 1), from near the Equator (2° S) in the Amazon, to intermediate latitudes in the Cerrado (12-19° S), and latitudes closer to the tropic of Capricorn in the Atlantic Forest (19º-25° S). We found that: 1) at the abiotic level, the aquatic ecosystems of the three biomes differed, which was mostly explained by large-scale factors such as temperature, precipitation and altitude; 2) functional and structural variables did not behave similarly among biomes: decomposition and sporulation rates showed larger differences among biomes than invertebrate and aquatic hyphomycete assemblages structure; 3) invertebrate assemblages structure differed between the rainforests and Cerrado but not between rainforests (Amazon and Atlantic Forest) whereas aquatic hyphomycetes were similar among all biomes; 4) biofilm growth and algae concentration in biofilms of artificial substrates were highly variable within biomes and not significantly different between biomes. Overall, aquatic ecosystem processes and community structure differed across biomes, being influenced by climatic variables, but the variation is not as pronounced as that described for terrestrial systems. Considering the potential use of these functional and structural indicators in national-wide ecological assessments, our results indicate the need to define different reference values for different biomes, depending on the variable used. The approach followed in this study allowed an integrative analysis and comparison of the stream ecosystems across three tropical biomes, being the first study of this kind. Future studies should try to confirm the patterns evidenced here with more sites from other areas of the three biomes, and especially from the Amazon, which was the least represented biome in our investigation. © 201

    Plant litter dynamics in the forest-stream interface: Precipitation is a major control across tropical biomes

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    Riparian plant litter is a major energy source for forested streams across the world and its decomposition has repercussions on nutrient cycling, food webs and ecosystem functioning. However, we know little about plant litter dynamics in tropical streams, even though the tropics occupy 40% of the Earth's land surface. Here we investigated spatial and temporal (along a year cycle) patterns of litter inputs and storage in multiple streams of three tropical biomes in Brazil (Atlantic forest, Amazon forest and Cerrado savanna), predicting major differences among biomes in relation to temperature and precipitation regimes. Precipitation explained most of litter inputs and storage, which were generally higher in more humid biomes (litterfall: 384, 422 and 308 g m-2 y-1, storage: 55, 113 and 38 g m-2, on average in Atlantic forest, Amazon and Cerrado, respectively). Temporal dynamics varied across biomes in relation to precipitation and temperature, with uniform litter inputs but seasonal storage in Atlantic forest streams, seasonal inputs in Amazon and Cerrado streams, and aseasonal storage in Amazon streams. Our findings suggest that litter dynamics vary greatly within the tropics, but point to the major role of precipitation, which contrasts with the main influence of temperature in temperate areas. © 2017 The Author(s)