24 research outputs found

    Test Case Generation for Mutation-based Testing of Timeliness

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    AbstractTemporal correctness is crucial for real-time systems. Few methods exist to test temporal correctness and most methods used in practice are ad-hoc. A problem with testing real-time applications is the response-time dependency on the execution order of concurrent tasks. Execution order in turn depends on execution environment properties such as scheduling protocols, use of mutual exclusive resources as well as the point in time when stimuli is injected. Model based mutation testing has previously been proposed to determine the execution orders that need to be verified to increase confidence in timeliness. An effective way to automatically generate such test cases for dynamic real-time systems is still needed. This paper presents a method using heuristic-driven simulation to generate test cases

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    Systematic Generation of Risk Evaluation Systems basedon Temporal Motivational Theory

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    This paper provides a schematic, systematic and structured approach todeveloping Bayesian belief networks to assess risks in contexts dened by activities.The method ameliorates elicitation, specication and validation of expert knowledgeby reusing a schematic structures based on reasoning of risks based on the temporal motivationaltheory. The method is based on earlier work that took a rst signicant steptowards reducing the complexity of development of Bayesian belief networks by clusteringand classifying variables in Bayesian belief networks as well as associating the processwith human deciions making. It may be possible to reduce the role of a facilitiatoror even remove the facilitator altogether by using this method. The method is partiallyvalidated and further work is required on this topic

    Resource-Predictable and Efficient Monitoring of Events

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    We present a formally specified event specification language (Solicitor). Solicitor is suitable for real-time systems, since it results in resource-predictable and efficient event monitors. In event monitoring, event expressions defined in an event specification language control the monitoring by matching incoming streams of event occurrences against the event expressions. When an event expression has a complete set of matching event occurrences, the event type that this expression defines has occurred. Each event expression is specified by combining contributing event types with event operators such as sequence, conjunction, disjunction; contributing event types may be primitive, representing happenings of interest in a system, or composite, specified by event expressions. The formal specification of Solicitor is based on a formal schema that separates two important aspects of an event expression; these aspects are event operators and event contexts. The event operators aspect addresses the relative constraints between contributing event occurrences, whereas the event contexts aspect addresses the selection of event occurrences from an event stream with respect to event occurrences that are used or invalidated during event monitoring. The formal schema also contains an abstract model of event monitoring. Given this formal specification, we present realization issues of, a time complexity study of, as well as a proof of limited resource requirements of event monitoring. We propose an architecture for resource-predictable and efficient event monitoring. In particular, this architecture meets the requirements of realtime systems by defining how event monitoring and tasks are associated. A declarative way of specifying this association is proposed within our architecture. Moreover, an efficient memory management scheme for event composition is presented. This scheme meets the requirements of event monitoring in distributed systems. This architecture has been validated by implementing an executable component prototype that is part of the DeeDS prototype. The results of the time complexity study are validated by experiments. Our experiments corroborate the theory in terms of complexity classes of event composition in different event contexts. However, the experimental platform is not representative of operational real-time systems and, thus, the constants derived from our experiments cannot be used for such systems

    Event Monitoring & Detection in Distributed Real Time Systems

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    This report is a survey of monitoring and event detection in distributed fault-tolerant real-time systems, as used in primarily active database systems, for testing and debugging purposes. It contains a brief overview of monitoring in general, with examples of how software systems can be instrumented in a distributed environment, and of the active database area with additional constraints of real-time discussed. The main part is a survey of event monitoring mostly taken from the active database area with additional discussion concerning distribution and fault-tolerance. Similarities between testing and debugging distributed real-time systems are described

    On the testing maturity of software producing organizations: Detailed data

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    This paper presents data from a study of the current state of practice of software testing. Test managers from twelve different software organizations were interviewed. The interviews 1 focused on the amount of resources spent on testing, how the testing is conducted, and the knowledge of the personnel in the test organizations. The data indicate that the overall test maturity is low. Test managers are aware of this but have trouble improving. One problem is that the organizations are commercially successful, suggesting that products must already be “good enough. ” Also, the current lack of structured testing in practice makes it difficult to quantify the current level of maturity and thereby articulate the potential gain from increasing testing maturity to upper managemen