59 research outputs found

    Hat og forakt i det tjueførste hundreåret - ei undersøking av raseriet i Abo Rasuls Skandinavisk Misantropi

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    Denne masteroppgåva er ei undersøking av raseriet i Abo Rasul sin trilogi Skandinavisk Misantropi, ein serie som består av romanane The Cocka Hola Company (2001), Macht und Rebel (2002) og Unfun (2008), med utgangspunkt i at romanane primært er ideromanar. Formålet med oppgåva er å identifisere kva rolle raseriet speler i dei ideane som trilogien utforskar. Raseriet blir undersøkt ved å nytte eit utval teoritekstar om kjensla, med hovudvekt på Peter Sloterdijk si bok Rage and Time (2006) som handlar om raseriet si rolle i den vestlege historia. Ein av hovudideane som Sloterdijk presenterer er ideen om at raseri er ein ressurs som kan investerast og forvaltast som all annan kapital. Dette går att i mi lesing av Skandinavisk Misantropi. Særleg ideen om at raseri kan bli investert i eit raseriprosjekt er sentral i min analyse. I tillegg til dei teoretiske tekstane om raseri nyttar oppgåva seg av tidlegare lesingar og inntrykk av romantrilogien, då primært andre oppgåver som tek for seg ein eller fleire av bøkene i serien, men den tar òg i bruk publiserte artiklar og avisresepsjon. Oppgåva går først i gang med å gjere greie for og snevre inn raseriomgrepet slik det blir forstått i undersøkinga. Vidare tar eg for meg kvar roman i trilogien i kronologisk rekkefølge, og identifiserer og undersøkjer raseriet i dei. Den første romanen blir undersøkt uavhengig av dei to andre. Den andre romanen blir undersøkt og til dels samanlikna med den første og deretter blir den tredje romanen undersøkt og til dels samanlikna med dei to førre. Avslutninga er ei oppsummerande samanlikning av raseriet i dei tre romanane, følgd av ein konklusjon. Eg konkluderer med at raseriet spelar ei stor rolle i trilogien og at mange av ideane som blir utforska på eit vis er knytt til denne kjensla. Alle romanane har eit raseriprosjekt som ein eller fleire av hovudpersonane investerer raseriet sitt i, med varierande resultat. Raseriet i bøkene er ofte knytt til tanken om at det ikkje lenger er mogleg å gjere meiningsfull motstand mot det tolerante storsamfunnet. Venstresida sitt raseriprosjekt er ikkje lenger eit alternativ og den sinte energien til karakterane treng ein annan stad å gå. Min avsluttande konklusjon er at raseriet i romanane peiker framover mot det reaksjonære og høgreekstreme raseriet som kom fram i dagslyset på 2010-talet, med framveksten av høgrepopulistiske politikarar og ekstreme forum på internett. Raseriet i Skandinavisk Misantropi kan difor lesast som eit tidleg døme på politiske tendensar som skulle bli svært utbreidd det neste tiåret.This MA thesis is an investigation of rage in Abo Rasul’s trilogy Skandinavisk Misantropi, a series consisting of the novels The Cocka Hola Company (2001), Macht und Rebel (2002) and Unfun (2008), with the understanding that the novels primarily explore ideas. The purpose of the thesis is to identify what role rage plays in the ideas that the trilogy explores. In this investigation of rage, I apply a selection of theoretical works on the feeling, with a primary focus on Peter Sloterdijk’s book, Rage and Time (2006), who deals with rage’s role in western history. One of the main ideas that Sloterdijk presents is the idea that rage is a resource that one can invest and manage like all other forms of capital. This idea is present in my reading of Skandinavisk Misantropi. Especially the idea that rage can be invested into a project is key in my analysis. In addition to these theoretical works on rage, the thesis uses earlier readings and impressions of the trilogy, primarily other theses about one or more of the books in the series, but it also uses published articles and the initial newspaper reception of the books. The thesis starts off with explaining how I understand the use the term “rage” in the investigation. Then I do a reading of each novel in the trilogy in chronological order and identify and investigate the rage present in them. The first novel gets investigated independently, while the following novel gets investigated and compared to the first one. The third novel then gets compared to the two preceding novels. The end of the thesis is a summatory comparison of the rage in the three novels, followed by a conclusion. I conclude that rage plays a large role in the trilogy, and that many of the ideas that are explored are connected to the emotion in some way. All the novels have a rage project that one or more of the main characters invest their rage in, with varying results. The rage in the books is often connected to the thought that it is no longer possible to participate in meaningful resistance to the tolerance of society. The rage project of the left is no longer an alternative, and the angry energies of the characters need somewhere else to go. My finishing conclusion is that the rage in the novels point forwards towards the reactionary and far-right rage that became prevalent in the 2010s, with the rise of right-wing populist politicians and extreme web forums. The rage in Skandinavisk Misantropi can therefore be read as an early example of political tendencies that would become mainstream the following decade.Mastergradsoppgåve i nordisk språk og litteraturNOLISP350MAHF-LÆNOMAHF-NOR

    Utredning av alternative rapporteringsløsninger for kirkelig tjenestestatistikk : Sluttrapport

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    Utredningsgruppen har redegjort for og vurdert følgende fem fremtidige rapporteringsløsninger for kirkelig tjenestestatistikk: 1. Dagens NSD løsning for kirkelig tjenestestatistikk 2. Web-rapportering via NSD 3. Rapportering til SSB via kommunene sitt rapporteringssystem i KOSTRA 4. Web-rapportering til SSB i KOSTRA 5. XML-rapportering til SSB i KOSTRA Alternativene 1 og 3 er etter utredningsgruppens vurdering de minst rasjonelle alternativene. Dagens NSD løsning har fungert godt i flere år, men oppfyller etter vår vurdering ikke de krav som bør settes til et helhetlig fremtidig rapporteringssystem. Dette skyldes at alternativet innebærer papirskjemarapportering, stor oppgavebyrde, lav aktualitet og mindre muligheter for integrering med KOSTRA-systemet og annen statistikk for kirkelig sektor i SSB. Rapportering til SSB via kommunene sitt KOSTRA-system ble forkastet fordi de kirkelige organer da blir avhengig av kommunene som mellomledd for å få gjennomført sin rapportering. Dermed gjenstår tre alternativer som alle er basert på elektronisk rapportering direkte fra de kirkelige organer. Vår konklusjon er derfor at vi ønsker overgang fra dagens papirskjema rapportering til elektronisk rapportering for den kirkelige tjenestestatistikken. Dette betyr samtidig at vi mener at den kirkelige tjenestestatistikken uansett bør legges om

    Use of Benzodiazepines and Antipsychotic Drugs Are Inversely Associated with Acute Readmission Risk in Schizophrenia

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    Purpose: Little is known about the impact of different psychotropic drugs on acute readmission risk, when used concomitantly in a real-life setting. We aimed to investigate the association between acute readmission risk and use of antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and benzodiazepines in patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A cohort study included all patients diagnosed with schizophrenia admitted to a psychiatric acute unit at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway, during a 10-year period (N = 663). Patients were followed from discharge until first readmission or censoring. Cox multiple regression analyses were conducted using antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and benzodiazepines as time-dependent variables, and periods of use and nonuse were compared within individual patients. Adjustments were made for sex, age at index admission, and excessive use of alcohol and illicit substances. Results: A total of 410 patients (61.8%) were readmitted during follow-up, and the mean and median times in days to readmission were 709 and 575, respectively. Compared with nonuse, the use of antipsychotic drugs was associated with reduced risk of readmission (adjusted hazards ratio, 0.20; P < 0.01; confidence interval, 0.16–0.24), and the use of benzodiazepines was associated with increased risk of readmission (adjusted hazards ratio, 1.51; P < 0.01; confidence interval, 1.13–2.02). However, no relation to readmission risk was found for the use of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Conclusions: We found that use of benzodiazepines and antipsychotic drugs are inversely associated with acute readmission risk in schizophrenia.publishedVersio

    Personality Disorder: What Predicts Acute Psychiatric Readmissions?

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    Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) often struggle with chronic suicidal thoughts and behaviors and have frequent acute psychiatric admissions. Prevention of serial admissions and disruptions in long-term treatment strategies is needed. This study explored predictors of how frequently and how quickly patients diagnosed with BPD are readmitted after an index psychiatric admission. The authors identified self-harming behavior as a predictor of readmission frequency, whereas depression and hallucinations and delusions predicted time elapsed between the index admission and the first readmission. The authors recommend that predictors of readmissions should be carefully monitored and treated following index admission

    Treatment and outcomes of crisis resolution teams: a prospective multicentre study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Crisis resolution teams (CRTs) aim to help patients in acute mental health crises without admitting them to hospital. The aims of this study were to investigate content of treatment, service practice, and outcomes of crises of CRTs in Norway.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study had a multicentre prospective design, examining routine data for 680 patients and 62 staff members of eight CRTs. The clinical staff collected data on the demographic, clinical, and content of treatment variables. The service practices of the staff were assessed on the Community Program Practice Scale. Information on each CRT was recorded by the team leaders. The outcomes of crises were measured by the changes in Global Assessment of Functioning scale scores and the total scores on the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales between admission and discharge. Regression analysis was used to predict favourable outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean length of treatment was 19 days for the total sample (N = 680) and 29 days for the 455 patients with more than one consultation; 7.4% of the patients had had more than twice-weekly consultations with any member of the clinical staff of the CRTs. A doctor or psychologist participated in 55.5% of the treatment episodes. The CRTs collaborated with other mental health services in 71.5% of cases and with families/networks in 51.5% of cases. The overall outcomes of the crises were positive, with a small to medium effect size. Patients with depression received the longest treatments and showed most improvement of crisis. Patients with psychotic symptoms and substance abuse problems received the shortest treatments, showed least improvement, and were most often referred to other parts of the mental health services. Length of treatment, being male and single, and a team focus on out-of-office contact were predictors of favourable outcomes of crises in the adjusted model.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study indicates that, compared with the UK, the Norwegian CRTs provided less intensive and less out-of-office care. The Norwegian CRTs worked more with depression and suicidal crises than with psychoses. To be an alternative to hospital admission, the Norwegian CRTs need to intensify their treatment and meet more patients outside the office.</p

    An implementation study of the crisis resolution team model in Norway: Are the crisis resolution teams fulfilling their role?

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    Background The establishment of crisis resolution teams (CRTs) is part of the national mental health policy in several Western countries. The purpose of the present study is to describe characteristics of CRTs and their patients, explore the differences between CRTs, and examine whether the CRTs in Norway are organized according to the international CRT model. Methods The study was a naturalistic study of eight CRTs and 680 patients referred to these teams in Norway. Mental health problems were assessed using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS), Global Assessment of Functioning Scales (GAF) and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10). Results None of the CRTs operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7 availability) or had gate-keeping functions for acute wards. The CRTs also treated patients who were not considered for hospital admission. Forty per cent of patients waited more than 24 hours for treatment. Fourteen per cent had psychotic symptoms, and 69% had affective symptoms. There were significant variations between teams in patients' total severity of symptoms and social problems, but no variations between teams with respect to patients' aggressive behaviour, non-accidental self-injury, substance abuse or psychotic symptoms. There was a tendency for teams operating extended hours to treat patients with more severe mental illnesses. Conclusions The CRT model has been implemented in Norway without a rapid response, gate-keeping function and 24/7 availability. These findings indicate that the CRTs do not completely fulfil their intended role in the mental health system

    Gender differences in the labour market : explaining the gender wage gap : empirical evidence from Norway

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    This master´s thesis aims to investigate potential sources of the gender wage gap using Norwegian register data on the full population. First, I seek to understand to what extent traditional human capital factors and other work-related characteristics contribute to the gender wage gap. Using a traditional Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method, I decompose the male-female differentials from a cross-sectional perspective based on the study by Blau and Kahn (2017). Second, I attempt to understand whether gender inequality is due to children and if there is a motherhood penalty in earnings by adopting the event study approach suggested by Kleven, Landais, and Søgaard (2018). By controlling for maternal age and calendar year, the event study allows for capturing the effect of children on female and male wages over time. The O-B decomposition reveals that conventional human capital factors in aggregate decrease the gender wage gap, while gender segregation in industries increases the gender wage gap by a small share. As a result, most of the gender wage gap is due to unexplained factors, which calls for a discussion for other potential explanations of the gender wage gap. The event study reveals a significant child penalty in earnings for mothers, implying that children have significant impacts on wages. This motherhood penalty suggests negative selection into work and labour market adjustments around the childbirth. Whether the drop in female wages is due to unprofitable choices or discrimination is hard to establish, but it might be that both of them play a role to some degree.nhhma

    Beskrivelser, forstĂĄelse og definisjoner av selvskading fra antikken til i dag

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    Det finnes beskrivelser av at mennesker har skadet seg selvmed hensikt langt tilbake i tid, men hvordan det som i dag kallesselvskading har blitt forstått og definert, har variert. Denne artikkelentar for seg beskrivelser og definisjoner av selvpåførte skaderfra antikken og frem til i dag. Den er avgrenset til å handle omden vestlige verden, og hovedfokuset er på selvskading som ikkeer motivert av et ønske om å dø. Selvmordsforsøk og selvmorder likevel med i bildet, da nettopp overlapp mellom ulike formerfor selvskading har vært noe av utfordringen for fagfolk som harforsøkt å forstå og definere hva dette handler om. Den historiskegjennomgangen viser at i tidsspennet fra antikken og frem tili dag har synet på selvskading endret seg fra å være religiøstog kulturelt akseptert fenomen til å bli sett på som symptom påpsykisk lidelse. Det siste tiårets diskusjoner omkring definisjonerog diagnostikk blir omtalt til slutt i artikkelen
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