204 research outputs found

    MuFinder: A program to determine and analyse muon stopping sites

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    Significant progress has recently been made in calculating muon stopping sites using density functional theory. The technique aims to address two of the most common criticisms of the muon-spin spectroscopy (μ+SR) technique, namely, where in the sample does the muon stop, and what is its effect on its local environment. We have designed and developed a program called MuFinder that enables users to carry out these calculations through a simple graphical user interface (GUI). The procedure for calculating muon sites by generating initial muon positions, relaxing the structures, and then clustering and analysing the resulting candidate sites, can be done entirely within the GUI. The local magnetic field at the muon site can also be computed, allowing the connection between the muon sites obtained and experiment to be made. MuFinder will make these computations significantly more accessible to non-experts and help to establish muon site calculations as a routine part of μ+SR experiments

    Longtime behavior of nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equations

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    Here we consider the nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant mobility in a bounded domain. We prove that the associated dynamical system has an exponential attractor, provided that the potential is regular. In order to do that a crucial step is showing the eventual boundedness of the order parameter uniformly with respect to the initial datum. This is obtained through an Alikakos-Moser type argument. We establish a similar result for the viscous nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation with singular (e.g., logarithmic) potential. In this case the validity of the so-called separation property is crucial. We also discuss the convergence of a solution to a single stationary state. The separation property in the nonviscous case is known to hold when the mobility degenerates at the pure phases in a proper way and the potential is of logarithmic type. Thus, the existence of an exponential attractor can be proven in this case as well

    Overcoming the engineering constraints for scaling-up the state-of-the-art catalyst for tail-gas N2O decomposition

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    An efficient process is reported for preparing a state-of-the-art Fe-ferrierite catalyst for N2O decomposition under industrial tail-gas conditions. In the synthesis procedure we evaluate the very demanding constraints for scale-up; i.e. large reactor volumes are typically needed, long processing times and considerable amounts of waste water is generated. The proposed synthesis minimizes the amount of water used, and therefore the amount produced waste water is minimal; in this approach there is no liquid residual water stream that would need intensive processing. This has remarkable benefits in terms of process design, since the volume of equipment is reduced and the energy-intensive filtration is eliminated. This route exemplifies the concept of process intensification, with the ambition to re-engineer an existing process to make the industrial catalyst manufacture more sustainable. The so-obtained catalyst is active, selective and very stable under tail gas conditions containing H2O, NO and O2, together with N2O; keeping a high conversion during 70 h time on stream at 700 K, with a decay of 0.01%/h, while the standard reference catalyst decays at 0.06%/h; hence it deactivates six times slower, with ~5% absolute points of higher conversion. The excellent catalytic performance is ascribed to the differential speciation

    Magma emission rates fromshallow submarine eruptions using airborne thermal imaging

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    The effusion rate is the most important parameter to gatherwhen a volcanic eruption occurs, because it controls the way inwhich a lava body grows, extends and expands, influencing its dimensional properties. Calculation of lava flow volume from thermal images collected by helicopter surveys has been largely used during the last decade for monitoring subaerial effusive eruptions. However, due to the depths where volcanic activity occurs, monitoring submarine volcanic eruptions is a very difficult task. The 2011–2012 submarine volcanic eruption at El Hierro, Canary Islands, has provided a unique and excellent opportunity to monitor eruptive processes occurring on the seabed. The use of a hand-held thermal camera during daily helicopter flights allowed us to estimate for the first time the daily and total erupted magma volumes from a submarine eruption. The volume of magma emitted during this eruption has been estimated at 300 Mm3, giving an average effusion rate of ~25 m3 s−1. Thermal imagery by helicopter proved to be a fast, inexpensive, safe and reliable technique of monitoring volcanic eruptions when they occur on the shallow seabed.This research was financially supported by the projects MAKAVOL (MAC/3/C161) from the European Union MAC 2007–2013 Transnational Cooperation Program as well as from the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife. We are also grateful to the staff of El Hierro airport (AENA) for providing logistical support.Published219-2255V. Sorveglianza vulcanica ed emergenzeJCR Journalrestricte

    Emisiones naturales de CO2 y otros volátiles asociadas a la actividad volcánica en las Islas Canarias

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    Ponencia presentada en: 1er Encuentro sobre Meteorología y Atmósfera de Canarias, celebrado en el Puerto de la Cruz, los días 12,13 y 14 de noviembre de 2003. El encuentro estuvo organizado por el Centro Meteorológico Territorial en Canarias Occidental, con la colaboración del Observatorio Atmosférico de Izaña y del Grupo de Física de la Atmósfera de la Facultad de Física (Universidad de La Laguna

    Evaluación de las emisiones de SO2 a la atmósfera procedentes de las centrales térmicas y refinería de petróleo en la Isla de Tenerife mediante el uso de COSPEC

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    Ponencia presentada en: 1er Encuentro sobre Meteorología y Atmósfera de Canarias, celebrado en el Puerto de la Cruz, los días 12,13 y 14 de noviembre de 2003. El encuentro estuvo organizado por el Centro Meteorológico Territorial en Canarias Occidental, con la colaboración del Observatorio Atmosférico de Izaña y del Grupo de Física de la Atmósfera de la Facultad de Física (Universidad de La Laguna)Las emisiones de S02 y NOx tiene efectos directos e indirectos muy significativos sobre el medio ambiente. El COSPEC es una técnica de espectroscopia ultravioleta que proporciona la posibilidad monitorizar de forma remota los niveles de emisión de S02 procedente de una zona industrial. Durante agosto y septiembre de 2003 se han realizado 217 medidas remotas para evaluar la emisión de S02 procedentes de las Centrales Térmicas de Caletil/as y Granadilla así como de la Refinería de Petróleo en SIC de Tenerife mediante el uso de un COSPEC V en posición móvil-terrestre. Durante el mes de agosto, los resultados reflejaron valores medios de 99, 28, y 23 toneladas diarias para las emisiones de S0 2 procedentes de UNELCO Caleti/las, Refinería y UNELCO Granadilla, respectivamente, mientras que estos valores medios durante el mes de septiembre fueron de 87, 113 y 18 toneladas diarias. La combinación del COSPEC con sistemas de OP-FTIR y cabinas para la medida de los niveles de inmisión de contaminantes atmosféricos permitirá estimar la emisión de otros contaminantes procedentes de estos focos industriales

    Calendario de vacunaciones de la Asociación Española de Pediatría: recomendaciones 2019

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    El Comité Asesor de Vacunas de la Asociación Española de Pediatría publica anualmente el calendario de vacunaciones que estima idóneo para los niños residentes en España, teniendo en cuenta la evidencia disponible. En cuanto a las vacunas financiadas, se recomienda emplear el esquema 2 + 1 (2, 4 y 11 meses) con vacunas hexavalentes (DTPa-VPI-Hib-HB) y con antineumocócica conjugada 13-valente. Se aconseja un refuerzo a los 6 años, preferentemente con DTPa, junto con una dosis de polio para aquellos que recibieron esquemas 2 + 1, así como vacunación con Tdpa en adolescentes y en cada embarazo, entre la semana 27 y la 32. Se emplearán esquemas de 2 dosis para triple vírica (12 meses y 3-4 años) y varicela (15 meses y 3-4 años). La segunda dosis se podría aplicar como vacuna tetravírica. Se recomienda vacunación sistemática universal frente al VPH, tanto a chicas como a chicos, preferentemente a los 12 años, debiéndose realizar un mayor esfuerzo para mejorar las coberturas. La nueva vacuna de 9 genotipos amplía la cobertura para ambos sexos. Se recomienda que la vacuna antimeningocócica conjugada tetravalente (MenACWY) se introduzca en el calendario financiado a los 12 meses y a los 12-14 años, aconsejándose un rescate hasta los 19 años. Igualmente, se recomienda en los mayores de 6 semanas de edad con factores de riesgo o que viajen a países de elevada incidencia de estos serogrupos. Respecto a las vacunas no financiadas, se recomienda la antimeningocócica B, con esquema 2 + 1, solicitando su entrada en el calendario. Es recomendable vacunar a todos los lactantes frente al rotavirus. The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics annually publishes the immunisation schedule considered optimal for children resident in Spain, according to available evidence on current vaccines. As regards funded immunisations, the 2 + 1 strategy (2, 4, 11 months) with hexavalent (DTPa-IPV-Hib-HB) and 13-valent pneumococcal vaccines are recommended. Administration of the 6-year booster dose with DTPa is recommended, with a poliomyelitis dose for children who had received the 2 + 1 scheme, as well as Tdap vaccine for adolescents and pregnant women in every pregnancy between 27 and 32 weeks gestation. The 2-dose scheme should be used for MMR (12 months and 3-4 years) and varicella (15 months and 3-4 years). MMRV vaccine could be applied as the second dose. Vaccination against HPV is recommended in both genders, preferably at 12 years of age. A stronger effort should be made to improve vaccination coverage. The new 9-valent vaccine is now available, expanding the coverage for both genders. Tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (MenACWY) is recommended at 12 months and 12-14 years, with a catch-up up at 19 years of age. It is also recommended in infants older than 6 weeks of age with risk factors, or travellers to countries with high incidence of ACWY meningococcal serogroups. As regards non-funded immunisations, it is recommended meningococcal B vaccination, with a 2 + 1 schedule, and requests that it be included in the National Immunisation Program. Vaccination against rotavirus is recommended in all infants

    The acid crater lake of Taal Volcano, Philippines: hydrogeochemical and hydroacoustic data related to the 2010–11 volcanic unrest

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    Studies of the water chemistry of Taal crater lake and echo-sounding surveys have provided new insights into its chemical and physical dynamics. During the volcano-seismic unrest of April 2010–June 2011, the waters of Taal crater lake showed changes in chemical composition and increases in CO2 emissions associated with the seismic unrest. The chemical and isotopic data show that the lake water has contributions from both seawater and meteoric water and receives injections of deep hydrothermal water and gases during periods of intense volcano-seismic unrest. These inflationary periods may lead to faulting of the impermeable cap rock that usually seals the deeper Taal hydrothermal reservoir in response to degassing and convective movements in the underlying Taal magma chamber.Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias, EspañaEnvironmental Research Division, Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables, EspañaAgencia Insular de Energía de Tenerife, EspañaÁrea de Geología Marina, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaInstitute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, AustraliaPhilippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, FilipinasGeochemical Research Center, The University of Tokyo, JapónEarth & Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University, Estados UnidosPeer reviewe