164 research outputs found

    The PREV'AIR system, an operational system for large scale air quality forecasts over Europe : applications at the local scale

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    International audienceSince Summer 2003, the PREV'AIR system has been delivering through the Internet daily air quality forecasts over Europe. This is the visible part of a wider collaborative project - the PREV'AIR project - launched by the French Ministry for Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD), aiming at: (1) Providing technical support on atmospheric pollution management in Europe, in the framework of negotiations on trans-boundary air pollution. (2) Providing large scale national air quality information based on numerical simulations and observations. The PREV'AIR system is a complementary monitoring tool with respect to the local information delivered by the French qualified associations in charge of regional air quality monitoring (AASQA). PREV'AIR relies on a chain of numerical tools: air quality simulation models, modules ensuring the provision of meteorological and air quality input data to these models, modules enabling the extraction and use of the numerical data computed by the system. The outputs of the PREV'AIR system (secondary pollutants forecasts and maps) are archived to build up a large scale air quality simulation data base over Europe

    Www.airqualitynow.eu, a common website and air quality indices to compare cities across europe

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    International audienceAir quality is a public concern. This is partly due to the "right to know" principle embodied in European legislation. Despite this common legislation, the way air quality is being interpreted and communicated differs considerably. For specialists raw monitoring data for Europe are available but these are not usable by the general public. Easy to understand and internationally comparable air quality information from one city to another is scarce: there are almost as many air quality indices as air quality monitoring networks. The CITEAIR II project (Common information to European Air, INTERREG IVc) facilitates the comparison of urban air quality in near real-time by introducing common air quality indices at hourly, daily and annual scales and by developing a forecast for those indices for D+0 and D+1.The implementation was based on a common website www.airqualitynow.eu using readily available simple IT-solutions. This paper describes those tools which both aimed at presenting the air quality of the participating cities in a comparable way and not to replace more targeted local information. Their added value is to provide, for the first time, a European and comparable picture of the air quality in near real-time easily accessible through a common platform and presentation of the results. The website is designed to receive and display data from any city wanting to join. The main part is dedicated to compare the cities index values using different time scales (hourly, daily or annual) and two types of exposure thanks to a background and a traffic index. In addition, space is offered to cities for presenting themselves according to a common template, providing background information on their specific air pollution situation and associated reduction measures. Participating is easy: cities upload their data through ftp and the indices calculations are automatically made. The website provides a dynamic picture of the air quality and is updated each hour enticing viewers to make repeated visits. However, participation with only a daily update or with yearly data is feasible as wel

    Application of mobile aerosol and trace gas measurements for the investigation of megacity air pollution emissions: the Paris metropolitan area

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    For the investigation of megacity emission development and the impact outside the source region, mobile aerosol and trace gas measurements were carried out in the Paris metropolitan area between 1 July and 31 July 2009 (summer conditions) and 15 January and 15 February 2010 (winter conditions) in the framework of the European Union FP7 MEGAPOLI project. Two mobile laboratories, MoLa and MOSQUITA, were deployed, and here an overview of these measurements and an investigation of the applicability of such measurements for the analysis of megacity emissions are presented. Both laboratories measured physical and chemical properties of fine and ultrafine aerosol particles as well as gas phase constituents of relevance for urban pollution scenarios. The applied measurement strategies include cross-section measurements for the investigation of plume structure and quasi-Lagrangian measurements axially along the flow of the city's pollution plume to study plume aging processes. Results of intercomparison measurements between the two mobile laboratories represent the adopted data quality assurance procedures. Most of the compared measurement devices show sufficient agreement for combined data analysis. For the removal of data contaminated by local pollution emissions a video tape analysis method was applied. Analysis tools like positive matrix factorization and peak integration by key analysis applied to high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer data are used for in-depth data analysis of the organic particulate matter. Several examples, including a combination of MoLa and MOSQUITA measurements on a cross section through the Paris emission plume, are provided to demonstrate how such mobile measurements can be used to investigate the emissions of a megacity. A critical discussion of advantages and limitations of mobile measurements for the investigation of megacity emissions completes this work

    The PREV’AIR system, an operational system for large scale air quality forecasts over Europe; applications at the local scale

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    International audienceNumerical simulations of pollution events with deterministic models have become easier for the last decade thanks to increasing computer skills. Hence three-dimensional chemistry-transport-runs can be performed on a single workstation for long-term simulation or real-time forecast over large scale areas. Furthermore, fast Internet download and high file storage capacity in data processing make it possible to use a wide database of meteorological parameters and pollutant concentration measurements. The PREV'AIR System rests on those technological progresses for delivering daily air qualiry forecasts in operational conditions

    PREV'AIR : un système opérationnel de prévision et de cartographie de la qualité de l'air en France et en Europe

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    National audienceLe système PREV'AIR de prévision et de surveillance de la qualité de l'air en France et en Europe est mis en oeuvre à l'Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS) depuis le printemps 2003, en coopération avec l'Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Météo France et l'Agence De l'Environnement et de Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME). Le système a pour objectif de délivrer quotidiennement une information (sous la forme de prévisions et de cartographies) relative à la qualité de l'air en France et en Europe. Il est reconnu comme un complément du dispositif national de surveillance de la qualité de l'air assurée au niveau local par une quarantaine d'Associations Agréées de Surveillance de la Qualité de l'Air (AASQAs). Ce dispositif repose sur plus de 2000 analyseurs dédiés à la mesure d'indicateurs de pollution (SO2, O3, NO2, particules...), répartis sur plus de 700 sites fixes. Les modèles déterministes tridimensionnels de simulation de la qualité de l'air, ou modèles de Chimie-Transport (CTM), généralement couplés à un modèle météorologique, permettent désormais de répondre en grande partie aux objectifs de la prévision, grâce à leur fiabilité croissante et aux progrès réalisés dans le domaine de l'informatique scientifique. La diminution des temps de calculs, l'augmentation des capacités de stockage et le développement des technologies de l'information (accès rapide par Internet à de nombreuses bases de données) rendent désormais possible la mise en oeuvre quotidienne ("opérationnelle") de ces modèles, et la diffusion de l'information qui en découle. Le système PREV'AIR s'appuie sur un ensemble d'outils numériques (modèles et post traitement des sorties de modèles; modules d'interface pour la gestion des entrées / sorties de données). Les données numériques générées par le système (concentrations en polluants atmosphériques) sont exploitées afin de 1) réaliser des études spécifiques pour le compte du Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable - MEDD- (bilan de qualité de l'air, analyses de tendances et prospectives); 2) fournir des prévisions de concentrations de polluants atmosphériques (ozone, dioxyde d'azote et particules) à trois jours d'échéance; 3) élaborer des "analyses" des concentrations de polluants (ozone) - c'est-à-dire des cartographies réalisées a posteriori en intégrant les résultats de modélisation et les observations disponibles. Les prévisions et les analyses sont délivrées quotidiennement via Internet sous forme de données numériques et de cartes (http://www.prevair.org). L'objet du présent article est de décrire brièvement le système PREV'AIR tel qu'il fonctionne depuis l'été 2004 ainsi que les produits de sortie délivrés par le système. Un état des performances du système sera également proposé

    Trace gas/aerosol boundary concentrations and their impacts on continental-scale AQMEII modeling domains

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    Copyright 2011 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Over twenty modeling groups are participating in the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) in which a variety of mesoscale photochemical and aerosol air quality modeling systems are being applied to continental-scale domains in North America and Europe for 2006 full-year simulations for model inter-comparisons and evaluations. To better understand the reasons for differences in model results among these participating groups, each group was asked to use the same source of emissions and boundary concentration data for their simulations. This paper describes the development and application of the boundary concentration data for this AQMEII modeling exercise. The European project known as GEMS (Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data) has produced global-scale re-analyses of air quality for several years, including 2006 (http://gems.ecmwf.int). The GEMS trace gas and aerosol data were made available at 3-hourly intervals on a regular latitude/longitude grid of approximately 1.9° resolution within 2 "cut-outs" from the global model domain. One cut-out was centered over North America and the other over Europe, covering sufficient spatial domain for each modeling group to extract the necessary time- and space-varying (horizontal and vertical) concentrations for their mesoscale model boundaries. Examples of the impact of these boundary concentrations on the AQMEII continental simulations are presented to quantify the sensitivity of the simulations to boundary concentrations. In addition, some participating groups were not able to use the GEMS data and instead relied upon other sources for their boundary concentration specifications. These are noted, and the contrasting impacts of other data sources for boundary data are presented. How one specifies four-dimensional boundary concentrations for mesoscale air quality simulations can have a profound impact on the model results, and hence, this aspect of data preparation must be performed with considerable care.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Carbonyl compounds indoors in a changing climate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Formic acid, acetic acid and formaldehyde are important compounds in the indoor environment because of the potential for these acids to degrade calcareous materials (shells, eggs, tiles and geological specimens), paper and corrode or tarnish metals, especially copper and lead. Carbonyl sulfide tarnishes both silver and copper encouraging the formation of surface sulfides.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Carbonyls are evolved more quickly at higher temperatures likely in the Cartoon Gallery at Knole, an important historic house near Sevenoaks in Kent, England where the study is focused. There is a potential for higher concentrations to accumulate. However, it may well be that in warmer climates they will be depleted more rapidly if ventilation increases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Carbonyls are likely to have a greater impact in the future.</p

    Future air quality in Europe: a multi-model assessment of projected exposure to ozone

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    In order to explore future air quality in Europe at the 2030 horizon, two emission scenarios developed in the framework of the Global Energy Assessment including varying assumptions on climate and energy access policies are investigated with an ensemble of six regional and global atmospheric chemistry transport models. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; A specific focus is given in the paper to the assessment of uncertainties and robustness of the projected changes in air quality. The present work relies on an ensemble of chemistry transport models giving insight into the model spread. Both regional and global scale models were involved, so that the ensemble benefits from medium-resolution approaches as well as global models that capture long-range transport. For each scenario a whole decade is modelled in order to gain statistical confidence in the results. A statistical downscaling approach is used to correct the distribution of the modelled projection. Last, the modelling experiment is related to a hind-cast study published earlier, where the performances of all participating models were extensively documented. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The analysis is presented in an exposure-based framework in order to discuss policy relevant changes. According to the emission projections, ozone precursors such as NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; will drop down to 30% to 50% of their current levels, depending on the scenario. As a result, annual mean O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; will slightly increase in NO&lt;sub&gt;x&lt;/sub&gt; saturated areas but the overall O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; burden will decrease substantially. Exposure to detrimental O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; levels for health (SOMO35) will be reduced down to 45% to 70% of their current levels. And the fraction of stations where present-day exceedences of daily maximum O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; is higher than 120 μg m&lt;sup&gt;−3&lt;/sup&gt; more than 25 days per year will drop from 43% down to 2 to 8%. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; We conclude that air pollution mitigation measures (present in both scenarios) are the main factors leading to the improvement, but an additional cobenefit of at least 40% (depending on the indicator) is brought about by the climate policy
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