166 research outputs found

    Multilevel Algebraic Approach for Performance Analysis of Parallel Algorithms

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    In order to solve a problem in parallel we need to undertake the fundamental step of splitting the computational tasks into parts, i.e. decomposing the problem solving. A whatever decomposition does not necessarily lead to a parallel algorithm with the highest performance. This topic is even more important when complex parallel algorithms must be developed for hybrid or heterogeneous architectures. We present an innovative approach which starts from a problem decomposition into parts (sub-problems). These parts will be regarded as elements of an algebraic structure and will be related to each other according to a suitably defined dependency relationship. The main outcome of such framework is to define a set of block matrices (dependency, decomposition, memory accesses and execution) which simply highlight fundamental characteristics of the corresponding algorithm, such as inherent parallelism and sources of overheads. We provide a mathematical formulation of this approach, and we perform a feasibility analysis for the performance of a parallel algorithm in terms of its time complexity and scalability. We compare our results with standard expressions of speed up, efficiency, overhead, and so on. Finally, we show how the multilevel structure of this framework eases the choice of the abstraction level (both for the problem decomposition and for the algorithm description) in order to determine the granularity of the tasks within the performance analysis. This feature is helpful to better understand the mapping of parallel algorithms on novel hybrid and heterogeneous architectures

    Preoperative staging of colorectal cancer using virtual colonoscopy: correlation with surgical results

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of computed tomography colonography (CTC) in the preoperative staging in patients with abdominal pain for occlusive colorectal cancer (CRC) and to compare the results of CTC with the surgical ones

    Insights into the Effect of Lithium Doping on the Deep Eutectic Solvent Choline Chloride: Urea

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    Choline-based deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are potential candidates to replace flammable organic solvent electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The effect of the addition of a lithium salt on the structure and dynamics of the material needs to be clarified before it enters the battery. Here, the archetypical DES choline chloride:urea at 1:2 mole fraction has been added with lithium chloride at two different concentrations and the effect of the additional cation has been evaluated with respect to the non-doped system via multinuclear NMR techniques. 1H and 7Li spin-lattice relaxation times and diffusion coefficients have been measured between 298 K and 373 K and revealed a decrease in both rotational and translational mobility of the species after LiCl doping at a given temperature. Temperature dependent 35Cl linewidths reflect the viscosity increase upon LiCl addition, yet keep track of the lithium complexation. Quantitative indicators such as correlation times and activation energies give indirect insights into the intermolecular interactions of the mixtures, while lithium single-jump distance and transference number shed light into the lithium transport, being then of help in the design of future DES electrolytes

    cutaneous metastasis as a primary presentation of a pulmonary enteric adenocarcinoma

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    Background: Primary pulmonary enteric adenocarcinoma (PEAC) is a rare non-small cell lung cancer subtype sharing morphologic and immunohistochemical features with colorectal adenocarcinoma. Given the frequency of lung metastases in colorectal cancer, the differential diagnosis of PEAC according to routine morphological and immunohistochemical findings may be difficult. Genome sequence by next-generation sequencing has recently introduced new perspectives to better define the diagnosis and tumor sensitivity to treatments, while the rarity of this subtype of cancer still limits the current knowledge of its molecular features and provides no information to address patients to tailored therapies. Methods: We diagnosed a rare case of subcutaneous metastasis as a first symptom of a PEAC. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of the primary tumor and subcutaneous metastases were examined by immunohistochemistry, and subsequently by targeted next-generation sequencing analysis. Results: Morphological and immunohistochemical findings suggested a rare case of metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma with enteric aspects. Next-generation sequencing analysis performed on both the primary tumor sample and the cutaneous lesion identified two pathogenic variants on CDKN2A and KRAS in both of them. However, the metastasis showed two additional pathogenic mutations located in SMAD4 and FLT3 genes. Conclusions: We describe for the first time an extensive molecular analysis on a rare case of PEAC with an unusual cutaneous metastasis. Our observation suggests that a specific pattern of mutations is harbored in this neoplasm, and that additional molecular studies may provide further information to identify prognostic and hopefully predictive genes of response to treatment

    Identification of TPM2 and CNN1 as Novel Prognostic Markers in Functionally Characterized Human Colon Cancer-Associated Stromal Cells

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    Stromal infiltration is associated with poor prognosis in human colon cancers. However, the high heterogeneity of human tumor-associated stromal cells (TASCs) hampers a clear identification of specific markers of prognostic relevance. To address these issues, we established short-term cultures of TASCs and matched healthy mucosa-associated stromal cells (MASCs) from human primary colon cancers and, upon characterization of their phenotypic and functional profiles in vitro and in vivo, we identified differentially expressed markers by proteomic analysis and evaluated their prognostic significance. TASCs were characterized by higher proliferation and differentiation potential, and enhanced expression of mesenchymal stem cell markers, as compared to MASCs. TASC triggered epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in tumor cells in vitro and promoted their metastatic spread in vivo, as assessed in an orthotopic mouse model. Proteomic analysis of matched TASCs and MASCs identified a panel of markers preferentially expressed in TASCs. The expression of genes encoding two of them, calponin 1 (CNN1) and tropomyosin beta chain isoform 2 (TPM2), was significantly associated with poor outcome in independent databases and outperformed the prognostic significance of currently proposed TASC markers. The newly identified markers may improve prognostication of primary colon cancers and identification of patients at risk

    “Social Bank” and Fair “Hands of the Earth”.2005-2015. Balance and projections ten years after its creation

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    En el partido de La Plata y sus alrededores se concentra un importante número de agricultores que abastecen de productos frescos al área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Estos productores, de carácter familiar, cuentan con múltiples dificultades para mantenerse en la actividad y la posibilidad de reproducción de los sistemas y su familia. Entre las problemáticas mas relevantes se mencionan el acceso a tecnologías apropiadas, la subordinación en la cadena comercial y el acceso al financiamiento. En este marco, en año 2005 se crea el Banco Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; primera experiencia en el País de una entidad de microcrédito implementada desde una Universidad. A partir de esta experiencia de extensión universitaria, en el año 2008 se conforma un espacio de comercialización semanal en el predio de la mencionada Facultad denominado “Manos de la Tierra”. Este trabajo pretende realizar una evaluación de la tarea realizada desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, así como sus proyecciones a futuro. Para la elaboración de este estudio se consultaron publicaciones realizadas por el equipo técnico, así como así como trabajos realizados por otros grupos de investigación que abordaron aspectos vinculados al proyecto en cuestión. Se incorporan además, entrevistas realizadas a los productores beneficiarios, y la sistematización de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de diez años de funcionamiento del proyectoThe city of La Plata and it surroundings, concentrates a large number of farmers that supply fresh products to the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. These farmers, with family characters, have multiple difficulties to stay in de activity and also for reproduce their systems and their family. Among the most relevant problems, access to appropriate technologies, subordination in the market chain and access to finance are mentioned. In this context, in2005 the Social Bank of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Faculty is created. Being the first experience in the country where a microcredit is implemented from the University. From this experience of university extension, in 2008 a weekly market is formed in the Faculty site called “Hands of the Earth”. This work intends to evaluate the work done since its creation to the present and their future projections. For this study, publications of the working team were consulted as well as works by others research groups that addressed issues related to this project. Interviews with the beneficiaries farmers and systematization of the activities carried out over ten years of project were also incorporated.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    “Social Bank” and Fair “Hands of the Earth”.2005-2015. Balance and projections ten years after its creation

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    En el partido de La Plata y sus alrededores se concentra un importante número de agricultores que abastecen de productos frescos al área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Estos productores, de carácter familiar, cuentan con múltiples dificultades para mantenerse en la actividad y la posibilidad de reproducción de los sistemas y su familia. Entre las problemáticas mas relevantes se mencionan el acceso a tecnologías apropiadas, la subordinación en la cadena comercial y el acceso al financiamiento. En este marco, en año 2005 se crea el Banco Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; primera experiencia en el País de una entidad de microcrédito implementada desde una Universidad. A partir de esta experiencia de extensión universitaria, en el año 2008 se conforma un espacio de comercialización semanal en el predio de la mencionada Facultad denominado “Manos de la Tierra”. Este trabajo pretende realizar una evaluación de la tarea realizada desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, así como sus proyecciones a futuro. Para la elaboración de este estudio se consultaron publicaciones realizadas por el equipo técnico, así como así como trabajos realizados por otros grupos de investigación que abordaron aspectos vinculados al proyecto en cuestión. Se incorporan además, entrevistas realizadas a los productores beneficiarios, y la sistematización de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de diez años de funcionamiento del proyectoThe city of La Plata and it surroundings, concentrates a large number of farmers that supply fresh products to the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. These farmers, with family characters, have multiple difficulties to stay in de activity and also for reproduce their systems and their family. Among the most relevant problems, access to appropriate technologies, subordination in the market chain and access to finance are mentioned. In this context, in2005 the Social Bank of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Faculty is created. Being the first experience in the country where a microcredit is implemented from the University. From this experience of university extension, in 2008 a weekly market is formed in the Faculty site called “Hands of the Earth”. This work intends to evaluate the work done since its creation to the present and their future projections. For this study, publications of the working team were consulted as well as works by others research groups that addressed issues related to this project. Interviews with the beneficiaries farmers and systematization of the activities carried out over ten years of project were also incorporated.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Roadmap on thermoelectricity

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    The increasing energy demand and the ever more pressing need for clean technologies of energy conversion pose one of the most urgent and complicated issues of our age. Thermoelectricity, namely the direct conversion of waste heat into electricity, is a promising technique based on a long-standing physical phenomenon, which still has not fully developed its potential, mainly due to the low efficiency of the process. In order to improve the thermoelectric performance, a huge effort is being made by physicists, materials scientists and engineers, with the primary aims of better understanding the fundamental issues ruling the improvement of the thermoelectric figure of merit, and finally building the most efficient thermoelectric devices. In this Roadmap an overview is given about the most recent experimental and computational results obtained within the Italian research community on the optimization of composition and morphology of some thermoelectric materials, as well as on the design of thermoelectric and hybrid thermoelectric/photovoltaic devices